HOW TO INCREASE REVENUE: Mindset and Real Subliminal MP3 Tools
![HOW TO INCREASE REVENUE: Mindset and Real Subliminal MP3 Tools](https://THESMALLBUSINESSGROWTHBLOG.COM/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/MP3-Audios-Real-Subliminal-200x300.jpg)
HOW TO INCREASE REVENUE: Mindset and Real Subliminal MP3 Tools
Now we all have our ways of working, our routines, habits, patterns, tasks and so on, and it’s up to us of course to manage what we do and how we do it – right?
Of course – so, our minds determine a great deal of our actions through our conditioning and what we have been taught, thus our decisions often reflect this.
If we leave our mind to become only programmed by everything around us instead of primarily what we are aiming for – then we will take way longer to reach our goals because we are focused in so many areas. This is my experience anyway.
I personally believe in creating more wealth so I can help more people. So, I focus on multiple streams of income and with increasing my systems and strategies.
However, for you it might be something entirely different.
We all receive literally billions of pieces of information every day being fed into our subconscious minds, and we cannot possibly change that, but our minds try to filter out what is not a part of our belief systems, and what we have learned to be for us.
Can We REALLY Create A Money Mindset? Share on X
That’s why, we can work with with our minds to help filter out what is not necessary and bring in more more of what is necessary to help and support us in our goals, ambitions and vision. Let’s face it – the mind is super powerful, and most of us use around only 15% of what we have access to, so, if we don’t feed our minds with the right nutrients then they will be fed by all kinds of things.
That’s where using powerful audios comes in for me.
Real Subliminal Are A Company With Some Of The Tools That Have Helped To Propel My Online Income Into Far Greater Areas.
And that’s thanks to a truly unique and
powerful technology.
I know that many people are scared of the idea of mind programming, and I was also until I realised what else I was letting into my mind through default and through neglect. And I mean it when I say neglect because I sincerely believe that we are neglecting the truth and beauty of what we have by allowing all kinds of information inside.
What do we know of the mind? Really? Who teaches us? What are we taught?
We don’t know much about it, unless we are a highly trained cognitive professionals.
I am not, but i do know that based on the results I used to get compared to the results I now get there is a huge difference.
HOW TO INCREASE REVENUE: Mindset and Real Subliminal MP3 Tools
I have seen great changes in life and in business both offline and online, some good some bad, and with the constant developments of the information age change is expected with tech and systems, it can be uncertain times. To be honest – sometimes I can get uncomfortable with the consistent change, and this can make my own mind overwhelmed by trying to take it all onboard and adjust accordingly, so I use audios to help me stay focused in the areas which matter most to my own development and growth.
It is easy to feel or become overwhelmed these days with pressures, expectations, targets, goals, social media and more.
Therefore, regardless of what is going around me, i know that I can keep my kind in the game and on what will help me the most.
Yes, I move with change, and I implement what is required, but I also keep a still mind in the areas which require this of me.
Our minds need power and energy to function right, so they also need rest and thus I engage in mind recharging and in just being.
I also drink plenty of water, breath fully, aim at being calm, exercise and eat the right nutrients in order to get the maximum power.
The thing for me was that, I learned very quickly that I NEEDED TO ADAPT and change what I did, in order to be relevant and to have a place in my market. By using the right tools this is what enabled me to create more energy, power and momentum instead of overloading myself with a great deal of nonsense.
You see, we can tend to block our own progress often through subconscious beliefs and subtle self sabotage without even knowing it, so I was kind forced to do something different after my initial few years in business where I struggled to see any results.
I decided to take a step back and this forced me looked at other ways to work to enhance my own performance.
This is where I discovered various powerful tools such as REAL SUBLIMINAL stuff. I tried all kinds of tools and I also loved the guided mind tools.
![HOW TO INCREASE REVENUE: Mindset and Real Subliminal MP3 Tools](https://THESMALLBUSINESSGROWTHBLOG.COM/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/Kodo_Sawaki_Zazen-225x300.jpg)
HOW TO INCREASE REVENUE: Mindset and Real Subliminal MP3 Tools
I had realised that, for me to keep expanding and growing in my empire I had to work on my MINDSET THE MOST.
This is where many fail i believe personally as they don’t use powerful tools to help them and so they break down. Now, If you have goals, dreams, desires and ambition would you give up after a day or a few weeks if it was really so important to you? I would hope that you would persevere, focus, and maintain a committed course of specific action, but this can also wear us down, right?
Sure it can!
But, if you knew it was your dream why would you give up?
WELL MANY DO! And I feel for them.
Yet – we don’t need to be some kind of devout buddhist to be able to bring into our lives our greatest goals through meditation, we just need to be consistent with our listening.
Can We REALLY Create A Money Mindset? Share on X
Real Subliminal tools. Here is a little breakdown of what I do every morning to get into the zone of being unstoppable……
- 15 minutes with powerful REAL SUBLIMINAL MP3 latest unique technology for programming the mind to create a money mindset.
- 15 minutes powerful meditation with my Mindset coach
- 10 minutes self hypnosis my own voice recorded so that I can embed mind enhancing self talk
- 15 minutes Visualisation on my goals with utter clarity and focus.
- Daily focus on end goal
We all have our own way of doing things, but for me this works.
I cannot explain every detail of why this works for me, as I don’t know, I just know that it works based on what I have tried and tested.
And that’s what I do before I get to work.
![HOW TO INCREASE REVENUE: Mindset and Real Subliminal MP3 Tools](https://THESMALLBUSINESSGROWTHBLOG.COM/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/Income-Streams.jpg)
HOW TO INCREASE REVENUE: Mindset and Real Subliminal MP3 Tools
It’s simple. The reason I have seen way more growth compared to even 2 years ago is that I have trained myself to master and conquer MY MIND so that I can achieve almost anything. I am not super human, nor do i claim to be better than anyone else, but I have staying power and that’s what has changed everything for me.
I also believe in creating revenue to grow my business in more areas than one.
So, it all depends on what you consider to be the most important areas for you, but for me, I wanted to ‘not’ be as stressed and to create more revenue, as this helped my life.
I love what I do, and it enables me to spend more time with my clients and loved ones. So, that’s what matters to me and so I knew my focus.
So, in using Real Subliminal tools and MP3’s I have not looked back as my success has gradually increased beyond what I ever thought was possible and what I thought I was capable of. I would never brag and I only share and share what works for me and my clients.
My question to you is; ‘If’ what you are doing now ISN’T WORKING, then WHEN will you change what you do?
If I May offer some guidance from personal experience:
Real Subliminal Tools And MP3’s are without question very useful to me and to many of my clients. This is because many of us need to use tools which can help us grow and help us to reach our goals.
Of course I learned how to Coach, write and market myself – but I needed more of the MINDSET to go with it.
HOW TO INCREASE REVENUE: Mindset and Real Subliminal MP3 Tools
You want to attract more of something right?
So, what is that for you?
As a marketer, author and Coach I love to help people in many ways so I want the right types to help of course.
It’s just in my nature AND you how the story goes, when you help others you help yourself and it works for me.
Over the last 15 years I have used just about every mind enhancing tool and studied every subject on Mindset and once something works for me i will only use that unless I need to change something. So, today I work with the right types for me and I get results, I am passionate about these people and they tell their friends and associated thus I get even more business.
I cherry pick who I work with, so I can charge more and work with less, and for me again that is ideal.
But what is it for you? What do you want? Why? What will that do for you?
My advice is always around CLARITY. Without that we cannot know our long term goals and we in a sense drift through life.
I know what ACTUALLY WORKS for me and I use it. And I have experienced so many tools and resources over the years.
So the truly awesome thing with MP3’s is you can see REMARKABLE RESULTS in just a matter of days depending on how much you are able to believe in what you listen to. This is because the mind doesn’t know the difference between what is real now and what isn’t, so we can make suggestions to the mind to make it believe in our goals. The more we do so, the more we feel good about it, and the more we bring in greater ideas, tools and ultimate results.
Can We REALLY Create A Money Mindset? Share on X
THE FACT IS THAT – IN ORDER TO GET EXTRAORDINARY RESULTS IT TAKES CONSISTENCY. The mind needs repetition, practice, and the creation of new pathways to begin building neuro-associative conditioning relating to our goals.
Think about this:
We have learned over many years many things and by repetition, no? Of course we have, and so we have been led to believe in certain things, and subsequently made life choices around our predominant beliefs, values and what we deem as important to us.
So, if that is not working, then we need to begin crafting and designing a new life, business or anything else agreed?
We cannot possible always control our minds always but we can impress on them our vision.
I just wanted to share what helps me to do so, and to share what helps me to create more revenue, as I think it is so powerful to be able to use our minds to help us. Don’t you?
My own products and services come from what I value and so of course I want to be able to share and sell these, so I have to believe in them and have the right mindset and goals.
Of course, we are all different right, so we have to find what works for us and what we can believe in.
You may wish to seek our professional help and I did that also just to see what worked for me the most, and for me having explored and tried a variety of tools over a long period of time I found these tools worked best for what I needed.
HOW TO INCREASE REVENUE: Mindset and Real Subliminal MP3 Tools
If you want help with this and 1ON1 Mindset Coaching to create a plan to reach your most important goals I also offer this. I will also share how to get the full benefit from your mindset and from tools like real Subliminal tools if you need some help with that:
Whether you get help with a professional or with the use of technology, I hope that you can find something which really helps you to create significant change and growth in whatever you choose. These tools are designed for creating specific results, and so whatever need you have and desire you choose there are audios to suit most.
Finally – just remember this: We are ALL bringing into our lives what our predominant thoughts create. We all get certain results every day. But, are these results the results you want to be creating?
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I wish you the very best as always with your Mastery Journey
TRY MY PASSION TO PROFITS $10k per month course HERE
![HOW TO INCREASE REVENUE: Mindset and Real Subliminal MP3 Tools](https://THESMALLBUSINESSGROWTHBLOG.COM/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/53016204_10156337307158635_1979157385679208448_n-298x300.jpg)
HOW TO INCREASE REVENUE: Mindset and Real Subliminal MP3 Tools
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