Mindset and Visualization: Are you using it to your advantage or is it using you?
I visualize on a daily basis the things I want to achieve in the future.
This is the single most powerful 'YET' profoundly simple way that I have created personal and business growth. It in the consistency.
Sure, I am a Business Consultant and Coach and I deal in numbers, human behavior and growth, but I also train my own mind every day.
Without me working on me I wouldn’t be as effective as I could be. Self improvement, personal growth, or personal development, it doesn’t matter what we call it, what matters is that we use what works for us.
I have found that not only does Visualization give me TREMENDOUS focus but it makes me feel great as well KNOWING THAT I AM SEEING MY RESULTS BEFORE THEY HAPPEN.
“The man who has no imagination has no wings.” ―Muhammad Ali
I have read a lot of books about picturing goals and I have used many audios with alot of success as I defined what results I wanted first of all and then placed 100% of my energy into these.
I think that the problem for MOST PEOPLE IS THAT THEY KEEP SEEING WHAT THEY DON’T WANT! By default I used to picture the bad outcomes and this conditioning comes from a mixture of childhood past beliefs and behaviours BUT THEY CAN BE CHANGED.
For many years I thought that something might go wrong IF I TRIED NEW THINGS. I was conditioned to think so back then. You may do this now or may have done this in the past? Remember Though That You past DOES NOT EQUAL YOUR FUTURE!
NOTE: Changing your mind pictures will change your life and I am living proof that this can be done.
First though I’d like to be clear. Visualization is what I do and I am not saying YOU SHOULD DO IT BUT if you really want massive change and ultimate success then I can recommend that you do it.
So, here is what I do: In the morning I deep breath and clear out the negative obstacles that might appear – and then once I realize that I created them and that they are not real, I begin to set in place by Visualization the pictures I want to see THAT DAY. I HAVE A VISION OF WHAT I WANT MY LIFE TO BE LIKE. I sit there for 15 minutes with this image and with every possible visual, sound, feel and taste of it. I smile as it is mine. I thank my mind for giving it to me. I start the day in a very productive way and thus, I get more done. When I get more done, I get better results. It really is that simple.
My Daily Mindset and Visualization Checklist:
1) I see will my dream home in all its details inside and out
2) I smell the smells of being there in every way
3) I see the money in my bank account increasing
4) I hear the sounds of what’s going on around me
5) I taste what I want to taste there as I sit on my reclining chair
6) I feel what I want to feel in my home and garden as though it has already happened
This is how I attracted my dream home which I live in now.
I use my imagination in every sense and the truth is – if we don’t do this then our imagination will simply pick up random messages and images.
Mindset and Visualization: See What You Want To See That’s The Key!
Let’s Break It Down:
I breath deeply whilst acting with expectation
I visualize all of the things I want to happen in my life WITH EVERY EMOTION
I Prepare for them mentally and act AS IF THEY ARE ALREADY MINE
I then Get To Work On The Tasks With FAITH.
I Have A Vision Board With Specific Items There.
I Practice EVERY DAY and NIGHT!
“Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.” ―Albert Einstein
A Mindset and Visualization CHALLENGE FOR YOU!
I bet you can think of something good or bad that you have thought will come true and when it did you said I knew it?? Think Of That Now If You Can! Some people call it LUCK or BAD LUCK or INTUITION! What do you call it? You Used Visualization to see it before it happened!
You Intended it so much that it became a reality. You thought so much about the outcome that all of your energy was aiming towards it happening and thus it became a reality. YOU BELIEVED IT UNTIL IT HAPPENED! After all we are all ENERGY AND MATTER! That’s it!
Hey! Sometimes things don’t work out. Sometimes they do! But if we are not FOCUSED on our dreams then how will they ever be important enough to us? We have to apply the right action.
Mindset and Visualization From Now On!
Start from now to take IN what you REALLY APPRECIATE IN YOUR LIFE TO FEEL GRATEFUL. Then look at your DESIRES and I want you to be able to see what your exact goals are.
Now please write it all down. USE Visualization to keep thinking of it. You have a catalog that you can choose from so get choosing. Don’t hold back on what you want, and keep it by your bed so that every night and every day you will look at your goals and believe that you already own them or have become them.
Here I Talk About How I Use Mindset and Visualization Techniques!
This will give you the focus towards positivity and excitement of the idea that you will receive the goods.
You must have SELF BELIEF that this is true because the key ingredient here the feeling that it is real. If you don’t feel its real you won’t receive. Take your pen and piece of paper now and begin to write your list of wants and don’t forget to add health, wealth, love, happiness, and some kind of charity based idea where you will give or help someone or a charity in some way.
LOOK AT THIS LISTS EVERY DAY WITHOUT FAIL and keep on asking great questions about what you may be able to do in delivering great value in order to help your wealth grow.
‘What could I do with my skills, abilities, experiences, education, passions to bring value in exchange for income?’
‘What unique areas do I have which can help me more than others?’
‘What do I really want and WHY, what will this really do for me?’
‘When do I want to achieve this by exactly what time frame do I give?’
‘How will I stay motivated by my driving force and what will help me with this?’
I found that it took me a long time to get rid of a lot of the negative blocks ‘but’ this didn’t stop me and cannot stop you.
Eventually, you create new habits which SUPPORT YOU, rather than SABOTAGE YOU. Thats the real key.
Reading my list ‘daily’ is impressing upon the subconscious mind that this is reality and your subconscious mind doesn’t know the difference between RIGHT AND WRONG, OR REAL OR FAKE, BUT if you keep impressing the mind about THE THINGS YOU DON’T WANT, guess what? You will get more of what you don’t want in your life.
So, it doesn’t matter if it feels like FANTASY at the beginning, as your mind will eventually take it as REAL.
You now have some knowledge of this and very easily can begin to EXPECT THE BEST AND EXPECT WHAT YOU WANT, instead of just ‘not believing’ that it can be done. Just get to work on it because nothing can beat action backed with faith. NOTHING!
“You can’t depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus.” ―Mark Twain
![Visualization Mindset and Visualization](https://THESMALLBUSINESSGROWTHBLOG.COM/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/final.jpg)
Mindset and Visualization
FINAL Mindset and Visualization tips
May I respectfully ask…
Where your thinking got you so far?
Are You Getting What You Want IN LIFE IN GENERAL?
I Sincerely Hope That You Found The Idea Of Visualization Useful And Hope You Enjoyed Reading ‘Mindset and Visualization: Are You Using Your Imagination’
I have a few more things to share in case you want to apply some great tools to help you make progress quicker.
The thing is – we are all using our time in our own way, and if we don’t use our time wisely it will pass us by and all we will have is the image of looking back at what we did. And we may have regrets for NOT applying more time to defining what we wanted. All I am saying is that – you and I only get one shot at this, and I personally won’t waste time.
Hey – Feel Free To Share It With Your Friends!
By the way…
WANT HELP WITH Creating More Wealth With Mindset and Visualization?
Remember that YOUR MIND is infinitely unlimited, and we generally only use about 5-10% of its capacity. What this means is that we have so much to draw from. And if we can consistently apply certain specific MESSAGES to our mind it will work on ways to help us get where we wish to be.
Either we FOCUS, or we are RANDOM in expectation. What is better?
This is the tool I use every day. And have been using for many years. My Old Mentor and Coach Dr Joe Vitale’s wealth trigger 2.0 is what started to change everything for me as I was able to use this tool alongside my defined dreams and goals.
![Visualization Visualization](https://THESMALLBUSINESSGROWTHBLOG.COM/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/2012-08-30_1127.png)
From My Mentor Dr Joe Vitale The Secret Star. This Program Will Help To Create Wealth From The Inside Out
I Hope that this post can help you with your Mindset and visualization mastery.
If you have any questions then do get in contact as I would love to hear your experiences with various techniques.
If you are ready to master your mind and life and design a life around you in the form of a new business then you can check ou my PASSION TO PROFITS $10k per month COURSE which has every tool you could ever need to help you master your life.
There are many ways to we can help ourselves in life and we can use whichever tools help us the most. Some people love to use Meditation, and others love to exercise, whilst some prefer reading or watching videos to help them, and I use all of it.
So, it’s about whatever support works for you – and what you can find most effective in work with the Mindset and Visualization.
IMPORTANT: Having a childlike curious mind has helped me unquestionably. By feeling free of the constraints of adulthood, and being a little more wild in thinking can be a great asset. So, remember that – no matter what your life looks like now, this has nothing to do with WHAT YOU CAN ACHIEVE. No matter what your past looks like, your experience is or what your beliefs are. IT DOESN’T MATTER! (In the words of the Rock!)
When is the best time to apply these tools?
For me it’s at night as my mind is influenced then by what I do lastly before bed. I then rest and wake up and repeat it. This is ideal for me and works a treat.
“What is now proved was once only imagined.” ―William Blake
1ON1 Business Coaching FREE Planning session
As always, I wish you the best with life and business mastery
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Mindset and Visualization