
About GregDeTisi

Author, course creator and business blogger - Greg has been supporting Small Business clients from all backgrounds all over the globe for over 15 years in developing ideas and passions into sustainable Small Business Models. Greg now has more of a focus on supporting his local business community in Bristol UK.

WordPress Blogging: Backlinking basics And S.E.O (For Beginners)


WordPress Blogging: Backlinking basics And S.E.O (For Beginners) Before I begin I want to say that i am not an S.E.O expert, nor am I techy.  But, I can show you some simple ways to help your blog to be […]

OVERWHELM Part 1: How to Focus The Mindset!

How to Focus The Mindset!

OVERWHELM Part 1: How to Focus The Mindset! We have covered this before on several occasions, but Mindset is he single most important area in life and business, so I believe it needs to be really understood. It isn’t important […]


Planning and Goalsetting: Failing To Plan Is……?

Planning And GoalSetting

Planning and Goalsetting: Failing To Plan Is……? Hey how are you? Before we move forward I would like to say that you don’t have to be put off by the idea that Planning And Goal setting Is HARD.   Once […]

Mindset Mastery: How To Create A Winning Mind For Success.

Mindset Mastery

Mindset Mastery: How To Create A Winning Mind For Success. Have You Ever Heard Of The 6 word Phrase, Proper Prior Preparation Prevents Poor Performance? Well this is preparing to win, Both Mentally and With Planning. Plan for ‘what you […]

Mindset Mastery