Personal Growth: Feeding Trees! Ever tried it?

Personal Growth: Feeding Trees! Ever tried it?
Personal Growth


When you look at a beautiful tree or a pretty flower you see the beauty of it don’t you – which is a result.

It is a result of continual and steady growth and this ‘of course’ requires consistent feeding and the right nutrients.


We even look after and nourish our loving pets, but what about us?

HOW do we value our beauty both internally and externally? 

Do we give ourselves enough of the right nutrients?

Are we continually improving and growing?


Personal Growth: Feeding Trees! Ever tried it?


So, of course – we need to also be fed and watered in order to make sufficient progress and to function right – don’t we?

YES!   At our very core level we need the right stuff to be our best, and we require the right energy to work properly.


When we can feed ourselves those right nutrients we can and will improve in every area, and we may also rely more on our automatic inner workings and systems to work for us and with us.


But – this also means feeding ourselves with the correct knowledge.  I don’t think that it is enough to simply ‘look well fed’ and be healthy – WE HAVE TO BE IN TUNE WITH OUR TRUTH AND WHAT WE WANT MENTALLY.


We simply have to apply the right training to our minds and bodies.


Simple Health Tips To Help You Be Your Best! Share on X


Essential Personal Growth involves us maturing and gaining in wisdom.

A Tree hasn’t got the same intellect as we do, or at least we are not aware of it – so we have to make the most of WHAT WE ARE and our inner beauty in order to grow to our fullest of self expression.

If we don’t feed our minds every day with what we wish to see happen then we will allow everything else to dominate our minds and bodies.


Personal Growth: What Are Your Daily Habits? They All Add Up Towards Your End Results!

In this super old dodgy video I share what I do.  And how I became a peak performer in my sector.  If you want to become a peak performer then I suggest you start focusing on a complete application of growth both internally and externally.   Again this is old and about 15 years ago, but I remain the same in principle. technology has advanced, I have advanced but the core principles of high performance never change.


So, become a top performer or at least aim for it and see how your life changes.  This is about ‘all-encompassing’ improvement.

We all love beauty in many things – but we don’t always think of the workings of ‘how’ they got there.   Everything takes work to shine at it’s best.

This is the same with what we buy into.  We love the end result and we love to use great products ans services, but we don’t always appreciate what has gone into these things behind the scenes.    It is the ‘behind the scene work’ which is the hard work that made it all worth it.


LOOK INSIDE WHAT IT HAS TAKEN FOR THE PRODUCT TO BECOME GREAT and you will get to know how much testing, tweaking, trial and error has gone into it all!


But – we also have to put the work into our own systems in order to be the best we can be consistently.



Think About This:


What Do Material goods REALLY MEAN? They Mean Nothing COMPARED TO YOU and ME!

How Can You Enjoy Any Material Goods If You Are NEGLECTING YOURSELF?


We are happy to depend upon products to make us happy, but we struggle to make ourselves happy.




Personal Growth: Feeding Trees! Ever tried it?

Personal Growth: Feeding Trees! Ever tried it?

Personal Growth: Feeding Trees! Ever tried it?

: Think About An Athlete.

The athlete spends so many hours in training and physical fitness and many hours mentally preparing for an event.

We see a 10 second race and it’s over.

The point is that in order for you and I to perform ‘and’ to be the best version of ourselves we have to put a lot into our preparation in order for us to be the most EFFECTIVE and valuable in our live and to others.




It doesn’t matter what you do or what business you are in, you can be ‘the best version of yourself’ if you think like an athlete!

“But why does this matter Greg?”

It matters to me because, not only am I a healthy person but I am worth a lot more to others if I can perform well – and therefore to my worth and earnings.  I am more capable and more respected in society.  It’s win win really!



So we have to place a high value on ourselves and on our worth by being the best version of us.

What are you doing in your life that can be changed and improved upon?

Give it some thought and make small but habit forming changes each and every day and see where yo are in 60 days.

You will feel better, look better, work better and get better results.


The best part it that – you know what areas need work so it’s time to get clear and take some action in those areas.


“Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death” ~ Albert Einstein

Personal Growth: Feeding Trees! Ever tried it?

Personal Growth: Feeding Trees! Ever tried it?

Personal Growth: Feeding Trees! Ever tried it?

: Final Tips:

1) Keep Growing As Learning Never Ends

2) Expect Challenges Towards Change But Move Forward Anyway THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO BE THERE!

3) Form NEW POSITIVE AND EXCITING HABITS and RELATIONSHIPS with yourself like ‘mental and physical exercise and eating properly!’

4) Start new HOBBIES of learning. Try reading for 30 minutes every day of NOURISHING MATERIAL.  Have down time where you don’t think at all.

5) Look at people WHOM YOU RESPECT for guidance and focus. 

6) Be prepared to make some changes in your life to support your goals

7) Spend less time talking with negative people and lees time watching the news 

8) Don’t get too stuck in routines or too comfortable, keep pushing your limits

9) PLUG into technology to help you. HERE IS MY HEALTH PODCAST



Simple Health Tips To Help You Be Your Best! Share on X


The better you become in life the greater your relationships become and the more rapport you build as others will also gravitate more towards you.  This will also make you a better business person and a part of becoming better in business means greater rapport and relationship building.


Tony Robbins once said - Rapport is created by a feeling of commonality.



This means that we have to feel a connection with another person in order for us both to be able to move further into the conversation.

Now, the more we work on ourselves and become better speakers, listeners, thinkers, doers and so on the better we become with other people also.

But only 7% of our communication is verbal and words don’t always work, but matching another and mirroring with them will build rapport. We learn to know what the other person is doing.

We create better teams, more sales, communicate more, and understand others by better understanding what is going around us as we feel good.



Personal Growth: Feeding Trees! Ever tried it?


So, what has this got to do with this post?

I believe in both personal and professional growth as we can become the best versions of ourselves.

If we don’t feed the subconscious mind and body and influence them we won’t nurture our growth, and so – in life and business we need to be able to constantly improve what we do.  The better we become the more we can study our craft and in business study what what captivates others.


This is an art – as with selling we can learn about others more and build greater growth.

So, it is important to know this if you are in business.  If you don’t grow then you become stuck and limited.

If we can further our abilities to grow, then we also attract back more like minded people to us and call it what you like I call it getting into the right energy zone.  Our energy can be raised and thus we become naturally happier and bring in more of the good.


And these may be potential customers, clients, friends or anyone else.


The better we feel, the better we act and thus better decisions are made.   Making better decisions is progressive and expansive, so we naturally increase our success rate as a result.     

So I can suggest that you make personal growth a part of your new routine and habits and it will increasingly become a natural part of you.  The plants and trees are fed with the right nutrients – so we have to also make sure that we feed ourselves the right stuff,


IF YOU ARE SERIOUS ABOUT Personal Growth Then Check Out My Books Here:


And if you want to take your life and business to the next level then have a look here:


Use technology to help you here:


10 BEST Health Apps HERE 



I look forward to hearing about your own progress, and I recommend measuring how you progress with quantifiable tangible measurable goals.


Simple Health Tips To Help You Be Your Best! Share on X


I really hope that you have enjoyed reading ‘

Personal Growth: Feeding Trees! Ever tried it?


If you would like a FREE 1ON1 Life and Business Growth consultation with me then simply click to book your strategy session.


Personal Growth: Feeding Trees! Ever tried it?

Personal Growth: Feeding Trees! Ever tried it?

Please Feel Free To Comment Below As I Love To Read Your Views And It Helps Me Improve On What I Am Doing!  If you have any other questions regarding Personal Growth Then Also Let Me Know!:)

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Author and Small Business Blogger at Greg De Tisi Writing and Small Business Blogging
Author, course creator and business blogger - Greg has been supporting Small Business clients from all backgrounds all over the globe for over 15 years in developing ideas and passions into sustainable Small Business Models. Greg now has more of a focus on supporting his local business community in Bristol UK.