Your Calling: The Truth Of Purpose Driven Living

Your Calling

Your Calling


Your Calling: The Truth Of Purpose Driven Living

But do we all have a calling, a destiny, a purpose or whatever we wish to call it?

What is your take?

My belief is that we can shape a role into a purpose in some way, so I think that we all have great inner gifts, but we may also decide upon which area we wish to express.


Whatever it is in your life that you trying to achieve or improve on it can be done very easily when you know WHY!  What I mean by that is really ‘WHY YOU ARE FOLLOWING WHAT YOU ARE FOLLOWING’!


Sometimes, something inside drives us in a certain way and its almost as if it takes over us.



Some artists and musicians whom I have worked with believe that ‘what they do’ is already in them and they are simply sharing it.


Interesting idea isn’t it!  Maybe we have something in us or a variety of things we could do or be?

Have you ever seen the stories where there is a a famous person who talks about being a kid and they just knew as a kid what they would do?

I didn’t really have that as such.

I loved a variety of things.  Music, Art, running, dancing, helping people, making people laugh, and so on.

There were and still are various thing I love to do.

So – I am not of the belief that we all have God given gifts necessarily – BUT we ALL have some form of gift or gifts which could be genetic, or what we have learned or been influenced by and maybe mastered.


What Is Your Calling? Does It Even Exist? Share on X

When I was lost though and searching for reasons WHY I was here as I was being philosophical I spent a very long time not knowing what my passions were or purpose could be but I carried on digging deep until i started to get some answers – and whilst I had no idea what my REASON FOR BEING HERE WAS I could see possible ROLES I might fulfill! 

Your Calling

Your Calling



This means I was kind of like a ship without a rudder just floating around the ocean with no particular direction.

So, how did I find out what I wanted to do?  Well after too many years of complaining about what I didn’t want I realised that I had to focus on what I did want.

This meant discovering my greatest passions to be in a role and do what I loved to do.

Today I work from home at my desk for the most part but I also travel extensively and meet clients around my City.  So I got there.  But it took some considerable time and a great deal of uncertainty and overwhelm.  


So, why the Small Business blog?  Simple – I had to teach myself how to build a business first offline and then online. Being not techy at all I really struggled in those first few years, but I knew it was what I wanted to do.  To blog, write books, help people, and a host of other things relating to my brand.   And here I am.


Call it a purpose, a calling, my passions, a destiny or whatever you like, I just worked on this until I found out what that could be. 



Your Calling: The Truth Of Purpose Driven Living

Once I began to discover these essential and life transforming things I was well on my way to discovering the truth of my life and what my purpose might be.   But – again, there may be various ways to create a purpose and even when we have what we consider to be one that may change over time.

For example: Lets say you have a Sick Mother or Father who needs your attention 24/7.  You have to change your entire routine to be able to cater to their ongoing needs.  This role which you didn’t plan at all has become a primary purpose, and so you gain in skills through having to by others needs, yet this may also help you to gain professional skills in other areas thus you may take these into a new role or find a passion for a different kind of role.

So, a purpose driven life could come about through an unplanned situation.

BUT when searching for a purpose driven role I always relate it to THE TRUTH.  The truth of who we are or what we are.  Starting from a point of looking at the various areas which we may have not yet considered but which may be a past skill, experience or teaching.

Think about it like this – the truth in all of life is natural and authentic. YES?

So, if we do what comes natural to us then we will probably craft the ultimate role from that.  It’s certainly what I believe most in anyway.  That’s why I wrote my first book entitled Love, Passion and Purpose which really means that once we love ourselves thoughtfully without limitation we can then search for our passions and ultimate ideal role as a purpose.

A part of my purpose is in writing.

So, for example – this blog is just me sharing what I love to do and have done – and what you might be able to do.  That’s why I love writing.

Your Calling
Your Calling:  Discovery of the truth


We can live our lives with great happiness and joy, but unless we get true to our hearts we will probably never find true happiness. I am following my truth of helping others get from where they are to where they want to be.  Its simple really.

Like in this post – I am asking you what it is that lights your fire because, that is the first thing you have to get clear on.


Getting clear is actually one of the hardest things you can do in your life though because there is so much choice especially these days – but it is also the most rewarding thing to identify.


All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them.
Galileo Galilei (1564 - 1642)

(Pssst: Did old Galileo look kind of miserable or is it me? Cheer up mate! :)







Your Calling: What Are You Very Good At? What Do You Enjoy Most?


This is a very old video but I just wanted to emphasize here these things which I touch on:

1) YOU NEED TO KNOW WHAT DRIVES YOU.  - Is it your passions, family, loved ones, kids etc and what do you want to do for them
2) KNOW THE DIRECTION YOU ARE HEADED. -  Get clarity with it and focus all your effort there.
3) EXPLORE YOUR IDEAS. - Don't limit yourself based on your past, beliefs or what anyone else has told you. 
4) BEGIN TO DEFINE YOUR PASSIONS.  - Once you have done this relate them to market needs and demands.

Once you have explored these things deeply you will start seeing the kind of vehicle through which you may be able to best express what you do. Like what type and size of of business or role.


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Your Calling: The Truth Of Purpose Driven Living

Your Calling

Your Calling

TIP: Follow Your Heart To Find The Truth but take your mind with you!


The great news is that inside of you is the answer, not outside, so you need to go searching inside for your calling and to use your best friend YOU to find out.

Once we can tap into the child within again which we often forget is there we can be playful and limitless with our desires. We can dream a little and flirt with our most exciting ideas which may have been there for many years.

I wonder whether you already know the answer to this question about what you would love to do most?

Do you ever get that flash of an idea which passes you every now and then?

Do you dream of working a certain way or with certain people or in a certain place?

This is not all ab out money. Money is a tool sure. It helps us to do what we love, but we must feel fulfilled in what we do, or we will lose interest in what we do.



So, there is nothing wrong with money in my opinion at all, as long as it supports who we are. If we use it for good purposes and can also help others with money then it is not a bad thing. Its just that – many people associate wealth or capitalism with greed.  But this is necessarily the truth.  A great deal of wealth has helped a great deal of people.

Where am I going with this?

Simply that – we should never limit ourselves because we think we are being greedy or selfish in some way. Or that we are a bad person or not good enough to be wealthy.



So this is as much about your MIND as your heart. 

OK let's Break this thing down. 
Meaning that you can break it down into things,or steps. 

Start with an idea that if money were no object what you would do with your time?
Some will say lying on a beach - but would you never love to do something you have always wanted to do?



Most people go wrong by not actually taking any action towards something of true value.

Your Calling

Your Calling

Your Calling: You have to get started and get focused on the areas that will begin moving you closer to your truth.


In Life – we just tend to put things off for fear of failure or of being told that WE CANNOT DO SOMETHING.

But we can fill our minds with positive expectations of where it is we wish to be going – and when we face obstacles or challenges (WHICH WE WILL) you can also realise that they are meant to be there.


WE ALL GET THEM!  Every successful man or woman in history has hit many brick walls but did they quit?


Heck no!  That is why they made it, because they loved the challenges and took them as part of the whole process of getting into their truth or desire.



What Is Your Calling? Does It Even Exist? Share on X



Your Calling: The Truth Of Purpose Driven Living

So, I would highly recommend that you don’t waste any more time putting things off because time simply flies by!

Let’s face it – One day you and I will be very old and looking back at our lives, so what do you want to see?

And what do you want to say?  ‘I wish I did this!’ or would you rather say ‘I’m so glad I did this!’

I know which one I will choose.

Your Calling

Your Calling


So -do you need some help with this?  I decided to create a course which is exactly the course I took literally to sculpt my life my way.  In fact you can see a sketch I did yesterday, so I am keen to work on all of my passions.  But are you?

We just have to put it all together so we can build a solid foundation.  So I thought I could help you with that.

I created a course which anyone could first discover their passions and look at their ideas in depth to shape a life which is of value and worthy to them.   Some people don’t want to work with Coaches they would rather work on their own in their own time and I get that.



That's why this course which is just £29.70 is on offer to help you to build a $10k per month business from home.    I also give a full 28 day money back guarantee that if you don't like it I will refund you immediately.  Wheres the risk?  None at all.  TRY IT FREE HERE




I Really Hope That You Enjoyed Your Calling, DO YOU NEED MORE HELP?  Then I do offer also 1ON1 Coaching and offer a free planning and discovery session HERE if you want to work with me.


Care To Share?  Feel free!

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All the best


For a FREE 1ON1 Discovery Session simply click the link – and we can see if we are a fit to work together

Your Calling: The Truth Of Purpose Driven Living

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Author and Small Business Blogger at Greg De Tisi Writing and Small Business Blogging
Author, course creator and business blogger - Greg has been supporting Small Business clients from all backgrounds all over the globe for over 15 years in developing ideas and passions into sustainable Small Business Models. Greg now has more of a focus on supporting his local business community in Bristol UK.