
About GregDeTisi

Author, course creator and business blogger - Greg has been supporting Small Business clients from all backgrounds all over the globe for over 15 years in developing ideas and passions into sustainable Small Business Models. Greg now has more of a focus on supporting his local business community in Bristol UK.

Blog Content and Monetization: Is Your Blog Being Seen Enough?

Blog Content and Monetization: Is Your Blog Being Seen Enough?

Blog Content and Monetization: Is Your Blog Being Seen Enough? Blog Content: It doesn’t matter how good your blog is if no-one is seeing it! Agreed? I spent many years being proud of my content only to find that no-one […]

Your Online Productivity: How To Create And Stop Being Overwhelmed!

Your Online Productivity: How To Create And Stop Being Overwhelmed!

  Your Online Productivity: How To Create And Stop Being Overwhelmed! Productivity: Question: Do You Like Eating Frogs legs? No? Is this a weird question? Maybe! But read on!   Do something every day that you don’t want to do: […]

Personal Growth: Feeding Trees! Ever tried it?

Personal Growth

Personal Growth: Feeding Trees! Ever tried it?   When you look at a beautiful tree or a pretty flower you see the beauty of it don’t you – which is a result. It is a result of continual and steady […]

Setting Goals: How To Master This Concept

Setting Specific Goals: How To Master This Concept

Setting Goals: How To Master This Concept   READY SET GOAL!! Do You Set Them? Do You Get The Results You Want? Do You Realize The Power Of Effective Goals?   Setting Goals: One of my greatest influences in life […]