Turning Passions Into Profits
Isn’t this whole passion to profits thing all a bit cliché and even over done? Some may say so, but it’s exactly what I believe in and do.
Well to start with, who wants to work in something they hate? Many do, and some have no choice in this, but if it is possible to develop a life and business around something that get’s our gut excited, isn’t it worth it?
After all, we only get one life that we know of!
It’s nothing new to take what you love to do the most or what you know about or have skills in, and to translate it into something you do for a living, so why not you?
But I must emphasize strongly about now that for me there is no business without PEOPLE. We should consider people before profits, and this way we treat others with respect and consider humanity before we just aim for the sky.
Too many large companies place profits before people, and thus they treat employees, customers and every other person as a number and as a basic component to creating profits. This isn’t ethical, kind or progressive, so I have nothing to do with these kinds of companies.
I never put profits above people, and neither should you. Without people we cannot build business.
So Passions into Profits- means Human beings are always considered
And we are the ones that can push past perceived limitations to become pioneers also!
People have been doing this for hundreds of years, so it’s nothing modern, but today the possibilities are endless as there are so many options.
Those great minds that challenged convention, used their passions and put their abilities to work to create new and revolutionary ideas and inventions are those who took what they had and used their potential to become top performers of their time.
And the creative minded types became artists, musicians, pioneers, inventors and entrepreneurs.
So why not you now?
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Passions Into Profits in Todays world
We are now in the fortunate position where anyone is able to take ideas and to examine whether they will work in some form or not.
Whether this is creating a new product or service, or role, starting an online venture, a startup, an invention or if truly ambitious – running several businesses.
Some like starting new projects, to get something moving and growing – and they then move onto something new.
And so- there are many ways to harness our passions and to turn them into profits.
The likes of YOU and I get to build on our ideas in so many ways.
Are there guarantees though? Of course not! Not in life or business.
I have failed many times with ideas, but I have also been able to build his blog, courses, websites, consulting brands and books, so the message is to keep on, and to keep gaining experience in order to become an expert.
But also to understand what works and what doesn’t as you test what you are doing every day.
What this means is that you will keep getting better and refine your skills, but you need to know how to identify an area, and whether it has strong competition or whether it may be a new market. It might be that you enter a gap in a current market.
Beware of this possibility
NOTE: The other side to this though is that some love their passions being unconnected to work, as some find that they lose the love for passions when they have to earn in that particular area. So be sure to research and take notes, to determine if you will actually enjoy perhaps working 60 hours plus every day in your chosen area, because it can also ruin the love we have for something.
For example, I know many musicians that have asked me how they can earn solely from music, some of them are full time performers, and play gigs, others have jobs, so they want to carve out roles in which they work in music only.
One guy I know started creating tutorials and courses to teach guitar, alongside playing his guitar, and was able to do both and sustain himself from earnings.
What I do to turn Passions Into Profits
What I personally found was that my primary passion was and still is growth, so I never get bored of expansion and learning.
This means I can continually grow, learn and share, and that translates into sharing content which I love writing.
I also love creating music mixes as I am obsessed with a particular kind of music, and I love to paint and write, but I am also careful where I spend this time, so I can enjoy these without them seeming too laborious.
In a nutshell I have various passions, but I am able to work and play in them, and combine them into my daily life.
I also love speaking, so have created many videos in the past to share and to build brands.
Anyone can use what they have been gifted and to express it in someway, perhaps on YouTube, TikTok Or another platform. And they can pay well if managed and optimized correctly.
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So what could you do?
What can that offer you in the way of sustainability and fulfillment?
What value could it offer others?
Today’s world is a world of opportunity to express ourselves and develop our Passions into Profits sustainable business models.
Think of the Apps on your phone, someone had to develop those.
Look at the programs you watch on Netflix, there are writers, producers, editors and directors.
Check out your clothing, someone designed these.
Could you go freelance?
And just think of how many types of Small Business model there are now.
In fact – I have built a business around me. I AM THE PRODUCT. AND THE SERVICE. I AM THE BRAND. Sorry that sounded like I was trying to be mighty, but I just wanted to emphasize TO YOU that YOU CAN DO IT TOO!
I can add as many things as I like to my brand, as long as it is also adding value.
If we don’t add value to others lives in some way, we probably won’t achieve much, but this value may be in the form of entertainment, advice, support, tech, saving money, global issues, music, art or whatever you chose it to be.
This may equal you being able to create various income streams.
First year truth
BUT be warned, most people fail in Small Business models in the first year, as they do not operate in the right ways and tasks every day.
So many think that it will be easy and a great escape from their job, but it isn’t easy and can be very stressful. The question is, would you rather be stressed in what you do now, or stressed in something you could enjoy more?
There will always be challenges, setbacks, hurdles, obstacles, failures and tests, but that is life and business. But that is a part of this reality, so grind in that first year like you have never done before, and if needed hire those types that can also have that deep hunger and desire to see it bear fruit.
Why so many fail
Sadly, lot’s of people talk about turning passions to profits but very few actually achieve it. Many dream of it but, few actually succeed.
Why? There are many reasons for this, but one major reason is this; THEY TRY A MILLION THINGS AND DON’T PUT 110% INTO ONE THING. They commonly want the magic pill!
Passions Into Profits – using the right tools
Whatever you do do it properly! BE COMMITTED TO EXCELLENCE!
That may sound vague or a big generalized, but it means, you gotta do it right or not at all.
Because today people expect to have high quality choices, and to be able to use technology for ease, so ensure that you use up-to-date tools, systems and processes.
You will not be in business very long, if your competitors are ahead of you.
The truth is, it is easy to cut costs but if it is in the wrong areas, you will find yourself failing fast, be mindful of being committed to being the best and of making the greatest impact you can.
It is common that creative types are formulating plans and taking ‘ideas’ and developing new things from them now as they see that business can be combined with their greatest loves, but they should never assume that they can be lazy about the structure of their model.
Do you have any tools you could use now?
You may need email marketing tools, sales pages, websites, SEO experts, content creators, and much more, so make notes about every part of the business to ensure it is covered and you are covered.
And what I mean by ‘you be covered’ is that if you fail to operate professionally, you could end up being sued or taken to court for failure to deliver the right products or services ethically and responsibly.
With technology moving on so far today, it has to be monitored, improved and developed consistently in order to stay relevant and user friendly. Besides, you don’t want a barrage of bad reviews through negligence around your technological and digital areas.
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Passions into Profits Ethics
Putting Passions into Profits isn’t just about making money despite anything or anyone else. You must understand your team and staff, and listen to others opinions, ideas and thoughts. And know the customer, support the customer, and allow your customer to feel special, important and valued, as you operate equally to all, and ethically.
Business like life has to have in place certain habits, behaviors and actions that are aligned with integrity and values.
Through this many can carve out self employed situations and roles, and I believe we are lucky to be able to design and create something out of an idea in this modern time. So it has to be done responsibly and a part of that means the right processes and technology.
The key is in your CONSISTENCY. Focused, specific, daily actions.
It’s those little things done every day correctly that will add up to outstanding brand exposure and build that important momentum.
Besides, we cannot expect something to replace a job income if we are not consistent and relentless in our pursuit of high standards.
Passions into Profits reality
Let’s take the laptop lifestyle as an example: It is becoming very popular now to start an online business, and that’s because many dream of working on a laptop at home or ANYWHERE!
But, sadly many never achieve this because they bum around and don’t apply themselves enough to see their end goal realized.
That first year in business is critical to your future success, and if this first year is not treated as a true business, you will never own one.
Yes it is possible to start a ‘side hustle’ as it were, but it will take many hours and commitment daily to get that thing moving, growing and returning profits for you. The cold hard truth is also that many founders, partners and CEOS of new emerging sectors and markets may not see profits for some years, as it may take a good while to grow something perhaps unusual, and so this has to be factored into the plan.
Therefore – go in with your eyes open, and be prepared to work for nothing for maybe a year or several if its a startup.
Financial support
You may need a business loan, or some financial help setting up this venture such as bank loans, borrowing from friends and family (tread with caution there), or with a kick starter or crowd funder loan. So ensure that you keep this totally separate from your personal finances, and aim to work your butt off to pay it back using a financial plan and strategy.
If you need help with this then hire an expert that can crunch the numbers for you.
Do you know a great accountant or financial advisor? It is always advised that you seek the right help, because negligence of numbers could mean rapid failure.
NOTE: Whilst many people work from home now, whether for themselves or for a business or company, they will tell you that they have had to be very disciplined and ensure they are able to work without modern distractions. If you are borrowing money for this you must be committed.
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Need some help?
Here are a few tips from my 25 years experience supporting businesses, and from my past clients personal successes:
- FIND THAT PASSION which you can express with love and from there…
- CREATE THE ULTIMATE ROLE which is authentic to WHO YOU ARE and aligned with your core values
- KNOW WHAT YOU CAN DO VERY WELL & WHAT PRODUCTS/SERVICES can compliment your passion – Get Training if needed
- KNOW THE MARKET DEMAND and research it very well deeply – or find a gap or create a new market sector
- BE UNIQUE and differentiate from all others with your angle – No-one wants 25 shops in the same high street, stand out
- CREATE A ROBUST BUSINESS PLAN and strategy and get financial advice – perhaps investors or partners are required
- HIRE THE BEST AMBITIOUS TEAM MEMBERS who share your vision that are just as passionate – each person should be a leader
- ALWAYS SEE THE BIGGER PICTURE so that you have the vision tight and are constantly measuring growth – Know your end goal
- GET THE RIGHT TOOLS for the job period no excuses – you cannot cut costs or corners where quality and standards are needed
- KNOW YOUR MISSION ethics, culture, systems just as a good leader does – ensure you also are clear on your value proposition
- LEAD like a modern leader and train to be the best leader every day so you can communicate effectively & create a dynamic work place for all
- LEARN TO LISTEN – to customers, yourself & others to be well rounded, to develop & stay ahead of the curve to gain market share
- AIM TO BE THE BEST – without compromise every day and be humble enough to admit mistakes and always grow in awareness
- STUDY YOUR COMPETITION – and aim to outperform them in every way possible
Passions to Profits – Possibility
Think about this: All I do is essentially share words and talk to people, THAT’S IT! I package what I teach. And I offer experiences.
You may not need a large team – you may be able to self manage, but be clear on what you can and cannot do, so you don’t fall flat.
It is always possible to play with set up and structure, and to add or remove elements, and even pivot or diversify what you do, as that’s the beauty of today’s Small business model.
It is possible to shift, adjust, change and adapt, as long as you completely understand why you are doing so.
Help others to feel the possibilities!
We have to give creative freedom to each person in their role working with us. in order them to be their best and most capable.
We want optimum performance through energized and appreciated individuals.
Let them fly and watch them bloom, as you support them and guide them.
Some of us need that feeling or appreciation and to feel we can thrive, so offer this with your vision.
Because, when you have a great team, you also have great productivity and effectiveness to ensure you have the best products, and the customer is getting the very best experience.
So – people want to buy experiences.
But you knew that right?
People want to feel something good.
So offer this, in ways that bring them in.
Let them see what is possible, as buying requires that they are happy with the transaction just as you are.
Some want more traditional experiences, maybe with other people, and some love to have physical products such as food, records and clothing, especially today as so much is virtual, an others want to press a button and to buy easily and without pain or without having to deal with other human beings.
Passions to Profits and the Community
Do you care about your community?
It is a great thing when local business owners care about others around them, and it can be a highly successful option to operate in your community.
We may promote and share with the community or if not with the globe. So we can choose to become shop owners, restaurateurs, bricks and mortar Business owners have a passion for goods and for products and services that appeal in a very physical sense with those around us.
I love to see local business owners using their skills to promote and sell and share their finest works IN PERSON.
It might be furniture restoring, up-cycling, knitting or gardening skills, or locally sourced ingredients, cycle maintenance, or cat sitting. You name it, you can do it. And for the most part many community businesses can be started from home or from a garage or shed.
And in local, community driven, vibrant often buoyant markets the trusted and in-demand trades will probably have a home for many years to come – should they cater to the specific needs of that community.
The future is community
No matter what your passions are – there may be ways in which you can share these with those around you.
So, traditions in business are still vibrant, but whilst still around and very alive, are not the only ways to create something very powerful and useful.
I am sure you are aware already of how digital startups are popping up all over the place, with apps, technological tools, solutions, innovations and improvements in current areas, and maybe you could be the solution to you community as the digital nomad that caters to their every need.
Tech will always be pushed to the limits of what is possible and beyond, and so it is not likely to go away.
There is tremendous joy and fulfilment to be found in working in your community. I have done so and I loved it, as I helped charities and originations to develop and grow in my home town. I love to give back, as I have had the opportunity to be free and express what I want to do, so it’s only fair that I share.
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Passions Into Profits – my process when starting out
My passion has always been with helping others through writing books, blogs, courses and Coaching which can help my clients to live happier and more successful lives.
So, I love what I do and I also love to see passions expressed with my clients ideas.
And you also have a right to take your idea or ideas and to develop them in unique ways with the right tools and resources into something which you can be truly proud of.
NOTE: It doesn’t matter how young or old you are either, as I am a late bloomer, so I didn’t really or fully realize my potential until I found the right focus to apply myself through experience and self education. Some kids in dynamic startups today are as young as 16 and it’s fun to see that kids now are so passionate about entrepreneurship.
There are many components that make up a great, successful idea or business, and no matter where you are now you too can express those ideas that have ben in the back of your mind for many years.
That’s why for over 25 years it has always been my pleasure to see those who wish to express these ideas grow them and become excited, energetic joyful characters.
Don’t we have that right?
Like you, I am curious about what is possible and I am happiest when supporting those passion driven types, and with that curiosity we may evolve ourselves to become more as human beings and individuals, just as we add greater value in the products we create.
What components are required?
There are various elements that are required to become a self sustained small business owner, so let’s get into this, but first I want you to see that coupled with that passion, we should also seek to create a kind of purpose from this.
What does this mean? Simply that, when we do something that matters or a purpose of sorts we truly find that satisfaction in what we do.
This may sound very cliché of what some dreamers say, but for me, it’s how I work, And it works for me.
Turning that passion into a purpose driven role or product works, as it comes from the truth of who we are.
Truth meaning core values, and from those values we do our best work.
From there we can set about determining WHO we might sell to and what we might offer.
Sometimes we may see the offer first, but develop the reason behind it after, but generally we have to see WHY we are doing WHAT we are doing.
So, now you know all this, who will you sell to?
Any ideas?
Knowing who you are selling to is critical.
Without knowing that, you have no market and so, you have no way of knowing who will buy you goods or services.
Therefore you are aiming at everyone which is never really a good idea.
This is a vital starting point.
But once you know this through gathering data, through surveys, polls and questionnaires and getting out into your neighborhood if you are starting something local, you then start to form a picture.
Through studying the right types, and by cultivating a plan to connect with them you are then helping them and you to have clarity and you can sell to your high street and add to the local economy.
Remember that you are building rapport, relationships and this will lead to retention, repeat custom and referrals.
Pretty neat huh!
From that authentic place, you then connect and communicate your brand, and your customer can have a relationship with your products or services.
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Maybe it’s time that you started turning your passions into profits?
But how do I create profits from my passions? You ask.
Well – as a writer I can develop multiple products and services from my core values of sharing growth, and my role is focused on allowing whatever products and services come from me through my ideas. It’s up to me!
And it’s up to you to look at what can come from you.
What about you?
What type of person are you and what do you see yourself doing?
Are you a budding entrepreneur?
If you are interested in further exploring this area CLICK HERE TO READ THIS POST it will be really useful to you.
What makes a great entrepreneur? CLICK HERE TO READ WHAT IT REALLY TAKES this is a great article
Perhaps you have an idea?
Then you might ask:
How might I best express this and in what way such as a Business model and as a product/service or becoming a marketplace. (P.s Becoming a marketplace is BIG business nowadays: CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE)
WHY is your idea relevant NOW
WHEN might be the the best time for it? Timing is everything.
WHO will help you anyway? Do you need a team or a partner or joint founder? Who will be responsible and for what?
WHAT might be innovated, improved upon, invented etc. which is not here now? But which we may need or desire.
All Business is about numbers and growth, and moving as quickly as possible.
It is an integral part of the overall process that needs accountability, responsibility and expertise around those numbers.
Knowing where and when to start a business, knowing where and when to cut costs and knowing where and when to make changes or shifts where necessary.
There are many components that go into creating a truly passionate and effective small business model.
And even if you can answer a specific market need, with a unique offer and differing enough to stand out, the is key knowing your market and gaining a healthy share of that.
What starts as an idea can either fall flat or grow, and it all depends upon what you put in. It is a lot of work, takes determination, massive energy and an unwavering vision, but you can do what you really love to do.
But ‘even’ if you don’t yet know your market or even what you want, I am sure you can figure it out by exploring your passions, interests, skills and abilities, as long as you have patience, and can find a solution from your research and data.
When you get this right you can focus on building that brand through trust, great relationships and of through course over delivering.
KEY TIP: Don’t just limit yourself or your ideas based in your expertise, experience, past or knowledge. Think about what you may need to train further on to develop your craft, even if it is a new area to you.
Think BIG and look at the wider picture.
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Here are some low cost ways you can start to turn passions to profits RIGHT NOW:
- eBay: on average people have around $4k worth of stuff lying around the home. Once you have sold your stuff you will have the expertise to sell other people’s products.
- Fiverr: There are many ways to earn here as a freelancer. And other sites and platforms. You can take tests on the Fiverr site to brush up on your skills and then start selling. Gradually raising your Fiverr prices.
- FB Marketplace and Gumtree. You can find your junk and sell on these sites. You might even find stuff from charity shops and resell in demand goods and brands. Research the area you feel connected to and start gathering ideas.
- Sit peoples pets. Many people love pets, and you can offer sitting services, even wash the pets in a mobile van. Add products to your van. it might be that you can also feed peoples plants even and charge more?
- Start a Blog or Vlog. This WordPress blog &content helps me share ideas to earn every month from affiliate revenue. I do nothing other than create content & earn every month from products/affiliate products. I’ll touch more on affiliate area further down the list. Vlogging is just video blogging & can pay well if you can develop a great brand as an influencer. You could teach DIY tips if that is your thing for example.
- How about becoming a tutor? Could you teach English from home? Or another language? Maybe teach English Abroad? Low start up costs. You might also teach yoga, Pilates or some kind of fitness area from home? How about a beauty treatment or massage business from home? You may need certain or specific training and to qualify to work.
- Be a ‘Go-To’ expert or Mentor in your niche. You have expertise/experience in something that you can monetize. How? define your niche, get a website, promote YOU and tell everyone you know to start to build a solid base. Expand on your products/services.
- Write eBooks. It’s not that hard to write eBooks and you can even do it today using AI tools. You can leverage Amazons name and other sites which are great to promote on. Do you read? What makes these books so good? Take notes and form a manuscript and as you write more start a course from your books to sell. A great platform for course creation is called thinkific, but there are many more.
- Taskrabbit. There are plenty of jobs on this site to earn some extra cash if you are a student or just want a change. This is not a business as such, but you can work more for yourself and save it to invest into your own business if you wish to.
- Create Powerful YouTube and tiktok Videos. The more views and subscriptions you receive the more likely you are to earn an income. And you can backlink to your website/blog/offers. Also Patreon and Only fans can pay you to share your skills through tutorials you can create.
- Create a membership site. Charge others to become a member. Have various Membership price points. Offer free trial. Find niche which you can dominate & has high demand. Study other membership sites out there with subscriptions and see what they do.
- Create a Course. Remember I mentioned Thinkific? Use Thinkific’s free option. Upload video’s, books, pdf’s, audios & modules to the platform. You can charge a variety of prices. Either one off costs or a subscription. Note: There are various platforms you can use to create a course. What content in your craft do you have that you can share? What are you an expert in?
- Become a private chef. You can travel to others homes and charge good money to create exquisite food and drink.
- AIRbnb. Got a spare room, apartment or a holiday pod or yurt in a field? Earn some extra income letting it out. Study the holiday pod and yurt business areas and crunch some numbers to see if you can invest into this model.
- Sell your photos/art work. If you already have that passion and skill for art then why not monetize it. I was an Art student, so I paint & charge form some work as I became connected in art establishments. Get out there and share.
- Container Business. This could costs 10-20k to start initially so this may take some investment, but if you look around at what is currently needed in your area you could monopolize this. Near me there are bubble tea containers, coffee shops and restaurants. Or even smaller and cheaper an idea would be a horsebox business.
- Greater investment you might start a franchise. The great thing with this is having an established brand, structure, system – so risk is potentially lower and there is potential for growth through buying further franchises. always get sound financial advice. I recommend ‘What Franchise’ to help you with all your needs.
- Start a mobile Coffee/drinks or alcohol bar with a friend. become partners, as the horsebox model enables you to convert it into whatever mobile business you like. Take them to events, festivals and Business conferences. Ensure you have clear partnership rules and guidelines.
- Start a Mobile food van. What food area are you greatest at cooking/baking/making? Where you could you pitch?
- Become a freelance consultant. You probably know what you are good at or would love to do and so your time can become money. Build a brand, exposure in your area. Write books, courses, papers and establish yourself as a ‘go-to’ person in your niche.
- Love RECYCLING? What about up cycling? Could you use your creative juices to craft unique one off pieces from old furniture? Or could you make clothing or furnishings from materials previously used?
- Start an ecommerce store. You can use Shopify or bigcommerce as two examples. I highly recommend a mentor called Anton Kraly. He is for me the go-to person in the drop shipping niche.
- Affiliate marketing. Now this is an area which has always fascinated me as it simply means you can promote any business or service through a URL they provide you. So you can recommend whatever you use and enjoy, and share it for a commission. This can be big business, as some affiliates are literally making millions from this area. You can earn a few dollars all the way up to thousands of dollars depending upon the company, and whether or not they allow you to promote them. For example; this blog has affiliate links embedded into it, so I get commission when others click through, buy or subscribe. The key is to have a plan just like an other business model and to treat it seriously and work on it consistently. There are tons of trainings, videos and emails you can learn from in this area. Here is a page I created for you to explain it in greater detail.
Start Small Grow Big With Passions into Profits
Even if you start something small with very little startup funds, you can still grow it to become an epic success as you move forward, and that’s the beauty of doing what you love one step at a time by turning Passions into Profits.
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To your Passions to Profits success
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