RICHARD BRANSON Said It Best – Success Is About Delivery, Attention To Detail & Communication

SIR RICHARD BRANSON Said It Best! Success Is About Delivery – Attention To Detail & Communication

Sir Richard Branson



Whether you like Richards style or not, he has created many very successful businesses and personally I have learned a great deal from him over the years.   I will share some of that here and really the stuff that has had the greatest impact on my own growth.



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So here we go: 






This is everything because depending on how you deliver depends on how many sales you get, how much repeat custom you get and who is going to buy from you in the first place. Now you may never be the next Sir Richard Branson and want an empire, you may just want a one man operation but still – if your delivery is crappy forget it. So, ask yourself, ‘What am I delivering AND is it effective?’.

These are key questions to ask yourself as if you are not aware of what you are doing and why then there really is no point. Do what you say you will do and never compromise. Its tough building a great brand but it is VERY EASY DAMAGING IT. Know what you can deliver and by when. Stick to it.



Attention To Detail

Kind of obvious I think. If you produce average goods/services that don’t stand out from the crowd then WHY will anyone buy from you in the first place? Honestly, I think about it every day and as Sir Richard Branson works by – ‘anything worthy, has to have attention to detail applied to it’ and that is so that you and REALLY APPRECIATE IT. If something is OK, then there is less demand and so, how many buyers will there be? Create things that are decent, and as long as you have quality in what you do then you need to do less of it. Ever heard of Tim Ferris and the ‘4 hour work week?. Well, he only posts 1 blog post per month but when he does its AMAZING VALUE so this demonstrates quality over quantity. Also, his book is simply taking about outsourcing, but if it was called ‘Outsourcing’ it wouldn’t have been a global best seller. BE DIFFERENT TO OTHERS. Thats where attention to detail comes in.



Communication is the key to all life. How we communicate who we are, what we do and how we do it, is being human. How we communicate our message about what we do is vital to our business growth. Be clear in your communication and be the customer, buyer, client. If they cannot understand you THEN HOW WILL ANYONE ELSE? Communication is about clarity and precise specificity. Be simple in your approach and you will never have problems with the delivery of your communication. Think about this for a second……YOU and I want to know what we are buying into EVERY DAY and we don’t want to be ripped off, lied to or given false information, and so, by having a clarity to what you are trying to communicate will break down trust barriers, it will also attract many more specific buyers to you as you are direct and targeted with your marketing. 




As SIR RICHARD BRANSON would say –  “No matter what you are trying to do  -you need to at least apply these core principles to your strategy.”


Really, life and business are one in the same.

It is all about the power of the relationships you create and how those relationships are cultivated; and so, you have to really grow a healthy brand with an intention which is VERY CLEAR AND SPECIFIC in that it speaks directly to your core customer but it also has staying power.

And this also includes standing out.




15 years ago I had nothing, I had to learn everything myself and I was stuck, depressed and broke, but today I am a successful coach, blogger, podcaster, course creator and author all because I absorbed information and applied it.

Today there is no doubt that there is a ton of free information to draw from, but we have to really decide which information will help us the most.

Our job is to find these influential people and ideas and learn from them so we can use powerful principles; and we may learn from the best, from those who have succeeded and are succeeding and learn the lessons from those who have not, take what works and take massive action.

As a small business consultant I am passionate about seeing progress in others and in growing sustainable small businesses so, there is no room for over-thinking this and not moving forward, we have to go for it, and we have to make some mistakes and tweak as we go along; BUT the great thing is that everything we need is really between our ears.


We can learn as we take action and we can develop from our failures also.

I believe that it is in our experiences that we gain the education which is priceless as we move forward.

That’s how we get better.

We all have areas which are our strong points (i.e skills, passion, experiences) and when we work with those and develop those areas into workable market needs through solid plans we can achieve truly great things.



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One of the greatest things I ever learned was to quiet my mind and stop the noise going on around me.

This allowed to focus on what REALLY MATTERED, and this way I became WAY more productive and way less stressed, as I wasn’t overwhelmed by listening to hundreds of ‘so-called’ experts who all had different views. I just stuck to applying what had worked for others whom I admired.




My suggestion to you would be, stop that. Stop SEARCHING FOR THE MAGIC BUTTON and stop listening to opinions from those who have never achieved anything – and START applying what you have been given.  Use what you have and ensure you know what you are aiming for.


It’s you and who you are which you can bring and make unique in order to stand out and make a difference whilst becoming the primary choice brand of your audience.


No matter how much you want to grow your business it needs to be operated in the right way, and so you need to ensure that you apply the principles of successful enterprises already out there.  And this way you can begin with something you can be proud of.




I created a book called ‘Small Business Success Guide’ which you can find BY CLICKING HERE and this will give you the head start to getting it right in your enterprise rather than trying and working in the dark by guessing what to do.  If you are unsure as to what areas or markets you wish to work in then I have included a FREE market growth guide inside the book to make your life easier and to help you to get started this year by creating something you can build upon.

Thankfully you don’t need to try and fail as many times as I did in the early days, you can instead simply make better decisions around what you do.


It’s quite simple when broken down; the results you have been getting now  are based on what you have learned so far and so, if you want to change your results then you need to change your thinking and behavioral habits.


Luckily in this book I cover many useful and powerful areas that successful experts and entrepreneurs already know.

As a reader I am always reading business books and this includes the likes of SIR RICHARD BRANSON and others like T Harv Eker, Micahel E Gerber, Tim Ferris, Brendon Burchard, Robert Kiyosaki, Sue Bryce, Sophia Amoroso, Mei Pak, Eric Ries, John Brooks and many many more.  I read and study business the ideas and principles which helped so many great business experts to grow successfully and many times over. 

I collect the greatest books and tips from those who are already multi-millionaires and I found that the likes of you and I can apply these as they really not that hard to grasp for the most part.   


There are so many things I wish I knew 15 years ago but now thankfully know.


Luckily for you, you have access to way more information today so you will be able to know way faster how to change, shift, adjust, pivot or anything else by putting together the most powerful areas of business.  

Compared to what tools I had back then ‘you’ can now change everything in your future as things are different.

By the way – many people talk about changing who you are in order to succeed, but I disagree, I believe that we FIND who we are.

The reason being is that we have so much more to us than we often realise, so we need to see what we can do and what we are capable of, and so we are not changing ourselves we are becoming ourselves.

So, this isn’t about changing ‘you’ – ON THE CONTRARY, it is about using what you have already and applying your unique edge to your efforts so that customers can relate to you and buy from you.   Its about standing out from the crowd and doing something which has en edge.  

There will always those WAY more successful than me wealth wise – and there will always be those who are less successful than me wealth wise, and that’s due to their application of what they know and do and are prepared to give up.


I was once a college drop out, taking drugs, drinking and going from job to job until I hit 30 and had a massive panic attack.  I was depressed, lost and confused about what to do, so I had to get focused and get on with it.  It took many years and a great deal of frustration, failure, disappointment and more but I started winning little by little until I grew to become an expert.    So, become an expert in your craft because YOU CAN.



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I now have quite a comfortable life doing what I do and I don’t wish to become a Billionaire as I know what it would take from me, and I simply love to be at home too much with my family, so I know that I am happy creating at a level which suits me.   The point is that we can create way more than we are used to if we are prepared to put the work in.


I have reached many of my goals, so I maintain these and increase which ever areas need support and input.




That’s why having a team of 10 is perfect for what I do.  I don’t need a team of 50.

So, what can you bring to the table?

What do you want?

What is your dream?


Certainly our experiences in life can serve us and the world can serve us, and so I am happy with the level that I have reached in my life, but – if I wanted to study the art of becoming a billionaire then I would seriously connect with as many billionaires as I could to learn what it really takes.  So if this is something which you wish to achieve then start building some relationships.


Whilst Richard Branson is a Billionaire I still can take a great deal of learning from him and what he has done no matter how BIG I want to get.

My point is that, your level of success and growth in whatever you do ‘or’ have done UP UNTIL TO NOW is due to what you wish it to be.

But no matter where you are or were, you can choose what level you wish to play at, and this largely comes down to ‘what you think’.   If you think BIG then you can aim big, and from there the work will be a consistent and never ending journey of increase and leadership through communication of your associates and teams in order to constantly drive forward through expansion.  But, if on the other hand you wish to keep things relatively small then of course you may find this suits the person you are more.

But, I know that ‘you’ or anyone else can achieve great results from the right application just as I have from what I have implemented.

I have to emphasize that I said APPLY IT, as no amount of dreaming ever created anything without application, so massive action really is the key because no matter what mistakes are made, we can overcome difficulties through the right action.


It has to be:





That’s why I also mentioned attention to detail and communication in the title as it needs to be a part of the strategy.

This brings me to finding opportunities.  I don’t believe in waiting for the right opportunity; I believe that YOU ARE THE OPPORTUNITY!  And the more you think this way you see that you can create opportunities from you and through having the mindset of a person who can see that it comes down to thinking and seeing.   It is about having the entrepreneurial vision to see the bigger picture very often.


Having read many books and tested many principles it is clear that most success is built on certain principles and that ‘if’ we can follow those certain principles which we are capable of expressing we too can demonstrate way greater results and growth.






Sometimes we just need to shift our awareness.

That’s all I did.

So you can do this, as you can create your very own dream Micro small business, or take things into the medium to large business model with these ideas, AND I am COMMUNICATING this message clearly and specifically so that you can see what you are truly worth.   You have values which no-one else has. 

It is in that value which you can share that will determine your position and determine how you stand out from anyone else close so you can become a ‘go-to’ leader.

No matter what type of business model you are considering trying to build, or have built already, you really can build a truly WORTHY and QUALITY business model standard which you can be proud of and you can present a message which comes from within you and extends through your products and services.



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The key is in building a model which grows and expands how ever big you wish it to be, and which may sustain you for many years to come until you sell it. So that you have something significant and you have an exit strategy which means you are able to leave your situation, either after a predetermined objective has been achieved, or as a strategy has been created to mitigate failure.  Any organization or individual without an exit strategy may suffer down the road. So you will need to write out a strategic plan to sell ownership in your company to other investors or even another company.

This gives you a way to reduce or liquidate your stake and, if the business is successful (which is the idea here), you will make a substantial profit.

However, if the business is not successful, then an exit strategy enables you to limit losses. So it may also be used by an investor such as a venture capitalist in order to plan for a cash-out of an investment.


As an entrepreneur myself who has several Small businesses, I have had to learn the significance of gathering wisdom from others experiences; and so I always seek wisdom from those who have gone before me and who have achieved results.

I won’t sugar coat it here – it takes great deal to to make anything work and grow significantly enough to be able to build it and sell it.

It takes a GREAT DEAL to start a business and grow it, but I am now today able to take ‘all of it’ from my past and my mentors.

You will make mistakes, you will feel like quitting, you will have many challenges and you will struggle mentally at times if you are not tough, so be prepared to face the unexpected.



The greatest time for my learning was when I was broke, as I knew that I had to do something different and do more – and this is when I picked up books by the successful few such as Sir Richard Branson and others – and this is what REALLY kicked my ass.  And I can tell you from a wealth of experience that – when you have NOTHING and you are stuck at your mother’s home in a council estate fighting with the struggle and phases of depression to get out of it, and all you have is your mind, you know what it is like to really have a hunger to succeed.


I learned that I had to be GREAT at whatever I chose to do.

Not good or OK but GREAT!  It was the only way.


Over the last 15 years I have been able to learn that ‘we have to discover’ what it is we can do every day and we have to be strong enough to keep going. 

Once we know what we want and why we can go about designing the framework for expressing it in the greatest ways.


So, you know what to go and do now!

Educate yourself and gather experience as you ACT every day.  And find your mentors.


I will leave you with some of the greatest business tips and quotes I know and which have helped me the most:

  1. “Business ideas alone are worth very little. If you want to start a business and become successful with it, you need to solve meaningful problems. Execution is everything in business.”
  2. “Play by the rules, but be ferocious.”
  3. “Business opportunities are like buses, there’s always another one coming.”
  4. “Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.”
  5. “Do everything in your power to avoid spending money when you start a business. Build a lean solution that provides value to your customers and only spend money on the absolute essentials at the moment you need them.”
  6. “How you choose to manage your time and decide which opportunities to pursue will greatly impact your success when starting a business. Outsource everything you can, so that you can focus on doing what only you can do in your business.”
  7. “Never stop building meaningful relationships with customers and other people in your industry. Choosing to instead view competitors as potential partners and collaborators can positively impact your business in a big way.”
  8. “Focus on setting & achieving small incremental goals rather than trying to start a business and instantly build your vision of what the company should be in the years to come. Setting realistic goals and milestones is a major component of building long-term success.
  9. “Every entrepreneur has had their own unique journey to building a successful business. All are different. Some people come from wealthy backgrounds and others from influential connections.  Then others will have built great empires starting from nothing.”
  10. “Launch even before you feel ready. If you wait until your product or service feels perfect, someone else will already be doing a better job of helping your customers solve their problems. Validate your business idea by launching fast, bringing on a small group of paying customers and adapting to make your solution great for them over time.”



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As always I wish you the very best 



P.S Do you think you are REALLY READY TO START YOUR OWN SMALL BUSINESS?  Then grab the book and get started I created a book called ‘Small Business Success guide’ which you can find BY CLICKING HERE and this will give you the head start to getting it right in your first enterprise rather than trying and working in the dark by guessing what to do.  Lower risk and don’t be driven by chance. 







P.s. If you are passionate about starting a Small Business the right way click on my book to grab it.


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Author and Small Business Blogger at Greg De Tisi Writing and Small Business Blogging
Author, course creator and business blogger - Greg has been supporting Small Business clients from all backgrounds all over the globe for over 15 years in developing ideas and passions into sustainable Small Business Models. Greg now has more of a focus on supporting his local business community in Bristol UK.