Gratitude: It’s Free and It Creates Success!



Gratitude: It’s Free and It Creates Success!


Imagine that Gratitude is short for Great-Attitude and it might be easier to remember.

I used to find that things in life would upset or anger me quite easily a few years ago. Once I began to realise that this was impacting on my life and my results I began to see others ways.




Gratitude: I am very grateful for what I ALREADY have in my life, but I would still find it easy to find fault in things, results and situations.  So my focus would be on WHAT I DIDN’T HAVE.  So in other words my energy was invested in the wrong things.


FAMILIAR? It wasn’t until I realised this whilst I was focusing on what I didn’t like or have,

I was creating more of it.

Once the focus of my thoughts became much more appreciative, I realised what true Gratitude was AND WHAT REAL SUCCESS IS.

SUCCESS is a mindset. And – if we can feel successful, happy, appreciative and positive no matter what our situation is like we are winning.

Think about it – If I am in a STATE of happiness, and I feel excited, and joyful for no reason, this allows me to think better thoughts, thus I focus on possibility and on what COULD BE. Not on what hasn’t yet happened.

When we can switch this from one perspective to another we are winning.   And when Our minds are filled with the image of expecting the best then we will reach our goals way faster.


The truth is some things don’t work out and we will face many challenges throughout life, also – life is full of ups and downs and suffering at times, so I am not saying we won’t face these things we will, however if our predominant perspective is one of appreciation this will ignite a sense of awareness that life is a precious gift and we can awaken every morning with a feeling of opportunity.


Opportunity to get better, to improve, to appreciate, to grow, to evolve.

We are beings with an infinite capacity to keep expanding, YET the majority of people are STUCK in a mindset which is limited.



Gratitude: It’s Free and It Creates Success!


It is always in the present moment that we can make changes for tomorrow 
so I began to practice the art of gratitude more every day. 
This is when my ATTITUDE TOWARDS SUCCESS AND changed everything for me.

Its your choice, but that's just the thing; we all have a choice. 




Sometimes I am amazed at how many people moan and groan when they could change their mind instantly.

Usually these are the people that look quite depressed and weathered because they have given themselves and their bodies a hard time by moaning so much!  And I find it funny now if someone moans to me  a lot as it seems STRANGE because I am so tuned into feeling good!:)


It all comes down to our habits.  We all have them – some support us whilst others do not, so we have to really look at what we are doing every day.


Once people discover that Being grateful in life BRINGS MORE SUCCESS AND HAPPINESS and that it is an amazing free thing – the will to begin using it much more becomes a kind of addition.

Not only do I feel  more aware as a person but I can enjoy helping others feel good as well by being positive and lifting them up.



Get Yourself A Gratitude Rock


Gratitude: Most of us have a lot to be thankful for!

Whether it’s your health or just waking up every day in a home with a roof on it. I know times can be very hard these days but it is just about remembering what we have in the moment.  Moment by moment we can shape our future and our lives by designing how we think.



I personally find it easier to affirm that I am grateful every morning and night.  This way it will sink into my subconscious mind and become a part of my make up. I practice the feelings I WANT.  I use whatever tools i need.   And if I didn’t then my mind would simply fall into a default mode of accepting all kinds of things as normal.  But I don’t want that.


When you next go for a walk, look around at the trees and the fresh air you are breathing in.  Absorb everything around you as if it’s ‘just for you.’ It is a magical feeling .  Just TRY IT and see for yourself how your STATE OF BEING CAN BE CHANGED IN AN INSTANT and this will help you to start creating more of what you love.


Your vision. = What is yours do you have a clear image?

Your goals. = What are your most pressing life aims? 

Your dreams. = What have you always had in the back of your mind as the ultimate scenario?


Get clarity on WHY you want these things.  Get defined around them and allow them to become a part of your daily ritual.



Gratitude: It’s Free and It Creates Success!

It’s easy to let things get to us and for the mind to be dominated by worry but this is no good at all.

After all 80% of what we worry about never actually happens. Spend time being aware of where your thoughts are heading and if they are swerving towards the worry or anger side of things just take some deep breaths and let it go. It is for your benefit after all!:)




Gratitude: Get Outdoors And Breathe In Fresh Air.

Gratitude: MAKE IT SIMPLE!

Being grateful in our current society seems to have been lost a bit by some of our generation.

This is I think because WE LIVE SO FAST THESE DAYS and there is so many material things which people latch onto. So we are simply never satisfied with the simpler things. The simple things are where true beauty lies.

Things are things they have no real meaning to them except how we perceive them. Try thinking of some more simple things to get pleasure out of and you will see that there is plenty to be thankful for within you and outside of you.



I encourage you to start to be aware of yourself from now on and how you ‘react or respond’ to things, then maybe you can be the judge as to whether you are off track or not. Start today by thinking of all the things you can be grateful for and this alone will help you to feel real inner peace and happiness.





WRITE DOWN 10 THINGS NOW you can be grateful for.  And look at them every day.  Also try to add 10 more things every month.


When a person is in a naturally happier place they are usually more positive and therefore ore positive things happen and they attract more good SO It’s win win!


“When you are grateful fear disappears and abundance appears” ~Tony Robbins~


I have read a few books over the years and once when reading a book by Tony Robbins I remember him talking about where our focus is.  He talked about a guy driving a Car on a Skid pan.  The guy was spinning out of control as he was focused on where he was headed which was into a wall.

So, the driving professional sat next to him said LOOK AT WHERE YOU WANT TO GO!

This is a very tricky thing to master of course, as the Car will skid all over the place if we don’t keep our eyes locked on where we are headed.

But, the guy ignored his fear and faced the track and his arms followed.    He didn’t crash!


Never underestimate YOUR MINDSET when trying to achieve anything, YOU have to take control of the wheel 
and aim at your goals and when you do it also affects every other relationship you have.
So, it also helps you to build and forge stronger happier relationships with others.   


At the end of the day – life is about our choices and decisions regardless of our fears.   We can either choose to focus on ‘NOT HAVING’ or on WHAT WE HAVE.  Each will bring their own set of RESULTS.   We will always get results.  So what results are you looking for?  Because you will always create an equal and opposite reaction to what you give out.   


Start today by feeling excited about those little things. Be passionate about your life.  Its your life!


Hey  – I really hope that you have enjoyed this!  I want to thank you for taking the time to read it.  Feel free to share this with your loved ones as I am sure that sometimes we all need a gentle reminder.


Best as always



P.s if you need some help with this and defining your vision and passions to reach your goals get in touch.

1ON1 Mindset and Passion Discovery Coaching FREE strategy session above. 


Gratitude: It’s Free and It Creates Success!

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Author and Small Business Blogger at Greg De Tisi Writing and Small Business Blogging
Author, course creator and business blogger - Greg has been supporting Small Business clients from all backgrounds all over the globe for over 15 years in developing ideas and passions into sustainable Small Business Models. Greg now has more of a focus on supporting his local business community in Bristol UK.