![Working Online As a Coach: The Great Corporate Escape Working Online As a Coach: The Great Corporate Escape](https://THESMALLBUSINESSGROWTHBLOG.COM/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/stress_img1.jpg)
Working Online As a Coach: The Great Corporate Escape
Working Online As a Coach: The Great Corporate Escape
Look, before i begin, I am not one of these people that slags off jobs. I don’t!
In fact – many people are better off in them, as they are suited to a job or career. There is nothing wrong at all with working for others.
However, It just wasn’t for me.
So, no matter where you are right now, you are either happy in what you do or you are not. If you are not happy then why?
Listen I know what it is like to be stressed I can tell you! And we have all had our fair of stress In life BUT what can we do about it?
Ask yourself this question, are you doing what's best for you, really?
Whether you are in a corporate position or another demanding job role that’s killing your relationships and yourself in any area, you really have to consider how the hell you will continue with this LIFESTYLE without having a breakdown and shaving your head or something?
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I know that it’s not easy and there is no magic pill. But there are options, and I only know this because I am in the sector myself.
As a Small Business Coach I work with many people from many backgrounds all over the world and I know what many of these people are trying escape from. They want to live in their passions, do what they love and feel fulfilled in going to work on a Monday morning and luckily today there are ways of doing so.
Anyone that tells you that running a business is working 2-3 hours a day though are probably lying or just very lucky.
Because ALL business requires a consistent and relentless person who can work with non-stop application in a chosen field. In fact, it can consume you and even destroy you. So, be under no illusion that business is an easy escape.
It is however something which can be highly rewarding, fulfilling, passion driven, exciting and use your greatest gifts to express with the world.
So, in short, it is not for everyone, BUT for those who are prepared to work differently and often without direction then I will continue.
Entrepreneurs have think differently to those in a job because, everything is different, the whole process we go through every day is different than in a job or career, so, we have to basically change our mindset entirely. So, are you prepared to change essentially what you have been used to all of your life? If so, then what path would go down?
I talk alot about life design and business design, really building a life we have created rather than one which has been dictated to us by systems, conventional teaching and our teacher growing up. Sure, some schools now teach kids how to be entrepreneurs and think differently but, not many.
So, if you were to change what you do what would you do?
![Working Online As a Coach: The Great Corporate Escape Working Online As a Coach: The Great Corporate Escape](https://THESMALLBUSINESSGROWTHBLOG.COM/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/F644AF3F-8743-4308-9EE5-5E73EF12CA64-240x300.jpg)
Working Online As a Coach: The Great Corporate Escape
Certainly this blog is full of ideas, ways, systems, business models and strategies for doing something you truly love, but, you will need a few pointers first.
The things is that; the beauty with what I do (coaching and writing) means that you can create your own products, services and promote whatever you like and earn as much as you can. There is no ceiling. That’s amazing for me – but for some it’s highly anxiety provoking as the idea of trusting ones self to create an income can be extremely daunting.
Are you are still here? You haven’t shaved your head and became a monk yet?
OK good. Well, maybe that;’s for you I don’t know?
But what is the other alternative?
I know for me – the demand of WORKING ALL OF MY LIFE FOR OTHERS felt like a prison cell no matter HOW BIG THE REWARDS WERE!
I hated being told off, put down, criticized and so on, and sure there are other great employers who care and nurture their staff – but I didn”t have that experience at all.
So, coaching is one way of working for yourself with relatively low overheads starting out as YOU are the product.
TIP: The first rule of discovering what type of Coach you may wish to become
is to look at your personal passions. What might you have always wanted to do?
What could be an area in which you could THRIVE?
I personally help clients to build small businesses and from their passions design lives around them. So, this is my niche as it were, but you may prefer career Coaching, relationship coaching, life coaching, fitness coaching or anything else which suits you more. That’s up to you.
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So I didn’t see ‘why’ I should be committed to a particular way of life forever and did something about it. DO YOU BELIEVE YOU ARE STUCK?
Corporate life and other careers can be very demanding of us and the targets we often have to meet which simply not realistic!
I believe that many companies also TRY TO CUT BACK ON COSTS but are going about it THE WRONG WAY!
All of this affects us. With the recession getting worse employers are far less worried about staff and more worried about keeping the business afloat. They often put profits over people which I don’t agree with, so although we feel secure we are often not.
Personally I had to find an alternative.
This is when I went through ‘all of the ideas’ for running a business like an ebay business, a network marketing company, a shop or a franchise or something, ANYTHING!! After going through several years of trying and failing and of desperation and deep research I found that I was getting nowhere fast – until I discovered a ‘way’ that meant I could be free of the B.S and live life on my terms.
I am not going to go into my story right now, but I am just going to share the fact that ‘I too’ have been where you are right now.
I have been stuck, lost, desperate, depressed, angry, anxious, confused, and In couldn’t even talk to anyone as most had no idea what I was trying to do. So, most people just said get a job. But I thought ‘Is that the only way really?’
My mentor’s, coaches and business partner’s are great example’s of those I eventually hired and helped me to get out of my funk.
They too showed me how MOST OF US could potentially turn their life around when everything is against them!
I had run a few businesses, and one was a cleaning business – and I had joined various companies online and offline and tried to make it work, but these businesses were often unstable and were around one moment and gone the next.
That’s when I knew I had to build my own brand,
It was that realization which changed it all.
I am not saying that this was easy; it wasn’t – it was the hardest move I had ever taken.
I had no specific knowledge of what to do ‘or’ what I was doing, or that what I was doing was even right.
SO, how could I know, really?
But I got there, With many trials, failures, wins, adjustments and so on.
![Working Online As a Coach: The Great Corporate Escape Working Online As a Coach: The Great Corporate Escape](https://THESMALLBUSINESSGROWTHBLOG.COM/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/corporate-stress-management.jpg)
Working Online As a Coach: The Great Corporate Escape
Working Online: What About You Though?
What Has To Change In YOU to make a new and improved lifestyle?
You may think it is too much of a massive struggle to try and make the change but let me say this, WHAT IS THE ALTERNATIVE?
Sure, some have the security and a stable career, great! I just didn’t that’s all.
So, what are the financial options?
Traditional Business = $100,000+ products, staff, overheads, high risk.
A Franchise = $100,000+ copying a model, managing staff, less risk but still risk
Another Job = MORE STRESS and UNHAPPINESS from one job to another, but what will change? Can it?
Becoming a Monk = PRETTY COOL MAYBE? But no money in it!
Working Online = Maybe a way!
Now wait a moment – I am not putting down anything else, I am simply illustrating a general view.
Like I said, it is not easy working online as many bullshitters say, it can and is usually tough, but it means that you don’t need much to work.
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HERE’s what is needed RIGHT NOW!
1) You Have To Shift Your Mindset To WHAT IS POSSIBLE not what isn’t
2) You Have To Follow Other Leaders ONLINE and LEARN FROM THEM NOW.
4) You Have To Be Prepared FOR FAILURES and CHALLENGES as it is all part of the JOURNEY.
5) You Have To Have ‘SOME MONEY’ TO INVEST in this. LISTEN! If You Could Invest In a Business For $2000 and make $10k per month then IS IT WORTH THE INVESTMENT? That’s down to what you put in.
![Working Online As a Coach: The Great Corporate Escape Working Online As a Coach: The Great Corporate Escape](https://THESMALLBUSINESSGROWTHBLOG.COM/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/article-page-main_ehow_images_a07_96_ob_apply-stage-makeup-old-man-800x800.jpg)
Working Online As a Coach: The Great Corporate Escape
Working Back In The Day! Look our farmer friend here may feel there is only one way, but there isn’t.
OK I chose the typical agriculture looking guy, and I am not putting that down either as it is a very hard working tradition which has gone on for many hundreds of years.
It's just not for me!
I always thought that working online was just one big bunch of hype and scams and, TO BE HONEST ALOT OF CRAP IS STILL OUT THERE!
But I am writing this right now in my favourite coffee shop in my hometown of Bristol whilst others are frankly rushing around me!
I am not bragging at all, I am simply illustrating possibility that’s all.
But I am not reporting to some annoying boss ‘or’ sat in an office where I feel stuck, but I am actually loving the fact that I can do this for myself HERE AND NOW.
YOU CAN DO THIS TOO if you can understand what I am saying, but be aware that i Took Me A ‘Long Long Time’ To ACTUALLY GET THIS!
A MASSIVE mindset shift, unstoppable action and an unwavering sense of SELF WORTH has contributed to my success because I didn’t quit on what I believed was my right as a Human being.
Will you Coach, write, sell other products, become a freelancer, or start an ice ream Gelato store?
Hey, I recommend that you don’t rush into anything just yet; but you consider all of your options. One way is certainly to do what I do.
You can become an ecommerce seller, a Coach in a specific niche, and master it – sure why not! Or you could become a freelancer and become hire by others?
TIP: My suggestion would be to explore your options and get something down on paper. Really digg deep into your passions, ideas, market needs and demands, and you could even start selling on E-Bay and Amazon first to build up some knowledge and income to create an idea of how working for yourself at home works.
Being self branded like myself, we have to build a strong reputation as a seller and then we can re-invest our earnings into creating greater ways of working, more streams of income, new products or services and so on. Building your own brand online is possible.
But you may need help?
Here’s what you can do now:
Study others whom you wish to create something like first off, the information is out there.
Define your game plan and work on it daily this is like all other businesses you need a solid plan
Create a solid vision of your goal every day define income needs
Decide upon an area and master your craft get help and train
Look at how you would differ from the rest be unique
Hire business experts from the area you wish to master learn from the best
Keep costs low, do all you can yourself until you afford to hire then allocate roles to each person
Stick to your core strengths, skills, experiences, and build from there and define your role
Keep your business accounts separate from personal account always in case it all doesn’t work out
What type of Coach could suit you and your skills and experience the most and why explore the subject and training required
This is just like any other business model so treat it as such and treat it professionally as an expert going into it
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If you feel you would be able to start working as a coach then get in touch. I have helped clients from all over the world develop their passions into business models from home building solid plans to grow a healthy way of changing their path. If you really want to change your path and feel stuck right now then get in touch anytime. I have been coaching since 2006, writing books, podcasting, blogging and working every day with clients to help them build lives by design.
Remember this; there is not only one way to live. Contrary to popular belief, many think that their life is mapped out only because that’s what they have been led to believe, but this is not true at all, and there is not one size fits all either. Don’t assume that there are only one or two ways, there are not. Today we may invent our brands, evolve ideas, shape businesses and design what we like as we are living in a time when WE are the opportunity.
NOTE: The Coaching business is an ever growing area and worth several Billion dollars right now, and there are many coaches in many niches, so the key is to understand how to stand out from the rest to attain market share. Personally I worked with experienced Coaches in order to grow my business and in various sectors which totalled £50k.
You do not need to spend that kind of amount to become a Coach at all, but I wanted help in every area. If you are techy then you may not need to spend money there for example, but one tip I have is in becoming a premium Coach whereby you can charge more and work with less people. Way more satisfying.
DID YOU KNOW: You can also create courses, membership sites, and group coaching enabling you to work with several clients at the same time – meaning that you can earn per hour way more. If you want to consider all of the pro’s and cons of becoming a Paid Coach with the right clients who are prepared to pay you more than once and recommend you then do get in touch.
As always I wish you the very best
1ON1 FREE Strategy Planning Session for a Small Business here
SELF STUDY COURSE here discover your passions and build a business
My Mind and Business books here
I have been coached by the best and so you can contact me for recommendations anytime and I can personally recommend others should you not decide to work with me. Go to www.GregDeTisi.com
Life Coach and Business Coach Training
![Working Online As a Coach: The Great Corporate Escape Working Online As a Coach: The Great Corporate Escape](https://THESMALLBUSINESSGROWTHBLOG.COM/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/263071_10150229036798635_672323634_7238675_2400247_n.jpg)
Working Online As a Coach: The Great Corporate Escape