Finding Your Passion (With FREE Video eCourse)














Finding Your Passion.  Everyone knows the word and many of us apply it to certain areas of life. 


But how many of us work with it every day really and trutfully?

How many of us have roles which make us feel passionate about what we do?

How many of us wake up every day feeling passionate about life and what we can do?


I am constantly discovering that through honesty with myself I dig deeper into my passions  I am always asking questions such as ‘I wonder why I love this or that?  Or ‘I wonder what life might be like if I did that more or less?


Essentially I just ask deeper questions than the usual every day ones.


So how many of us find our passion and work with it every day?

How many of us have roles which make us feel passionate about what we do?

How many of us wake up every day feeling passionate about life and what we can do?


I am constantly discovering that through honesty with myself I dig deeper into my passions.

I am always asking questions such as ‘I wonder why I love this or that?  Or I wonder what life might be like if I did that more or less?


Essentially I just ask deeper questions than the usual every day ones.


What I am referring to is actually asking yourself how you can do something or be something which makes you feel truly alive every day.  Is that possible? really?  YES!  It is and I do it.  I do what I love and share it. 


I share it through books, coaching, art, writing, podcasting and more.

I asked better questions to discover what I might want to spend my time doing the most. 

After all TIME is what we are all buying. 

Isn’t it?

Why waste it and why spend years in areas which are not true to us?  We fall into roles, situations and places which have nothing to do with us.  But we could spend that time doing what we love and even if we fail or find it tough, its surely worth the effort isn’t it?  I think so.

That’s why I dedicated my life to passion and to helping others to discover theirs.


I am referring to our true passion which can be expressed with the world without looking for an ego based result alone. 

I will explain – EGO can get in the way of US, it can feed off of money alone, or fame, or Sex, or anything else which is not necessarily a natural thing.  I am not saying that these things are not good, they can be, but when we simply AIM for them rather than looking at where we may bring OUR WORTH and VALUE with the world we may end up feeling very empty.

I’m just saying!





Finding Your Passion

What questions are you asking yourself every day?

Are they empowering and productive?

I am proof that there one can work in ones passions and I have built my brand, products and services around what I love to do and what I learnt to do best.  So, it can be done.   Yes, of course there are times when I struggle, get challenges, set backs, obstacles and so on, but isn’t it better to face these when doing what you love rather than what you hate?

If you hate what you do, and you have had to compromise on your life dreams for whatever reason THEN you get challenhges how do you think you will feel then?  Have you been there? I have.  I was there many times!

And – in way it took those times of pure hate for what I did to change.

This is OK and possibly natural I think to sometimes learn lessons the tough way but, it may lead to too Greatness if we explore our questions more.



So, where might you begin with this?


It is really simple when you think that we ‘all have some amazing ability, skill’ or talent at something that ‘we were potentially born with’ or that we have nurtured and become good at.







But – we may of course also look at market needs, demands and where others complain. These could be amazing areas to focus efforts on as we may find a calling or purpose being fulfilled in a specific area. 

Now, you could find a role that is a perfect fit for you, an d you might call this your ‘true passion or ‘your calling‘ for example but you may have many.  I believe that you and I can create our purpose or various.  I believe that we can design our life and build businesses around them.


In short – if we can find what we love we can live way happier lives and thus be more productive, effective and in joyful states through the roles which we create.  


It might be that you wish to invent something. Innovate or you may have tons of ideas (like me!) so, this may also be applied to any area.  You may want to build a brand, express your crafting skills, or grow a tech startup?


We are all in pursuit of happiness right?

We all know this.

So what does that mean for you?   

What could you follow that makes you happy?

What drives you or could drive you?

What might come naturally to you?

I have coached over 200 students 1ON1 around the globe, and ALL of them were able to discover what they want to be or do, then design a business around them,  And finally develop those businesses with my help.  So, could it work for you?

What type of business could you see yourself running and why?

WHY is huge.  Simon Sinek talked about this in his book ‘start with why’ many years ago and he described in there how great leaders inspire others to take action.  He also touched on how leaders and companies should or could work with a series of circles including the WHY, HOW, and WHAT. and the idea explains why organisations inspire others.

This is just one area of finding a ‘why’ and finding ‘the why’ of certain organisations.


But we all have our own WHY!   You don’t need to read that book or any book to find out yours.


So you can start by figuring our what your WHY could be. And I mean the reason behind what you might wish to do in or with your life.  And its never too late.  I was 30 when I kind of woke up to possibility and potential. And it took another 10 years to really master myself and define my ultimate role as I was trying to do too many things.

But it doesn’t have to take you more than a few weeks or months IF YOU APPLY WHAT YOU FIND EVERY DAY WITH CONSISTENT ACTION.  





To me it was about finding the truth, digging into my authentic self, one without barriers, limitation or one which was dominated by my past conditioning, influences and teachers.  In my opinion, this is vitally important for really getting to the core of who we are and this is where the greatest answer lie i think.


Teach What You Love!


Share your story

Brand yourself

Follow experts

Don’t reinvent the wheel

Have fun with it all

Be yourself

Attract the right types

Become the ‘go-to’ expert

Start an online course or training


Start By Getting Yourself Onto The Social Media Sites and have a blog or website And Share Your Passions For What You love and are Good At!  Us your natural talents by sharing them.  


IMPORTANT: Network With Other Like minded People And Follow People Whom You Respect In Your Chosen Passion

NOTE:  That blog is no longer active but my message stays the same. I talk from my passions and so if you wish to discover your passions, design a Small Business model around them and develop that business to grow you can find me



Why Does Passion Brings Happiness?

As I touched on before – we are usually happiest and in joy when we NATURALLY do what we are either in love with or great at. 

Be honest with yourself NOW and dig deep.

Drill down into those things which you may have even thought were not possible.

It might be that you need to travel for your new role?  You might want to live in another Country?  You may wish to work from home, you may wish to run a team of people.  That’s up to you to find out.

This is about going on a journey, perhaps the best journey you have ever been on and it holds the possibility of a more balanced and rewarding life.

Want Some Help Here?

I knew that for me to follow my passions I had to have time for them first of all.  So that’s when I started working 1 hour per night on them.  I looked at how I might use them to my advantage. I never stopped searching.

I eventually started to build website and blog, wrote a book and became an Online Entrepreneur – SO – That’s what I did and I had to learn to master my time in order to create eventual freedom and to follow my inner most passions.  It was hard work but was it worth it? OF COURSE IT WAS!    I LOVE IT!  Now, if you consider yourself as an expert in some way you can take this online.  Maybe you want to work for yourself to free up some time so that you can follow your heart in other areas or on the path of exploration?  Then get the help doing this! I did!




Want To Explore Your Passions Now and eventually create more time for you? 

Maybe you are looking to create a crystal clear plan and vision which enables you to have laser focus on it?  Well – I can help you with this.  I do it every day.  In fact – I offer a select few an opportunity to work with me IF we are a great fit.  But I cannot work with everyone, so the first step is to fill in the form by clicking the link below and heading to the ‘book a session’ and I will then see if we could talk about building your dream business and developing your self sustaining source of income.





LEARN MORE HERE ABOUT how you can do this!


Or – if you would prefer to work at your own pace and create a $10k per month Micro Business from home then you can check out my entry level course which is just £29.70 at the present time.  Every single tool, resource, training, and support is there, plus I give a full no risk 28 day money back guarantee if you don’t dig it.




As always I wish you the very best in all that you do. 


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Author and Small Business Blogger at Greg De Tisi Writing and Small Business Blogging
Author, course creator and business blogger - Greg has been supporting Small Business clients from all backgrounds all over the globe for over 15 years in developing ideas and passions into sustainable Small Business Models. Greg now has more of a focus on supporting his local business community in Bristol UK.