business tips

Planning and Goalsetting: Failing To Plan Is……?

Planning And GoalSetting

Planning and Goalsetting: Failing To Plan Is……? Hey how are you? Before we move forward I would like to say that you don’t have to be put off by the idea that Planning And Goal setting Is HARD.   Once […]

Personal Integrity: Being Accountable!

Personal Integrity: Being Accountable!

Personal Integrity: Being Accountable!   So you like the butterfly?  Me too, and I love how it forms into this creature.  I also love how we can do so.  We can create way greater lives and business when we take […]

Discipline In Your Business

Discipline In Your Business – Self Management

Discipline In Your Business

Discipline In Your Business: What Are You Doing EVERYDAY TO MOVE TOWARDS YOUR ULTIMATE SUCCESS? I know that this word discipline can sound very strict, and even negative as we may associate with teachers and rules ETC, but – there […]

The Art of Selling Online: A Beginners Guide

The Art of Selling Online: A Beginners Guide

The Art of Selling Online: A Beginners Guide   Here’s a newsflash – most people HATE being sold to.  So, there has to be a structure and awareness of ‘how’ we are approaching this vitally important area. Not all sales […]