WHY DO I NEED TO JV? For The Coaching and Training Industry
It is no secret that lists can pay us. And when we have great lists with loyal and responsive subscribers we can indeed earn by sharing our products and services an others. In fact I would recommend this right away because, we cannot simply rely ‘only’ on sales here and there.
We need consistency as a small business operator and we need to be able to rely on more than one way to earn to ensure that we have several ways to create revenue as business is changing every day.
So, with that said – I believe in JVing. This means Joint Venture partners and I will go into why this is so powerful in a moment but first I wanted to touch on the fact that this is a very useful way to create revenue when there are sometimes dry spells in sales.
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What I mean by that is that – with products and services that we promote – we can create great businesses of course IF THESE SELL, and if we can create enough attention, leads and targeted traffic through our various marketing channels.
“Businesses once grew by one of two ways; grass roots up, or by acquisition… Today businesses grow through alliances – all kinds of dangerous alliances. Joint ventures and customer partnerings which, by the way, very few people understand.”
However, sometimes sales can dry up for various reasons and so I like to have more than one stream of income, and this can mean affiliate products or services but also leveraging the power of another’s list.
Another’s list which is potentially a high number of loyal subscribers which we can piggy back off of.
Where do we find such JV partners though?
Linked In, Meetup groups, facebook Groups, and potentially other social media channels, but for me these are the most powerful and in particular Linked in is the best place for me, as I find more professionals with ethical, popular and successful brands, so I know pretty much that some of these people will have built and grown solid lists as they know the importance of doing so.
Being An Online Expert Today Means – getting the eight exposure NOT just any exposure.
We don’t want to try to appeal to everyone or simply pay for solo ads which many have no real quality about them and yet many do this in the desperation of trying to make money. Sometimes solo ads can be useful and create lists and even sell for us, but there is nothing more powerful than another highly respected expert who is sharing OUR WORK.
Now it might be that you wish to promote a webinar, a sales funnel, an ebook or a video training for example, and ‘what you sell’ or share can be varied, so it’s not always specific to a type of product or service, but what is critical is the quality of what you create.
If you have a shoddy product then a high level JV partner will obviously not wish to share it and that is understandable of course.
So, what’s the general goal here?
In simple terms you are finding the right types of people and connecting with them without being all salesy.
From there you are building a relationship with them and adding value to their life. Also, sharing ideas and offering to help them out in some way.
WHY DO I NEED TO JV? For The Coaching and Training Industry
This is so that you start by GIVING!
This is very important because – by giving you will get back. That is the law of reciprocity. Zig Ziglar talked about this in his ‘Luck Factor’ tape series which is phenomenal if you haven’t already listened to it. In that tape series he talks about various laws of life, the universe and everything, and it is a very inspiring look into human behaviour and what we can achieve through understand these laws.
One of those laws which I learned and applied when I was very young was the law which is about giving.
In fact – before I even grew up my Mother taught me to give without expecting back, having compassion for others, having good manners and treating others with respect. I never stopped doing this – and this was such a great lesson that it became a large part of why I managed to create great relationships in life and business.
So, simply start by giving and you shall also receieve. Or at least the other person (and in our case the JV potential partner!), will deeply appreciate you and your behaviour and feel they want to also return the kindness.
Personally – I don’t know of a greater way to grow as a person and in a business than offering value to another.
It is the cornerstone of all growth as growth depends upon a human need to feel appreciated, understood and cared for. That’s why selling has to encompass a sales person who wants to create a great experience for the potential customer/client.
Selling used to be harder, but human beings have change and gotten smarter and also less tolerant of hard sales types, myself included: so, bear this in mind when trying to sell anything. We need to of course know our customers, but also CARE about them in their journey.
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So, now back to the JV training.
You may feel as though the person you are trying to connect with is HUGE, MASSIVE, SUPER SUCCESSFUL or even out of your league, and this is a natural fear but a fear which needn’t stop anyone as they are only people after all, and they too has to start somewhere. So, take into account that you can approach them as the worse that will happen is that they say NO! And we all have had many of those in life right?
So, don’t take it to heart, and if you need to continually follow up with another then do so. Don’t assume that they don’t want to know or care, as tbey may be just busy. Hey its a busy world today! Make sure you are polite, respectful and follow all due good language procedures when doing so of course.
Now, when attempting to build a relationship you also have to consider what you will offer them.
It might be wisdom, an ebook, a training, or anything else but for goodness sakes don’t make it SCAMMY ot SHAMMY.
As I said before – these people are often successful because they have built strong foundations through growing business with good quality products and services, so don’t approach them with a poorly written ebook, or a crappy low quality training video. No, don’t do it.
Here’s what you need to do:
- Search for successful types in various platforms and take notes of them. Build a list of potential JV partners.
- Start to research them and find out about them so that you can share your interest in what they are into. This will grow the rapport.
- Connect with them when ready and simply keep things light and easy. As time passes, offer something of value and offer to get on a call.
- Don’t get salesy or in any way pushy. Simply connect and learn ALL about them and as you do build the relationship.
- On a call of around an hour if you manage to arrange this you can then let them tell you all about how great they are. In fact inflate them.
- Get to the end and suggest that you can share something which they do. Maybe a blogpost, an email you can send, a post you can share.
- Let them know that YOUR audience would love to know more about this product or service.
- Only when ready you can then casually suggest that they also do the same for you. But this only comes after a great deal of schmoozing.
- Your job is to make them feel awesome and bring them up so that you can then throw your offer at them with the right time.
- You then have a deal. They will share you and you them. TIP: Get as much detail from them as you can so you know that they will do it.
- As you approach the time they will be sharing you and your offer message them several times to ensure they haven’t forgotten you.
- Also ensure that all the relevant people are aware of the offer you are going to have shared so that you get maximum exposure.
WHY DO I NEED TO JV? For The Coaching and Training Industry
So, are you ready to start JVing or do you want to know more about it?
In the world of online business in particular ‘and’ in being a respected expert we need to consider all of our options when promoting and selling our stuff. Doing a JV or several in order to build maximum exposure for minimum efforts cost wise is a great way to create revenue and repeat revenue also as we can create a deal whereby we can get them to promote again if it goes successfully.
So, it really doesn’t take a great deal of effort really when it comes to teaming up for mutual benefit, but ensuring that the process is right in the first place is critical to your efforts. After all – you don’t want to waste 6 months of your life building something and then blowing it for some reason. So, I would suggest that you carefully craft your offer with an email template which they will love, accept and be happy to promote.
What is your experience with creating emails? Do you create a great response from your own? Does another person write them for you? Have you ever done any email sales training?
TIP: My suggestion is to look at the kinds of emails which you receive by top experts in your field or sector. Look at the words they use, and look at which words entice you into looking further at their offers. It really isn’t rocket science either, you just need to know how to word your offer with a relatively simple email template.
As you conduct your research here ensure that you know the exact message you are trying to get across.
Something else you will want to do is to measure the results you get.
Now, this can be as simple as you asking your JV partner how they measure their numbers and results. If they already have something in place then they can of course send you their results from the mailer.
From your results you will want to know 1) how many opens there has been, 2) how many clicks there has been and of course 3) how many purchases there have been. Armed with the stats you will be able to see what has worked best and what hasn’t worked so well. Therefore you can tweak your email and marketing message. In testing the open rates and other data of your emails, you will be able to see by trialing 3 or more which one performs the best and thus scale up your chosen email with further JV partners.
So, now we have that in order let’s ensure you remember a few things:
- Please don’t make the mistake of just asking someone to promote you.
- Please don’t be salesy in your conversation with a new JV partner be real.
- Please don’t offer something crappy or cheap as they will not share it.
- Please don’t be a big headed ego centric douche. Was that a bit too harsh? Sorry, maybe it was but it wasn’t personal it was a warning really.
- Please don’t offer what you have until its the right time and only then let them know what you have.
- Please don’t put others on a pedestal either. They are only Human beings like you and me. be brave and believe in yourself in your offer.
If you execute this correctly you will be able to in essence USE THEIR highly responsive LIST OF CUSTOMERS AND THEIR TRUSTED NAME AND BRAND TO PROMOTE YOU. But – it all starts with YOU OFFERING TO HELP THEM OK.
“80% of all products and services that will be on the market in five years do not exist today. So therefore, always be innovative, always be creative, always think, ‘What new products or services could I create, could I represent, could I joint venture?” Sometimes you can find someone else that has a fabulous product or service that you can use your existing business or resources to sell and you can double your income or sales in your business by selling somebody else’s product to the same customers that are buying yours.”
As Brian says, Joint venture are also places whereby we can connect with another to create a product, so this is also a wonderful opportunity in today’s marketplace where change is always so quick and products are created online very rapidly.
So, if you are a creative type and get ideas a lot (like me) then take advantage of this and enter a partnership which can be mutually beneficial.
WHY DO I NEED TO JV? For The Coaching and Training Industry
JV With Power
You See, by simply taking this action a few times you are tapping into a great resource which can help you to earn hits of revenue for cash flow and help your business stability.
So you can see that you can leverage the power of these lists for yourself. In time you will have sold some of your own products and they will be building your list also. But this is one of the fastest and cheapest ways to get climbing when you are quite new.
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I always love being at one of my favourite places and watching a product launch happen or an email go out as I can see the results these days within minutes of it going out. And imagine that these are often high end sales so one sale equates to £2/3000. That’s one person buying from a huge list. But what’s better even that that is all those who are on my JV’s list will still receive further emails to back up the initial one, meaning that I may get more sales in a few days, weeks or months. All whilst drinking a nice coffee.
I must say though that one of my favourite local places is now gone (sad face!) so I have to drink my winning coffee elsewhere.
Well, everything changes, I know that, but there are also consistences in my life which I am glad about. Those consistences involve always being aware of the changing business world and where to place my time and energy. So, bear this idea in mind. Start now of you have a product or service which you need a boost of revenue for.
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Some JV Things To Think About!
- You Will Want To Create Maybe Around 12 JV GIGS A Year (1 per month!) To Really Start Moving.
- CO-Creation is a key work phrase today so think about how you may do this with another JV partner and always start with serving them.
- You May Have MANY COMPETITORS BUT, the JV partners are CREATORS LIKE YOU, so you can BOTH WIN from this.
- Think about the types of products you will want to APPROACH THESE GUYS WITH and ensure you get this right beforehand.
- What SOLUTIONS could you provide these days that is DIFFERENT to others in your niche?
- Be Flexible and embrace changes when creating things and be prepared to edit and tweak what you create depending on demand.
- Aim always to become better than nearest competition. Think of your unique angle or UVP.
- Take massive action daily. Connecting with JV partners can be a long drawn out process.
- Have a plan and strategy and know your end goal. I.e income goal/sales numbers.
That was just a few pointers that you need to become aware of in order to ensure you can dominate your market and that you JV with success.
YOU MAY NEED A COACH TO HELP TO GET THE BALL ROLLING and If you need help then get it. I personally offer 1ON1 coaching regarding building a business and leveraging all forms of marketing in order to create a sustainable multiple income online.
SIMPLY CLICK HERE FOR A FREE BUSINESS PLANNING SESSION if you wish to create greater revenue in your coaching business.
“One doesn’t have to be a large corporation to benefit from the advantages of volume. This can also be achieved through joint ventures.”
Please Share This And Comment If You Wish – and I Will Be Glad To Answer Any Q’s That You May Have About A JV Partnership! This is the beginning but I can go into much greater detail should you need help with it.
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As always i wish you the very best in your JVing quest.
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