The Power Of Trust
![The Power Of Trust The Power Of Trust](https://THESMALLBUSINESSGROWTHBLOG.COM/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/question.jpg)
The Power Of Trust
What are we really capable of?
The Power Of Trust:
The truth of the matter is that, you and I are capable of many things. Way more than we are ever taught. But, we seldom believe that we are capable of greater things, so I am here to tell you that you are.
How do I know though?Only because I always thought that I was just a college dropout, who was broke and would never amount to anything. That was what I bought into, but I turned everything around. I trusted myself and got the help I needed.
But, the question is – are you putting off significant things that can change your life? Are you in a state of non-trust?
I hope this post can help you out a little with trusting yourself a bit more – so you can create whatever it is that you dream of.
Whilst I know that this is a business blog, business is as much about mindset as anything else, and if we truly wish to be able to thrive in life and business we really have to learn to believe in our goals and push forward with what matters to us. After all – whatever we value is our right for self expression, so we can share this and deliver something of great quality in order to serve happy customers and be happy ourselves in our roles.
SO What Can You DO Now?:
Something i learned was to walk into fear. Walking into what we think we cannot do is liberating and empowering, and in doing so we grow in every way. The more we grow the more confident we become and the more we can trust ourselves to to more of those things we thought we would never be able to do. So I am here to say that if i can then so can you.
We will always feel fear, that we cannot escape, but we can USE IT to our advantage. So, what I mean by that is that ‘we can use it as a gauge to serve us. When we feel the fear we know that it may be a sign or message that we think something is challenging, and instead of walking away from it, we embrace it.
So, I will ask myself what I am being taught. I will say ‘what am I supposed to learn here?’ And I can guarantee that an answer pops us and I can welcome it whilst I continue. The more I can do this the more I can achieve.
If I didn’t learn this I may have steered clear of fear; but i learned to accept it. What we often find also is that the fear, the thought and the feeling are magnified beyond rationality, not always, as fear can genuinely be protecting us, but a great deal of the time in our day and age with stress levels through the roof and demands and expectations being ever greater, the fear can be intensified beyond reason.
If we imagine a great colorful intense scene of an event or situation which gives us great fear we make it worse than it is. So, the key I have found is in creating a scene mentally which supports us. many say that public speaking creates more fear than the fear of death itself, and I can believe that, but – if we were to see a speech going very well for us many times over in our mind and emotions we can actually practice and role play that event, so that by the time we get to the event we know it inside out.
I have done this many times. Try it!Do You Trust Yourself Enough? Share on X
> Try New And Exciting Things which you may have avoided and see how you feel – you may actually enjoy them
> Put More Faith Into yourself, God Or A Higher Power if need be. Have faith or trust in YOU no matter what your past is like or fear is like.
> Don’t Worry As Much But Simply ACT anyway. Learn to cultivate a supporting mental image for events and situations.
> Read Empowering Material About The Power Of Trust and Self Development. Become a person who challenges your own beliefs and grow.> Explore your passions and get help with this if needed. Use books and other materials and why not create a purpose driven role.
It is like a fine line between success and failure – and the more we practice success habits the greater the probability becomes of us forging successful situations; it is all in the repetition. Failure is just a habit just as success is, so build on the habits you wish to see more of.
It just takes that little nudge sometimes to PUSH SOMEONE FURTHER and once this happens THEY WILL start to become almost ANOTHER PERSON. Or i could say ‘the more real version’ of themselves without limitations.
The Power Of Trust
As I mentioned before – I know this subject very well as I have knowledge of overcoming many limiting barriers myself.
I still face barriers (we all do) and often they are there to challenge me and my belief system. But beliefs are not real, we make them up, so we can change them.
Beliefs are simply a point of view, a perspective or angle which we have bought into. Of course belief can be very strong, even when there is little evidence to back up it’s validity. Take religion as an example; many would die for it, kill for it and live by it all their lives. Others do not.
But the point is, WE CHOOSE WHAT WE BELIEVE, and the mind will begin taking on what it’s taught AS REAL.
In other words; if we can train the mind to believe a certain thing about ourselves we can make it so.
We can create and shape from the inside out.
There are those times also when we simply have no-one to turn to or no other choice but to become forced to learn BY ACTION, and it is then that we can see that we really are capable of a whole lot more than we may have given ourselves credit for.
By the way we don’t need approval, acceptance or anything else form anyone else either. YOU can trust yourself without any need for anyone’s belief in you or otherwise; no-one will ever know what YOU can do like you.
We do. NO-ONE ELSE does this to us WE DO it to us.
We were taught, we learned and we developed certain and specific ideas about ourselves and our identity which begins to become a state and belief we get used to living with.
I spoke to a guy the other day when I was down by the harbor in my City on a beautiful day, he was very drunk, and was not making muh sense. He approached me and I had to tread carefully as I was unsure as to what he might do, so I listened to him, and beneath a great deal of babble I started to form a picture of the person underneath. He was quite young, had lost his job, split from his wife and had a child with her, and ended up becoming an alcoholic as he got addicted to escaping his life. He was going to look for a shelter somewhere that day and he almost seemed quite happy to not be responsible for his actions. There was a childlike carelessness to his state.
But once I was able to talk on some kind of level with him he mentioned his childhood, and that he was sadly abused.
I could then see what he was trying to escape from. In trying to do so he lost everything, but he still had a version of himself which he dragged around aimlessly falling into conversations and situations which brought him no further forward to making any real progress.
We have all been affected by things in the past that may have STOPPED US TRYING NEW AND EMPOWERING THINGS.
But, we can overcome the worst kinds of adversity if we are determined enough.
We can ALL learn and grow from everything and we can also see that these were beliefs can be changed and often taught to us by others. In his case it may have been too late for him to let go or to move on, I don’t know, but all I am saying is that WE CAN.
Whilst I am deeply fascinated by human behavior and why we do what we do, we cannot help everyone.
But, I am here to tell you that YOU CAN DO IT. Whatever IT IS.
A huge part of my business coaching involves Mindset and it is that single area which has helped more business owners than any technical tool. It is the Human part of business which matters the most.
Do You Trust Yourself Enough? Share on X
The Power Of Trust
I used to think that I couldn’t read or write, or that I was capable of leading anything, but I changed that belief and took action to prove that I could.
I moved forward one step at a time and gradually, lovingly, created more of the results I really wanted.
I am not a special or highly intelligent person either – I am a normal guy, from a working class background, with a Single mother taking care of 5 kids. I dropped out of art college, got into drugs, and partied hard. It wasn’t until i hit 30 that I WOKE UP! It was then that I had a choice. I could live or die.
I chose life. And I decided to write my own books to help others do the same. I also became a Mentor and Coach and spent a great deal of time crafting my message and vision. I decided to shape my life and take control.
By the way; If you like reading then I have now written 25 books which relate to POWER and how to HARNESS IT. You can find them in my books section of this blog.
So I once struggled massively with Serious depression, high anxiety and panic attacks when I was younger and add to that the drug issues and lack of self belief and it was very tough to pull myself out of it, but I conquered myself and now write about what it took me to overcome these things and I help others to overcome their struggles, so in a sense I am glad about my past as it gifted me a purpose.
By the way, I am not saying that you should never ask questions and try to learn things yourself, of course it is advised that you FIND WHAT IS RIGHT FOR YOU, but I am saying that you hold more value, information and potential within you than you probably realize.
Whatever that is you probably know.
Either way – it is probably something which you already know or you could learn more about in order to forge a great role or craft.
Maybe you have been putting off what you know you need to do? Or perhaps you would get there with the right mentor or Coach?
This means several things….
1) You can ‘trust yourself’ more to try this thing – and to see what is required from you in order to face it as an exciting NEW CHALLENGE.
2) By learning and trying you will have more knowledge so you WILL FEEL MUCH MORE CONFIDENT be more capable and even can help others.
3) Your trust of your own ABILITIES and decisions will skyrocket and you will find tools and resources on your journey moving forward.
Can you see how The Power Of Trust is so powerful and beneficial to you when you are trying to reach your most important life goals?
![The Power Of Trust The Power Of Trust](https://THESMALLBUSINESSGROWTHBLOG.COM/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/robert_kiyosaki.jpg)
The Power Of Trust
Robert Kiyosaki said ~ Most people don’t even begin 'if' they don’t know how. It's because you don’t know that should make you want to start. Trust me; you’ll learn.
WOW, Good point there Robert. SERIOUSLY though, how will we ever know if we don’t ‘at least’ give something a try? So go for it!
Have Determination To Follow Through With It!
Many people try something and then quit. Often just before an amazing breakthrough and they sabotage themselves.
I have done it and I know all about it, as somewhere within I was feeling as though I was not good enough or deserving enough.
So I had to figure that one out in order to increase my success rate.
It is more about you trusting your ability to try something and learning from it RATHER THAN AVOIDING IT IN THE FIRST PLACE!
Many of us avoid what needs doing the most for whatever reason.
The Power Of Trust
When we are growing up we start to put ourselves into ‘types’.
For example, we may think because of our skin colour, background, education, or what parents taught us that we belong in a certain category, but this is baloney, we never need to feel as though we are pre-determined into becoming anything for any reason, it’s just we believe what we are taught.
But – I am suggesting that NO MATTER where you come from or what you consider yourself to be you can surprise yourself with what you can do instead, should you wish to.
I am fairly good at drawing and painting but also running and drumming therefore I am quite creative in some people’s opinions.
Whilst I agree with that, and that I may have a more right brained thinking process, we all have the ability to access both sides of the brain with training.
If you are good at Math you might say that you are Logical and Intelligent? Maybe you are, sure, so we can very easily type cast who we think we are and live by certain definitions, and if we are happy with that then great, but I am just pointing out that we are complex and multi faceted Human beings with many capabilities. I am not a techy guy for example, AT ALL, but I taught myself how to build this blog. It hurt my head, made me angry and frustrated at times but also gave me great pleasure and fulfillment once I had been able to build it.
It all depends on what we are prepared to do in order to grow and develop.
Do You Trust Yourself Enough? Share on X
The Power Of Trust: We might lean more towards being better at some things rather than others – but it doesn’t mean that we cannot try something ‘totally different’ or completely opposite from what we have always done or ‘think’ we are good at!
The Power Of Trust
Throughout My Life!
In the past I have done this many times where I have believed that I am ONLY good at A B C and never considered D E F.
So what can you do today to try something differently than what you have always done?
Using our Power Of Trust with something NEW is very rewarding, and whilst it might be difficult, we may just take it one step at a time!
I always find that there are new POSSIBILITIES in every day. if I don’t know what a word means I look it up; if i get a challenge I ask for the opportunity to learn and move through it; if I speak to someone I always look for the value in the conversation. I can guarantee that I am learning something new every day.
Great explorers in the past always had the desire to venture out and find new and undiscovered territories, so they set sail, not knowing what might happen on the journey, and some might say many of them blindly went forth ‘even stupidly’, but, if they had never gone anywhere then we would all probably be villagers still fearing that we might fall off of the edge of the Earth. We have to go out and face what we desire the most even when we cannot possibly know what might happen.
The Power Of Trust: You Know That The Power Of Trusting Yourself Sometimes may require a little guidance Or Help.
Here Jack Canfield Talks About Finding The Right Mentor So That You Can Get Clear On Your Own Possibilities!
I believe we all need some guidance from time to time and for me it was about hiring Coaches to help me in various areas.
The Power Of Trust: TRUE STORY
Here is a true story of a guy who had a terrible crash in a small light aircraft where he was so badly injured that he had nearly died from his injuries – and he had broken every bone in his body.
This guy spent many months in hospital on life support and doctors said that he would probably never recover. The thing is – he wasn’t ready to die. And he could ‘ACTUALLY HEAR EVERYTHING’ that doctors were saying to his loved ones and refused to accept what he heard! He was determined to never give up.
So, he pictured himself walking out of the hospital by Christmas time, some 6 months later! He said that he knew he would leave alive.
SO what happened to him? Do you think he managed to get out of the hospital at Christmas? YOU BET! He stood up and he walked out of there.
Now some say that it was lucky or a miracle, and you may call it that but either way he did it. So, here was a guy that would probably have died and for sure would never walk again or even eat without assistance, but he used his mind to support him.
It goes to show that, if you are ‘really determined enough’ with what you are trying to achieve then you can do it.
![The Power Of Trust The Power Of Trust](https://THESMALLBUSINESSGROWTHBLOG.COM/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/2011817163833705-150x150.jpg)
The Power Of Trust
You can find various ways to achieve many things through The Power Of Trust or you can find excuses for not doing them.
It always comes down to you and always will.
For the most part – you do have within you innate capabilities and resources that you can turn to when you are ‘really stuck’! I KNOW!
So tell me, what is it that you think you CAN’T do but you would love to do?
> What is it that you really want?
> What Is Your Dream or desire?> What might you do now today to start the ball rolling?
Ask yourself if there is a possibility that you can find a way or within you are the answers and make a start? I KNOW THAT THERE ARE ALWAYS WAYS, so all you have to do is find them.
Do You Trust Yourself Enough? Share on X
The Power Of Trust
There are ways to generate greater trust levels in business also, not just in building trust so that more customers buy from you, but in trusting yourself to make better more strategic decisions. This skill can be cultivated just as any other skill can be. I began to trust my decisions a lot more because of my experiences.
So what I mean is that – the more I learned, applied, failed, won, tested, changed, lost, and all other possible scenarios and situations which come out of business that I had gone through the better I became. And the better I became the more I trusted myself. The more competent we become in business the quicker we can make decisions which can save businesses, grow businesses and develop them. So, it is very important.
I used to get hunches and still do get gut hunches and instincts to trust myself sometimes without much information to help me, because, like with anything, we gain in awareness and experience and the more we improve in this area the more we can trust certain paths or routes which will pay off and these become determined from our more refined actions.
Are there experiences you can draw from more?
Are there areas which you know, do you have skills or talents which may serve you more?
![The Power Of Trust The Power Of Trust](https://THESMALLBUSINESSGROWTHBLOG.COM/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/youcandoit.jpg)
The Power Of Trust
The Truth About Trusting Yourself
I bet you know what you need to trust in more in your own life.
You have so much potential inside of you which wants to be able to be expressed and to PERFORM IN SOME WAY! So when you allow this to happen ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE.
Life Is not just about what you know either, it is about what you can know.
It is about having the courage to TRY regardless of what you already know.
The world is strewn with those who dropped out of college or were drunks or depressed or who had a bad start in life YET managed to create greatness and design their lives with what they had within.
Why not take a pen and piece of paper and start to wrote down all the things you would love to do in your life. Then – as you look at them you can start seeing yourself doing them. Get clear around your goals and define what they are. The more you meditate on them and with them and believe in them the more this habit will become a ‘way of being’ which will enable you to move towards these things.
As you do so you will start to find ways, and ways will be made as you keep moving.
Ask and thee shall receive.
The Power Of Trust
I Hope That You Have Enjoyed this.
Feel free to share it with your loved ones!
Sometimes we just require a little guidance or a shift to see what is ‘really’ possible for us!
I suggest you connect with like minded types, join clubs, contact a person whom you admire or respect and may have achieved what you wish to achieve. See where it takes you
Do You Trust Yourself Enough? Share on X
![The Power Of Trust The Power Of Trust](https://THESMALLBUSINESSGROWTHBLOG.COM/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/5226947216_b9ec18c262_z.jpg)
Power Of Trust
Would You Like to work with a Mentor Or Coach To Help You To Live a Life On Your Terms and Create A lifestyle where you can live with more passion?
Do you need expert help with your goals? Why not start With The FREE 1ON1 Session with me to discover your passions, so you can create that plan to finally move towards them. Simple head to
So, if you need help with your business strategy, personal strategy or goals and areas which you may wish to explore further but need some guidance with then look for a person who can support you and your vision no matter whether its myself or someone else, the point is that you can reach out and find what you need when you are ready to.
The Power Of Trust Success To You My Friend!
As always I wish you the best
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The Power Of Trust