6 Reasons Why You Need To Master EQ – And How It Can Help Your Buyers
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Master EQ
I will start with the really simple version which is that ‘if’ we don’t learn to master our emotions or understand them then we may find life quite a tough ride. Also, when in business – if we fail to understand others emotional drivers then we may have another tough ride in making the team and business work. So it is kind of important!
I have to say that – I got really annoyed when I dropped that egg the other day but why? What does it matter anyway? I swore at the egg when I broke it and shouted like a spoilt kid. Now, I am sure we all get times like this in life – but we usually see afterwards that we may have overreacted a little. No?
Now, we all know what IQ is and we all seem to believe that this is all that matters in being smart and aware but, there are many people who have exceedingly high IQ’s YET they have very little common sense.
So, IQ ain’t everything!
It is very powerful and useful in life in general isn’t it, we all know that, but – if we have no EQ awareness we may be getting super stressed and even over-reacting to life’s tests, challenges and difficulties. So why is this so bad? If we respond emotionally in life a great deal we may be losing friends, losing customers, losing our hair, losing relationships, losing business deals and losing our patience. Need I go on?
The simple point here is that – EQ is a useful and very powerful skill to master and I will explain why in a moment.
Ever been a bit over reactionary? Maybe a bit over dramatic? Well, that’s ok from time to time, WE ALL HAVE to express what we feel right? Sure, but in my humble opinion – if we allow our emotions to be all over the place we will suffer more than anyone.
So, mastering our emotions in business is the real secret to mastering business.
This means leading teams in better ways, leading ourselves in better ways, leading our brand name in better ways.
In my humble opinion, drama is best saved for ideas, and passion and getting colorful when we are exploring the majesty of life and when using our imagination. But – when it comes to day to day life and business we really need to know how to manage our lives and emotions. It’s kind of obvious isn’t it? Yet it is vastly misunderstood.
Putting it another way – I am sure you know the power of sexual lust! I do, we all do, and it can even drive much of our decisions in life, and this can be the case so much so that some even kill because of it, some will even leave partner to find it again, and others will die because of it. It is very powerful in dictating the behavior of many people. This power cannot always be contained – as some will pursue it regardless of the risks and consequences of their actions. We all know how powerful it can be right?
Sure we know, but we also know that this desire or drive can also be tremendously destructive.
So, we all know that our emotions can make us lose all reason of course, and without managing this the whole word would be a disaster.
Therefore – there are times when we need rationality and logic and we also need to know how to master our emotions more.
6 Reasons Why You Need To Master EQ – And How It Can Help Your Buyers
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I believe that it’s so useful to understand this, not only in our lives but in the lives of our customers.
When we know what they think and feel we are becoming selling machines.
So, it’s always great to know what drives us and others so that we can take that and use it to our advantage.
Now I don’t mean for a single second that this means being manipulative. On the contrary, this means ABUSE of emotion. I mean seeking to understand ourselves in order to better manage our lives and in order to manage our businesses.
So, for me – I am driven by the need to understand this. I am very passionate about people and happiness and in also delivering the best I can in order to give all of myself to what I do. So, it is important to me to know how I am applying my own emotions to each situation which life presents.
Therefore I am passionate about many things, my past failures, helping my team, family and friends, helping others, and the pain of struggle, etc. I see where my energy is being placed or misplaced. So I can celebrate my wins, but also learn from my losses.
I love to improve my relationships and I love to sell ethically.
There are so many things that we can be driven by. And Napoleon Hill once talked about Sex Transmutation, which took me a while to get, but today I happily understand it and apply it to what I do. This just simply means that we can plant our sexual energy into other ways of being. We can drive our desires into our passions and into productive and progressive ways which support us.
So, we may use this power not just for actual SEX!
My suggestion to you would be – find that drive in what you could love and apply it.
Use it with the drama to focus on ideas and use it to explore what you may wish to do the most. BUT, also understand that, each and every day you must manage how you feel in order to push forward. You need to know where to place this energy and how to focus it into the right areas.
Life can be challenging we all know that, and we can do things which test our integrity at times, but we must try to understand how to control our emotional minds in order to get the very best out of our lives and businesses.
I wonder what you might be able to do today that is more productive than yesterday?
What might happen if you took out the emotion from your most important daily tasks?
Might you focus more if you were not disturbed by emotions?
Or how about giving more emotion to your passions? What if you could drive more fire into what makes you feel passionate? How might this serve you in what you do?
By the way – my aim here is simply to share with you what you can choose to do. That’s up to you!
But is mastery like this even possible?
![Master EQ](https://THESMALLBUSINESSGROWTHBLOG.COM/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Emotional-intelligence-300x169.jpg)
Master EQ
The truth is that we have to learn to dance with the B.S in life and keep moving don’t we.
When we get a few knocks, and fall down, and quit we have to stand up again, no?
YES! Life will test us every day but when working on and in our businesses and in our connections we REALLY need to understand what we are creating and producing, and if this is even what we really wish to create.
If a manager or leader is a person who cannot control themselves what will be the result of that?
Probably CHAOS! And this will of course impact on the entire organization.
This is where an understanding of ourselves FIRST really helps life and business as we know WHO WE ARE going into everything and what we stand for.
So, what we can do is learn to understand how to engage with our customers using our own EQ or emotional intelligence.
This is a great tool to be aware of when building relationships in life and with our customers and – that I have personally found amazingly powerful. But most importantly it’s FOR YOU! You will become more capable and productive.
6 Reasons Why You Need To Master EQ – And How It Can Help Your Buyers
In a Nutshell:
Emotional intelligence (EI), emotional leadership (EL), emotional quotient (EQ) and emotional intelligence quotient (EIQ), are all the capability of individuals in recognizing their own emotions ‘and’ those of others, therefore we may discern between different feelings and identify them appropriately, which means we may use emotional information to guide thinking and behavior, and manage and/or adjust emotions to adapt to environments or achieve one’s goal or goals.
What does this mean? Simply WE GET OURSELVES AND OTHERS! This is the foundation for all great modern leadership.
Of course, we all want to be happy and successful in what we do right? Sure, and we also want to be aware of our buyers and for them to associate us with feeling good and a great experience. Correct? OF COURSE! And the best way to achieve this is by first working on yourself and your approach.
We have to learn how to master our own mind and vision so that we can give our best.
I will share some stupid simple tips here now you can use right away to help you become more successful.
If you want to be a successful in life and as a businessperson you have to not only know your buyers and audience like they are an extended part of your family BUT you have to know the secret tricks of the truly successful IF you want to really master it all (that’s what I learned). If you are wanting to create a sustainable business model that sings to your audience then never under-estimate your mind and it’s ability to create.
How your buyers remember you will determine your ultimate destiny as it is about how ‘they connect with you’ and vice versa. Here is where EQ comes in. What’s EQ – Emotional Intelligence? I know it sounds weird but it is one of the few things that can change everything.
So, What Is EQ in life? It’s everything. Relationships, business, friendships and so on. It works in all areas of life so this isn’t some new ‘buzz’ word or ‘trending’ fad this is REAL.
Just look at the diagram below – It shows how mastering your emotions can and will affect everything else. Everything is connected so, when you get the 4 areas right (as shown below) it all binds together to help you get what you want. To me – this is the cornerstone of my success as being aware is one of the most valuable assets you can own.
What Is EQ In Greater Detail
A part of the EQ and awareness connection is knowing what you are doing every day to help you reach your goals in life.
![Master EQ](https://THESMALLBUSINESSGROWTHBLOG.COM/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/2016-03-04_1111-300x212.png)
If You Can Master EQ You Can Change Everything. As it is the connection and mastery of your emotions that affects everything.
How do you manage your mind and how do you affect others around you. This simple diagram shows you how everything is related with this. You will see how at the core or cross point there we are right in the middle and from us comes these four quarters.
Each one is connected and therefore affects every other area of our lives. By mastering yourself you are going to understand how to be way more productive and more than that aware of what you are doing and what your customer or client wants. This is the ultimate clarity.
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Think about it, the more aware we are of ourselves, the more awake we are and thus effective!
Because we know how we function, how we act and what we create, so we can gain invaluable insights into ourselves in order to become better leaders.
So, now that we have explored the question ‘What Is EQ’ in greater depth let’s now look at how you may also use A mind tool for greater success and increased revenue starting today. I have added 5 specific “tools of the mind” that I’ve personally found useful in helping to shape my own thinking in a much more positive, leadership and growth manner. And by implementing these ideas and tools I have been able to better shape my days how I want them to be.
There are plenty there so, you have so much to choose from. Take your pick!
Here is a greay company I use:
Here’s how to create your first Mind Map
That should keep you occupied for a bit, but if you are still here then read on – as I will now share ‘how’ EQ can help your buyers!
6 Reasons Why You Need To Master EQ – And How It Can Help Your Buyers
What we do will always affect our results yes? Of course – so we need to be aware of a few things we are doing, and we need to ensure that we are taking in the right information in order to serve us and help us to become better. This way we understand others more. You see its quite simple isn’t it!
- Planning. The discipline of either ending or beginning each morning with about 30 minutes devoted exclusively to planning the goals, objectives, activities, meetings and conversations of the day is an excellent practice. This focuses your attention on productive matters and it gives your subconscious mind powerful directions and instruction.
- Environment. I know people who’ve started with nothing and built great empires. True Horatio Alger, rags-to-riches kinds of stories. But one thing I’ve noticed common to those people was that they did their very best to make what little they had into a positive work and living environment. You can’t do million dollar thinking in an environment that makes you feel like a failure. Even if your means are limited, do what you can to make your environment as good as it can possibly be.
- Reading. Data Processing experts say input governs output. So to be a million-dollar thinker, you’ve got to regularly give yourself input of that kind of quality and value. My regular reading list includes at least a book a week, over a dozen commercial magazines, half a dozen more specialized trade magazines, and a dozen decent newspapers, some of which cost in excess of hundreds of dollars a year. Serious growth builders HAVE to consume massive quantities of carefully selected information. And this will impact on one’s emotions in the right ways.
- The Right Activities. The million-dollar thinker does a great job at separating the important from the trivial when deciding upon what to focus their time and talents. Remember, that we define productivity as the use of your time, talent, energy, intelligence, resources, and opportunities in a manner calculated to move you measurably close to meaningful goals. One successful businessman once told me, “I can tell the depth of your commitment by the ease of your diversions.”
- The Right Associations. There’s a principle of association that you can predict a person’s future by evaluating the books he reads, the media he watches, and listens to, and the people he hangs out with. There’s an awful amount of truth in that. There’s really no such thing as an innocuous conversation, a TV program on for just the noise, a card game with the guys just to relax. Because from all those situations, like all other situations, input is collected, stored, accumulated, merged/purged, and used by your subconscious mind.
- The Right Business Mind. In doing the first 5 things on a consistent basis you will become more aware of yourself and thus become more aware of what you do every day and how you run your life and business. This will also help with understanding others and of course this includes your buyers/customers. The more you apply customer care strategies – the greater retention you will demonstrate because people want to feel cared for. So, even if you charge more than others you may still create the greatest market share through a deeper understanding of your customers.
All these things will help obviously. BUT, honestly how many of them do you live by now? 1-2-3 of them?
But this is what will make all the difference. Being better than most people means being more capable, competent and caring. And whilst it may sound as though I am putting down others who simply work hard, I’m not. I’m simply stating a fact. When you become better in your daily operation and when you become a greater business person you will beat others.
So now, when someone asks you…. ‘Hey, so what is EQ all about?’ You can smile and look a bit smug and say “Well, I will explain but I am also using it right now and here are my results!
What Is EQ Bottom line: How you manage your emotions and what you do, where you do it, who you do it with, and what you think while you’re in process ALL works together to program your mind towards some kind of results. We will always get results, we just want the most productive and effective ones.
Recognizing this fact – and implementing specific “tools of the mind” as described above – can give us the means to achieve more control over the direction that our lives takes. So, by being more aware of EQ and how to master this alongside mastering one’s own life this will drastically alter your success rate – as I know too well myself.
6 Reasons Why You Need To Master EQ – And How It Can Help Your Buyers
Here are some of the most powerful tips that I have learned in over the last 15 years of helping people:
- Creating a truly inspiring vision that magnetizes your ideal clients/customers better than others are doing
- Free yourself from limited thinking. You can push past WAY more than you think and create greater insights
- Create a Powerful message and brand so that people WANT to know what you do and you attract hoards of hungry fan, followers and buyers.
- Don’t de-value yourself or your ideas as they could be truly amazing TRY THEM out and explore them to express them fully and openly
- Turn ‘I’ll think about it’ into ‘YES’S’ by offering irresistible offers and value in all your marketing efforts by standing out from the crowd
- Learn how to leverage your time so you can have more freedom as your marketing works for you meaning you can further your education
- Learn how to create a variety of ways to use your knowledge and value to maximise your earnings potential in your efforts and in your products
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These are just some of the things I do and teach my clients when they ask me… so what is EQ?
By sharing my most powerful tools any of us can
![What Is EQ](https://THESMALLBUSINESSGROWTHBLOG.COM/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/emotional-intelligence_v2-1024x535-300x157.jpg)
What Is EQ? Well You Now Know So Get To Work!
use WE ALL get to create massive growth as nothing is missed out of the strategy.
So, let me ask you now – what small thing will you do today to master yourself more and start to create more EQ like that of a Business winner? Well, you could ask yourself the fundamental questions such as; ‘what am I doing now’ and ‘is it really helping me move forward’?
Start there – and if you feel you need help speeding up your rate of success then make 2020/1 your year and get in touch with me.
You can either get annoyed when you drop an egg and waste energy ‘or’ you can direct that emotion towards furthering your greatness. Up to you?
As always I wish you the very best
By the way some of this may help you?:
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Oh by the way; If you want to learn how I have created a successful Small Business from scratch then consider getting in touch with me to create a sustainable Micro or Small business in a free 45 minute planning session with me. Contact me @ www.GregDeTisi.com If you are serious about creating a life by design. I look forward to sharing what I share with my clients in evolving a passion driven lifestyle.
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