18 Free Ways Of Marketing To Keep Costs Low Now

18 Free Ways Of Marketing To Keep Costs Low Now

18 Free Ways Of Marketing To Keep Costs Low Now

18 Free Ways Of Marketing To Keep Costs Low Now

As you may already be aware, we are ‘all’ marketed to every day.  Some of this is ethical and some of this is not at all ethical. 

I don’t actually like being sold to, and if others contact me to sell outright I will block them,  but I don’t mind someone sharing their passion for a product or service and getting to know me first through rapport.  DIFFERENT!  And so – we can market ethically, honestly and without being pushy, so this post is about ways in which we may do so but in responsible ways of course.

Now, when starting and running a business it can become very expensive, and so keeping costs low in any area is a great idea where possible.  And very often the most obvious strategies are the most overlooked.


Hiring staff, unexpected expenses, other running costs, loans, business planning and so on, can all add up and costs a great deal more than we first may have anticipated, depending on the size of the operation.

So, when we can implement low cost or free ways to help us on our often unsteady journey, it can be a great relief to know that not everything has to cost the earth.

But I am sure you already know a few right?   Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Pinterest, YouTube, Tumblr and so on. But if you are a seasoned pro and take your business and brand seriously then you should also have an optimized LinkedIn account.  You knew that right?   So, get yourself in front of the eyes of others with a little strategic work, otherwise you will miss out on the free stuff supporting and promoting you.  

Oh and by the way; are you also getting to and attending local events, participating in online groups and sharing your passion for your product with a community?  Well if not, then you best get on with it!


So are you REALLY leveraging all marketing channels?  If so great, but it has to be used in the right ways, or you will be equivalent to those ‘being busy’ rather than being productive and effective, and we all know that this really means swimming around in circles.

For me, I am my own brand, so it is my duty to become a trusted advisor, respected consultant and results driven writer and planner, and so I focus on getting the word out there by using basic communication skills.  I have a big mouth, but I also listen just as well!

Now, there are many ways to use what we already have and can use, without the need to throw thousands of dollars or pounds at other experts, but because we fail to see what we can do ourselves we believe it is easier to just pay others, but this isn’t always the case.

You and I do need other experts who are better than us in what they do, and I wholeheartedly stand behind that, however not all of us have the funds to hire right away, and so we need to switch our hats and do various things.

If that is you right now ‘or’ if you need to cut some costs and test other channels for marketing and promotion then you will be glad you read this.

Without further ado, I will now share simple free ways you can drive more interest, traffic, call to actions and even conversions to your small business ALL for free.


So, let’s get into it right now, I will share simple free marketing strategies, so you can save yourself some moola, are you ready to take some notes?

Awesome here we go:


18 Free Ways Of Marketing To Keep Costs Low Now

  1. Do you have a website/blog?  Add a form there where you can ask your subscriber or visitor to share your site with a friend.  
  2. Do you create specific targeted content?  This blog promotes for me. I craft content to work for me using key words & specific value driven tips. 
  3. Do you get out there & share your expertise? Are you an honest trusted advisor if so who knows? Become known for being thorough and open. 
  4. Do you create simple videos/Vlog or a podcast which you can have fun with & help others to get to know you and your passion and skills? 
  5. Do you use simple cards or flyers which suggest that the recipient shares the card for a discount? Can you reward loyalty & gain fans?
  6. Do you consistently email your list & offer value driven content to suggest ways in which your subscribers can benefit more from you? 
  7. Do you have a group or some place where your fans/ followers can go?  Could you celebrate & reward these people say on Facebook?
  8. Do you always engage with questions, followers, customer service complaints & with opinions? If not why not? Create deeper rapport. 
  9. Do you have an attitude which is contagious & allows others to associate you with being the best, having good energy & reliability?  
  10. Do you give respect & earn it back?  Do you build relationships at live events and at LinkedIn etc.?  Do you always learn/grow these?
  11. Do you show that you are transparent & giving to those who need to know this & if so how are you doing this?  
  12. Do you create or craft topics of conversation on platforms to get others to engage and talk about you or your products? 
  13. Do you have a system whereby all of your stuff connects so that no matter where a person is they can click on more of your stuff? Think of a figure of 8.  Follow the shape of the number as it always is connected. Make your connections this way where possible.  
  14. Do you have an easy brand, site, social media to grasp? that captures your readers heart but also drives them to want to know more?  
  15. Do you enable others to see you as the primary ‘go-to’ product, service or expert that stands out? How can you become the monopoly?  Do you ask for strategic reviews and testimonials to help give confidence to potential clients? 
  16. Do you ensure that every conversation you have can be continued & built upon?  So it’s open ended & flowing to create further action.  How is this done and where is are you doing this now?
  17. Do you talk with biz owners who need people like you? Rather than sell to them, share & let them know your passion for your craft?  You can also offer to let them use you and you use them, so a swap of services.    
  18. Do you share the story behind ‘why you do what you do’ & what drives you from a particular passion/purpose driven meaningful idea?


On the subject of 18, we all have a story of some form, and others can relate to stories particularly if you are real and even vulnerable.

So, these are all pretty much free!  But so is measuring your results.  You need to know through measuring what is working best and where to focus more and less.  It’s time to get started.


NOTE: To learn more about your own performance I highly suggest you check out this link about KPI’s:



Now, if you are still here, can you see that you have so much resource without having to spend a ton of money outsourcing, hiring freelancers and so on?

This is why we have to be able to open our eyes and ears to what we have, and what is going on, so we can think ahead of the curve, and do what others seldom do.  Often, the most obvious things are not commonly understood or used.

That’s why it is the most obvious stuff get’s overlooked because everyone talks about the latest greatest tools, strategies or buzz words which are all nice and trendy NOW – and also ‘what is going on now’, so many people focus on using better tech, software or hardware, the look of design with brands and so on, and they spend a lot of time trying to get it all right and miss the action they can take immediately.

So, many will miss the most powerful human element.  And as all business is essentially about human connection, we shouldn’t overlook some of the most powerful areas that I have just shared.


Marketing can in fact be very simple, quite inexpensive and even fun, when applied properly, and as you already know – we all love that great story don’t we, so share yours to maximum affect!


Now of course, none of this matters at all if you do not believe in your products, services, mission, ethics, vision and plan.


So, as Milton Hershey once said: 


"Give them quality. That's the best kind of advertising."
 — Milton Hershey



18 Free Ways Of Marketing To Keep Costs Low Now

If you don’t care what you peddle, then you won’t be around for long, and you will find yourself looking for a way to get out of debt, as all your tremendously hard work and effort will be wasted, so, this isn’t just about keeping your costs low in marketing, this is also about knowing that ‘what you are sharing’ has to be worth the time and effort in the first place and be of great value to a particular audience.



Hope it helps now get to work on it.


All The Very Best


Free Small business chat one hour @ www.GregDeTisi.com

Self study passion to profits course @ www.businessideasincome.thinkific.com

18 Free Ways Of Marketing To Keep Costs Low Now

18 Free Ways Of Marketing To Keep Costs Low Now

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Author and Small Business Blogger at Greg De Tisi Writing and Small Business Blogging
Author, course creator and business blogger - Greg has been supporting Small Business clients from all backgrounds all over the globe for over 15 years in developing ideas and passions into sustainable Small Business Models. Greg now has more of a focus on supporting his local business community in Bristol UK.