Mindset And Productivity In Business

Mindset And Productivity In Business

Mindset and Productivity

Mindset And Productivity In Business


One of these two words is one of the most highly underrated and misunderstood areas that can dramatically speed up your success rate. And that is ‘Mindset’. So let’s start there because – sooooo many budding entrepreneurs never consider the significant importance of how this will determine their success or failure. 

Many people seem to think that the subject of ‘Mindset’ is just another weird thing that they have no time for – YET it is the one thing that has ‘without question’ changed my whole life and business – and without understanding it I don’t know where I would be now. To me it greatly matters and to my clients it matters, because I have shown them how powerful this can be when trying to gain focus and momentum and actually reach goals when growing a Small business. 


CONSISTENT MINDSET FOCUS on the right tasks, teamwork, leadership, measuring of numbers and on the overall vision will always separate YOU from your nearest competitors.    

So, if we are not focused on what needs tackling the most we can spread ourselves too thin and not be productive or effective in any area.   We need to understand what times we are most productive, we need to manage and organize our work in order or priority and know what work to hand over to others.  We need to be able to finish what we start and we need to not get distracted when we are working.


If you work at home most of all like me then it can be very tough.  There are so many things getting in the way.


Phones, people, pets, kids, and other interruptions will present themselves, so we have to know ‘how to’ master ourselves IN TIME!  We cannot manage time of course, but we can manage ourselves in time.


Of course – learning to focus in the right areas for maximum effectiveness and performance requires certain habits and skills and the right application if you REALLY want to be the best you can be and become highly productive.  Simply, you need to learn to focus in the right areas in order to build steady continual growth.


What we think about is shaping our lives and businesses every day and if we are in a place where we are not in the game and our team relies upon us to be in the game, the whole organisation can crumble.  I have seen it many times, SO, be sure to work on yourself the most, and on your skills and sharpening them in order to be the best leader you can be.  That’s why it pays to be passionate about ‘what you do’ because this passion will see you through in the tough times.

Now, let me ask you a question: ‘Do you think that using your mind the right way will give you a much better chance at building a successful life and business?’ How do you think millionaires and billionaires think? They think differently than ‘most people’. SO, if you want to build a life and business by your design then you have to design the mind also or the chances are failure are way higher and can happen.


Mindset And Productivity In Business

Getting your head right so you can be a master with Mindset And Productivity In Business is really one of the most important aspects of life alone and it is VITAL to running a highly successful business, otherwise, if your mind is scattered then your business will be as well.

What do I do?

  1. Know the most important tasks I need to fulfill every day and work on the top tasks until complete.
  2. Outsource and give my team what I am not good at. So I can stay focused.
  3. Know my vision with exceptional clarity so every day I see the goal and am working towards it.
  4. Break down my goals from my end goal to now to see what needs to be implemented.
  5. Communicate, listen and act upon what my team members need from me and teach them to.
  6. Use mindset tools at night to help me stay focused on my vision.
  7. Start the day with a small meditation deep breaths and affirmations supporting my aim.
  8. Every night I see the next going how I want it go in every detail and so my state reflects that the next day.
  9. Read for 30 minutes every day on my craft. I never stop learning what matters to me.
  10. I have down time to recharge my batteries and just be and this brings back my energy levels.
  11. I eat the right foods, drink plenty of water and exercise to support my mindset.
  12. I measure my results and support myself in my wins. I can see progress this way and this helps hugely
  13. I AIM to be the best leader I can be for me, my family and my community
  14. This is what I help others who work at home to do also:
    • Ensure they have a good work space without distractions.
    • Know their goals and vision and maintain it.
    • Advice them to work on the most important tasks and outsource weak areas.
    • Finish what you start. Don’t just flirt with one thing and move on – Vitally important
    • Get the right tools for the job period.  Don’t cut corners or costs
    • Invest in yourself and your own skills – become the best you can be
    • Lead your day – take control and master your mind
    • Ignore less important messages and deal with more needy people quickly otherwise it can ruin momentum
    • Communicate effectively in all the you do and this applies to products, services, communications, content, and of course customer service which is very important


So, what do you think my productivity levels are like because of this?

Now let’s touch on the importance of productivity and see how it connects  

Time passes whatever we are doing, agreed?  Time will pass us no matter what we do, and it will always, whether we are working, in leisure time, or in down time.  Generally speaking these are the areas of life and whilst we can do many different things within these, these are what make up our lives.  Other than sleeping that is!  So, where am I going with this?

Work is where we probably will spend the most of our time and lives,  like it or not, this is a fact, so – if we are working most of the time ‘are we’ doing something productive with that time?  Because being busy isn’t ALWAYS being productive.

So, if we are not using our time well, then we could be in the wrong line of work.

When we can find work where we can be most productive we are more valuable, more effective and are generally happier as we make a difference in some way this makes us fulfilled and satisfied.  Make sense?  We become happy in our roles and are generally worth more.

So when we talk of productivity and the use of time it really pays us to look at this and to ask ourselves ‘if’ we are in the right role for us and if not what could be a more appropriate alternative.

When you can create work which YOU LOVE and sustains you where you are of great value, where you are appreciated and using your greatest gifts then this impacts on every other area of your life just as it does on the business you are in.

Mindset and Productivity

Mindset And Productivity In Business


See how your mindset ultimately creates how you perform.  There will always be a result from your actions.

So, what are your actions every day and are they aligned with WHO YOU REALLY ARE? 

I believe we must do the work which relates to who and what we are the most.  If we are in roles which have nothing to do with us then we will probably suffer.








So, my suggestion is to work on what best your role could be and why.  Work on your mindset, find your craft, master it – but also remember to always be a student of it, and in doing so you may feel life makes a lot more sense.

What I did was to become the expert in my market and by doing so I built and attracted back to me those highly relevant customers/clients that I most desired.

After all, isn’t it wise to spend working hours feeling satisfied?

My advice is to BECOME A LEADER in your chosen area.  Study leadership as it is changing.  There are still the traditional leaders who need a certain structure to perform best and run an organisation with but there are also new businesses and emerging markets with new thought leaders who have a more holistic approach.   How does this work?

A new kind of leader is empowering and an empath. They are compassionate to all others and they work with highly productive teams. Common sense means that these leaders create great success as they support their teams, encourage them to win and together they all work towards that common vision with PASSION.  How effective do you think this will be. VERY!

So it works like this:


The modern leader is a people person who is not egocentric or self interested. He/she is a TEAM PLAYER in the true sense.

Modern leadership is about creating an environment and establishing a context in which other capable and self-motivated individuals are willing and able to innovate a path through ever-changing and multifaceted business challenges.

I became a leader by educating myself as much as I could and still do.  Also I was in many jobs throughout my twenties so I observed how I was treated by so called leaders. I didn’t like much of it and found it to be too dictator like, so I set about learning the art of understanding and compassion which was already in me deeply, but I could see that it was something which was also needed in the workplace.



Funny video with a young me taking about Mindset And Productivity

Here is a little video I prepared about Mindset And Productivity 14 years ago (look at how amateur it is and how my crazy hair looks jeeeeees) ‘but’ the principles will never change. This video still makes sense now and that’s the point – mastering your mind and gaining wisdom is key to massive progress in anything.  It is the experience you build and learn from that creates Better business decisions.

Haha I still can’t get over my hair style (or lack of it?) 


Now – Here are 5 specific “tools of the mind” which will help with Mindset And Productivity and which I’ve found useful in helping to shape my own thinking in a much more positive, wealth-attracting manner.


Planning. The discipline of either ending or beginning each morning with about 30 minutes devoted exclusively to planning the goals, objectives, activities, meetings and conversations of the day is an excellent practice. This focuses your attention on productive matters and it gives your subconscious mind powerful directions and instruction.

Environment. I know people who’ve started with nothing and built great empires. True Horatio Alger, rags-to-riches kinds of stories. But one thing I’ve noticed common to those people was that they did their very best to make what little they had into a positive work and living environment. You can’t do million dollar thinking in an environment that makes you feel like a failure. Even if your means are limited, do what you can to make your environment as good as it can possibly be.

Reading. Data Processing experts say input governs output. So to be a million-dollar thinker, you’ve got to regularly give yourself input of that kind of quality and value. My regular reading list includes at least a book a week, over a dozen commercial magazines, a dozen more specialized trade magazines, and a couple dozen newspapers, some of which cost in excess of hundreds of dollars a year. Serious wealth builders HAVE to consume massive quantities of carefully selected information.

The Right Activities. The million-dollar thinker does a great job at separating the important from the trivial when deciding upon what to focus their time and talents. Remember, that we define Mindset And Productivity as the use of our time, talent, energy, intelligence, resources, and opportunities in a manner calculated to move us measurably close to meaningful goals.

The Right Associations. There’s a principle of association that you can predict a person’s future by evaluating the books he reads, the media he watches, and listens to, and the people he hangs out with. There’s an awful amount of truth in that. There’s really no such thing as an innocuous conversation, a TV program on for just the noise, a card game with the guys just to relax. Because from all those situations, like all other situations, input is collected, stored, accumulated, merged/purged, and used by your subconscious mind.
Bottom line: what you do, where you do it, who you do it with, and what you think while you’re in process ALL work together to program your mind towards some kind of results.

Recognizing this fact – and implementing “tools of the mind” as described – will give you the means to achieve more control over the Mindset And Productivity and also direction and that’s what programming gives you.  And whilst some think of ‘programming’ as scary it really is just the same as what we are already doing but with intention.


Mindset And Productivity In Business


Mindset And Productivity

Become a Mindset And Productivity In Business Superhero

A part of Mindset And Productivity training which I like to share encompasses mindset coaching but also EI. What is EI? It is emotional intelligence and I liken it to a super power.


I believe that this is one of the most important areas for gaining success and creating more happiness, but why? Simply that, when you learn to master your own mind and emotions you create your life your way.  You start to become a Master!

I have been mastering my EI ever since I knew what it was and how to use it. The reason why this is SO VALUABLE is that all too often when we face challenges we GET EMOTIONAL and this can make us quit or get annoyed or give up on our dreams and our judgement can be clouded.








But, when we learn to master the EI levels in life and in business and take control of the situation we get MUCH BETTER RESULTS. I personally recommend you studying this area as it can really help you to see things differently and help you to manage situations with much greater competence. I also use Mindfulness practice and audios to program my mind and I cannot praise these tools enough because the mind is our most powerful asset, but this is not always a good thing when it is not managed.




It really is that simple and yet it is not common knowledge. But, when you are focused and you are more productive you will become what you wish to be. This is true for relationships, growing business or changing anything in your life. Here’s what I cultivated and what I help my clients to cultivate for greater success;


1) Know your driving force – i.e your family your ‘WHY’, your reason that will really move you forward. without this you have no fuel.

2) Apply that driving force to your daily work, self motivation and intention.  Know what you really want with clarity.

3) Create new empowering daily habits that I have talked about to gradually sculpt and shape your actions.

4) Have a strong passion for this journey which will enable you to blast past challenges, obstacles and setbacks which will happen.. 

5) Have enough self respect to stay away from negative people and situations. Also ditch the news, limit your time on your phone social media and netflix.



Let’s talk now about productivity again

Mindset and Productivity

Mindset And Productivity In Business really matters


You will be way more productive when you have mastered the above – and that’s because you will have a strong FOCUSED energy and vision around your passion in order to move forward.

Productivity is just easier to demonstrate when we are happy and in the zone.   And in understanding ‘Emotional Intelligence’ we become masters of ourselves and in leading others. 

If you are not productive every day when working on a new business then it will take a lot out of you as it will take longer and may lead to failure.  You may never succeed if your mind and actions are not in it.  In fact – it is more tiring to run a business where your heart is not in it.  



TIP: So, I recommend that you study EQ and EI and take some free tests online to determine the type of person you are in order to better understand yourself and others.



For me – being productive every day in an online small business requires certain strict daily disciplines and without those one would most definitely fail.  Every day I have a worksheet with those 5-6 tasks and I work through them in order of priority. But being productive isn’t about ‘being busy’ for the sake of it remember?


It is in focusing on the right things CONSISTENTLY and effectively getting closer to conclusions, and outsourcing what you cannot do without wasting anyone’s time.

So, you have to know WHAT YOU ARE GOOD AT (your strengths) and what you need to pass to another person or organisation.


In my experience you cannot do everything in your business.


To improve your Mindset And Productivity I highly suggest reading relevant books. taking courses, taking part in trainings, getting onto webinars and anything else that can boost your focus and productivity. Need help? As a part of my coaching I offer Mindset training simply go to www.GregDeTisi.com to contact me and learn more about becoming unstoppable.

Mindset And Productivity

Mindset And Productivity In Business is integral to a balanced life and a healthy business




A Mindset And Productivity tool I also use

One of the best tools I have found to be useful to my day is mind mapping. This can be pretty simple to apply and can make your day way more effective. I won’t go into detail here as you can look it up and learn more about it at the site mentioned.

I have found it to be very powerful and my days are way more productive. Here is a site which I can recommend by the original creators of Mindmapping.








The company called imindmap.com was the brainchild of Chris Griffiths who is the founder and CEO. He discovered Mind Mapping back in the early ’90s and was instantly impressed by its ability to make any task more creative and productive.



Feeling restricted by paper-based Mind Mapping, he sought a way to combine the creative nature of hand-drawn Mind Maps with the ease and flexibility of technology. With a shared vision of creating a brain-friendly Mind Mapping software that would benefit a wider, computer-literate audience, Chris teamed up with inventor of Mind Mapping, Tony Buzan. And so iMindMap was born.



Mindset And Productivity In Business in check will change everything. imind mapping might help.





There are many things you can do to increase your growth, mindset mastery, productivity and success – but managing your mind is the key factor in how far you get in life. Never underestimate the power of mind mastery.  This also also includes looking after our mental health, so never forget that we must take care of our mental health.  This can include down time from social media and and other areas. 

Here is a great video which shows that IF we fail to take control of our social media use, we may suffer. CLICK HERE TO WATCH   

It is SOOOOOO important that we look after ourselves or we can get burnt out and become stressed or depressed, so ensure you understand what will help you the most and talk to others who can listen as it is vitally important that we also share our inner issues if they arise.  Great teams should be able to help eachother and a great leader should be open to listening and to caring about the team individuals needs.  Compassion, understanding, openness, communication and great listening skills are vital to mental health and care.  If you are a business owner/founder/operator you have a responsibility to look after yourself and others.  And in doing so this creates happier teams, more productive and effective output and greater results.


Hope this helps


For a FREE 1ON1 Small Business Growth Consulting Planning Strategy Session go to http://www.GregDeTisi.com 


P.s if you need help and wish to study on your own without a Coach then consider my Passion to Profits Self Study course. It teaches you everything you could ever need to know about success and developing your passions into a thriving career or small business. Every tool you could need is in there and I even included a $10k per month Blueprint and a 1 hour Call with me. CHECK IT OUT HERE!

Mindset and Productivity

Mindset And Productivity In Business