![CREATING CONTENT](https://THESMALLBUSINESSGROWTHBLOG.COM/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Content-creation-205x300.jpg)
I was watching a great comedian the other and this is something I simply adore doing. I enjoy laughing at life and think it is important for our health.
Anyway, this guy was making me cry with laughter and he always does. I do enjoy a great variety of comedy mind you and in the U.K. I feel we have always been the masters of this craft.
So, this guy is a true genius at his craft, and the way in which he shared his jokes was just beautiful and very timely. As you may know timing and delivery is everything!
It reminded me that, when you and I are crafting our message in whatever we do in order to send to the right types, we need to be clear, concise and deliver the goods. Yes?
Of course! And content delivery has been around since we started publishing, and through art, and communication, it is the content which serves as the information we all consume.
Everything we see and hear every day and whichever form it is being shared in with us, we all know about it.
So others direct their words, images and videos towards an end user (us) or a specific crowd or audience – just like with our comedy friend.
And the content is expressed through some sort of medium whether it be speech, writing or any of the various arts. So content can be and is be delivered via many different media including the Socially online and online in other forms, also through cinema, television, radio, smartphones, audio, books, e-books, magazines, conferences and live events, such as speeches, and stage performances.
It is everywhere – ALWAYS!
So it has to invoke something in us, agreed?
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Therefore, it’s no good in having a great piece of writing that you are really pleased with, only to discover that it isn’t actually doing anything. Would you agree with that also?
It’s a bit like having the Ferrari sat on the driveway doing nothing; it looks fabulous but it isn’t being used for it’s purpose.
So – We have to know where our content is going to be seen, read, or heard and also why it will be enjoyed and accepted.
But that’s not it is it! Our goal is to make it not only evoke a response or reaction but also to lead to an ACTION.
Or in some cases ‘a CALL to action’.
So, although I will admit that am no master copywriter or content king, I am however someone who has grown a brand and a thriving business from primarily my writing.
I am not ‘in any way’ perfect, nor do I claim to be, but what I do is to deliver the message and to get the responses I need. I also measure this of course and see where I need to tweak, edit, change, ditch or keep what I have created in order to create the response I would like.
Best of all, this comes
from the heart and
not from trying to
‘please’ or be desperate.
In fact – almost all of life works better that way doesn’t it?
For example – I only write what I have done and been able to demonstrate and also ‘ONLY ‘ what my clients have been able to create.
I write based on direct experience.
So, ALL of what I write comes from actual real life results, however – I do see a great deal of content these days which has absolutely no proof or validity to it, and thus it makes it worthless in my eyes. Sure we all have to start somewhere, so start and get it right and get results, and from there share it.
Now, one might argue that all content has a purpose – and yes, it does, but when trying to sell to another without first having any kind of evidence to back it up, I am not a big fan that’s all. So, all content is designed to either shock, surprise, soothe or sell to others in some way, when being shared, and OK maybe I missed a few S words there but I am sure you get the point that it has a point.
Now, in my case, I hope that it does it’s job and tries to sell for me of course – and it has a great track record because I measure it, and it can can serve me for many years; so it is of great value, and I am the kind of person that really loves to share more than sell, so I enjoy knowing that my content has SERVED and been read. I am not saying that I don’t sell stuff of course, I do, and I love to as I am trying to create an income, so it depends on my goal.
So, I am indeed sharing and sometimes selling right off the bat and with all business sales and marketing content the end point is to drive ultimately to a sale ‘or’ at least an investment from a person of time. But it is much more than that in my eyes.
I believe in delivering true VALUE, and I don’t hold back in case I give away too much. So I don’t just share part value, some value or a bit of value, but value which can be applied and used.
What does this do?
It builds trust!
As you and I both know TRUST is crucial as is KNOWING and LIKING!!
But as we create and build on this we also have to know what another is looking for.
And, even if they don’t know yet that they need YOU, you are showing them that they do.
So there has to be some kind of demand right? Sure, we are looking for those who are demanding something we can provide or fulfil, but as I said, there are also those who may not even realize it yet. They may have never heard of us, or even once considered looking at anything we offer, so it’s their first time, but we can then show them that they do in fact need us, and through the emotional connection we may encourage them to take some form of action.
With me?
I am not a comedian (although I have thought I was at times when tipsy!) but I could never deliver this kind of need, and thank God, because I would suck at it – and I would hate to be on stage in front of thousands of viewers who were all expecting me to be the best jester they have ever seen. No thanks! And in business, we don’t want to be seen as a joke either, do we!
But we do want to be remembered don’t we!
![CREATING CONTENT](https://THESMALLBUSINESSGROWTHBLOG.COM/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Creating-content-300x200.jpg)
Yes we do.
So, great business content has a purpose for sure, and it means for me in creating something which develops a connection and creates a response in order to get into the mind of the reader.
I know that this may sound a bit like some form of hypnotism, and I suppose that marketing kind of is, but it depends how it is done.
It can be done with dignity, class, sophistication and style or it can be bashed out in some desperate attempt to appeal.
The truth is that we are all selling or promoting something, whether it’s a product, service or ourselves, so we need to deliver the right message and get out the right content if necessary.
You have self respect enough to act in certain ways, speak in certain ways and conduct yourself in certain ways right? So, it is no different.
If it is an extension of us personally I believe it has to be personal.
I don’t subscribe to what is suggested or recommended in order to HARD SELL!
Now, without sounding super cheesy, I like to make a difference, and I want to help those who are as passionate as I am, so naturally I care about others results and about their lives. I know – weird isn’t it! I don’t care for being cheap, selling cheap or finding cheap people either.
My mother taught me to respect others, have compassion, listen openly and give unconditionally and it has helped me thus far.
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I don’t want to just sell and forget!
I want to create an investment in my buyer or client.
I want to do what I was meant to do and do so with personal pride.
I am not offering a £1 bargain market product either – and nor are my clients in need of that, so we both know that with great service comes respectable prices.
What I am saying is that we can determine our crowd and become that person they want, and I just happen to prefer the more discerning crowd.
So, I will never sell myself short to attract anyone, otherwise I am sure that those viewing my content would know very quickly that something whiffs of desperation, and is just a bit TOO SALESY.
I hate that. So, I sell what I believe to be of high value by serving and sharing to those who expect high value.
There is an art to all things I believe and an art to doing something right, so there is nothing wrong with selling, only that – I will work with one style.
Personally, I really hate the crappy super hyped stuff that is often thrown at us everyday – and it is often so overstated yet under delivered that there is no real value to it. I also believe that there is no need for this outdated type of selling now, today.
Why? Because we deserve better.
We should all demand standards.
And we have become more aware as consumers and are more sophisticated and more wise. So, the hard sell is now CHEAP!
Yet, I still get calls everyday from pushy scripted sales types who try to convince me that I need their product or service more than the air that I breath.
But, most of us have been sold to ‘so much’ that we have also become so immune to so much of it, so why is it still done?
Sorry did I use too many so’s? If so I apologize.
So, to this day it is still done and it still serves some companies and it still works, and they have evolved to some extent in what they do but many old leaders and companies still hammer out the old hard nearly aggressive selling.
Hey it works for them – but I am not a fan and not the type of person to perform in this manner.
I know that results count for everything, and if something works for a business or a company then fair enough, but I still don’t agree with a ‘non-human’ detached style of selling. Pushiness and false words to manipulate others doesn’t suit me ‘at all’ and I have to date seen and heard ‘so many’ sales scripts by so many ‘so called’ sales professionals which are frankly vomit inducing, and there are others which are actually quite humorous.
Oh dear, I’m using ‘so’ too much again! Sorry about that.
The point is that I (and I am pretty sure you also), receive many e-mails, Facebook messages and LinkedIn Messages from those who friend me and immediately try to CONVINCE ME that my life would be better with a ‘new thing’ they have. 99.9% of the time total and utter nonsense, and I believe that ‘if’ you have a great product or service which you truly believe in – and which is coming from a great core message, ethos and standard, then there is simply no real need for this type of selling at all.
![CREATING CONTENT](https://THESMALLBUSINESSGROWTHBLOG.COM/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Creating-great-content-300x200.jpg)
Everything can be cultivated authentically and naturally without the need for the kind of desperation I see every day.
We just need to wake up and see the signs. People are not stupid. Well some are, but not all of them.
You don’t need a sign to tell you. (See what I did there?)
I digress – but what I mean is that we need to know that ‘what we are doing is actually wanted’ and that it is ‘or’ can be effective of course, so I highly recommend that you ensure you are sharing with some form of dignity before you start mindlessly throwing signs at people.
Now you will also want to be measuring your efforts, otherwise it just becomes the Ferrari, sat in the garage!
Once we can trust in our work and we know that it will deliver we can then scale up our efforts.
And of course we will want to ‘deliver the best performance’ so to speak.
In fact, talking of performing, I recently read about a well known actor who adopted a more natural approach to his craft, and he decided to trust in his ability to deliver from his experiences, so he relaxed more in his roles, knowing that he had done enough, and this created for him winning performances, and far greater results – as he was just simply being himself and delivering the lines from a place of that experience.
He trusted in his performance and we can also once we know that it is worthy of us.
We all become more experienced in what we do, and we therefore may adjust accordingly as we progress.
Now, this chap simply let the creativity flow from him and he didn’t worry about being the best, or better than others – but rather, he allowed himself just to do his best in order to give his best work. Doesn’t everything work best naturally? Sure, because it’s REAL! It’s not fake. Fake doesn’t last.
There are some exceptions to this though – How on earth does Donald Trumps Orange Tan and Comb over last this long, it’s a real mystery to me!
Is it genuine? I’m not sure!
But when Creating content or doing whatever you are trying to do – and whatever your message may be – remember to be genuinely you.
You might be a solid sales person, and so it works for you, ‘or you may be selling flowers, or cakes or online courses; but I personally believe that you have to truly love what you sell.
And I know that I could never sell what I didn’t love or believe in. In fact I used to back in the beginning and I hated it.
This means I only deliver something with immense power, and do so in a timely manner and with total confidence in what I share.
Doesn’t that feel better? I think so!
Hype and Crap has bull shitted it’s way into so much of our lives today; it’s everywhere!
And I have even seen fully competent, capable and intelligent Human beings who watched infomercials and were mesmerized by what they saw, but on top of that HAD to have that thing. It’s a bit like an addiction, they need this thing, but not long after that they want the next thing. And so the cycle of ‘never being satisfied’ and mass consumerism becomes an obsessive fix or high.
Have we gone back to being spoiled kids?
I would add to that; don’t be fooled by what you don’t really NEED OR WANT! Obvious? Not always – as many (including myself) have fallen foul to B.S and in buying what I don’t even need!
Now, you may be thinking, “wait a minute, Greg helps businesses grow, so why is he slamming buying?”
Aha, very observant of you!
But, I am not slamming buying I can assure you, I am merely pointing out that ‘not all buying or selling’ is the same. Good business is doing something great! Good buying is about self respect.
I love what I do and I know it comes from me, and it comes from the best of what I can offer. But, of course I always adjust and ask for feedback in order to improve upon this, so in order to help decent people grow small businesses every day I have to be aware of their primary goals, passions and desires whilst doing so ethically, responsibly, and from the right vision, message and ethos.
So, I am there to care ‘not’ to PUSH anything or even to PERSUADE, (which can be a great tool in it’s own right), but no, I just need to PROVIDE the right solutions which are an extension of my carefully crafted content.
See? So I know that it all begins with the right words. And from there – I deliver and try to enrich clients lives.
Really, why do so many people make this so darn complicated?
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Something I also do is to make the sales calls – so, I know what is being said.
Have you ever wanted to work with a Coach, mentor or consultant badly and then end up with one of his partners, team or something else?
Don’t you hate that? I do!
So, I do everything and keep a tight ship. I am not interested in allowing any of my team do the calls for me.
I do them, and I do so in a way which is again very relaxed and with active listening to really understand what my potential client really needs. I am not interested in how I feel, I am interested in how they feel. I never sell, I share.
So, my point here is that ‘if’ you really care about what you write and you are a Consultant or Coach and wish to offer honest delivery of a service or product then I suggest you follow through on your promise of actually being personal. That’s just my opinion of course.
For me great content followed on with great calls is the key to selling without really selling for me!
Let’s face it; None of us really like being sold to or pushed into anything do we!
I love my clients to become excited ‘not’ through false promises, but through results that we create together.
So, I won’t sell anything which I haven’t first demonstrated for myself or what I cannot deliver upon. I want to see excited, happy and joyful types who love what they do in their lives and roles, and – I don’t want them to fail, and I certainly never wish to force anything on anyone either as I love to help people and see them get excited by life and by what’s possible, but I also love to feel this myself.
I like to enjoy my role and to buzz each day with good energy, and I love to bring that energy into life every day, and this is what I create through what I feed my own mind and system.
By the way – I don’t feed myself with everything on offer from the consumer mad world we live in.
Whilst it’s great to have such amazing choices today, and I am super lucky to live in such a world where I can walk out of my door every day and choose something different, I don’t want all of it.
It means that I have respect and integrity in what I do.
May I say that I humbly like to be discerning in my taste, and although I am a normal working class guy from a very average area in Bristol UK – I nevertheless have grown to appreciate the finer things, and my mind has a penchant for sophistication as much as my palate has.
I am just particular about everything in my life as I designed it that way.
But this isn’t about me – even though I have talked a lot!
![CREATING CONTENT](https://THESMALLBUSINESSGROWTHBLOG.COM/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Writing-content-300x200.jpg)
So, what am I banging on about?
Simply that I believe we need to be more considered in what we do. It lasts longer!
I am considered in what I do, what I buy into and what I feed myself on. And I also aim to support those types who are also considered in what they choose to do with their lives. Not many people believe they can design their lives in one way or another, so they stay where they are and they often struggle:
But whilst I know that struggle is a part of life, it is not always dealt with by escaping it.
There is nothing wrong with escaping for an hour with a comedian of course! I know I do!
They do a great job in selling us their brand for that period of time, but it is also their job to make you and I like them and to want more.
Aren’t we all wanting deep down to be liked and admired? BUT it can all be achieved without being desperate!
I thankfully don’t create temporary highs to create more demand, I create plans which create long-term change.
So, a bit like the comedian who chooses a certain style and brand of comedy – so he/she attracts a certain crowd who love his/her brand, so do I attract a certain kind of crowd, but my crowd go away with an actual life plan which is hopefully quite significant.
I enjoy comedy very much, but I also know that the content ‘whilst often clever’ probably won’t change my life. It will make me laugh for a brief moment which is awesome.
So, what are you trying to deliver?
I do believe we ‘all’ have great value of sorts –
and I believe that we all just need to know what
these are and from there ‘how best to share this’
in some way.
That’s the primary difference between getting by in life and thriving, if you were to ask me.
Those who blindly drift through life, and those who are constantly complaining about how bad life is are also often those who are broke. But, those who act upon what they can do to improve their lives increase their value, worth and without question – revenue.
So, we can either be slaves to the life we have fallen into, or we can create and deliver something significant enough to improve our lives and the lives of others. And we can do this through great content. It might be for you videos, blog posts, social media exposure, podcasts, webinars, and so on, the medium with which you choose to express this is up to you.
Just ensure that what you SAY YOU WILL DO YOU WIL DO! Otherwise your content is kind of worthless.
Sadly there are those who claim to improve our lives, but they are just a part of the problem.
They bash out this that and the other and they don’t deliver! But you know, we have covered this.
Now, if you are instead passionate like me about your Small business and message and about what you do – AND you provide a great service or product that you are proud of and can bring value to another through a great care and experience ‘then’ you are adding that value to their life, and you are not taking away from it. Agreed?
So, in which case – you would have nothing to be desperate about.
Let’s stop letting people down, and let’s stop shoddy businesses operating and lowering standards.
We have all been disappointed
enough in life haven’t we?
I bloody have anyway, so I could do with less of that thank, you very much!
So, don’t be desperate as it creates needy people.
Remember to ‘just be you’, use you – and work from your heart in what you do whilst using your head and being humble and quietly confident in your craft.
There are just too many people posing as the best in their game, showing off and trying to dazzle us with their overpromised delights, YET seldom being able to deliver, so we don’t need more this in this world – do we?
![CREATING CONTENT](https://THESMALLBUSINESSGROWTHBLOG.COM/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Start-writing-300x200.jpg)
I guess what I am saying is, ensure you are creating content which matters, and is a direct extension from your brands carefully considered message. Create that message and vision from that place which cares.
Make it an extension of you.
A great comedian is smart enough to know that they are the product and the brand and they have to deliver their work in their own unique way otherwise they won’t be sharing the stage with the best.
They don’t come onto the stage crying and pleading to be liked and falling on their knees in an inadequate desperate manner, unless that’s a part of their act.
The most successful and happy performers, and Small Business men and women know their core message and stick to it.
Ask yourself now:
- Why are you really creating this content?
- What is the actual purpose of what you create?
- What is the ultimate goal of the content and why?
- What products or services is this leading to and are they of a good enough standard?
- What funnel or automation have you set up to deliver further value driven content and communication?
- What follow up email and other processes are in place to create the relationship further rapport, connection and potential sales?
- What copy have you read or experienced which has helped you out or made you want to take further action and why was this so powerful?
- What teams, systems and processes do you have in place now to measure and monitor what you will do and how effective it is?
- What help or expertise might you need to outsource to help you with this part of your business – so you can focus on what you do best?
Work on these areas more and you will be better off with what results you create.
Of course there will be product and service changes, and developments to plans etc. as most things change over time, but as long as you have a standard, and core quality which is true, and honestly reflects what you can offer then you can of course maintain that and grow familiarity with your brand name.
Those people (you know the right ones) will find you – as you will be able to give more than others and aim at them in a truly powerful yet non threatening manner, and as a passionate Small Business Owner who wishes to be around for a very long time.
Bear in mind that – the last thing we want as business owners is to be laughed at! We are not comedians! Although our customers may smile with satisfaction from their experience which is cool, and they may even laugh with us in person as we have built that rapport and a common connection, but we certainly don’t want to become a joke in our community, or online.
Know your core message, and create the right content for that message. But, you will also want to ensure you are seen on Google and everywhere else important, in the right light. Know your role, as there is nothing worse than trying to be a jack of all trades and in trying to ‘do it all’ and I learned this years ago as I had no money and no clue. So I highly recommend you get that help where required – so you can stay focused.
For me, writing is a huge part of my business as I write books, posts and quotes and drive traffic to me through these avenues, and the majority of my revenue used to come from writing not consulting but today I charge more so this has surpassed my writing income. I consult when I feel like it and it isn’t always something required, so another tip would be; As you master your craft and content, try to think of ways for maximizing what you do and leveraging your work so that you have multiple streams of income.
This way, you have less risk as you have more than one revenue source.
For example, you can re-cycle your content and use videos, vlogs, blogs, podcasts and build lists in order to promote a variety of your offers.
It all comes from the same place anyway, so the standard is there as you will have created that great content.
Hope this helps you!
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As always I wish you the very best with your message
P.s – If you need a consultant to help you with creating the right content and get results, grow your Small business brand contact me at my site @ and you will see many satisfied testimonials there and my books which are also designed for you to get the right results. Be warned though – I will keep you accountable, I will motivate you and I will listen clearly to your vision, so I will be 110% in and – you would need to be also. if we are to grow together and develop your passion and turn profits.
We also define your goals and get crystal clear about where you are headed. I dedicate this to my dear Mother. And it is My Mother who I learned the greatest stuff from. She taught me compassion, respect, listening, manners, and considerate behavior which I adopted and which has served me in my life and Small business beyond measure. So thanks so much Mum. I had just rescued her from the Hospital in this picture where she had been for some weeks back in 2016.
She was more than happy to get out of there and have a nice cup of Coffee.
Unfortunately, she now has dementia, so I am not always able to know whether she now knows me or not any more, but I will never forget what she taught me.
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