Business Experts I trust and recommend – List of hand picked professionals

Business Experts I trust and recommend – List of hand picked professionals

Experts I trust and recommend

Business Experts I trust and recommend


Hi, now we all need the right people around us to succeed.  So I have included here some hand picked Business Experts I trust and recommend.

Now, over my many years of being in and running businesses both online and offline.


And since becoming a Small Business Blogger in 2006 I have worked with a vast variety of experts from all over the world who have helped and supported me and my business to grow.  Which I am humbly eternally grateful for.


Wisdom in business means hiring the best

HOWEVER; it never started that way for me and I struggled to try and do it all alone, so I am firm believer in hiring those who are better than me in a variety of areas. 

Sometimes we cannot always afford other experts of course, so we have to choose wisely and understand how to invest in the right types. 

And other times we just have to do it all when we start out in a small business as we simply don’t have the funds or ability to invest, so – hopefully this post can help you and I have also added those whom I trust.

In this post I will share a great deal of value to support you in your business, but I’ll also share several seasoned professionals and recommend them personally from experience.   


With that said, I may edit this list from time to time depending on a variety of factors, and whether or not they are still in these roles.



Recommended Experts In Business Share on X


I am sure you are aware that there are literally thousands of experts all over the world today, and in many areas and markets of business, so it doesn’t take long to simply Google an area of business or a service required, and find an expert or company who can serve our needs.  But, this doesn’t always mean or guarantee that they will perform well, be trusted or bring us results; so I only work with those who I know from experience have delivered ‘and’ have the skills, expertise and intelligence to support others in seeing those results.   


For me, business is a personal thing – as I prefer to work with individuals whom I know and respect, so I prefer to lift them up, and share them with others, and it helps everyone.

Therefore, when I talk to and work with business owners whom I love to support, I can share with them the best.

We all need as much help as we can get with resources and tools, especially in the first year which is vital.

I don’t know what type of business model you wish to operate or already operate, but I do know that trying to go it alone in any business field or endeavor can be a very stressful, overwhelming and challenging experience, and whilst this holds great value, it can also destroy some.

So what I tend to do is to seek out and hire the best types of people to do the work I simply cannot do, or just do not have the time to do, and this means that I can be as effective as I can be in my role, as can they.

Experts I trust and recommend

Experts I trust and recommend




Business Experts I trust and recommend – List of hand picked professionals

I have decided to share those that have a solid level of expertise, experience and a sound track record.

I will be adding more over time – as and when I choose to do so.

I think it’s important to recognize the value of hiring the right types in all business areas, markets, companies and charities, when trying to improve the lives of others.

And this is because, the wrong people can ruin everything.


Various skills required

Sometimes, we need experts in soft skills or in mindset skills and other times in more hard or technical areas.

This is how we master the mechanics of business. 

So all roles matter – and ‘as a whole’ we are ‘all’ simply stronger together as business owners with other self managing leaders.


We can be the best at what we do, sure, but it takes another, or several to make that idea or dream shine.

Some leaders may need a dynamic powerful team of purpose driven individuals in roles who are each as passionate as you are, and as strong in what they do.

This is how together we craft that focus, drive and unstoppable momentum.


Know your role

I know in my role that I aim to be the best and so I do my best at what I do, and this means growing every day, But also being humble enough to make mistakes and admit them as I develop from them.

I certainly wouldn’t spread myself too thin, as I would be wasting my time ad energy and this inevitably creates burn out.

So, use your energy in the right areas for you, but also for others.

Each person you work with has to know their role and do their best at what they wish to excel at.

And I think that is an important point because, if you are trying to run a Small Business between 2 and 50 members, and you try to micro manage or wear all the hats – you will burn out.

I have been there and I have seen it many times.

Whilst running a small business is not easy and you will be working more hours than in a conventional job, you have to go into it with a mindset of extreme focus and I believe positivity, as this also drives others to succeed, as your attitude is palpable.

So in defining your role and tasks, and in having that expectation of knowing who will do what and why – either as a part of your team or when outsourced, you become a professional or expert through this consistent improvement.


Just as they say in the commandos, you are a whole unit, and as you work as one unit, you create dynamic force that is unstoppable.


NOTE: If you choose to outsource to a remote worker for example, you will need to know that you can rely on another professional who is not always there with you.



Recommended Experts In Business Share on X


Experts I trust and can recommend

Experts I trust and can recommend

Here is now my recommended list which I will add to as I go forwards:


1. If you wish to become an entrepreneur and start building a solid brand and business then I can recommend Chris Cardell – A Seasoned Entrepreneur and Sales & Marketing Expert.  Chris has been an entrepreneur for many years and is one of the UK’s most successful entrepreneurs.  he has a solid track record and has helped many individuals and businesses big and small to increases sales and boost profits and create significant growth.
You can find Chris @ CARDELL MEDIA
2. If you wish to start a new dropshipping ebusiness and work with a seasoned expert who has already helped hundreds of clients build and grow successful dropshipping ebusinesses then consider Anton Kraly.  he is without question the expert to connect with in this area and has award winning courses and helped to create many satisfied drop shippers.  Having scoured the world for experts in dropshipping Anton is head and shoulders above the rest.
3.  As someone that has always used affiliate marketing as an additional income stream I always recommend that anyone interested in this area seeks expert help, as it can be very costly and overwhelming without the right guidance.  There is one professional who has been in the market for many years and whom I have studied in great depth.  I have total respect for this person and his methods, strategies and systems.  His name is Rob Cornish, and you won’t find a more transparent, down to earth, real person online as him.  I can highly recommend his trainings, books, products and services to my readers.
You can find Rob @    GAINHIGHERGROUND.COM
Greg De Tisi Small Business Consultant

Greg De Tisi Small Business Consultant


NOTE: More experts will be added ‘if or when’ I decide to add them here.



Business Experts I trust and recommend – List of hand picked professionals

Further tools and resources when starting out and if you require funding or investment:


Experts I trust and can recommend HOW TO GET FUNDING FOR YOUR BUSINESS

In my line of work it really is an honor for me to be able to share others whom I trust and admire in their respective space, and so – I know they do great work.  


There is a great deal of noise out there these days as you may know, and so many people today claim to be the ‘best’ at what they do or be experts or professionals in their field – yet, often sadly they have no real previous track record or notable experience – so we all have to know who we can trust and hire.
I admit that I was always the guy who admired others and put others on a pedestal and then with hard work I became an expert in my field, so I am glad to say that you can also work with me to build that solid Business plan and strategy for your Small business idea or passion should you wish to express it.

Experts I trust and recommend

Business Experts I trust and recommend

Certainly, as I grew my Blog Brand and my business myself, I also saw the value in supporting those that have helped me in what they did well.

Besides: I would rather celebrate and congratulate other independent, driven Business individuals than simply promote large companies.

I hope that these experts can be of use to you in what you do, and that they may be able to help you grow and expand your business in the right ways with the right people, systems, structures and organizational strategy.
Talking of organization - 
I can recommend that you start 
with a comprehensive overall Plan
if you haven't already created one.

This will include:
  • 1) PRIMARY AIM =Taking the right steps based on what you wish your business to look like every day
  • 2) STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE = How you will create a strategic plan both for your business and life plan
  • 3) ORGANISATION STRATEGY = How will you create a structure for your team members
  • 4) MANAGEMENT STRATEGY = How will you create a system whereby management decisions are made
  • 5) YOUR PEOPLE STRATEGY = How will you ensure that your team fulfills their roles well every day
  • 6) YOUR MARKETING STRATEGY = How will you fully understand and connect with your customer/client
  • 7) YOUR SYSTEMS STRATEGY = How will you integrate each of your systems for maximum effectiveness

Business Experts I trust and recommend – List of hand picked professionals

Now, of course, if you need help with your ideas, passions, strengths and evolving them into a business plan – and if you wish to with define your core area/niche to enter into a market from your ideas and passions, then I can assist you in this area in order to get you started the right way, and that’s before you go ahead and begin hiring others – and so you can put together something solid to work with.
Business is all about how you and i can create consistent learning and application in what we do.  How we are able to understand (in every sense) what we are doing every day to move towards our continued growth is what matters – and doing so honestly and ethically, so that we don’t get left behind.
As always I wish you the very best in all that you do

Business Experts I trust and recommend - List of hand picked professionals

Business Experts I trust and recommend – List of hand picked professionalsprofessionals

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Author and Small Business Blogger at Greg De Tisi Writing and Small Business Blogging
Author, course creator and business blogger - Greg has been supporting Small Business clients from all backgrounds all over the globe for over 15 years in developing ideas and passions into sustainable Small Business Models. Greg now has more of a focus on supporting his local business community in Bristol UK.