17 Powerful Tips To Creating a Solid Coaching Business Working With High Quality Coaching Clients
![High Quality Coaching Clients](https://THESMALLBUSINESSGROWTHBLOG.COM/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/2016-01-22_1309-300x241.png)
High Quality Coaching Clients
In that simple illustration you will see a BIG RED Person, and that he/she is connected to all other colours. “Obviously!” you say. Yes, sorry for the obviousness there, but it’s important to point out the simplicity of this; you see, our goal as a Coach is to be SOOOO GOOD that when we do connect with others and bring them value they tell their friends also.
See what I mean?
So, what this means is that ‘you and I’ build a great business which keep on giving.
When you and I work with great clients who will pay high end premium amounts (which we want of course if we are serious about doing our best work and delivering the very best) they will be delighted and then pass on their news.
What does this really mean? It means that we get further high end clients without trying to find them.
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So, this means lower marketing costs, higher margins and everyone’s happy.
Now, I was thinking of writing a new book on this but then I thought what the hell; I will just get it out in a post.
So, what I have done here is to share all of the areas that have helped me the most to get high quality coaching clients in my niche.
Now, you do not need to do all of these things – but if you do 1-2 effectively then you will start to make great progress from your coaching/consulting/training practice within the next 30 days.
The trouble is, most people read stuff and forget it. Don’t they?
One of my greatest ‘secrets’ if you can call it that is, APPLICATION. Apply what you learn and learn as much as you can about your craft. And from this you can decide what works for you versus what doesn’t.
I don’t know what your niche is; whether you are a Relationship Coach, Nutritional Coach, Life Coach, Business Coach Or Fitness Coach or any other Coach, what is important are the principles that get results.
There are certain key factors which just work and will help you to get high paying clients in your coaching or consulting business right away.
You do not need to re-invent the wheel as most people tell you, you just need proven simple and effective actions and principles.
I have now been coaching for over 15 years, and at first I tried everything to succeed.
Of course, back then I had to pay a million people to help me, and most people didn’t really consider coaching as something which was worth their time or money. So, I set about networking like a crazed animal. I also joined network marketing companies to learn how to recruit as I thought that would help also. I worked on building relationships and having worthy conversations and as I started to create a system for signing up new clients I would then tweak and improve my efforts.
17 Powerful Tips To Creating a Solid Coaching Business Working With High Quality Coaching Clients
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High Quality Coaching Clients
Then I started to sell eBooks of which I now have 26 which also helped me with positioning and branding. I built courses, started a podcast, built this blog, and started working with higher end clients. So, I got there through a lot of hard work and determination.
Plus; I went to various meet up groups, events and conference to find potential clients – and even today I am still honing my skills to work with the right Coaching Clients. This is not because I ONLY want to work with the right types. I just prefer to work with the right people. And I believe that the hungry, passionate, accountable types who listen ones are the ones who need my help.
The truth is that learning really never ends when you are passionate about what you do and in making the biggest difference and your job is to stand out amongst a sea of similar types..
Working With High End Coaching Clients Share on X
And I think that learning should never end for any of us. We have huge capacities for absorbing information, so surely we need to take in the information which can help us to make our lives as good as they can be.
Knowing Who To Work With In Your Coaching Business & Attracting High Quality Coaching Clients
I mentioned in the title that I get ‘High quality’ coaching clients and there is a MASSIVE DIFFERENCE HERE. When I started out, I took on just about anyone willing to pay me – but as I grew in experience and in revenue and reputation I started to ‘cherry pick’ WHO I worked with, as I ONLY wanted to work with people who TOOK ACTION and KNEW THAT significant change was down to them.
This is the great benefit of growing yourself, as you start to attract a better level of client.
Of course – you have to perform and deliver your highest quality work and that is where your experience, skills and training comes in, but once you have that under your belt you still need to be able to get yourself enough Coaching Clients to survive and to make it a real business with real revenue.
So, now I will share my most powerful tips for getting HIGH QUALITY clients no matter what type of Coaching business you are running – or are in.
17 Powerful Tips To Creating a Solid Coaching Business Working With High Quality Coaching Clients
These tips took me from charging £100 per hour to £2000 per client. Here goes:
1) ALWAYS THINK OF THE RESULT YOU ARE MAKING NOT ON SELLING YOURSELF – It is all about The client NOT YOU. They don’t care how good you are until they know you care. And when you know exactly WHO YOU ARE AIMING AT then it is easy to demonstrate expertise. Make them understand the pain they are in and show that you GET IT. Also make them feel as though if they don’t resolve this pain they will suffer for many years. This sounds kind of weird but it is only the truth. TIP: Who is it exactly that you are aiming for? And why? Know this! And get into a conversation with them. Prove to them you can and will get results and make all of your efforts around this.
2) HAVE A SLICK SIGN UP FORM – I use a free 45 minute strategy session and I use something I made up called the LISTEN method. Which is, Listen, Identify, Strategy and Solution, Encourage and Empower, Then after step 1 you can go into why YOU ARE THE ONE THEY NEED. PROVE IT. Talk of other clients who have had the same or a similar problem
3) HAVE A SYSTEM THAT CAPTURES THEIR ATTENTION – Have email an series, a valuable newsletter and a free gift to attract them in the first place. Even if they don’t sign up with you initially they will see you care if you give value and share knowledge. Invite them to REACH OUT TO YOU ANYTIME if they need more help. This gives true value and trust.
4) GO FOR QUALITY OVER QUANTITY – You do not need millions of clients to pay your bills. What you need is high quality change makers who will pay you for several sessions in advance. You can be flexible in your payment plan but if you sell the 45 session well they will sign up with you
5) MAKE THE DIAGNOSIS – Don’t ask them how many sessions they would like TELL THEM. YOU are the expert YOU should know what your coaching clients need and they prefer that you lead after the free 45 session you then use language such as ‘Here is what we are gonna do’! Do you see how that pre-qualifies them? Use this kind of language after you have diagnosed the core issue Not before. So, I use my LISTEN technique. Copy that if you wish to. Ofr make your own.
6) BE CLEAR ON YOUR MESSAGE – Who are you aiming at? You have to know exactly who your ideal client is and aim at them. Be clear as to what you are doing and why. Remember create the result in your message so they NEED YOU and make it painful for them IF they don’t hire you. You can use this PAIN copy in your website, blog, emails, videos and social media efforts. So craft your message AROUND the problem you solve for your ideal coaching clients.
7) HAVE A CONVERSATION EVERY DAY – Very Important – Every day is an opportunity to find a new potential client. Whether on Facebook, in the street or at the Mall. You know where to find them right? Well, if not then that’s your next task today. But you can find coaching clients at Meet Up groups, networking events and at conferences. You choose.
8) DON’T CHARGE TOO LOW – Psychologically people think you are cheap if you are cheap. Have self respect for your worth and don’t sell yourself shirt. And charge what you are worth. If you need more training to become the best then get it. You must invest a little into your education.
9) LISTEN ACTIVELY – I touched on listening earlier but I cannot emphasise enough that by listening to your coaching clients that you connect. And connection plus rapport is what is going to get you paid. So, master this art. Start with listening to your partner or family more. You will see the difference between hearing and listening with your heart. it actually feels great to listen with care, try it.
10) BE OPEN AND FLEXIBLE – If a client wants to know more about NLP or Business coaching then find out for them how they can use other tools also. Don’t be afraid to suggest a variety of tools that you can promote as an affiliate or from your own toolbox
11) HOW TO MAKE $10K + PER MONTH – I use a combination of Coaching Costs like for example $2-3k per client and promotion of HIGH coaching services and tools. To make 10kpm+ you need to have either high costs yourself or mid range costs and promotion of other high end services. Look at top coaches – they promote each other all of the time. Plus don’t rely on one stream of income. Monetize your website and blog. You will see a TOOLS section at the top of my blog. I ONLY PROMOTE WHAT I USE and which are tools that have helped me. Hold webinars also and if needed launch your own products. Personally I don’t need to do this and prefer selling eBooks and coaching products plus list building. Your website, blog and email series can pay you on autopilot. So look at monetising these where needed to help your efforts. Think about it, if you share a $5-$10k product on a trusted list you can make a very lucrative income. Finally, when you give away something like a report or book you can have what’s known as a OTO which is a One time offer. So, for example give away a report FREE you then charge $7-$17 for an eBook as a OTO. You can then further your efforts to then offer a $47 products for example. But for now just get started. But, by doing this you are always monetising your list and income. TIP: Look at getting a great funnel expert to help you here.
12) LEVERAGE YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA EFFORTS – Have you got a group, fanpage, Instagram and Twitter? What about Linkedin, Tumblr or Pinterest? There are tons but I use which ones work best for me. And I also backlink them to my website and sign up form. The key is in connecting everything. So, ask yourself “Who are my ideal Coaching Clients?” and “where do they hang out?” Attract them and conduct research. These platforms are free and easy to set up and you can outsource marketing for these if you need to. TIP: KEEP THINGS SIMPLE. The last thing anyone wants IS MORE INFO OVERLOAD. Simple is king! Measure what works best and scale it up.
13) BUILD A STRONG LIST – Today, all business should be doing this without exception. Why? Because it is the only way to ensure you are investing in your future which is key in business. If you have no skills here then outsource this also. Go to Freelancer or Upwork – and if money is tight then start with Fiverr.com. Hire for the cheaper jobs initially, and Just get started on exploring this. Create a small giveaway to start building the trust and relationship such as an eBook, report, video series, webinar podcast or whatever you like. Share it and test the traffic both organic and paid. Use tools such as aweber and leadpages to connect your sales funnel, and if you need help with this get in contact as I can advise on an expert.
14) FOLLOW UP – Just because some potential clients don’t sign up with your right away it doesn’t mean they never will. Call them, e-mail them, zoom call them, Skype them and send a friendly personal message touching on their ‘BIGGEST ISSUE’ to remind them that they NEED YOU. You are the answer remember, so be the expert and follow up. It’s not selling, it’s just bout being in their MIND and it’s in their best interest to work with you of course. TIP: Remind them of the S@@@ they are in. The sales call should make them emotional and even vulnerable. This way you sink them into their problem. And don’t forget that affiliate marketing and sharing of great tools is a part of follow up when using your email series.
15) KEEP GREAT CLIENTS – Look after them. In other words – it is better to stick with quality people than just finding anyone. You can potentially make alot more money from one client as they already know like and trust you. So, if they wish to work with you for a year or two then create a deal. You can offer a variety of payment options with loyal clients also to make it easier for them to stick around. And if you are getting results for them they most likely will stay. Invest in them and they will invest in you.
16) LEARN FROM OTHER EXPERTS – There are tons of free trainings, posts, podcasts, videos and webinars from top performers on client attraction. All can help you become the best. Just learn like you would for an exam. Keep learning every day and get better every day. Get a coach yourself if you need to. I have had 3 coaches so far – and will work with another soon on creating a membership site for my business. If you need the help then get it. I also know a great LinkedIn expert who can help with client attraction if needed, so let me know.
17) HAVE YOUR STORY – At your website share your story and struggle if necessary . Be honest and show them that you know what it is like to struggle. By demonstrating that you are real and was once vulnerable, and now you are strong as you conquered XYZ they can see transformation in front of them. This shows that you are a human being not just a ‘COACH’. Share your story on coaching websites also, by getting onto all of the relevant coaching membership sites and coaching bodies this will serve you.
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![High Quality Coaching Clients](https://THESMALLBUSINESSGROWTHBLOG.COM/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/ppc-coach-1-on-1-coaching1.png)
High Quality Coaching Clients
Without question – when you can master these areas this will help you easily create $10k per month and more in your Coaching Business IF you can be consistent. So you too can start working with High Quality Coaching Clients.
Today, there are many coaches out there as you may have seen, and there are many people trying to tell us how to live better lives in some way, and they are telling us what to do, and how to do it, as though there is ONLY ONE WAY which works, and it is usually THEIR WAY! The point is, there are many ways, so I a not going to sit here and tell you that THIS IS THE ONLY WAY, it isn’t.
NOTE: You can choose 1ON1 coaching or group coaching and I love both personally, but that’s up to you to decide upon.
I am not here to add to that noise either, I am just here to share what has worked for me and my clients.
And what is important here is that you can then PICK AND CHOOSE what you choose apply.
And once you begin seeing some results, you can also start to choose who you work with – and there will be no more saying ‘YES’ to just anyone including those low motivated people who have no intention of working and applying what you teach.
You want to create results for them and you, right? Of course! So you can reduce the need for signing up just anybody as you need the money, and you will instead start to enjoy the process as you charge more and work with less.
So, you will be able to cherry pick and that will become your natural direction to go in.
17 Powerful Tips To Creating a Solid Coaching Business Working With High Quality Coaching Clients
No matter what Coaching industry you are in ‘you can’ use all of these tools to get more high quality coaching clients starting today. There is no question that these have all helped me and I have paid many coaches a lot of money to help me refine my processes, so it took some tweaking.
So, once you hit the $10k mark – it is also easier to raise your prices further.
Why? As you are then positioned at a level whereby you are able to invest in marketing, PR, exposure, and branding if needed, so you can stand out as a top performer and thus increase further and work with even less people.
Today in our world is the time for great coaches and we all need them, but I did say GREAT, so ensure you are the one person in your niche who others wish to come to. And become the best you can be – and be that person.
I promise you that you will create lasting change for others by applying this, and this will support your income goals. So, get clear on the kind of income that you feel you deserve and know your plan for demonstrating it, so that you can work towards this every day. And be sure to hire the experts and outsource where needed – as it is a long hard road going it alone.
I have learned that I needed to stick to my core strengths and hire others for theirs, and this way progress is way faster.
The more of an expert you become who listens and cares, the quicker you will get the right clients who are clear on the fact that you are the answer.
Finally, most people just want to know that they are in the right place and they want to feel that they can trust you. So remember, STICK TO WHAT YOU ARE GREAT AT. Do not try and be jack of all trades, It will kill you and your soul.
Stay focused on doing the best job you can as you grow, and you will attract more of the right types to you.
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Now, you may not have much of a budget, so my suggestion would be to do what you can do initially and bootstrap in the early days, but eventually you will want to invest in yourself and your business and in order to stand out you need other experts.
Something I did was to ask lost of questions of other experts, and take advice from those who were better than me. Many were happy to answer questions and help me, and as I started to earn, I put that money back into furthering my position.
NOTE: From there I spent well over $50k in my own education and training in order to become the best I could. This is a business and should be treated as such.
This investment was used to create a Website, sales pages and a sales process and funnel amongst other areas. I also spent it on Course creation, Sales training, PR and LinkedIn expertise.
Never forget that your mindset is everything. If you never believe that you can do something you never will; but when you can believe in it and act upon it, it will happen for you.
If you want to become the top of your game then you may find this Course useful – Growing Your Micro Or Small Business no matter what business you are in and crafting your message to earn $10k+ per month:
I have also created a free webinar if you want to grow your small business
And I have written a few books which may help you
As always, I wish you the very best
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High Quality Coaching Clients
NOTE: New to Small business? Grab my totally FREE ebook on the right and it will help you get started TODAY to get real growth and results. It’s time to forget all the hype, complication and crap that we have all read too much of and start seeing your small business grow sustainably and consistently.