Mindset And Productivity In Business
One of these two words is definitely one of the most highly underrated and misunderstood areas that can dramatically speed up your performance and success rate.
So let’s start with that one!
What is it? Mindset of course.
Budding entrepreneurs don’t always truly consider the significant importance of how this will determine their success or failure.
Why? Because they are often so focused on what they need to do, that they negate how they think and behave.
Many seem to think that the subject of ‘Mindset’ is just another buzz word that they have no time for – YET it is the one thing that has ‘without question’ changed my whole life and business.
Without understanding it I don’t know where I would be now.
In fact I do know where I would be, and it’s not a pretty place!
So from experience and with experience of supporting others I KNOW IT MATTERS MOST!
It matters because ignorance is very costly.
If we ignore our focus, ignore our numbers, ignore our team members, ignore customers questions, we are not aware enough of how to use our minds to the best of our ability.
The best way I can explain how powerful this can be to you is that if you take your eye off the ball as it were, you increase your risk of failure. So managing your own mind, focus and energy levels is absolutely vital to whether or not you make it, especially in that first year.
This means aiming for and reaching or exceeding your goals when growing a Small business.
Mindset And Productivity In Business
This means: CONSISTENT MINDSET FOCUS on your own health, timing, listening, doing the right tasks, teamwork, leadership, collaboration, measuring of numbers, and on the overall vision and mission.
That is what will always separate YOU from your nearest competitors.
Know your role – and this means specifically working in your core areas of strength, and others doing the same.
Doing the most important tasks, rather than spreading ourselves too thin and not being productive or effective.
Also, it is important to know at what times we are most productive, so we can maximize our peak times of focus and output.
Managing ourselves and organizing our work in order of priority – and knowing what work to hand over to others.
Keeping communication open and without judgment, meaning that others shouldn’t have to worry about saying what they think. This is so important because if a person is scared of speaking up about something important that could shift the business in a greater direction it could make or break the future of a business. That may sound dramatic but I have seen it many times.
Company sabotage should be avoided at all costs. This means knowing if there are individuals that are sabotaging your brand, and where they need to be weeded out and let go of. But ideally on great terms, because a bad apple can make the whole cart rotten, if it is not removed, and so you don’t want them to hate you either, as people have mouths that can be assets and others liabilities.
A leader should lead by example and will be able to finish what is started, and not get distracted when working. So design the perfect workspace environment for all to thrive.
Mindset And Productivity In Business
If you work at home like me then it can be very tough.
There are so many things getting in the way.
Have you noticed?
Phones, pets, sounds, kids, emails etc., and other interruptions will present themselves, so we have to know ‘how to’ master ourselves IN THE TIME WE HAVE! We cannot manage time of course, but we can manage ourselves in time.
And if you lead a startup or business from home, you need to ensure that you have team meetings daily to ensure all are on the same page, energized and driven, because it is easy to lose discipline from home.
Learning how to focus at home in the right areas for maximum effectiveness and performance requires certain habits and skills.
But knowing is not equal to doing, so this means having the right application.
So learn to focus in the right areas in order to build continual growth.
In the game
What we think about is shaping our lives and businesses every day, and if we are in a place where we are not in the game and our team relies upon us to be in the game, the whole organization can crumble.
I have seen it many times, so be sure to work on yourself by having the right working atmosphere, having mini breaks if possible, taking time out when you get the chance to just recharge.
Keep sharpening your skills in order to be the best leader you can be.
Whilst simultaneously being humble enough not to show off or have self interest beyond the importance of the whole.
Give praise where praise is due, and be passionate about your role, as being passionate about ‘what you do’ will see you through in the tough times.
You may or may not know that the most successful people simply think differently than ‘most people’.
So in order to build a highly successful business model by design it means designing your mind.
Mindset And Productivity In Business
Mindset And Productivity In Business – clearing away the clutter
It is possible to de-clutter the mind, and it is like any other habit, in that we can choose to think less sometimes, and to ensure we hand over other important tasks to keep ourselves in the zone.
Become a master with your Mindset And Productivity In Business and you will see a marked difference in your results.
Here are some Top Tips On What do I do to help myself
- Do the most important tasks required to be fulfilled daily and work on the top tasks until complete. Then work down the list.
- Outsource tasks and roles where I am weak so I can stay focused – but also be stay aware of how to measure it’s success.
- Know my vision and ensure all know it. Have exceptional clarity every day to see the goal I am working towards.
- Break down my goals from my end goal to current to see what actions need to be implemented. Ensure all know this.
- Communicate, listen and act upon what my team members need from me and also teach them to also be leaders.
- Use mindset tools at night to help me stay focused on my vision. It might be reading, meditation, audios or just silence.
- Start the day with a small meditation deep breaths and affirmations supporting my aim. Have a great breakfast for energy.
- Every night see the next day going how I wish it to go. I want every detail and so my state reflects that the next day.
- Read for 30 minutes every day on my craft and on areas that can improve my performance. Never stop learning on what matters.
- Family and friend time is key to my balance. Ensure that fun and laughter is around to raise energy and joy.
- Drink plenty of water and exercise to support my mindset and body as it aids focus and power.
- Always measure results and tweak what is required. Adjust where needed and celebrate wins.
- AIM to be the best leader for me, my family and my community. It changes everything.
- Always have the right tools and resources to do the job. Don’t scrimp on quality and standards. This can kill a business.
- Ensure business is connected through clarity, relationships & communication & collaboration. This includes all Automation.
- This is what I help others in their roles to do:
- Ensure they have a good work space without distractions.
- Know their goals and vision and maintain it.
- Advice them to work on the most important tasks and outsource weak areas.
- Finish what you start. Understand the difference between productivity and efficacy. Don’t just flirt with one thing and move on – Vitally important.
Productivity = the measurement of output in a specific time period. For example it could mean a particular number of products created, design or branding logo completed, successful sales calls, marketing plan implemented with all the particular team members, PR plan created, or anything that drives output relating to your business model. Efficiency = Awareness and implementation of particular resources required to get job done, a drive for improvement of systems and processes, cost cutting and lowering waste. Aiming at increased results that come from particular output.This means that optimum performance is an understanding of both areas is required. In simple terms; getting things done in the best way possible.
- Get the right tools for the job period. Both online and offline. Don’t cut corners or costs as this will impact on performance
- Invest in yourself and your own skills – become the best you can be in your craft.
- Cease the day and lead your day – don’t wait for the right time, take control and master your time.
- Ignore distractions that can be avoided, and deal with the needs of others quickly and effectively.
- Communicate clearly, simply and effectively in all the you do and listen actively. This also applies to products, services, communications, content, and of course customer service which is very important. I always say that we may seek to understand and be curious, rather than be critical which can house more extreme thinking and beliefs.
- Why not aim to lead with love as I did when I hugged that Koala. Even though I had sun burn and his claws were absolutely killing my shoulder!
Mindset And Productivity In Business
What do you think my productivity levels are like?
Now let’s touch on the importance of productivity and see how it connects
Time will pass us no matter what we do, and it will always.
Whether we are working, in leisure time, or in down time.
Generally speaking these are the three primary areas of life, and whilst we can do many different things within these, these are what essentially make up our lives.
Work is likely to be where we will probably spend the most of our time and lives, like it or not, so – if we are working most of the time ‘are we’ being effective and doing so on something we actually want to be involved with?
Because being busy isn’t ALWAYS being productive or efficient.
Anyone can be busy, but busy doing what and why.
If we are not using our time well, we need to look at what could be improved upon. And it could be that you are in the wrong line of work or even unaware of how you use your time.
Maybe then it’s time now to reevaluate this.
I believe it matters that we find work where we can be of most value, otherwise we may 1) hate it, 2) not feel fulfilled, 3) get bored and depressed, 4) make silly mistakes through negligence, and so on.
Thus we can bring our passion to something worthy of us, and deliver the greatest value in whatever we do.
After all – isn’t that the best way to express our greatest skills, gifts and/or talents?
We can make a greater difference in some way through dong what matters to us and delivering what matters to others.
Also, we may help our teams to feel fulfilled and appreciated, and this will undoubtedly support their sense of self in their role.
This can make a team more dynamic, unstoppable and enable us to feel fulfilled and satisfied.
Drive and Satisfaction in our roles is the key to optimum output.
Mindset And Productivity In Business – It’s all encompassing
When we are in roles where we feel great satisfaction and enjoy the challenges, they become challenges that push us to grow.
And this can also impact on every other area of our life.
Aligning with our core values
Start the day with a strong and focused mindset and look at how one thing leads to the next.
I know that diagram is overly simplified – but in principle it’s what we all do every day.
Therefore it pays to pay attention to the outcomes.
As the process ultimately creates how we will perform, and performance can be especially awesome when that focus is based around our core values.
What do you believe in? What do you feel that you would want to be responsible for? What movements, ideas or organizations would you love to be a part of and why? What is at the very core of you that needs to be expressed or shared?
There will always be a result from our actions of course, but we determine what that result looks like.
That depends upon what we choose to call our primary role.
Because when we are in the right role we are just generally in a better state, which pushes our abilities to go further.
And even when we fail or feel challenged through setbacks, we can get back up again quickly – with a well trained mind.
This is how to become more resilient.
And so this is why it is important that our actions every day are aligned with WHO WE REALLY ARE.
I know that sounds kind of deep, but I believe we must do the work which relates to who and what we ‘feel’ and think are the most.
Another way to put it is this: If we are in roles which have nothing to do with us, and who we feel we are, then we will probably suffer more. Because if you are for example a creative artist and you enter a financial role, you may feel this doesn’t support what you need to express every day. But if you love numbers and thrive here, and enjoy this area then you are likely using your skills and strengths.
It may then enable you to feel satisfied.
Then there are those that are very good at something, yet don’t enjoy it at all, so even in a passion area, some may hate working with it.
Therefore – you need to figure out what this means for you and whether or not you may need to retrain in what it is that is calling you.
A woman friend of mine was a lawyer, and a very successful one at that, but she adored interior design, and so started a business on the side, which eventually became her primary work area and role. She was great at law, but it didn’t fulfill her cravings for self-expression.
So, try to become aware of this – or you could end up spending 50 years working in something you hate.
I understand that bills need to be paid, so forge a plan to identify what might be a more suitable use of your time, and plan how this might work out.
Start here:
Mindset And Productivity In Business – Connections
Now, this is of course if you haven’t already found the right role.
If you are well established in a role you love, and run a business or organization perhaps with partners or other founders, then you may already be well seasoned in these areas, but are you also aware of your responsibility with all that require your total transparency and leadership?
What about stakeholders? In your company, the stakeholder is a member of “groups without whose support the organization would cease to exist”
A person/s, group or organization with a vested interest, or stake, in the decision-making and activities of a business, organization or project.
The Stakeholders can be members of the organization they have a stake in, or they can have no official affiliation.
Either way – they care about your performance, because it directly impacts on what results they can expect. Thus, your financial performance is important to your organizations stakeholders. There are various factors that are important to stake holders but you should be well aware of this.
And what about a stockholder? This person will hold at least one share in a company, they are different to stakeholders. And a stakeholder may not hold shares.
Who is it that matters in your organization? Treat it like family, by the way that’s my wonderful mother there, Jacqueline, she was and is my biggest influence, the best teacher and a truly giving heart driven woman.
She sadly passed away in 2022, but her legacy lives on through all of my family. And her wisdom is carried on in me to be the best servant leader I can be. I tell you this because people matter, and treating them well will be a huge benefit to your life and business.
Mindset And Productivity In Business – This Is BIG!
Work on understanding every aspect of whom this affects by caring.
This business could be the biggest decision of your entire life – don’t miss a thing.
Continue to work on your mindset, and continue to work on being the best leader.
Understand that your mind and how you behave is your greatest asset – and always will be, but it could also be your biggest threat, if you don’t manage yourself and your attitude towards the whole picture.
Know your craft, plan around it, and aim to always get better so you can become a master at it – through continual development.
Remember also to always be a humble student of your craft, and never think you cannot get any better as that is simply not true.
Treat yourself and others in your organization with the utmost importance – to build bridges and connections which will be great assets moving forward.
Take the love you have learned from your family and apply that in how you care about the integrity of your mission.
TIP: You will find that the more you are interested in others and acknowledge them fully, through paying full attention to them, and caring about their wellbeing and growth, that they tend to naturally gravitate towards you.
This is a skill that will pay you back for life, in every sense.
For example; I chose to become an expert in my market area, and by doing so I built a brand and attracted back to me those highly relevant connections/customers/clients that I most desired. I understood that I had to connect and build with the right types, just as I had to stand out, and design my own version of what others were already doing.
And so can you.
My advice is to offer a unique angle and BECOME A MODERN LEADER in your chosen area.
Study what modern leadership is now, as it is changing and we are leaving an era of ‘them and us’ when it comes to leadership.
What this means is that more and more leaders are seeing the value in caring for others and not just aiming for profits at the expense of others.
There are still those very traditional leaders who need a certain structure to perform best, and run an often large organization whereby they are commanding high level output and driven to make the big bucks, but it is not necessary to leave out compassion. True leaders care, work for all, give time and energy with love and go above and beyond what is expected.
So there are many new startups, businesses and emerging markets with new thought leaders who have a more complete or holistic approach where all are considered.
But how does this really work?
A new kind of leader is typically more empowering and an empathic type, a person that is ethical and hires a diverse group of individuals.
They are skilled at being logical, yet compassionate and passionate when required.
These leaders typically work with highly productive and collaborative forward thinking teams.
Through their own self awareness it can mean that these leaders might create great success and growth for all involved.
All through supporting and appreciating their teams, and encouraging them to win together, as they all work towards that common vision with the PASSION to craft the very best products or services.
A bit like this:
ENGAGE, ENCOURAGE, EMPOWER, EMPATHISE, SHARE ENERGY to cultivate that all important = EFFECTIVENESS AND EFFICIENCY with the right set of tools and resources.
The modern leader is a people person who is not egocentric or simply self interested.
He/she/they are a TEAM PLAYER and a leader in the truest sense.
Modern leadership is really about creating a particular environment and establishing a context in which other capable and self-motivated individuals are willing and able to innovate a path through ever-changing and multifaceted business challenges.
Mindset And Productivity In Business
I believe in servant leadership not just in business but in life.
The idea that I can always serve, grow, adjust and get better.
Serving in the very best ways through my chosen roles and doing so in ways that are interdependent.
This means I am making the right impact on all – whenever I come into contact with others.
I recommend never ending self education, and the study of inspiring types and leaders whom you admire and respect.
For example, I recently read ‘Climb your Mountain’ by Sir Ranulph Fiennes. One of my personal hero’s. An extraordinary gentleman that far surpassed the expectations of what many would consider possible in his global adventures. Also the legendary American actor Clint Eastwood, who is my childhood hero. He is now well into his 90’s and still works every day, and believes age is just a state of mind.
Find your hero’s to be inspired by and let them lift you into a higher standard and level for your own life.
TIP: You cannot go wrong when learning the art of understanding and compassion, which is something that has changed my life and business 360 degrees. And it is still a much needed skill to be applied in the workplace.
It comes down to specific principles of life that will never change.
Through mastering and developing specific principles, much of which I have covered in this page, it will enable you to harness and gather the mental skill and experience needed to build solid progress in your own roles and those of your team.
You will create better business decisions this way as you will lead with the correct posture.
Mindset And Productivity In Business – Further tips
Here are 5 specific “tools of the mind” which will help with Mindset And Productivity which I’ve found useful in helping to shape my own thinking in a much more positive, abundant manner.
Planning. The discipline of either ending or beginning each morning with about 30 minutes devoted exclusively to planning the goals, objectives, activities, meetings and conversations of the day is an excellent practice. Planning focuses your attention on productive matters and it gives your subconscious mind powerful directions and instruction.
Environment. I know people who’ve started with nothing and yet built great empires. But one thing I’ve noticed common to those particular people was that they did their very best to make what little they had into positive work and the right environment. You can’t have BIG thinking, dreaming and lofty ideas in an environment that makes you feel like a failure. Even if your means are limited, do what you can to make your environment as good as it can possibly be for all. Think of business culture.
Reading. Extensive studies have shown that input governs output. So put in the right information, as you’ve got to regularly give yourself the input of high standards, quality and value. My regular reading list includes at least a book a week, around 6 commercial magazines in various areas and markets, 3 or 4 trade magazines a month, and research online of an hour a day. The cost is quite low considering the value and wealth it offers my mind. Serious innovators and change making leaders will consume massive quantities of carefully selected information.
The Right Activities. The wealthy and progressive mind always understands what is most important and what is simply trivial when deciding upon what to focus their time and talents. Mindset And Productivity is really the use of time, talent, energy, intelligence, resources, and opportunities. And this has to be actioned in a way that is measured towards meaningful goals.
The Right Associations. We all know the phrase ‘birds of feather flock together’ right? Don’t associate with the wrong types. Find your tribe or circle that you can feel empowered, lifted and energized by, You really can predict a persons life path by looking at whom they associate with. be mindful of what you watch, who you listen to and what you read. There’s just an awful amount of truth in that. Because from all those situations, like all other situations, the input is absorbed, stored in your mind, and accumulated over many years. So the subconscious mind will use it.
Bottom line is this: what you do every day, where you do it, who you do it with, and what you think while you’re in this process will ALL work together to program your mind towards some kind of results. Good or bad!
Recognizing this fact – and implementing “tools of the mind” will give you the means to achieve more control over the Mindset And Productivity results you will see, and also the direction that programming takes you.
Whilst some think of ‘programming’ as scary it really is just the same as what we are already doing all our lives but with intention.
We all have been conditioned and influenced by our environment, and by our upbringing and those around us.
Mindset And Productivity In Business
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Mindset And Productivity In Business
A part of Mindset And Productivity training which I like to apply encompasses mindset feeding but also EI. But what is EI? It is emotional intelligence and I liken it to a super power.
I believe that this is one of the most important areas for gaining the right kind of success and creating more natural joy.
So how is that?
Simply – when we can learn to master our own mind and emotions, we create life our way.
We start to become a Master!
That s because we can learn to control what we think and feel more often, which means we can respond to life’s challenges and obstacles with greater personal power.
The reason why this is SO VALUABLE (I believe) is that ‘all too often’ when we face challenges we TEND TO GET EMOTIONAL, right? Sure we do, but this can cloud our judgment and reasoning mind.
And in some cases this can make us quit or get annoyed or give up on our dreams.
All because we became passionate about what was seemingly wrong. But as some say ‘you win some you learn some’. Every seed of failure is a gift to get better.
So when we learn to master the EI levels in life and in business and can take control of the situation we get greater results.
I personally recommend studying this area as it can really help you to see things differently and help you to manage situations with much greater skill and competence.
WHEN YOU HAVE AN INTENTIONAL MIND based around what you wish to see happen, you make more skilled decisions and it might be that you call it your gut or insight, but whatever it is – it is there to use.
It is simple to grasp in reality and yet it is not common knowledge.
But when you are truly focused, with greater self management you are more productive and you will start to become what you wish to associate with more and more.
Another way to look at it is this: The more you visualize yourself as a certain way, and act in certain ways consistently, you will increasingly become what you see yourself as.
This is true for personal and professional relationships, and when growing business or changing anything in your life it is important to define this image ‘if’ you truly care about the words you use, the actions you take and the results you wish to see.
This may help:
1) Know your driving force – i.e. is your family your ‘WHY’?, the reason that will move you forward. without this you have no fuel.
2) Apply that driving force to your daily work, self motivation and intention. Know what you really want with the clarity to keep going.
3) Create new empowering daily habits that I have talked about here to gradually sculpt and shape your mindset and actions.
4) Have a strong passion for this journey as it will enable you to blast through challenges, obstacles and setbacks as they will happen.
5) Have enough self respect to stay away from negative things and draining people and situations. Ditch the mainstream news, limit your time on your phone, social media and Netflix.
This is that book I recommend to support you in pushing past imaginary barriers:
Further productivity tips
Having a strong FOCUSED energy and vision around your chosen passion in order to move forward is not just ideas or words, it is power.
And this will also help to influence your peers, partners and teams, so they perform at higher levels.
Productivity is easier to demonstrate when we are in that zone and aiming for what actually matters coupled with that vision.
Through understanding ourselves we become masters of ourselves and masters at leading others. It’s win win!
Ignore at your peril
If you are not productive enough every day when working on a new business particularly in that first year, then it will take a lot out of you, and it will take a great deal longer to see results – and may lead to ultimate failure.
You may never succeed at anything if your mind and actions are just not in the game.
And it is way more tiring to run a business where your heart is not in it.
For me, being productive every day in my roles requires certain strict daily disciplines, and without those I would simply drift.
It is in the daily consistency and effectiveness of the right work that you will build the right momentum.
Remember that you cannot do everything in your business well, you need help.
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Mindset And Productivity In Business is integral to a balanced life and a healthy business
Help from others and help from tools and systems.
So a key skill is to learn to say ‘no’ to what is not your priority, whilst also finding those who are best suited to undertake those tasks and projects.
You may also find this of use:
I have found great use in mind mapping.
This can be pretty simple to apply and can make your day way more effective.
I won’t go into detail here as you can look it up and learn more about it at the site mentioned.
But I have found it to be very powerful and it has helped my days become way more productive.
Here is a site which I can recommend by the original creators of Mind mapping.
Mindset And Productivity In Business – Mind mapping basics
The company called imindmap.com was the brainchild of Chris Griffiths who is the founder and CEO. He discovered Mind Mapping back in the early ’90s and was instantly impressed by its ability to make any task more creative and productive.
Feeling restricted by paper-based Mind Mapping, he sought a way to combine the creative nature of hand-drawn Mind Maps with the ease and flexibility of technology.
With a shared vision of creating a brain-friendly Mind Mapping software that would benefit a wider, computer-literate audience, Chris teamed up with inventor of Mind Mapping, Tony Buzan.
And so iMindMap was born.
Mastering your mind every day is one thing, we also need to master the business and how it is talking to us.
Enter Process Mining
What is that you say?
Process Mining is all about mastering the data and using the right techniques to monitor your business.
Data talks, so lean in and listen, because it is in the data that you will find the answers to greater growth and profits.
It is about extracting the data to identify where they may be any issues in your processes, which will in turn improve your performance and enable you to waste less. It will also allow you to discover opportunities to optimize your processes to increase performance, leading to greater outcomes in your enterprise.
As a business leader you will want to ensure you are ahead of the game, and this will help you to aim for greater performance.
In better understanding Process Mining you will improve your workflows through the use of applying specialized algorithm tools.
This way you will see patterns and trends in how your processes outcomes are shaped. You will improve the way in which you work in your workflows and discover better ways to operate.
You may not be able to manage this yourself as you don’t want to become overwhelmed or spread yourself too thin, or leave yourself open to higher levels of stress, so lets touch on the importance of looking after yourself.
Mindset and Productivity In Business – Mental Health
This means looking after yourself, and managing your mind and body with care and attention.
Never underestimate that you must take care of your thoughts, feelings and beliefs.
Too much stress can render a person incapable of functioning and so downtime, escape and a change of routine can all help.
This can include down time from social media and and other media areas.
Here is a great video which shows that IF we fail to take control of our social media use, we may suffer. CLICK HERE TO WATCH
These days it is to burnt out, and become stressed or depressed, so ensure you understand what will help you the most and talk to others who can listen, as it is vitally important to be able to share your inner issues.
A great team culture and communication should be designed to help and support each other.
As a great leader should also guide others through care and being open to active listening and caring.
Great listening skills are vital to good mental health and self care.
If you are a business owner/founder/operator now you have a key responsibility to look after yourself and others. Doing so creates happier more dynamic teams, more productive and effective output and greater results.
And what we all want is great results right?
Hope this helps
Mindset And Productivity In Business
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