Personal Success Mindset: Your Past does Not Equal Your Future!

Personal Success Mindset

Self Belief

Giovanni Caboto (known in English as John Cabot; c. 1450 – c. 1499) 
was an Italian navigator and explorer whose 1497 discovery of 
North America is commonly held to be the second European voyage to 
the continent since Christopher Columbus a few years earlier. 

The official position of the Canadian and United Kingdom governments is that he landed on the island of Newfoundland.

Now why am I telling you this?


Maybe you could become your own explorer and create your own destinations?

Maybe you cold take the wheel and direct it towards your dreams? Are you aware of this because I can tell you that it took me 20 years to get it!:(





But, why did it take me so long?   

This is what I can share with you now and if you learn this you won’t need to take your time.  In fact, I know that you can create great success in 20 months.  Think about this for a moment;  With the right application anyone can entirely change their life, and create way more success than ever before regardless of the past or of the current situation.


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But how do I know?

It’s quite simple in that; in my 15 years of building my own business and of finally creating the kind of results I always dreamed of I now know what it takes and have also helped 100’s of clients to achieve immense greatness through tried and tested techniques and strategies.


I was a person of expectation but my expectation was low.  And it was for things to maybe ‘not’ always work out, so I created my future by virtue of my mixed thinking!

We all have had a variety of ups and downs in life right?

Sure, and I was focusing on those events and comparing them to what I expected to receive.

In other words I allowed my past to determine my future.  I believed my past was mean to dictate my future.

But I was wrong.  Yes, my past gave me great lessons, experience and growth, but I didn’t have to stay at a certain level just because my results prior to that were poor.

How did I change it all?

I saw that firstly my past was GONE, and that my mindset and actions were bringing me certain results.   So, I started to read books about mindset, business, focus, skills, and much more to see what I was going to have to apply.

I looked at it this way;  I knew that ‘where i was’  wasn’t ideal. So I knew that something different had to take place.

All I had to do then was to figure out WHAT THAT WAS and what it looked like.

I got clear on my vision and I mapped out my plan, and I became an explorer in my own life.  I had to discover the unknown

I needed the right advice and guidance as I hadn’t received a great of that – so I took my experience and armed with some books began on my quest for greatness.



Self Belief!



Its very real people. And it’s deadly out in the deep dark oceans because we fear the unknown out there and this can disable us.

I had this, and in great waves, but I had to still sail on and push through the storms.

Now, let’s say that you have ran several failed enterprises – and the next one might be exciting and adventurous ‘but’ in the back of your mind you might think, ‘I REALLY HOPE THIS WORKS?’




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You may have been there before with something?

So, you might say to yourself; ‘BUT I haven’t got a good history!’

Right away you are ‘condemning yourself’ to more failure because of your past results.  BUT – what did you ‘learn’ from your past?

A lot of pain and stress maybe?  Maybe you learned to do things a little differently or what not to do? I hope so!

Perhaps you grew from it?  I know I did.


When we can learn from failures there are always messages and signs trying to tell us of the dangers. 

We just have to pick up on them. 


The key with understanding yourself when going into something ‘new’ really means that you can emotionally detach from the past, and not allow any pains you may have experienced to define your life or your focus.  Many great entrepreneurs I have interviewed and connected with who have had great success in many various fields have ALL failed at one time or another.  And sometimes they failed many times.


They simply learned and moved on.  They didn’t allow the failure to stop them they allowed it to PUSH them further.

But this takes great strength – especially when so many around you are saying ‘hey, it is maybe time to quit on your pipe dream!’

Ever heard that one?

But you know what you want and why maybe?   If not, then I suggest you create some clarity around that.  That’s the first real step in gaining back your power.  You can understand your past, and you can look at what risks were not accounted for and then you can move forward with a solid and well defined plan.  No plan = No chance.

Whilst some out there have succeeded on a wing and prayer I do not believe that HOPE alone is a worthy metric.

We simply cannot HOPE and PRAY until our DREAM comes to fruition.  That’s not enough.



Personal Success Mindset


Today, right now you can apply what you have learned in the past and set up things differently than before.

You now have that priceless wisdom from past experiences!

Just remember that any failures are stepping stones to your goals if you let them be.


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But we need the right tools

If you are a leader and can manage yourself, and if you have the right system and the right set of tools and the right set of people around you then you can do anything, that’s a FACT.

But, if you try to cut corners, use crappy tools and try to do it all by yourself you are practically signing your business death warrant.

It’s like having no crew on board your Ship and no compass to guide you.


TIP: I believe in CONSISTENCY, DISCIPLINE and FOCUS.  If you can be consistent and never quit whilst you are disciplined enough to keep yourself accountable and stay focused on the right SPECIFIC action, then nothing can stop you. 




Henry Ford wanted to create an 8 cylinder engine which his staff said was not possible!  But as the second year went by they finally did it.

He knew that he could get what he wanted and he did.  He knew it was possible, so he didn’t take no for an answer.

But we can easily think a no is a NO!  When it isn’t. 

We can ignore all the risks, and we can listen to many others more than ourselves, plus we can be a victim and blame so many other reasons for our failure and we can think that NO HOPE is the only way, by telling ourselves NO!  Or we can say ‘I can’.  And ‘I will.’


So can you!  If you know what you want and you will do anything to get it.






So, don’t listen to the Neh Sayers, or family or friends who say; “But, you don’t know what you are doing do you”?

YES, hire devil’s advocates, hire those who can challenge you, that’s good as you will have many views and ideas which can all help in some way, but DON’T allow those stuck in their own lives to tell you what you should do.

My suggestion: Make each day as effective as you can. Tomorrow is another day, so don’t waste it,we all have the same time.














Yes, we can learn from everyone – and i have.  But I have only applied what I know works.  And one of those things is in the understanding that we can start over RIGHT NOW in any moment.  



Many will try to bring you down – often because they have no courage to do it themselves and they are fearful.

Whilst fear is natural and OK, and we will all get it, it doesn’t need to paralyze us.


Whatever has happened in your past, however bad things were for you and how ever much you struggled, you are still here and you are reading this which means ‘not’ only did you survive it – BUT you are keen to reach your goals, learn more and educate yourself into getting the success that you really deserve.


I personally commend you for that, well done!  
So, give yourself a big pat on the back because your really deserve it right now!


OK don’t get too big headed, hello I am still here you know! 

Ah I have you back!  Good, now just to clarify that ‘your past DOES NOT EQUAL YOUR FUTURE’, and also, when you have a dream you absolutely have a right to follow it with the strong desire and belief. Yes?





Personal Success Mindset

We don’t need to be victims of circumstance but rather masters of our own destiny – so be your own master or captain and set sail.


Listen to YOU most of all – not everyone else.  There is a ton of noise out there these days and I for one don’t like it much.   We are always told we need this, that or the other to succeed but we don’t. WE ARE THE SOLUTION!


Personal Success


Steer your ship confidently to your desired destination with the faith and courage to pursue this journey that will transform you and your life to exactly where you want to be.


But you have to start.  And you have to realize that it will be a tough journey.


I am here to tell you that it is possible and you can start today by finding out what your ‘why’ is and then taking massive action towards that ultimate goal.




The key is in listening to your heart and taking your mind with you. 


You are going to struggle sure, and you will get discouraged from time to time but THAT IS NORMAL, and you will always know that you are much more than your obstacles and you can knock them down one by one.

So, allow your ship to pass through these giant waves and sail onto the next big destination – and go to the outer limits of your imagination.  The only way to what you are capable of is by pushing yourself further than what makes you comfortable.   That’s my opinion anyway and what changed everything for me.


I always loved this quote by Bruce Lee:

“Ever since I was a child I have had this instinctive urge for expansion and growth. 
To me, the function and duty of a quality human being is the sincere and honest 
development of one’s potential.”


I mean, what more can I say?  By plugging into quotes like this it changed everything for me as I would repeat them day and night until they became a part of me.  The more we impress the mind with greatness the more greatness becomes a part of us.



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That’s why i feel it’s so important to using mind tools to help you on your journey, because we have so much conditioning from the past that it is deeply embedded into our subconscious minds, therefore we need to put the work in, in order to create new mental images, build stronger beliefs and drive us forward.  The mind is a muscle and will grow upon work, and it will retain new information whether that is real yet or not.


In other words, we can build a picture in our minds how ever we wish, and with repeated exposure the mind will begin believing it.


This is what I always apply and it always works.   I see what I want so much that i get ideas and support from my own mind in finding answers way faster than if I was fighting against myself within.  We have enough to deal with in life, we don’t want to add to the struggle, we want to aim for the successes.


‘Repetition is the mother of experience’ and when I first learned this, I loved it and applied it’s principle.   

It’s not tough to get either, we just need to repeat what we apply until it sticks.

We can use whatever tools work best for us. NLP is great as it really helped me to see everything in a different way, but I also studied, Mindfulness, CBT, Ancient Philosophy, Modern Mindset Books, and many videos and training’s in order to best master my mind to expect success.


What does success look like to you? 

Get clear on that image and GO!


Do you need some help creating more Mind and Business success?

What tools do you need to starting your voyage?

If you want to hire a Business expert who has already helped thousands of clients globally both 1ON1 and through my course then get in touch.

Fill in the form @ and apply for a FREE session with me to creating a solid discovery plan.



I look forward to speaking with you soon.

Best as always



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useful tools:

I personally use two companies for my audios. 1) Real Subliminal 2) Guided Mind  You can find them on Google

CLICK HERE FOR MY $10K P M ONLINE COURSE WHICH HAS EVERY TOOL YOU COULD NEED TO BUILD ANY MICRO OR SMALL BUSINESS FROM YOUR PASSIONS.  INCLUDES MINDSET MASTERY TRAINING with videos, ebooks, audios, and tons of resources. Comes with a full 28 day money back refund guarantee  


CLICK HERE FOR MY BUILD A DREAM BUSINESS in 6 MONTHS WEBINAR a good starter training to help you start the right way.


CLICK HERE for my Mindset books


CLICK HERE to book a call with me to create a solid plan and strategy for your ultimate life and business


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The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.

Marcel Proust
Personal Success Mindset

Personal Success Mindset


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Author and Small Business Blogger at Greg De Tisi Writing and Small Business Blogging
Author, course creator and business blogger - Greg has been supporting Small Business clients from all backgrounds all over the globe for over 15 years in developing ideas and passions into sustainable Small Business Models. Greg now has more of a focus on supporting his local business community in Bristol UK.