3 Huge Mindset And Business Growth Tips – That Changed Everything

3 Huge Mindset And Business Growth Tips – That Changed Everything


Mindset And Business Growth Tips

Mindset And Business Growth Tips

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  1.  ACTING INSPITE OF EMOTION = Moving through blocks with focus and logic


I know – it sounds kinda boring and simple now doesn’t it?  Sure.. and it kind of is; but – just bear with me here as ‘in fact’ anything worth creating of course takes some practice and hard work, but when applied can create astounding results.

You cannot just TURN ON THE TAP in life and SHABAM there it is for you, I believe it is about creating a new habit or habits in what we do every day.


And so – like any other habit we need to cultivate the ones we wish to have.




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Let’s touch on these now:

  1. If we simply cannot focus on our most important tasks in our business then we will suffer and struggle. It’s very simple.  We have to be able to face challenges, setbacks and obstacles and use whatever resources we have with us.
  2. If we only go through life thinking of ourselves – then we will become pretty lonely towards the end of our lives.  And I don’t know about you, but I could do with some loved ones being around me when I am older.
  3. If we embrace our uniqueness and express that through our message then this will be appreciated and stand out from so many who are trying to hard to be like each other in life and in sometimes the business space.



So, there you have it – these are the two most important factors in my own business growth and ultimate success.

With any new skill we need to learn we have to master it and get the help of those who may be able to help us with this.


We all know that our emotions govern our decisions, in sales, but also in life and in love.  So, we cannot live without feelings, they are what make us us. But, have to learn to manage them and sometimes this is TOUGH (I know myself), such as when I used to think too much ‘or’ just have too many things going on.  Been there?  It’s common sure, but the biggest issue with this is that we often ALLOW these emotions to RULE our decision making and thus we make poor decisions if we feel bad, stressed or just annoyed.   So, this then makes an impact on our lives and businesses.


The key (I have found) in dealing with this is – when you feel down for example, and you cannot possibly do any more that day as you are frustrated by your lack of progress try this:  DO ONE MORE THING.   That’s right. By pushing yourself past what you think your limitations are you see that they are in fact not your limitations at all.  You push through, and you start to see that YOU are the boss of you, not your emotions.


The more you can push a little 
the more effective you can become.



At that point you begin to see that you can take control, as you harness the power over your emotions.

Once you then attempt another task and you feel good about yourself you then do another thing as you have accomplished a mini goal. So, as you can imagine – in your own business you will need to be able to learn this in order to maximize your productivity and success rate.  This is an awesome way to be as your days WILL flow more and you ‘not only get more’ done but you feel good and you feel as though you have achieved more than even you thought you could achieve.

Mindset And Business Growth Tips

Mindset And Business Growth Tips



3 Huge Mindset And Business Growth Tips – That Changed Everything


So, your feelings gradually begin to change over time and you start to see that you can do more and feel good and this increases.


This alone was the catalyst to my own growth and development in life and in business, but I also understood that ALL the work in the world would be useless if it wasn’t effective.  So, I looked at SPECIFICITY.  I had to know that what I did very day was the right stuff.




And I could see through training, books and speaking with other successful business owners that I had to focus more on my customers.



When you feel good what happens?  YES, you start to create more good and become more productive and capable, and this tends to evolve our success rates which then grows momentum.


This goes beyond standard BUSINESS GROWTH TIPS.  And – when we have a list of things to do, we can approach that list with a new found energy and power.  It’s a bit being in the ZONE or FLOW, we are at our best.

This starts to create a new supportive habit and a cycle of winning – rather than one of losing the battle to fight against yourself and your business growth.

It just works. And I wish I knew this years ago, but as some Buddhists would say ‘everything is a gift’ if we choose to take it.  So, to me, I have gained from everything I have learned from both good and bad, and therefore I feel good about what I have experienced and as an education there is nothing greater than DOING.  In trying things we learn from them and this was also the case when exploring relationships with customers.



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I had to form deeper and more meaningful relationships if I truly cared about what I was doing.


Business Growth Tips Session; So, let’s move on to ‘Creating and focusing on the relationship instead of JUST the sale’.

Wow this is a real ‘paradigm shift I can tell ya.

Think about it – instead of praying, hoping and wishing to make sales and then making them sometimes, why not focus on the person’s experience throughout the whole process?

Many will focus on SALES, SELLING AND INCOME ALONE!  And they obsess over that – but I have found certainly with having had well over 2000 planning sessions with clients over 15 years and over a 45 minute period for each session – I know what matters to them.

I knew before a sale what they wanted and I knew what results they wanted after the sale.  Once they were able to see results they were in deeper trust levels with me and this formed friendships as well as further sales and higher margin sales.  Also, this enabled me to have them WORK FOR ME!

Not literally work for me, but in their experience they told their friends, family members and associates what I had helped them to achieve.

So you see, they are free advertising and marketing for me.

And I actually care about them. I WANT THEM to get what they want in life, so I focus entirely on seeing how we can together find a solution and create a goal to get there.  This is a huge thing for me and something which changed my life as much as it changed others lives.


Mindset And Business Growth Tips

Mindset And Business Growth Tips



What happened after our 45 minute sessions?

So, after we have spoken I want them to feel that their time wasn’t wasted.

I want them to feel GOOD afterwards and feel as though they CAN reach their goals, because I believe they can. Plus they go away with value and a plan to act upon.  So, when they go away and even ‘if’ we don’t have coaching sessions together – they still feel that I am being myself and sharing what I am and who I am and I am not trying to sell. 


In fact – I share, and don’t care whether I ‘sell or not’ mentally because it is more about whether we are a fit or not.  I don’t want them to waste their time and I don’t want to waste mine.

So, in being authentic and real and transparent they can see that I am just a passionate dude who loves to serve through my message.




I believe in my message as I have created my whole brand around my ethos, ethics, compassion and what I see as a calling and by being myself not a copy of so many others. 

It’s not a religious thing for me, it’s just something I knew from being very young that I wanted to do.  I wanted to help others to live happy lives in one way or another.



The fact of the matter is that I was a pretty unhappy kid growing up as I was so scared of everything and everyone that I suffered.  I couldn’t allow myself to be happy, and I struggled to get on in life.  I dropped out of Art college, got into drugs and went from dead end job to dead end job. At 30 I woke up. And I started seeing that my life was a huge disaster.  I had to change what I believed and what I took action upon.

So, I really hare seeing unhappiness. I want to support those who may have failed, or not had the mindset to see what they could really do, as I did it.  I turned my life around and I made something out of my life because I had to.

But I had little guidance, so I like to be that guidance to others, that’s all.


Now, ain’t that dandy!   It is because I get to live my life in truth and I help them to also live in their truth.




3 Huge Mindset And Business Growth Tips – That Changed Everything


So, when a customer ‘associates you’ with value, with care and with making them feel good and happiness etc. what happiness?  Yepp, they love what they have achieved and they their buddies know HOW AWESOME YOU ARE!  And they will gladly do so… So ITS WIN WIN.


In Fact It’s Actually WIN WIN WIN because:


1) They feel good

2) I feel good

3) They share their amazing results 
through what I helped them with

I’m sorry – that sounded a bit ego driven I didn’t mean it to be!  

I am just trying to illustrate that we can aim to become more LOVED and ADORED – if we can in our businesses, so this is easier than you think.

This about having an abundant mentality, and it’s about having an attitude of giving.

There is always enough to go around in this universe I believe, so share your edge or angle and you will see that you were meant to.


Personally I have gotten WAYYYYYYY more business just by being honestly caring rather than just by trying to “CONVERT” the prospect or lead.

I honestly hate that kind of sales talk – in fact, I despise it and personally I have no space for it.  So I only learn from the very best in my area of work and negate what not for me.  I am not really into every latest and greatest B.S strategy – when I know what works for me and my clients.



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Those who are often wildly successful in Small Businesses are those who are happy, as they are passionate about giving.  They care!

You see – there’s money and then there’s being happy and having money. If you chase the money all of the time ALONE without considering who’s paying you, then in my opinion you have it all wrong.  Start with care and see what happens then.

Everyone can benefit in this world – not only in Business Growth, but with human interaction and mutual connection – and if the world was a little less greedy and destructive and more compassionate and giving – we would all be happier.


Mindset And Business Growth Tips

Mindset And Business Growth Tips


3 Huge Mindset And Business Growth Tips – That Changed Everything


This is about business growth sure but, it’s more than that – it’s about humanity and caring for our fellow man/woman in their lives.

These are my 3 simple yet profoundly effective important tips which you can either try or ditch.  The only issue with this is that ‘if’ you think it’s not important then think again;  this is a ‘way of being’ which changes everything no matter what area you are in.





The trouble is that – many people like 90% of the population overlook the fact that Life can actually a lot more fun and simple than we tend to make it.

The reason that so many people suffer and don’t succeed is because they overcomplicate so much and they don’t try to REALLY understand people.  But when we can focus with our hearts on what we do – and deliver that with core passion, it is a whole new dynamic.  People can feel it – and when they feel it, it is as though there is a bridge connecting you to them.

I hope you enjoyed this and I hope that you get some value out of it.



Also, I hope you feel as though you can have a little shift of awareness for yourself here, as it really feels great for me personally to live with. The only thing I would add to this is that I believe it is SO important to begin investing in yourself and in self compassion first, and you will see a remarkable change in how you see everything.  This will reduce the need to APPEAL or to PROVE yourself which is NOT REALLY YOU! 





As per usual, I wish you the greatest of happiness and success as always..








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P.S – If You Require Coaching or a Consultant to help you get results with Business growth Now, Simply Head to www.GregDeTisi.com and try out the free ‘but limited’ 45 minute session with yours truly, as I will help you reach your goals fast.

Mindset And Business Growth Tips

Mindset And Business Growth Tips



Thanks for reading cheers!

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Author and Small Business Blogger at Greg De Tisi Writing and Small Business Blogging
Author, course creator and business blogger - Greg has been supporting Small Business clients from all backgrounds all over the globe for over 15 years in developing ideas and passions into sustainable Small Business Models. Greg now has more of a focus on supporting his local business community in Bristol UK.