FUEL FOR SUCCESS: Potential To Performance




FUEL FOR SUCCESS: Potential To Performance

This is about YOU and YOUR potential.  

Simply put – we all have so much potential and yet so many of us never use it.

So, this is really about taking what you have and applying it.  You may have a great business and a great brand also, but if you are applying the right types of marketing to it or sharing it with the right people then it is useless.

So, we have to really start by becoming a top performer and this means working on ourselves and on our businesses in ways which most just don’t.


SO WHAT IS SUCCESS TO YOU:  It can mean many things to many people.  But for me its about doing what I love, whilst trying tobe my best and performing as well as I can.  Its about taking my potential and using it.

I have been studying a great deal of the most successful People and Marketers in the world for over 15 years now and I have discovered many common similarities between them.



Obviously - all of these people all are successful in their own ways BUT why? How? What do they do differently?



FUEL FOR SUCCESS: Potential To Performance

There are certain principles to success and I can tell you that it really isn’t that hard to work out.


Some people have simply taken their POTENTIAL and turned it into PERFORMANCE.

Well for a starters they all take massive action until they get success. They all out source what they don’t have strengths in. They all walk the walk. They all keep on keeping on. You see that we all have barriers and challenges and problems but these guys and gals don’t give up instead they love the challenge’s and don’t get bogged down by trivial rubbish. They tend to focus on their core strengths even if they might not be highly intelligent always.






It really isn’t about being clever but rather being action orientated.



HOT TIP: You don’t need to be amazing but you need to just gain the skills in two or three areas first of all and then move on once you see the skills are forming.

Internet Marketing Mastery

LIFE is a skill, and so is anything undertaking worth excelling at.

I personally think that anyone can apply the right skills and get more success, if they can focus enough in the right areas.

And if I can do it so can you:).

I learned many various ways from many various experts – but mostly the hard work pays and there will be a ton of that at first.  That’s a given. But anything GREAT  is only great because of relentlessness and consistent application.


What can you do now?

Just take what you have ‘now’ which is yourself and YOUR FUEL and apply it to personalise your message and marketing so that you come through as the ONLY EXPERT that people want to be with and work with.


You are the Ferrari and you can create = An Amazing BUSINESS BRAND


You are the HUMAN and emotional part of the business and you use the right tools to help you get where you need to be.

So something I always use is in being PERSONAL, as much as a PROFESSIONAL.

It will serve you better if you become personal about being a professional.  Make Sense?

People want a Human being who cares about they do.

I will admit that technically I am pretty rubbish at many areas but – I outsource and I keep going at what I can do until it clicks!


We are lucky these days

We can use technology to give us answers. We can find solutions.  BUT we have to be careful not to get too overwhelmed by the info overload which is out there.  If we simply keep learning but never ACT then we just get stuck.

So, search for answers on Google sure – or have a look on Youtube.

Take what works, and let go of what doesn’t.  Be real and build the important relationships always.


HOT PERFORMANCE TIP: Approach your work with honesty and integrity.  People can tell from ‘how you ACT’ and ‘what you write’ whether you mean what you say or not!  REALLY!  SO, when starting out in business we need to be ethical, transparent, clear and always prepared to get better.  And by the way – there is nothing wrong with failing and making mistakes, we can simply admit to them and improve.   People want that.



Internet Marketing Mastery



FUEL FOR SUCCESS: Potential To Performance


Another area I want to make a point on is with selling.

Selling doesn’t need to be HARD or TOUGH like it once was. In fact – people expect different treatment these days.


Don't sell sell sell rather share share share. Much Different!



Just share what you are doing and share how it can help others.  People do not always want to be sold to, they want a simple solution to their problem, not some money grabbing A-hole pushing another product or system onto them for no reason other than for money.  Don’t you just hate these FB ads you get all the time where suddenly some guy has ALL THE ANSWERS to life and business, and then two minutes later you see another person who also has all the answers.


So, when we share our products and services with a non-pushy attitude we have to do so with a confidence of quality whereby we are simply showing another what kind of experience they can expect through something we are passionate about.

People want to feel something emotionally.


Increase is the answer, people want to feel some kind of increase to their live’s and by you providing value in your marketing efforts coupled with great content and delivery you can Market from a place of confidence self belief and selfless giving.


That’s POSITIONING as an expert and go-to professional!


Internet Marketing Mastery

It’s not about greed it’s about giving


Giving is the natural law of life. The right Marketing system is not the be all and end all. WHEN YOU Apply YOU and your message to your system this is where magic happens. You might have a Ferrari but If you don’t have the right fuel inside you are going no-where fast of course.

So always always look at you as the answer NOT THE SYSTEM.   TECH is not emotional.  WE ARE. 




Look At It This Way:

We can use tools to our advantage and I do, but it is what is behind it all that counts.

You Might Have The Greatest Ideas, Brand and System (The Ferrari!) But You Are The Fuel That Drives Your Business.

Don’t expect miracles to happen YOU HAVE TO ACT on how your message and vision will capture the hearts of the right types so that you can gain a loyal responsive following.


It is YOU that differentiates If SUCCESS will work or won't work!


By the way – if you are looking to create more success and don’t know where to start then you may want to check out the 1ON1 Coaching I offer to take you from where you are now to becoming a top performer in your market.

You really need to learn how to be an expert today in order to survive, so that people sit up and listen to you – and this will change your life and success for good I promise.


FUEL FOR SUCCESS: Potential To Performance

The reason I wanted to create this post is because I was once that person who had the potential BUT wasted it for many years as I didn’t have the confidence to share it nor did I know exactly what to do about it.   So – I learned and applied and so I am simply putting across that our potential is no good inside.

It has to be shared and then our business has to also be shared in the right ways.


Becoming a Top Performer

Who do you admire the most?  Why?  What have they achieved? How do you think they got there?

I recommend that you first of all STUDY top performers in any subject/area/market/sector.


Look at what they do.  Look at their daily routines. Look at what drives them.

And as you start to gather information about who they are and what they do you will start to see patterns and a great deal of those relate to MINDSET and what they BELIEVE.

I studied the likes of Tony Robbins, The Coen Brothers, Brendon Burchard, T Harv Eker, Brian Tracy, Zig Ziglar, Jim Rohn, Earl Nightingale, Sir Richard Branson, Stephen R Covey, Michael Jordan, Oprah Winfrey, Ellen DeGeneres, Robert Kiyosaki, Jack Canfield, Wallace Wattles, Napoleon Hill, and many many more Men and Women over 15 or more years and I continue to study successful people in their own right. And I also studied how they got where they are until I started to see certain traits, patterns and behaviours they all possessed.

I could go on and on about what I read and who I study but I don’t need to as the point is you get it.

It doesn’t matter what area these people are in, what matters is that they are AT THE TOP of their game.



Once you know what you will be able to share you can then set about creating the right message, brand and marketing to promote yourself.


What really distinguishes a successful person from another?

There are many things as Human beings are of course very complex.

But – I talked about MINDSET which is critical and vastly misunderstood, but also ACTION.  And if you have seen any of my posts about this you will know how passionate I am about it.

That’s all for now, but I hope you enjoyed this.  I know that YOU have untapped potential and I know the YOU can share it.  SO get out there and do so.


I Really Hope That You Have Enjoyed ‘FUEL FOR SUCCESS: Please Do Share it!

And if you need any help with your message and with defining what you may wish to do amazingly then contact me @ www.GregDeTisi.com and book in a FREE session with me where we can get you a PLAN and direction for aiming for your goals and of course reaching them.




p.s I wrote this for you if you want to discover your passions, gifts, ideas and experiences.  Everything you could need to help you become a top performer and be the best in your sector is in there.



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Author and Small Business Blogger at Greg De Tisi Writing and Small Business Blogging
Author, course creator and business blogger - Greg has been supporting Small Business clients from all backgrounds all over the globe for over 15 years in developing ideas and passions into sustainable Small Business Models. Greg now has more of a focus on supporting his local business community in Bristol UK.