Coaching – Leads, Conversions and Sales (Whole Simple Process That I use)
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Coaching – Leads, Conversions and Sales
Maybe you are already there and have everything set up! Well done for getting that far.
BUT -maybe you are just not getting the sales in?
This is a very real situation for many coaches and consultants as they simply don’t get enough high end serious paying clients at their door, so it’s very real and very frustrating. The first rule of gaining high paying clients is in TRUST! Without that, you will never build a sustainable business.
And let’s face it; there are a ton of wasters out there over promising and under delivering, so don’t be one of those.
Be the best you can be, and have integrity in ALL that you do. I cannot emphasise this enough.
Now, I have paid other coaches to help me with this over the years, and I have also been around for a few years so I have built a brand which enables me to attract more of the right types.
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This means I choose who I work with and I am more picky and this is the situations ALL experts wish to be in. None of us want to chase people, we want to have hungry buyers choosing US! Right? Sure, so that’s why REPUTATION is key.
So, how can you create a great reputation with no experience?
This is what I did when I started off:
- Worked in exchange for other experts services and asked them to refer me to others.
- Worked for cheap initially to get experience.
- Worked with all kinds of people to get paid.
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Coaching – Leads, Conversions and Sales
But I invested back into my business and became qualified taking the relevant courses to become a Business Coach, Life Coach and NLP trainer. These were the areas I was interested in. I had to build my own business myself so I studied more about business as I grew my business.
This led me to aiming towards Business coaching more than life coaching but I also applied mindset training to what I taught as 99.9% of people need mindset training in business.
Now, working for FREE or for exchange of others services isn’t exactly highly desirable for many – but if you become qualified by a company such as the ICF or IIC meaning The International Coaching Federation, or the International institute of Coaching. In working with professional bodies they also help you to find clients through their training.
So, I would recommend becoming a qualified professional in anything you choose to do, even though many will tell you that YOU DON’T NEED a professional qualification to become a Coach. I beg to differ. What is taught from beginning to end is vitally important in becoming a professional coach as a pose to a coach who has no clue about the process.
I believe that if you are serious about a healthy role and career as a Coach then you should take it seriously and get the right training and education. But also never forget to BE YOURSELF! A client wants to buy from YOU. Not just a title. Bring your unique EDGE with you and stand out from the cookie cutter coaches.
There is nothing worse than a million people trying to do the same thing. And it is harder to get clients when there is a sea of opportunity. Bring your story and tell it. Share it and demonstrate why YOU are the one they want.
Now, I hope that this simple post and explanation will help you to start becoming a master of Coaching – Leads, Conversions and Sales, so let’s get started now.
I think that the world needs more SERIOUS coaches like us to help others in life and business. And that is so that we all have more Coaches making a real difference in the world helping those who really need a Coach to help them get what they want in life. But we need the right clients of course. So, with that said, I have written down below the simple process I use to attract high end clients as there are just ways which work better for me than others.
I have spent over 15 years continually refining my sales processes with the knowledge that, ‘it needs to be easy for the potential client’ to follow through and I need to get paid. But also, I need to get RESULTS! Now, if it is difficult or if they feel lost they will leave a website in about 7 seconds, or simply go and look elsewhere.
So, for those of you still here BRAVO and good for you, as you will learn some powerful tips to help you sell more here.
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Coaching – Leads, Conversions and Sales (Whole Simple Process That I use)
So let’s now look at this!
![Coaching - Leads, Conversions and Sales Whole Process That I use](https://THESMALLBUSINESSGROWTHBLOG.COM/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/target-leads.jpg)
Coaching – Leads, Conversions and Sales Whole Process That I use
In case you don’t me yet, Hi! I am Greg and I have been coaching now for over 15 years and have written 26 books on Mindset and success. I have also created self study courses to help clients design their lives – and you will see my latest course at the bottom of this post. As an expert I am consistently changing various factors in my business to be more effective and of course make more sales.
Some areas will change because of trends and behaviors, and other areas are more about efficiency and effectiveness in the processes used.
I don’t what stage you are at yet, maybe you are just curious about coaching?
So, I thought it would be useful if you are starting out as some kind of Coach and you just need to start making some of those vital sales soon and eventually you will become a Coaching – Leads, Conversions and Sales master.
I am going to assume that you already have everything set up such as a website, your brand and niche area, as what I will be sharing is the way in which I take a lead through the conversion process and into a sale. There are various ways of doing this and I am sure you have seen a few, but these are the components I use.
As I am sure you are aware of; this whole process can vary depending on ‘who’ you speak to, but this works for me and is very effective in me making high end premium sales so, hopefully it will help you to be able to create more sales, charge more, and be the expert you are paid to be.
Coaching – Leads, Conversions and Sales Whole Simple Process That I use
STEP 1: Firstly, Know your niche inside out and become the best in that niche. STANDARD! I am getting hundreds of leads to my website and this blog every few days as it is niche specific and it has a great deal of traffic coming into it. Sure, some of these leads will just look, and others will click and then some will fill out a form to arrange a call with me for 45 minutes. So I have set up my home page on my website ‘as the form page’ so they are immediately directed to fill out the form. This is a simple strategy but targets them into the right area. Take a look here
See what I mean? Great!
I use a tool called Acuity Scheduler, and this is the No1 tool in my sales arsenal. There are various forms of software like this, but for me this was found to be the most easy to use, most flexible and professional looking form, and it has so many cool features – all of which are actually useful. You can edit these forms as much as you like, and in all areas of questioning, and also exact times and dates for when you are available and when you are not.
You can use a variety of colours and textures to brand your forms and there are simple tutorials to help, and even for someone like me who is not a tech nerd. So its a great tool and I only pay the basic fee of $10 per month. I thought it was pretty cheap considering the positioning and power it delivers. Have a look at Acuity HERE
TIP: This means that a person is either qualified to work with you or not, so you don’t waste hours on calls which are not right for either of you.
STEP 2: Once they fill out the form which allows them to give me as much information as I could ever need then – I will then send them a simple e-mail agreeing to call them on that said date and time. And I mean a simple e-mail. Acuity also sends them an automated message. So they feel as though they have been professionally looked after and cared for. IMPORTANT! Job done! TIP: Don’t make the dates in your Acuity tool too far in advance because ‘if’ they agree to talk with you on a date which is in 10 days ahead or something like that they will forget all about you and you don’t want that. Set your Acuity Scheduler to be at the most 4 days ahead MAX of the date they are filling in the form ok. ALSO: If they see that you have an empty calendar for 30 years ahead they will probably think you are desperate. This is basic psychology. Make them feel you are in high demand even if you are not YET!
STEP 3: The Sales Call – I have fine tuned this as much as I could so that every time I make the call I have every possible answer to every possible question. But I am NEVER EVER SALESY! NEVER! I talk, listen, and share. This is powerful. Remember a warm lead wants to see the value in what you offer. They will not buy from you unless they see the value in what you are offering. So, you really have to listen carefully and identify what they really want. And this comes after rapport of course. Delve deep into their potential dreams and goals. Find 3 or 4 areas you can pin point which you can say back to them to show you have listened to what they are looking for. You want to create their vision with them and for them. So, you are selling them on what they want. In a way they will sell themselves in this process. And I also have price offers I can make on the call if they are umming and ahhing. I personally give a 2 day window so they may think about it should they need it. Why 2 days? Yes, you got it, much longer and they will forget you. REMEMBER MORE TIPS: A) Build rapport, dig into their fears and make them feel the pain of NOT being where they wish to be. B) Then build the vision. C) And never undercharge! Have self respect in your prices and value your work. Ensure that you maximize your earnings by group coaching if you prefer to coach this way. Or charge high end for 1on1. It’s your choice how you use your time and coach of course. Some prefer workshops, zoom trainings, events etc.
STEP 4 – Whatever happens on the day or in two days, we will say that you have made a sale ok. AWESOME WORK! Now, again there are various sales tactics which I can share with you if you e-mail me. I charge £2000-5000 for my 12 session Coaching program and this can become more if I am consulting. This includes 3 months contact, a self study course allowing the client to discover and develop their passions into a new role or small business operator. In the self study I include every aspect they could ever need and give several eBooks, videos, audios and worksheets so they have all the tools they could need in discovering what they may want to do with the rest of their lives. NOTE: I personally crafted my coaching to be different and to stand out, and so it is unique compared to anyone else. And I can talk to you about this any time you need help. So refine your program and package it well and over deliver.
STEP 5 – They want to pay you so you send a form of payment of course. And as you know, there are various processors these days to choose from. I personally send them an invoice and an agreement. Why? You can sell in a number of ways but I prefer a simple invoice emailed to them. And I send them an agreement contract because they have something they can print off and this can act as a document they can refer to. It looks professional. Whilst there are various payment processors and business templates I personally use Paypal and simply Invoice them directly by email. You can use Stripe, Go-Cardless, Sagepay or any other processor which you prefer, so – find what best suits your needs. I also use something called Docusign and RocketLawyer where there are various templates designed for all kinds of agreements and where transactions are made in business. With RocketLawyer, they have some professional set up tips great advice, and many templates to choose from, no matter what type of business you are in.
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So, set up a simple payment processor and make it easy for your client. I cannot emphasize the need for great tools. You need to be able to work professionally and have a system which is automated for you. Your job is to drive as much of the right targeted traffic to that process. Now, you may have several. I have points of contact 1) Here at this blog and on my lists form giving away free stuff. 2) At my website where there is the acuity form. 3) At my eBooks and courses. 4) At social media channels and offline media channels such as PR and offline marketing and promotion.
ALL work for me and thus I am creating a consistent flow of connections which all will be communicated with in whichever way is most appropriate for the point of contact they have come from. For example; IF a person meets me in my City at some kind of networking event then I don’t sell to them at all. I ask them all about them, and I make them feel that reaching a goal is so important that they must do it. Then I am gone. They contact me later on through email or by googling me and asking me what I do and how I do it.
Your goal is to be the RED PERSON in that picture. And all those connected with you and to you WANT TO WORK WITH YOU.
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Coaching – Leads, Conversions and Sales
There are simply techniques to every point of contact. Some are automated as I said, and others are personal.
So, you have to master each of these.
Coaching – Leads, Conversions and Sales (Whole Simple Process That I use)
By the way, if something else works for you when becoming a master Coaching – Leads, Conversions and Sales expert that’s cool. I am just sharing what works for me, and that’s because of the way I have crafted a system with the way in which I communicate with clients.
One thing to be aware of is Communication and connection. Everything is about relationships and communication. So you have to ensure that ‘what you do’ is continually building rapport, so that even if a potential client doesn’t buy right away they may come back another time. In other words ‘cover all angles’.
This simple illustration below demonstrates how Communication is vital in all parts of the business process. Everything is connected, so we need to be aware of that and really ensure that our system is water tight.
You can outsource this if needed and can hire experts to ensure you communicate effectively with all parts.
For example; I have a team of ten and my team need to all know what each person is doing and why they are doing it. Each role is appreciated and respected and I ensure this. This means that all communication channels are open and clear, and this is the same for my client. So, when my client comes through my funnel in acuity, they are sent a series of communications.
So, regardless of whether they buy or not, they still get emails which deliver value but at the same time tempt them to buy.
This leads me to the question – do you have a team?
Do you hire people? Do you outsource? Are they effective?
Who’s making your sales calls?
Who is ensuring your brand is speaking directly to your ultimate client?
How are you building rapport and trust via your brand, ethics, vision and message?
IF you need a team then everyone needs their role defined in this world of Small business and in communication – and this all needs to be tested constantly. This of course includes customers. We need to have meetings to ensure all are fulfilling their roles in communicating the vision and mission in the best way possible.
If we don’t test or measure we don’t know.
Coaching – Leads, Conversions and Sales Whole Simple Process That I use
Now, we all need the right tools for this also of course. So, ensure you hire an expert to build you a professional website and ensure that all areas are connected.
What do I mean by connected? Wherever a potential client goes they always stay connected to YOU. So, whoever reads this blog post then goes to the bottom and at the bottom I have offers and options. I offer a planning sessions with me, and a self study course and also my books. wherever the reader goes they have options to go further into the sales process. Now, some do and some don’t but that’s cool, as I already know who is serious and who isn’t. Remember what I said earlier though; I am not selling. I am only sharing, and this is a way better way for me to create sales as I am NOT pushing anyone or desperate.
You will hear hundreds of experts telling you the number 1 way to get high end clients, and I am sure you have read some of this, but don’t feel you have to buy into every solution you see. My suggestion is to join Linked in and local meet up groups, and create a facebook group and as long as you are open and honest there and build a great profile in each place you will start to build rapport and communication. The key here is to ask them a series of questions ONLY once you know them a little.
So, you will be connecting with them and finding out what they really need. I also have a specific script which is natural in my head and not robotic.
The idea is to get to their root pain and to become the solution. That’s it! But this also means being in front of the right types.
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Coaching – Leads, Conversions and Sales (Whole Simple Process That I use)
Coaching – Leads, Conversions and Sales
There you have it. That’s it! The basic process I use to sell my coaching. Not that complicated is it!
FINAL TIP: When rapport and trust is built (as we talked about) I will always start at my highest priced coaching package of course, because I want to be able to get the best results for them and they will get the most out of the higher investment. Plus I will offer a 20% discount if they purchase on the same day but not 2/3 days later. You always want to make the highest sale you can of course for your time and when working in being a master at Coaching – Leads, Conversions and Sales.
For me – it’s about knowing the bottom line price point. Especially when working 1on1, as it might be many hours of time, so this needs to reflected in the charges.
I do have various other offers and will talk about them ONLY if it looks like they are not going to buy.
Remember, they need to see the value and you need to over-deliver what you stand for. I do have sales scripts should you need them so just contact me @ and use the contact form to ask for a copy and I will be happy to talk through this with you.
Coaching – Leads, Conversions and Sales Whole Process That I use
By the way, do you want to know how I created $10k+ months from my Coaching – Leads, Conversions and Sales – from product promotion, only working with 4 people per month?
If you are interested in knowing how I went from £25k in debt to developing my passions into a sustainable Coaching – Leads, Conversions and Sales business model making $10k+ months (and that’s even when I’m being quite lazy) ‘and’ how you can also in any Niche – plus, if you wish to know how I easily create extra revenue from selling courses, using affiliate marketing tools and eBooks then CLICK HERE TO SEE MY SELF STUDY. This teaches you every area you need to develop your passions – and is already helping my students globally to work from home coaching and commanding premium prices for their services. I have created this simple course for anyone to use if they wish to discover and develop their passions into a new Small Business.
This has every tool anyone could need to change their life and create a small business – and its still in prelaunch currently at just £29.70. With audios, videos, worksheets and Powerpoint presentations which I am sure you will love. But I will be raising the price in the next few weeks though.
Remember! Any Questions JUST HEAD HERE OK
Thanks for reading Coaching – Leads, Conversions and Sales (Whole Simple Process That I use) I appreciate that you may have read a great deal, so my advice would be to take what you find most useful and take action on it right away. There is nothing greater than action as you can adjust as you move.
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All the very best with your Coaching – Leads, Conversions and Sales Business
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Coaching – Leads, Conversions and Sales
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