Self Growth Leadership: Knowledge Is Power BUT Action is KING!
![Self Growth Leadership: Knowledge Is Power BUT Action is KING! Self Growth Leadership: Knowledge Is Power BUT Action is KING!](https://THESMALLBUSINESSGROWTHBLOG.COM/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/kelly-sikkema-o2TRWThve_I-unsplash-300x198.jpg)
Self Growth Leadership: Knowledge Is Power BUT Action is KING!
Yes knowledge is power but only with applied action.
And often, many people never take enough action, as it’s all about perspective. They believe that something is too tough so may never try it.
We would rather avoid pain than experience pleasure, so it is a strong force.
But behind every imaginary mental barrier is your next achievement.
The word impossible is not in my dictionary. – Napoleon Bonaparte
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Our life choices come down to various factors of awareness and information we have or is given to us. In the end we make a decision based on that. So It’s Best Never To Forget To Follow what you learn and what you feel! it’s right to trust yourself once you have all considered other options.
When you follow your path through life you will come across boundaries and obstacles of course. Sometimes taking advice can be a hard pill to swallow to get you through those times BUT WE ALL HAVE CHALLENGES. For example, if you take advice from someone professional then there is a good chance you will follow that advice. But, if your parent says something about helping you, you might say that ‘they don’t really understand my situation so I won’t listen’ OR YOU MAY THINK YOU KNOW BETTER?
Especially if they say something you don’t want to hear. WE ARE SELECTIVE WITH WHO WE BELIEVE, BUT EITHER WAY THE ONLY RIGHT WAY IS YOUR WAY!
So Even If You Make A Mistake In Life WHICH WE ALL DO, YOU STILL LEARN in the end!
“Words can be twisted into any shape. Promises can be made to lull the heart and seduce the soul. In the final analysis, words mean nothing. They are labels we give things in an effort to wrap our puny little brains around their underlying natures, when ninety-nine percent of the time the totality of the reality is an entirely different beast. The wisest man is the silent one. Examine his actions. Judge him by them.”
As Karen quite beautifully wrote there; It is in the ‘action that is taken’ that we will be judged.
Self Growth Leadership: Knowledge Is Power BUT Action is KING!
![Self Growth Leadership: Knowledge Is Power BUT Action is KING! Self Growth Leadership: Knowledge Is Power BUT Action is KING!](https://THESMALLBUSINESSGROWTHBLOG.COM/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/Be-Yourself-Quote.jpg)
Self Growth Leadership: Knowledge Is Power BUT Action is KING!
Advice can come in many ways.
From Life principles, some professional advice, some of it is just an opinion, other ways are learning from family and friends! We have taken on board all of it, even if we didn’t agree. But we trusted their advice often as youngsters, so we believed most of it to be true.
It’s just about WHAT AND HOW you chose to take it.
We don’t always know what’s deep down within and what can sabotage our progress, but it can be past conditioning.
So, something I did was to questions ALL OF IT!
And I decided upon what I chose to believe was true and not.
I set about going on a journey or a kind of mission to discover for myself what I was capable of. Really capable of.
Because we often get overlooked, pigeon holed, type cast, and so on and so we can feel or think we are a TYPE, when we are not really as we can change anything anytime, if we can apply new ways of doing things.
I personally think that many undersell themselves in life as they bought into what others told them only, without considering what might be possible.
That’s why many rarely try to start a business, or to take up a new way of living or being, for fear of failure.
But the failure is largely an imaginary fear, which is inflated way more than it should be, thus we avoid pain and go about our lives in the same old ways.
Yes, money can be lost in business; we can lose everything and fail and I have, but, something I always knew were these things:
YES! And something which I always did was to keep my accounts separate, so that IF I FAILED I wouldn’t lose it all.
So I highly recommend that you keep things separate, but I also recommend that you really consider what matters to you the most, and what you value the most. And from there start to formulate a plan to moving towards it.
The tools are there, we can apply the right technology, hire the right types, build the right model, but we first need to know what action to take.
Because the worst thing anyone can do is NOTHING!
Something is better than nothing always, so we must start, but we must plan right in order to mitigate as much risk as we can.
Self Growth Leadership: Knowledge Is Power BUT Action is KING!
So action is how we directly impact on our results, not theory.
I read 3 books per week, and I love to expand my mind and being, so always will, but I also know that the learning is USELESS unless applied.
The whole point in learning is to become more aware and to apply it. Sure, its great learn things and develop knowledge about all kinds of things in this world, but – what is the point in learning all about business and never taking action, when you could grow something which could be passed down from generation to generation if you wish to? OR, to explore your deepest desires and dreams and ‘have a go’?
We live in a world where there are many systems, rules, governments and teachers which tell us WHO WE ARE, WHAT WE ARE and HOW WE SHOULD LIVE, but who makes those rules anyway?
We are meant to be free Human beings. Some say none of us are truly free, but we aim to be don’t we?
There is NOT ALWAYS A RIGHT or wrong way to do things – but just a different way or approach to do something, IF what you are doing isn’t working for you!
Just remember to always TRUST YOURSELF IN THE END!
Never forget that, YOU are the key to your results, and what you apply. There is no magic button, solution or mysterious way to ACT, we just have to act. That is the solution. And to act in a specific way.
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When Pursuing Your GOALS Gaining Valuable Knowledge In The Area You Wish To Excel In Is Obviously Advised to master your craft and hone your skills, but also to use it.
If someone or something offers you knowledge and experience in an area like for example rock climbing then it would probably pay you to listen to them before risking your life, Of Course!! SO READ AS MUCH AS YOU CAN ABOUT YOUR AREA.
The art of listening is very important
This means for me listening to what I really want and need to do, and ensuring that i take action upon that; not on something else which will be less effective to my progress. It’s about understanding ‘what action’ is going to bring back to me the greatest results. This also includes listening to others who are better than me in their respective fields. Understanding that they have experience in an area and they can advise me so I can take on board the best course of action.
Active listening is the only way to understand what is exactly being said and felt by a person ‘or’ if you are listening to an audio for example.
Whilst audios with headphones will go into the mind ‘regardless’ of what else we do, it is useful to try to feel what the audio is teaching – as it then affects our whole system, and pushes us to move forward with more confident expectancy. The mind helps the body and the body helps the mind.
But, it is only when we ‘know’ WHAT WANT first of all that we can we make a more informed decision about our course of action.
Remember – wrong action will teach us, as things ALL things can do, but it is better to ‘not’ waste time in the wrong areas which you may be following.
I know and have worked with many people who get to around 50 years old and realize that they have been doing all the wrong things, and they will sometimes kind of wake up only to follow an entirely new path. There is nothing wrong with making changes at any age and I know I do, but I am just saying that it pays not to waste time if we can help it.
You can trust your own advice. If you get things wrong so what, but remember, ‘every mistake’ is an opportunity for self growth and learning.
This only increases our experience and prepares us for the next time when we have to make another decision.
![Self Growth Leadership: Knowledge Is Power BUT Action is KING! Self Growth Leadership: Knowledge Is Power BUT Action is KING!](https://THESMALLBUSINESSGROWTHBLOG.COM/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/ears-and-listening1.jpg)
Self Growth Leadership: Knowledge Is Power BUT Action is KING!
Self Growth Leadership: Knowledge Is Power BUT Action is KING – Learning:
Sometimes Learning Involves Listening To Someone or Reading a book or listening to an audio!
These ways can be tremendously powerful and give you sometimes an almost instant knowledge of life transforming ideas.
A good book may be $9-$15, but inside that book – the knowledge could be worth $100k TO YOU! If you can apply what is in it.
If you don’t get the book at first, READ IT AGAIN! You will find that the more you practice the more you see and the better you get at retaining information.
How hard is that? If you want the knowledge and you will do ‘anything’ to KNOW WHAT YOU WANT TO KNOW, READ IT again 3 or 4 or 5 times until you get it. Watch videos, listen to audios to help push you forward.
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It STILL really amazes me how many people don’t get this!
Some an example: Bob says ‘I am stuck, I hat my life, I don’t know what to do?’ So I say I ‘did you read XYZ?’ That really can help you with this!’
One year later and we connect again, I say ‘hey Bob, hows things?’ Bob: ‘Well, I am still in the same situation to be honest Greg, I haven’t had the motivation to take action on XYZ!’
What do you need to do today to build continual momentum?
Because, one small action now, and every day will change your entire life in one year.
i always grab free ebooks, reports, training’s and so on, and i never spend anything on further purchases. I probably shouldn’t say that as it may undermine selling and other peoples sales funnels but, you and i have choices. We can take what we need and ditch the rest.
Information today is quite cheap. So, if you are a Coach like me then you will need to offer something which gets results and being careful also not to over deliver tons as It may not result in a sale anyway. What I do is deliver a ton, but I also keep clients accountable for their own action.
If I am too giving, then they will do less. So I need to encourage others to think and act for themselves in order to grow.
Also, if I am spending a ton of time trying to get across a specific message I may be wasting my own time.
The key is in supporting, guiding and encouraging clients to be their own success through their own consistent action.
The reason why so many get stuck is because they have a certain perspective which is that their reality is the only reality.
They believe that ‘what they do’ every day is their life. It isn’t.
Your perspective of the world is what determines HOW YOU FEEL AND THINK and the decisions you make and also – ultimately HOW YOU LIVE YOUR LIFE. Perspective is personal ‘to you’ and your experiences, but if something didn’t work last time don’t worry about it, just remember the lessons that you learned to avoid making the same mistakes twice.
Self Growth Leadership: Knowledge Is Power BUT Action is KING!
Self Growth: Finally!
I am saying here that you might go through life with a vision of the world that is actually not true.
So, become aware of what has gotten you where you are now and what you may choose to do differently.
Believing that there is only one way to look at life IS NOT ALWAYS SUPPORTIVE TO YOU!
Being the best you can be and always exploring your options until you begin to define your path IS REALLY A CHOICE!
TIP: You can NOW eliminate words like ‘I can’t’ or ‘I should’ or ‘but’ as they put barriers in front of your possibilities, and INSTEAD you can change them for words like ‘I CAN’, ‘I AM’ or ‘I WILL’ or ‘NOTHING WILL STOP ME’.
In order to become a better leader in life and business ‘action’ is the way forward as it inspires others also. be a leader, lead and pave the way. You will feel great as you motivate others to achieve more and you will get more done and become a production machine.
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”
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As always I wish you the very best
Greg 1ON1 Coaching FREE Session With Me to Discover What You Can Focus On To Follow Passions And Ideas
There are many tools which can help with being more productive in our day. I use a variety of offline and online tools to help me, if you want any tips on this and what may be able to help you then message me anytime.
You may need some help with Self Growth and if so why not check out my book below or you can get personal 1ON1 coaching with me where we will define your core beliefs and help you to focus on where you want to go and HOW YOU CAN BECOME A SUCCESS IN ANY ROLE OR BUSINESS do get on touch.
![Self Growth Leadership: Knowledge Is Power BUT Action is KING! Self Growth Leadership: Knowledge Is Power BUT Action is KING!](https://THESMALLBUSINESSGROWTHBLOG.COM/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/IMG_4548-1-226x300.jpg)
Self Growth Leadership: Knowledge Is Power BUT Action is KING!