The Wealthy Mind: 5 Habits Of Top Business Performers!
![The Wealthy Mind: 5 Habits Of Top Business Performers! The Wealthy Mind: 5 Habits Of Top Business Performers!](https://THESMALLBUSINESSGROWTHBLOG.COM/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/No1-2-1024x853.jpg)
The Wealthy Mind: 5 Habits Of Top Business Performers!
I want to be very clear here first of all. I am not a millionaire.
I am person who believes in wealth as long as it is for the better good. So, if I can help others by being wealthy then it is a good thing, as it is not a greed based mentality.
This post is not about greed, or becoming wealthy in order to become better than others, it is about increasing wealth where we can so we can do more and help others.
So, my goal is in the consistent increase of wealth in order to become more secure and free, but also so that I can help others more.
More money is not GREED, if it is used in the right ways.
Now – i say this because ‘if’we think that MONEY is bad and evil somewhere inside of us, then we may never acquire enough to become free.
Talent grips us. We are overtaken by the beauty of Michelangelo’s sculpture, riveted by Mariah Carey’s angelic voice, doubled over in laughter by the comedy of Robin Williams, and captivated by the on screen performances of Denzel Washington. – John C. Maxwell
Become the most talented person you know and do so with the right mindset. You may not sing well, dance well, act well, paint or anything else, but you can become a MASTER of your life and mind – but that takes never ending genius work. So why not you? Why not now?
The wealthy mindset is a crucial element to changing ones financial blueprint. Now, you may have heard this like a million times, but then has it sank in yet?
So, capitalism can be regarded as greed, but this is not always the case. And if we feel that ‘the rich’ are not like us, we will always be separate from them. We will look at them as different, and – if we do so we will never become wealthy.
Do you want to become more wealthy?
When we can become wealthy minded more often we start to see and feel differently about it, and we feel wealthy.
But ‘IF’ we have some blockages around this then it may be preventing us from making significant progress.
So, the first thing to become aware of is this:
- No matter what has happened in your life prior to now, this has nothing to d with what you can create from today.
- You can program your mind to become wealthy and in doing so, you will start seeing more opportunities to help you.
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So, you have control over it. But, if you fail to control it, you will not achieve the kind of momentum you desire.
I want this post to be simple and to the point: There are simply principles which determine our wealth. Or our lack of it.
So I hope that these 5 tips will help you to shift your mindset ‘should you wish to’ in order to grow your wealth.
Up for it? Cool! So let’s look at the components to having a wealthy mindset and you can see which of these you are familiar with and may even have applied already.
Here we go:
The Wealthy Mind: 5 Habits Of Top Business Performers!
1> Visualization
Daily visualization of goals is essential to the Wealthy Mind. Every morning and every night AT LEAST you must go to a place where you can imagine every part of your ideal lifestyle. This includes tastes, smells, sounds and anything else that will help you ‘be there’. Being there is a part of the plan to seeing what you want with faith before the event happens. Many Top Business performers and athletes do this to prepare mentally for the expected positive outcome. SEE IT BEFORE IT HAS HAPPENED! Get into the zone. They know they will face challenges and Plans may change but their goals never change. They will see them through.
2> Income Activities
Action is where the heart of accomplishment is for the Wealth Mind. You might well have the knowledge but without the required action toward attaining your desire’s there really is no point. Planning your activities is so important. This can be achieved by leaving non important tasks until last and getting started on the IPA income producing activities right away. Applying your current knowledge plus increasing your knowledge in the area in which you wish to excel is totally essential. Plan your day, your week, your month and get started. Knowing where there are ways to increase revenue streams is a mindset to develop. The more wealthy think wealthy thoughts the more ways they see to help them increase wealth.
3> Personal Development
This is where he Millionaire Mind comes from. Study the successful few’s habits and start to live with positive habits yourself. Gaining knowledge in 2 or 3 areas that are relevant to your business are wise. Study the people who have already attained this type of success in the area you choose. Development is across the board with mind, body and spirit I think. When you exercise you can think clearly and then apply yourself in a more effective way. Eating the right foods REALLY CHANGE YOUR MINDSET AND ENERGY LEVELS! Also Read, listen to audio’s, and watch video’s. Just begin. Never ending development means consistent growth in both life and business.
4> Mastermind With Leaders in Business
We have talked about studying the successful few and the Millionaire Mind will seek others to mastermind with. Once you begin to become familiar with others who are successful then you can begin by contacting them and be-friending them. Try and create a mastermind of like minded people whom you can connect with and share ideas with. There is no substitute for being around great people. It rubs off on you and influences your actions and mindset. You can mastermind with people who are now deceased also. I do! If you find that the people whom you respect the most have passed on them imagine yourself in a room with them sat around a table looking and talking to them. This can be done when you have a quiet 30 minutes in a dark room where you can relax and visualise. Learn from experts, and even copy them in some ways. We never need to re-invent the wheel.
5> Expect The Best
As you begin to become a well respected person in your area of choice you will want to begin to expect the best like other great wealth Minded Entrepreneurs. This will help you to BECOME MORE CONFIDENT and have attitude of a winner every day. And also, get clear on your desired outcome. When you become a person of positive expectancy you will find that when things go wrong (because they always do!):) your perspective of that situation will be less or non emotional and you will be able to move on swiftly with the next task with positivity. Just knowing that you can just move on quickly is a great tool to possess. This will enable you to become laser focused and positive whilst working in your specific area. Be the best you can be and do the best you can do. NOTE: You will expect challenges, obstacles and setbacks as that is realistic, but this will be there in order for you to grow. So, its not that Top performers don’t have issues, and they expect them, but they also expect the best out of that. I am talking about getting the best out of life and business.
There is no better than adversity. Every defeat, every heartbreak, every loss, contains its own seed, its own lesson on how to improve your performance the next time. – Malcolm X
![The Wealthy Mind: 5 Habits Of Top Business Performers! The Wealthy Mind: 5 Habits Of Top Business Performers!](https://THESMALLBUSINESSGROWTHBLOG.COM/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/determination-poster.jpg)
The Wealthy Mind: 5 Habits Of Top Business Performers!
I will tell you something about determination.
It can be very powerful and is for me, but without the right specific action to back it up and consistency, then it can quickly become a fading emotion. So, be determined YES, but surround that with the right tasks every day.
It's a bit like HOPE. It can be very powerful when there is nothing else.
But it can also be DELUSIONAL. If ‘ALL WE DO’ is hope, and cross our fingers then this will not demonstrate effective progress. It is not an ACTION word.
So, sure, use the words that can help you, of course, but remember that they all need forms of back up.
To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends carefully. The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural feminists and punk-rock performance poets. – Barack Obama
Learn from whoever will help you to be your best.
The Wealthy Mind: 5 Habits Of Top Business Performers!
Vague behavior and words reminds me of those who have a million ideas.
Do you know anyone like this?
They may be geniuses in some ways, but unless they apply one of those ideas and see it through – then what is the point in any of their ideas?
We have to PINPOINT our action, hire the right types, apply the consistent work, and use specific strategies in order to win.
We have to AIM at being number 1 in our business, sector or niche even if we don’t make it, so what, that doesn’t matter as much as keeping on and aiming for it. If we aim to be the best and we become very good, then that may be enough to beat others, but we must aim high.
What’s the point in just being another baker, hair salon owner, coach, author, CEO, founder, startup member, ecommerce shop owner, and on and on. BE THE BEST, and you will destroy your competition.
Whilst others talk about being the best you ACT.
Those who underestimate how important the mindset is to all business success are frankly naive because, business is about struggle, challenges, setbacks, obstacles and often long working hours, so it is by no means a way to ‘escape the 9-5’ as some say that’s baloney. There is no such thing as the easy life until the work has been applied in anything truly worthy. So, we must make it a priority to understand how WE WORK before we work on anything else.
I have spoken to clients before who are in amazing careers, but because they have made it to the top, they think that their own business is going to be the same or easier to manage. But what they fail to understand is that the mentality of an entrepreneur is vastly different from an employee.
There is no more set hours, or feeling as though you are owed a raise or rewards, sometimes there will be no rewards at all for years.
But that’s why a burning lasting passions is crucial as are the points I spoke of just now.
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I really hope that these ‘5 tips’ can help you with your Millionaire Mind?
This will enable you to become more focused and less doubtful when you are trying to achieve what you really want in life!
Learning to read, for the brain, is a lot like an amateur ringmaster first learning how to organise a three-ring circus. He wants to begin individually and then synchronise all the performances. It only happens after all the separate acts are learned and practised long and well. – Maryanne Wolf
The Wealthy Mind: 5 Habits Of Top Business Performers!
If You Would Like To Learn More About Achieving LASTING Success And Maybe Becoming A Top Performer who can create CREATING GREAT WEALTH, then mindset work is a vital requirement. And I can help you with this. I create a Potential to Performance Course below which also helps you to create a Micro or Small Business and build it to replace your job income. Every tool is there.
Before you have a look at that though please remember that, you are the answer to your success and you are the manager of your mind.
There are many amazing books, videos, audios and training’s out there as I am sure you are aware of but, you may wish to start to by listening to my podcast to help you. We have successful Business performers on there every week so you can pick up amazing value from tuning in and checking out our conversations.
I also recommend that you start a plan, a plan to master yourself.
Start small with new habits which empower and support your vision. Use the tools you need, offline, online, and whatever else helps you. I personally will plug into powerful audios every night, I exercise, I focus on my vision and goals daily, I drink plenty of water, I am open to new ideas, I read for 30 minutes per day. But if this seems like too much to you start simply. As you progress with your new habits you will enjoy using them especially when they make you feel good, more confident and stronger mentally, emotionally and physically.
Stay Inspired you have no excuses now,
All the best as always
Wealth MIndset For Top Performers Share on Xp.s I have found many tools that have helped me to become more wealthy and I decided to create course to help you with this. If you are thinking of starting a business from home and replacing your income, plus you have ideas you wish to express then I have the tools to help you. My Passion to Profits self study covers it all Check it out here and let me know what you think. You can try it for FREE.
I also have 1ON1 Premium Coaching for those who wish to become the best and start a Business Plan and strategy with expert help. CLICK HERE for a free strategy session.
![The Wealthy Mind: 5 Habits Of Top Business Performers! The Wealthy Mind: 5 Habits Of Top Business Performers!](https://THESMALLBUSINESSGROWTHBLOG.COM/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/IMG_4548-226x300.jpg)
The Wealthy Mind: 5 Habits Of Top Business Performers!