Beating Stress: Stuck In A Rut? Every Obstacle Is An Opportunity!

Beating Stress: Stuck In A Rut?: Every Obstacle Is An Opportunity!

Beating Stress: Stuck In A Rut? Every Obstacle Is An Opportunity!

Beating Stress: Stuck In A Rut? Every Obstacle Is An Opportunity!

Beating Stress: 
Learning From Tough Times!

When we think of tough times it usually meets us with an agonizing memory of what not to do again, but do we always learn from it? No!

Sometimes we keep making the same mistakes.

Be it in relationships or jobs ‘or’ just in every day habits in living a certain lifestyle.





But, did you know that doing the same things and expecting different results is actually classed as INSANITY?  If not you do now!



“The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it.”
― Molière


Now, I would be willing to bet that you are not insane.

So, whatever it is that you have been through it has taught you something OR MANY THINGS but you have survived, you have moved through with some bumps and scratches and even perhaps with some serious stress, but you still got through it, yes?

Good Or Bad! WHETHER YOU CHOOSE TO SEE IT THAT WAY OR NOT!  You did get through it



Can you look at he past events as opportunities?

It might be a GREAT idea to look at some of the worst times as opportunities if you can – and to re-think how you might change what you do or how you respond to something so you can develop a different way in the future?

I decided to look back at all of my past difficulties and to use them as tools.  Instead of feeling bad about them, which I had done for far too long I decided to grasp their fundamental message.

Each challenge we face and stressful situation is like a message, or sign that something is off.


It might be your workload. 

It might be your boss

It might a work associate

It might be family or friends


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I don’t need to tell you your stresses, but what I can tell you is how I got over the ones i had. and how I now deal with them in order to stay calm, centered and at peace.   After all – isn’t it more wise to be at peace where possible?  I think so.


My partner is a leading director in the NHS in the UK and she sometimes works from home, and i hear her stress.  The workload from the government being passed down is quite extraordinary.  Once she completes a goal or task which has taken two weeks, she is given another task which has a deadline that is almost unrealistic.  Sound familiar?   She is non stop!   In fact, she doesn’t have lunch breaks or any breaks and works right through which I find pretty frustrating myself as i care for her well being of course.

I don’t want her to suffer.

But we will all suffer in life that is without doubt, and we cannot avoid it.  So, it is about how we handle it that counts.

As we will all experience stress from time to time and some worse than others, we need to know how to handle it and how to use it.


Here's what I do:
  1. I look at the issue/problem/challenge or whatever you want to call it and I say ‘right, what is this? and what is it here to teach me?’
  2. I take several deep and relaxed breaths in and out and start to gain clarity around the issue.
  3. I take my paper and pen and write down the issue so I can see it on paper and then branch off of it with reasons for it happening
  4. I then look at the reasons behind it.  Why it happened!  What I need to do about it!  How I might find possible solutions around it
  5. I smile and say thanks for the opportunity to grow more.  Its all about perspective. 
  6. I will always communicate with my Coach and my team and ask how they are to check on their mental well being


That last point number 6 should never be negated. We should always check on our work team members and ensure that they are being looked after, nurtured and cared for.  We should allocate or set time aside each week to catch up and ask how things are going for them.    This is what true modern leaders who place people before profits do.


So with these points I am growing with every issue.  And as we all have the ability to GROW every day it is a blessing and can be fun.


NOTE:  I never used to respond in that way I used to REACT badly.  My emotions were out of control.  In fact i would say that i was emotionally unaware.   So, my emotions would get the better of me.  They would lead me and my choices.

Where do you think that got me?


So, I learned the tough way.

I was never taught about my own emotions, and other assume you know how to control yourself, well, I didn’t.

So, I hurt alot growing up.   It took many years for me to learn and adapt.  I read many books, studied the successful, went to trainings, events, conferences, and absorbed just about every piece of information on self mastery.

So, I programmed my mind essentially, and this changed everything for me.

Do I still get stressed?  Sure I do!  But I quickly dissolve it.

And you can also.

It’s just today we have so much going on and whizzing around in our heads that we just need someone or something to prod us from time to time to say ‘HEY, slow down a little!’


Many think that running a business is an ESCAPE of the JOB, but it really means working way harder for me, as I love what I do, but I want it to succeed.  So, I have to be responsible for my actions every day and always get better. 

It’s not like being in a job where we just do what is needed and go home.  This can mean longer hours, more thinking, being on call for many hours and constant improvement to my systems and strategies.

This is why I always say to potential clients that ‘YOU NEED TO DO SOMETHING YOU LOVE‘ or you will quit.


It's tough, but it's tougher when we hate what we do.

So, sure I get challenges every day, and every day I find solutions.  Often it’s technology which causes my stress to come in, so I have to see that it is just a tool.   It will go wrong sometimes as it is digital.  We cannot control what is around us, and so I expect challenges even though I handle them and work through them.  Does that make sense?



Beating Stress: Stuck In A Rut? Every Obstacle Is An Opportunity!


Business Stress:

NOW, I know all about this one as I said.  But, it is no good focusing all of our energy on WHAT IS GOING WRONG.

We only get so much energy and power in our day.

It won’t help matters and it certainly won’t lower our stress levels.

So, we have to focus on ways to CONQUER ISSUES. There are always ways to succeed, sometimes it just takes a calm mind to see things clearly and you will begin to turn things around and start beating the stress.  

I have worked with founders of businesses, CEO’s Managers, Leaders in all forms of life and business and they essentially hire me because I get results in helping them to achieve greater personal power.  I show them what to focus on, what not to, where to place their attention, how to change their attitude and deal with the daily running and operating of their business.


If a leader is not leading then the whole thing can crash and burn.


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Here’s what I share and teach and what you can apply right away:



B) REWARD OTHERS SUCCESSES AND YOUR OWN. Help to raise the energy in you business/team and it will pay you big time

C) BE WILLING TO TAKE MORE CALCULATED RISKS GROW STRONGER.  So, embrace risk but make it specific and researched.

D) BE KIND TO YOURSELF FIRST AND THEN TO OTHERS.  Look after YOU.  The more you do the better shape you are in for others.


F) TRY TO EMBRACE CHANGES IN LIFE & BUSINESS.  We cannot control anything around us really, but we can control how we deal with change.

G) BE THE LEADER YOU ALWAYS WANTED IN YOUR LIFE. Others will naturally gravitate towards you.



Beating Stress: We Get Stuck In A Groove!

Beating Stress: Stuck In A Rut? Every Obstacle Is An Opportunity!

Beating Stress: Stuck In A Rut? Every Obstacle Is An Opportunity!


We love patterns and with that comes the difficulty TO CHANGING AND AND LEARNING.

Being human we return to something – as it is what we know and are KIND OF FAMILIAR or comfortable with.


But if it is just too comfortable 
for us to change we stay in that habit.

What does this mean?

If you REALLY LOVE AND RESPECT YOURSELF then you owe it to YOURSELF to take the bull by the horns and to CREATE WHAT YOU DESERVE!  Rather than ALLOWING LIFE’S CHALLENGES TO DEFEAT YOU!


So it starts with a healthy love and respect for yourself.  It starts with self acceptance, and self approval, and from there we can demonstrate more easily a strong mental attitude to challenges.


Now, you might say ‘yeah but Greg – I do love myself and I am confident in my role!’


Sure, and that’s amazing, well done, but – if you are negative, stressed, angry, frustrated or anything else which can start to eat away at you then you are in a non loving state.  Like it or not, that’s the way it is.

So, being kind to ourselves FIRST means keeping our minds calm and centered as much as we can for us.   Only then can we perform at our very best and outwardly demonstrate care and kindness to others.

Besides, a calm and centered mind can create solutions way faster than an erratic and complicated mind.  So, if we don’t consciously take control and let go of the over thinking, it will control us.

There is a fine line between being stressed and thriving at a certain level, and high performers will know this very well; they push themselves always to become better and more capable, but they also understand that they need down time.


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VERY IMPORTANT:  Go for a walk in the park, meditate, do Yoga, read a book, paint, garden, cook or do anything which means that your mind can switch off.  It is vitally important to your sanity, energy and power that you allow your mind to recharge and to not think at all.


Beating Stress: Me Being Self Employed!

Beating Stress: Stuck In A Rut? Every Obstacle Is An Opportunity!

Beating Stress: Stuck In A Rut? Every Obstacle Is An Opportunity!

Once we have more power we can work through things easier.


But, often we make any barriers worse by enlarging them into huge visual intense images, so they can literally disable our ability to to cope, therefore – we have to learn to break through these imaginary barriers and we can do so with stored up power. 


I have had many obstacles, challenges, failures, losses in my early business years, but I DIDN’T LET THEM OVERWHELM ME and PARALYZE ME.    They didn’t stop me, they pushed me forward!






I am without question an emotional guy for sure, but I also learned to access my logical, rational reasoning mind in order to deal with things clearly.

You can also!


Sure, maybe I would get a bit stressed at times BUT now I just say ‘what am I learning here’?

Can you see how that it is way less intense and much more ‘productive’ than to say ‘why does this always F@@@@@@ happen to me?’




“It was so risky and so scary, and yet at the same time, so beautiful. Maybe the truth was, it shouldn’t be easy to be amazing. Then everything would be. It’s the things you fight for and struggle with before earning that have the greatest worth. When something’s difficult to come by, you’ll do that much more to make sure it’s even harder -if not impossible- to lose.”
― Sarah Dessen,


Beating Stress: Stuck In A Rut? Every Obstacle Is An Opportunity!


Life can hurt can’t it! 


We all know that… and sometimes we cannot control our lives or ourselves.

I know that also.

But, the more knowledge we ‘own’ the more we can use it when we face difficulties, and sometimes less mistakes are made afterwards.

How else can we learn?

Sometimes we learn the hard way – and sometimes we learn the easy way.  EITHER WAY – IT’S ALL LEARNING!

But I would suggest that you don’t beat yourself up all your life, as it is ‘YOU’ who gets most hurt.

Every part of life holds lessons if we search for them, so we can make life easier by placing our focus on solutions and from doing what I call LEARNING – LAUGHING – LETTING GO.   Learn the lesson, laugh about life and let go by moving on.



Tony Robbins Once Said ~ Focus Your Emotions On Solutions Not On The PROBLEMS!



Break through those barriers that begin Beating Stress and tackle what has kept you held back before!

get the help if you need it. never be afraid of asking others for help, hiring experts, coaches or mentors and ‘if’ your stress is about you doing too many things and having too many rules, then see if you can hire others for other roles.

Know your role, know your skills, know your tasks, know your vision, know your aim, know your goals, and get help with the rest.


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Beating Stress: The point is that many things don’t matter as long as ‘we’ve learned’!



So Don’t allow a hicup or a bump in the road to be the deciding factor on quitting something important.


It is in times of challenges when growth is OUR TEACHER.


Beating Stress: Stuck In A Rut? Every Obstacle Is An Opportunity!

Beating Stress: Stuck In A Rut? Every Obstacle Is An Opportunity!

Habits Good And Bad!


What are your habits?

Which ones serve you?

Which ones hinder your progress?

Which ones need tweaking?


Maybe you just worry too much?

Maybe you overthink at night?

Maybe you focus on problems not solutons?

Maybe you blame others for your results?


Habits are formed out of learning memory and repetition and it is important to know if these habits help or not.  It is a bad habit to ‘assume’ you can’t do something when you haven’t even tried – for example.

We can assume we are not capable of something and so resist doing it, and eventually this thing comes up and bites us, as we needed to deal with it, so, as Brian Tracy Once said ‘Eat That Frog’.


Do, that ugly important massive thing FIRST and when you do, you will see that it firstly wasn’t as bad as you thought, and secondly you become stronger and can deal with more.  So, you become more resilient to stress.  Of course, we don’t want to bathe in stress always and aim to look for it, but we become stronger when faced with it.

Some do thrive on stress!   They love it as they love the challenges, and that’s cool and great and all, as long as it doesn’t slowly destroy their lives.    It can be just like any other addiction.  So, be careful and aware of your state and how you are handling and coping with it.



Beating Stress: Stuck In A Rut? Every Obstacle Is An Opportunity!

In The NOW

Have you heard of the Power of Now by Eckart Tolle?   Great book and really teaches the art of being in the moment more often.  It spawns from ancient Buddhist wisdom and has been evolved by teachers, authors and Leader alike.  Many have embraced this as a POWER as we are not wasting our energy in the past or future.  Certainly, power and strength is best achieved by being in the zone, where we can flow and give 110%.  I get that and I use that, but I also know that sometimes we need to visualize into the future, so for me it means applying certain mindset strategies as and when they are required.


It is a bad habit to focus on the negativity of a past event when you can look at it with fresh purpose. ‘NOW’ IS WHERE THE POWER IS! NOT THE PAST!  We can take the lesson remember?  So, use what you need and adjust as needed.


What helps me:

I don’t take life that seriously.  Yes I am serious about business – and I am serious about helping others, and in many areas of my life.  But – day to day I laugh, smile and have fun, as I believe that life should be fun.  If we stop having fun then we have to questions WHY!  Why have we gotten to a point where we take everything so seriously?   So pay attention to your behaviour and see where you may need to be a bit easier o yourself and on your view of life.


We will all lose money, relationships, people, hair, opportunities and so on, but – so what!   So, what of we do!   That’s life!

We can move on.


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Beating Stress: How is it that people allow some defeats to hold them back?

Some people can get hurt by various things and then they can struggle to move past them.

It just takes ONE SMALL STEP OF FAITH and not being afraid of making mistakes – to just laugh and not TAKE LIFE TOO SERIOUSLY.

Realize that ‘you’ are very capable of almost anything, it’s just ‘you’ who told yourself that you can’t do it.


The question is – if did you give up on something that you really wanted it is gone now but that doesn’t matter!

It’s now gone, but what is the point in regret?


The Past Does Not Equal Your Future So Get Out There And Make Your Mark NOW!


I Really Hope That ‘Beating Stress’! has helped you just a little? If so feel free to share it with the people whom you love and care for!:)


It’s Time To Break Through That Barrier!


All the very best as always


If You Need Help With Focus In Your Business Apply for a 1ON1 Small Business Growth Coaching – Discovering Your Passions FREE strategy session here:



Below is a mind mastery course for beating Stress, which I have used as a part of my arsenal in helping with self mastery.

Beating Stress: Stuck In A Rut? Every Obstacle Is An Opportunity!

Beating Stress: Stuck In A Rut? Every Obstacle Is An Opportunity!




IMPORTANT INFORMATION:  Please use tools responsibly and only use them if you are not epileptic.  Otherwise consult a Doctor where needed.

There are many tools and resources out there on Mindset and master, but I highly recommend that we use ONLY what is necessary, and certainly  some people will need to access professional help.  I am not qualified to help with therapy, but I suggest that you contact your Doctor and consider some CBT sessions if you think that this may help you.


Alternatively – do seek professional therapy or counselling if you feel that it is right for you. 
Beating Stress















Beating Stress: Stuck In A Rut? Every Obstacle Is An Opportunity!

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Author and Small Business Blogger at Greg De Tisi Writing and Small Business Blogging
Author of 26 books, a course creator and business blogger - Greg has been supporting clients from all backgrounds all over the globe for over 15 years in developing ideas and passions into sustainable Small Business Models. Greg now has more of a focus on supporting his local business community in Bristol UK.