RESOURCEFULNESS – and A ‘Gutsy’ Girl I Met From Mumbai

RESOURCEFULNESS – and A ‘Gutsy’ Girl I Met From Mumbai




I remember a few years ago now when I visited Mumbai with my partner Lisa.

My partner and I were absorbing all of the wonderful sights and sounds and smells which were all pretty intense initially, and – as we made our way around the city trying to take it all in we were feeling like grains of sand in a sea of people.

We felt super tiny in a world of so many people.  (I am sure you can see my partner clutching her handbag there as we felt a bit vulnerable for the first hour or so).

I suppose we found it almost surreal and as we wondered around we were approached by various people which we expected to happen being that we were foreigners.

Just as we were covered in lots of orange powder and given spots by two spiritual warm local men, we were also approached by a rather disheveled looking Indian girl at the gateway to India.


She was charming and down to earth, even though she had worn shoes and quite bad skin and looked as though she had been fending for herself for many years, she had a beauty to her which shone through in her eyes and she was smart also.  She spoke 7 languages and demonstrated to us just how she had managed to learn to be resourceful in creating for herself a business.



She was also flexible – and of course she used what she had in order to survive to feed her children.  She adapted.



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Lizzie had many challenges to overcome, but she had also learned to offer herself as a tour guide which meant she could show us the City and simply asked for a little shopping afterwards.   So we walked around with her and we were introduced to many things.

After we had been all over Mumbai and seen so many things including a fish market, the slums and other more significant government buildings and sites we took her to a shop.  As expected Lizzie went crazy grabbing all that she could and we were happy for her to do so as we laughed about it.

After that she went off in a taxi and disappeared.  It would be easy to think that she just did this to everyone and some may think it was not much in it for us, but we were happy to support her and it was enlightening touring the City with her.

So, Lizzie was using her head to get income and food.


Being Resourceful is a real skill. And this is where we sometimes have to look at our skills and mindset to take action. Having skills in being resourceful is especially important in overcoming difficult situations and this can be highly valuable in business. 


Now, what it really showed me was how this seemingly un-educated young mother was prepared to do whatever she could, and even learn 7 languages to get by.  And she had to get out there and hustle so to speak; so she had to have the confidence to approach us and speak English to share her offers.

Was she a genius? Probably not, but she HAD TO learn what was vital to her surviving through necessity.


I am sure that she get’s turned down by many people, but we happily obliged.  Now, not long after we said our good byes we were followed by a host of other pleading women, but we had to ignore them.  And as we crossed the road we saw a smartly dressed educated looking man who asked us to follow him as he gestured to us to enter a Café with him.

It started feeling alot like a Movie and it became quite strange we thought, but we followed him and trusted our gut.


The gentleman shock our hands and said “I saw what you did there to help that Woman and I’d like to buy you lunch!”  So we humbly suggested that he didn’t need to do this for us, but he insisted.  So we obliged. After a hearty lunch we headed off back to our hotel to gather our thoughts and have a rest.

It was a wonderful experience.


Now, how does this help you with what you have?




RESOURCEFULNESS – and A ‘Gutsy’ Girl I Met From Mumbai

It’s simple really – you and I both have way more resources inside of us than we could possibly imagine; and we can also use what is around us to help us which we have access to RIGHT NOW!


Of course our brains are so powerful that we can absorb so many new things and data – and we can literally connect new pathways as we are able to form through memory, habits, feelings, thoughts and intentions.  So we can USE this truly amazing tool in order to function how we wish.

Not only that but – we have access to the internet, books, friends and associates who we all know and who may be able to support us and help us in our quest for expressing our passions.  So, look around you ‘are you using all that you have at disposal’?


If you know what you goals are and you have a plan to execute these and you know what you wish to do with your life then use all that you have.

It is so important to be able to see that there are many tools and resources we simply don’t have to pay for necessarily.

The point is that ‘you and I’ have way more than we may think.

And we can use them today and every day. So, whether you are starting a new career role, have a business plan or are running a team and building relationships, you and I have the tools to help us get where we want to be.



Lizzie with her shopping which she earned for her resourcefulness

It is easy to forget
what we have been given.


People talk of the ‘information overload’ thing and this is very real these days, if we just absorb it all and do nothing with it, but we have to learn how to use what we can for our benefit and deliver value to others.  We don’t need to be brain scientists!


I have managed to create courses, eBooks, programs and Coaching training systems ALL by applying what I had.


I bet you have a ton of experience within you could use also.

I would suggest (as I suggested to a client of mine recently) that you focus these resources and apply them in whichever way you need to.

I would suggest that you don’t waste your time, energy and emotions on CRAP!

Define what you want, why you want it and get to work on that right away.





It is almost fairly simple ‘YET’ so many people will make it complicated as if it MUST BE.

Like much of life!



What is complicated is our choices today. We don’t know where to begin as we have so much going on that we want it all, or we go from one thing to another and only give 50% of our power, so we start letting the Monkey brain tell us what we want which changes every 10 minutes.

So that inner dialogue of ‘maybe I should do this’ or ‘maybe I should do that’ keeps on and we never really get anywhere or give our full power to one thing.



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If we did so however we would be amazed at the output we could achieve through a non stop attitude of focusing on the right areas and taking action with the resources we have within and around us.

We really thrive when we NURTURE and CULTIVATE our skills, and we define our passions and interests and CAN elevate us beyond anything most can imagine as ‘most’ never do it.



RESOURCEFULNESS – and A ‘Gutsy’ Girl I Met From Mumbai

Now, stop for a moment and start to take some notes on what we have been talking about.


Come back here once you have some ideas written down.  But once they are written remember to work on them every day without fail, and define them into a vision which you can get to work on.  If you just place 1 hour per into this you will see that you can make enormous progress and actually define an area where you could work in your ultimate role.  It might mean re-training, borrowing (but be careful with this and don’t rush into it!) or simply starting now with what you have.

But, the key is not to waste your time on things that don’t really matter, but start KICKING ASS in the areas that do.

Never try to do it all by yourself if you can get help.

Sure, Lizzie was a ‘one-woman-band’ and it worked for her, and so there are most definitely ways of doing so, but what I suggesting is that you and I may have access to others who can help support us ‘if’ what we wish to do requires a little more help.

The key is in defining your role so that you know what you need to do every day whilst you also get some help in your weaker areas.

 Life is for living and thriving – and if you are in a fortunate situation (as I am) living in a western Country with amazing opportunities to follow our passions then do so.  What are you waiting for exactly? 

OK, I understand that it can be daunting, risky, uncertain, fear making, and all other thoughts which go along with the unknown, but that is the point; we are designed to push past limitations, and even our own emotions so we can become adventurers and explorers in our own life quest.

You have a right to do ‘what you love’ – and you have more than you think to take from.

Personally I found getting a coach Really helped me and my business to explode with growth so I believe in getting help, and today I love this and I love to help others with their passions by creating clarity their goals.

But for now, just create a plan and as you move forward you may find a consultant, a trainer, a therapist or someone else that can help you in some way. The point is that we don’t need to know the ‘how’s’ right away.



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RESOURCEFULNESS – and A ‘Gutsy’ Girl I Met From Mumbai


So what will you do today?  What can you do to take you closer to your goals?


Once I knew what I wanted I had no idea HOW I would get there, and this was many years ago, so – I had to use what I had also and this meant talking to many people, asking questions, reading books and taking courses.  This was alongside ACTION!


If you wish to know how I have grabbed life by the balls and been resourceful in my life and business then feel free to contact me at or you can e-mail me @ and I will be happy to answer any questions you have about this subject.  I look forward to hearing what you are passionate about.



By the way – you don’t need to speak 7 languages to be resourceful or become a success!  Just so you know.




As always, I wish you the very best





These guys were using their resourcefulness

RCEFULNESS and A ‘Gutsy’ Girl I Met From Mumbai

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Author and Small Business Blogger at Greg De Tisi Writing and Small Business Blogging
Author, course creator and business blogger - Greg has been supporting Small Business clients from all backgrounds all over the globe for over 15 years in developing ideas and passions into sustainable Small Business Models. Greg now has more of a focus on supporting his local business community in Bristol UK.