![How to Focus The Mindset! How to Focus The Mindset!](https://THESMALLBUSINESSGROWTHBLOG.COM/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/250327_10150202732483707_526508706_7032421_4479063_n-300x225.jpg)
How to Focus The Mindset!
OVERWHELM Part 1: How to Focus The Mindset!
We have covered this before on several occasions, but Mindset is he single most important area in life and business, so I believe it needs to be really understood.
It isn’t important – ITS VITAL to be able to focus on what is really important – otherwise we will continually FAIL!
Let’s just look at this first of all:
We get overwhelmed when we are overthinking, and we are trying to do too many things too much.
It ain’t rocket science.
If our mind is in this state then the chances are that you will struggle, not perform so well, and even perhaps fail.
So, something I have learned to avoid with overwhelm is to first look at what it is that is making me feel this way. Of course, we all get challenges, and life is busy, so for many of us life is simply ongoing and non stop.
But, our minds are so powerful that we can teach them to focus on what is most important and to let go of what isn’t. If we try to think about all the things we have to do we will be less able to function at our optimum levels. Obvious? Sure, then why are so many of us still suffering?
Simply because, we have not learned to master this.
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The rational mind, body and emotions are constantly trying to work on what we give them, and so they function in the best ways they can based on what we are thinking. But they are also trying tell us WHAT we are doing wrong. Think about it – we get messages, signs, and responses sent back to us.
You and I both know that we will even get certain feelings and pains and aches sometimes.
What I am really saying here is that when we start to become overwhelmed IN LIFE AND IN BUSINESS we can create inner turmoil because we are kind of warned about it, and YET we tend to ignore our own messages.
But, do we really need to get like this when we can do things differently ‘or’ even GET HELP and make thing more simple?
You see, we have choices over how we respond to life. We may not know it, or we may not have ever tried things differently but, we can. We can stop and take stock, we can deep breath and go for a walk, we can keep things simple and not overthink it, we can learn to master our inner self more to work for us.
Some of us have managed to do this, but then we go back to our old ways and therefore we struggle on moving towards our daily tasks.
Something I have learned to do is to:
- SLOW DOWN. I am naturally quite hyper, so I had to really slow down everything in order to focus.
- FOCUS & UNDERSTAND. Get clarity on what the most important task is and not worry about others.
- LET GO. Forget about worrying about what I cannot do in that moment.
- SUPPORT. Love myself and trust myself to get things done and remind myself that that is OK.
- REPEAT. Practice those actions and behaviors which will help me the most.
I must say that – in the current climate – and with there being so much on offer to learn, this is the NO1 reason that people fail on their dreams or end up in terrible situations. They either become so stressed that they sabotage their lives or give up, as they believe that there is simply too much going on, or too much to learn.
Then – many will look for ways to feel good to escape life. Drugs, drink, sex, gambling, or any other quick urgency fix or way of getting instant gratification as their sense of self is under so much pressure. They lose self respect and lose the plot. Many will go through this many times before they realise that this is not a long term answer.
Things will be tough in life and business, we all know it, however, if we want to perform at our greatest levels, we should look at what can help the most and what is most productive for us.
Exercise is great for the mind and body as is the right nutrition and plenty of water, again not rocket science, but this may not be enough if we are in a situation we hate. So, whilst mastering the mind is recommended I also also recommend that you also ask yourself if you are actually in the right role or business.
It could be that you are really not suited to a role, and so looking at alternatives could be the best option. But, some people tend to go from role to role, as they keep escaping the last one.
Personally though, I cannot see that this is creating a better situation. It only creates more escaping!
My suggestion is the really get clarity in each area of life to determine whether or not your choices are actually supporting you or not. And if not – then looking for alternatives.
![How To Make Your Mind A Money Magnet](https://THESMALLBUSINESSGROWTHBLOG.COM/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/254687_10150261816588635_672323634_7566159_5592412_n-2-225x300.jpg)
How To Make Your Mind A Money Magnet
By the way – I know this myself as once I was like this.
Yes, I spent money on everything that I could hoping for the BUZZ.
It took me many years to get to the point where I could see that I didn’t need things, I needed a shift.
And luckily for me today, that is exactly what I help my students with.
I help people who need to create lives by design and to create better roles in their businesses, with success and in with their lives.
Many people out there right now ARE SIMPLY FRUSTRATED. But why though?
There is so much information out there and more than ever before – and so much of it FREE so it is taken and partially absorbed and then more is offered and this becomes a cycle of looking for ways to make changes! It is no wonder many are stuck, stressed and lost.
The truth is that, whatever you want to do or be – it is there for you.
The right role, the right mindset, the right business and so on.
You have to just choose what you prefer to have in your life.
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OVERWHELM Part 1: How to Focus The Mindset!
If you are a true producer you are getting somewhere.
But when we are just busy doing whatever we are getting NOWHERE FAST.
There is a clear distinction.
People are trying to do to much in too many areas will find themselves not being effective in any area.
Whilst you or I may have an extraordinary capacity to perform under pressure, which is awesome, it doesn’t mean that it is ideal always, as we may burn out.
So, self care is the absolute key here.
If we talk about business opportunity seekers, they will likely keep on searching for the ultimate business and they will keep on going from one thing to another and maybe never succeed as they simply couldn’t focus on one thing.
They see another amazing opportunity again and again.
They get excited and then after a few months of struggle THEY FAIL AGAIN.
What they really fail to do ask themselves better questions or to get help.
What I did was to:
- GET CLEAR ON ASKING MYSELF BETTER QUESTIONS and what my values were at my core.
- SPEND TIME on the right things and in the right areas.
- MASTER A ROLE. After I became a Coach and built my business, then mastered other areas.
- I BUILT MY BRAND OUTWARDS. One step at a time and one area at a time.
I know that I focused on what I knew I was good at, and then expanded it from there.
You Have To Know What To Do First Of All!
If you are ‘not seeing the kind of results’ in your life and in business NOW then you are probably doing something wrong. Just saying.
I actually got the right person to help me get clear and create the right mental state. I have spent many thousands of dollars to get help. WHY? Well, if I want long term success and to create multiple streams of income then why would I not?
My suggestion is to get the right help if you need it. If you invest in yourself then you are becoming more valuable and worth more and thus you can decide upon a role which is more truly reflective of you and where you wish to spend your time.
The trouble is many people live with a scarcity mindset of FEAR.
They are too worried to GET HELP.
Instead – they think that more struggle will get them where they wish to be.
One day, things will just be OK.
Hey, sometimes it does, but only when they APPLY THEMSELVES 110% to it and with taking the right productive specific action.
We have to get the head clear and powerful in order to be able to get into the zone of a winner and create a winning mindset and in order to achieve greatness!
OVERWHELM Part 1: How to Focus The Mindset!
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I Mentioned Multiple Streams Of Income
Now, you tell me, would you rather have 1 stream or many? Many of course, but I had to get 1 going properly in order to RE-INVEST into myself and my brand and with other enterprises.
We may even find the perfect business or product but it really doesn’t matter HOW GOOD IT IS if we are running around like a headless chicken, trying to do too many things at once.
Again, I KNOW from experience. And I have seen it time and time again.
I have been approached by many who have a million ideas and they really want ONE just to work, but they cannot one full and total input.
So, it is down to what we can implement – in order to create the right future.
Master one thing and then move on.
This is where some people may say, I HAVEN’T GOT TIME FOR THIS STUFF I HAVE TO MAKE MONEY!
OK then SEE YA. But, don’t come running back in a year from now with your tail between your legs licking your wounds FROM A LOSING BATTLE saying ‘hmmm, perhaps there was a point there?’.
Start now!
All I am really is like a guide. I guide people to what’s potentially right for them. Not on WHAT THEY THINK they should be doing, but on what might be a better use of their time and energy.
I love what I do, as it makes me happy to see success in others.
I AM PASSIONATE ABOUT IT as you probably can tell. So, you tell me, why are you here now? Did you find me on a search engine or from a friend? Whatever the reason may be you are here and I hope sincerely that you can find some value in this.
Maybe you are not getting the results you desire in whatever you are doing now?
Maybe you are getting results, but your mind is overwhelmed anyway?
Either way, you are here and this means that you are prepared to seek solutions, so that is progress.
This is exactly where I talk about mindset. Being open enough to look at different things when one thing isn’t working.
Without sounding cheesy, when you can change your mindset you will change your LIFE.
![Online Income](https://THESMALLBUSINESSGROWTHBLOG.COM/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/focus_05_large2-300x2161-300x216.jpg)
Focus On One thing To Create An Online Income
It's hard to trust people these days Isn't it?
Again, I know this one myself. We want to feel like someone actually cares and wants the best for us.
I had to find a coach. In fact – I worked with 4 and spent over $50k on my education.
Once I did so I gradually started growing my income, increasing my happiness, joy and fulfillment.
My energy and zest for life improved and more opportunities came my way.
I am so glad that I found someone to help me who actually cared.
You are on your own journey so you have to START YOUR QUEST to find who or what is right for you.
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OVERWHELM Part 1: How to Focus The Mindset!
This is precisely WHY I believe that we need good coaches and mentors to assist us in gaining the right Mindset for success. There are many tools out there but, most people never complete courses, or training’s, its just a statistical fact, so for me, having a guide helps me to really make the changes that will alter every aspect if my life.
I don’t know about you but, I personally got fed up with learning about others successes.
I got fed up with seeing others getting somewhere and me not so much.
I got fed up with the work I was putting in and getting very little reward back out.
I got fed up with not getting the kinds of results I believed I deserved.
So, I took the right action and stopped living life by chance.
Can you imagine how that will feel when you can finally master your life?
I remember when I couldn’t sleep at night, I was in £20k of debt, which may not seem much but it was at the time, and I was jobless, had anxiety, depression and panic attacks, and I was using drugs, drinking alot and generally stuck. My life was a huge mess and I had no idea of how I would get out of it. I found a boom on my mothers book shelf 25 years ago and that book open my eyes and mind, and after reading it 18 times and I started reading more and more. But not just reading, actually APPLYING certain principles and that’s when I started to see life differently and when my life really began to shift into my favor.
We all have a story, a journey and a life which has had ups and downs right? Of course!
But, we are also the ones who hold the key to CHANGE.
Look at your results as they are a reflection of your Mindset, and look at the income you have made also. Start to look at your daily routines and what you are spending time on. Look at what you are telling yourself everyday. Look at your future and what you want it to look like. Look at why you are getting so overwhelmed about life and business.
Once you have a clear idea of what you really want you will become a great deal more focused.
TIP: Write down everything that is doing your head in right now. Everything! And start to look at tackling each thing one at a time and looking for long term sustainable solutions. This is so that you don’t have to carry it around with you. You don’t need a million ways or tools to help you, you just need something that can work for you. And remember that – you and I are not our thinking, we create it so we can change it.
So practice, practice, practice and you will begin re-shaping everything!
So, are you feeling more motivated to get focused now? I hope so.
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If you require some help with your mindset, goals and business then try out a free session with me if you fancy it.
My Passion To Profits Self Study Course is HERE
As always I wish you the very best
OVERWHELM Part 1: How to Focus The Mindset!
![How to Focus The Mindset! How to Focus The Mindset!](https://THESMALLBUSINESSGROWTHBLOG.COM/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/53016204_10156337307158635_1979157385679208448_n-298x300.jpg)
How to Focus The Mindset!