Planning and Goalsetting: Failing To Plan Is……?
Hey how are you?
Before we move forward I would like to say that you don’t have to be put off by the idea that Planning And Goal setting Is HARD.
Once you get going it really becomes just another part of life and another way of ‘being’ and so then it is a SIMPLE HABIT. The idea is to create habits which support us of course.
The sad reality is that most people never reach their goals or see their vision come to fruition, and yet they carry it around with them all of their lives. They hold it inside their mind and wish and hope for it.
But, they rarely ACT. But, failure to do so means possibly living a second rate life.
Now I created a video many years ago and I have not changed what I believe, as some things are just principles which will always be here. And there is nothing really better than transformational ideas.
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So, even if you don’t find what you are looking for here, you can learn whatever works best for you. As long as you apply it then you have a starting point to work with.
Planning And Goalsetting Video:
Planning And Goalsetting:
The truth is that plans do change and often will, but without one to start with it is likely that we will no solid direction or nothing to hold us accountable.
With nothing to hold us accountable we are quite lost. What we need is some kind of plan and of course a GOAL to tie it to. Nowm I have touched on SMART goals before but I won’t be doing that in this post.
This post is more about the importance of what it takes to plan effectively and know the goal we are aiming for in the first place.
So, if you already and excited let’s get you to being a person who may have been a bit lost before to becoming a person who knows exactly what they are aiming for and why.
When you really want something you have to prepare to get it.
Sometimes, we get lucky and we fall into great situations, but I personally wouldn’t rely on chance or luck to create my life. If we do so, we are really leaving our life to the laps of the Gods and down to chance.
Is that really a good plan? No! Because anything could happen and we have no direction.
So, we first need to ensure that we ‘know what we want’ and ‘why we want it’.
What does a YEAR FROM NOW LOOK LIKE TO YOU? Have you thought about it at all?
Let’s think about that for second; do you have any idea what you want it to look like?
Because if you don’t then you may just be living from one day to the next in the hope that some miracle will happen for you.
I’m not being tough – but it’s true. Too many will rely on something outside of them to come along and make everything better. It won’t. YOU WILL! Only you can do that. You can train with the best, pay thousands of dollars to attend swanky events but unless you ACT you will have nothing to show for it.
Therefore, my point here is – you must take control.
This begins with:
- Knowing what you want = WHAT DO YOU REALLY WANT? GET TO KNOW IT WELL.
- Knowing what your plan is to get there = WHAT HAVE YOU DONE ABOUT YOUR PLAN?
That’s the beginning. So, we have to get really clear on WHAT it is that will make our lives so much more amazing. What do you want? This is probably the single most powerful question I know of as it sets the tone for everything else. If we don’t know then we will undoubtedly drift.
So, do you like drifting, or would rather DESIGN your future?
Let’s go with the latter for now as personally I prefer helping others in designing lives.
So, if we are able to know what we wish for we can then set the vision in place.
Now, by knowing what we want we have to know what our values are and know what matters to us.
What do you see as important in life?
What might this do for you?
Who might you being do it for?
When you can start to write down your ideas you can begin crafting your plan, but only when you are crystal clear with where you are headed. The part of knowing what you want will lay the foundations to everything else. Because if you get this wrong then you may be chasing the wrong goal.
So, you know what you want. You know why you want it. You know what that will do for you.
Get writing your plan and vision. And I mean every detail you can.
Your job is to refine this picture and plan, not so it takes you 2 years, but so it is right. I also believe in taking action as soon as you can.
So, we don’t want to be carefully designing the plan for such a long time that we eventually put it to one side and carry on being stuck.
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With me?
So, the plan will need to be clear and concise. And within the plan is of course your GOAL.
Some may say vision, but its the ultimate goal you want and dream of.
By the way, this may be epic and seem unattainable, but the point is that you can break it down and work back to now. So you can start to see the bridge between you and it.
You can use mapping tools and spreadsheets or whatever you feel will help, or you can hire a Coach to help you with your goals and gaining clarity around them.
So, you have a plan and your ultimate goal. AMAZING.
Your job now is to work on that every day. You will start to find ways, tools, messages, signs and a number of other things coming to you as you focus on your goal every day. Something which the mind starts to sort for you. As the mind knows that this is your desire, you can impress upon it the reality.
Planning and Goalsetting: Failing To Plan Is……?
Impressing The Mind
As the mind does not know the difference between reality and fiction it will find ways.
Your job from here is to use what comes your way. It may have been this post which you found by accident or by searching for help with your goals or with your plan. No matter what the reason is, you can use this and your mind as your tool and it will obey.
I am not sure how you got here, but either way it may be the beginning of you shaping your life your way.
Now, every day with a fixed goal in mind you will feel, see, believe and hear it. You will be able to touch it as though it is right in front of you. And the more you do this the more confident you will become as you make progress.
In making this progress you will also become a person with habits which are those of a person driven by their desires, devoted to achieving them and destined for greatness as you never quit.
On the path with be every possible challenge you can think of, but they are meant to be.
If greatness was easy then every person would aim for it, but only a handful ever reach their goals as they put in consistent effort.
This is not about being a genius, or a top performer or highly educated person, this may come to you and you may aim for this, but what matters is the action. You will learn and get better and refine what you do.
QUESTION: What Do You Think The Human Body Would Look Like Without A Skeleton? YUP! A Pile Of Flesh pretty ugly too. Well it is very similar to having a life or business with NO STRUCTURE!
NO ORGANISATION means ultimate failure!
So i believe that great Planning And Goal setting Is the foundation to astounding success in the mind and in business. But can you cope with this new way of being?
After all; many people tend to fall back into old ways and habits. They cannot cope with change very well nor can they cope with constant challenges and threats to their fears. So they go back to old ways.
But how can you avoid going back to old ways which no longer serve you?
It takes consistency. And I hold myself accountable every day. But I also write notes and work on them until I have them finished.
1) Understand That You Have To Plan Your days, weeks months and year ahead
3) Understand that Failing to do this means YOU WILL FAIL
4) Understand that YOU CAN HAVE FUN with this and CREATE YOUR DREAM LIFE
5) Understand that EVERY GREAT PERSON of Personal or Business achievement has DONE THIS
7) Understand that YOU HAVE TO BE FOCUSED by writing things down in order of importance
9) Understand that you can BOOK TIME OFF! JUST DO IT IN ADVANCE! Plan it out In Your Diary! WE ALL NEED DOWN TIME!
Make it fun
This is not some kind of military operation, this is meant to be FUN as I said before.
When we can have fun with this we are less desperate with it. So, ensure your mind is in a place of enjoyment as this means that you can play the game and be in it to win it, so to speak.
Think about this; failure is a habit just as success is, so we have to change our habits.
You can be calm, collected and cool and feel assured that you know what you want and you will get it no matter what. Wouldn’t that be a nice feeling to feel every day?
I can tell you IT IS!
Do you now see WHY you must GET CLEAR on WHAT YOU ARE DOING NOW with some simple yet powerful ‘Planning And Goal setting’ Techniques? It aint rocket science. So anyone who tells you that you need all the tools in the world to be able to function is lying. You don’t.
All you need is YOUR MIND and BODY.
Take a Pen and a piece of paper.
Or a felt pen and White board.
Just as we have been discussing.
Then write down your weekly and monthly goals.
Then your quarterly and half yearly goals.
If you don’t do this now, you may BE CHASING THE DREAM AND IT WILL ALWAYS BE OUT OF REACH.
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So, if you IGNORE this and carry on in your old familiar way then I am sorry but I cannot help you.
But, if you are more serious about this than ever then you have a shot. But you want more than a shot don’t you. You want a SOLID action plan right? Of course.
Now, you have written down your yearly, 6 monthly, 3 monthly goals, monthly goals and weekly goals you are already becoming a person of SPECIFIC ACTION. And this is what it takes.
Planning And Goal setting Works For me!
It works for me because I was the college drop out, depressed guy, party animal and jobless at 30.
I was close to throwing in the towel but I didn’t. I decided to WAKE UP. With nothing more than my brain and body I got moving. And I didn’t stop. There is the KEY phrase. Never stopping.
But, I had to stop seeing THE SHINY OBJECTS OF DESIRE that I thought would CREATE my magical life.
If you are getting side tracked every five minutes by the latest solution then you will FAIL.
The mind is like a puppy if it is not controlled, and so we keep on seeing what we may believe are answers to our core problems but in the end it is us that has to do the work.
No matter what tools or resources we use, nothing will replace you Or I.
So, my tip here is to use what you have got before you sell your soul into thinking that answers are outside of you.
Now, sometimes coaches, mentors and others can help us to create the plan, goals and vision and can help us to stay accountable and focused. They can also help us to take consistent action and move closer to our goals, so there is a great use in them. I am a Coach so I help others to do exactly this.
But, if you believe you have got this alone then go for it.
Again, you don’t need to keep investing in others when you can invest in yourself.
HERE’S A HARD TRUTH, stop hoping and waiting for the perfect day or time! It is now.
Move into the zone of becoming a PRO, an EXPERT. and become what you want to see by moving consistently towards that which you desire the most.
Plan effectively and get to really know YOU. You may have been living a lie for most of your life in roles which are not aligned with who you really are.
Play the game but play with sophistication, style and substance, and don’t be another trier.
REMINDER: What Will ‘Your Life’ Look Like A Year From Now??
I spent many years at the beginning of my online business quest throwing money at anything and everything that moved and crossing my fingers. NOTHING HAPPENED except that I GOT POORER.
There is no magic pill remember, it’s TANGIBLE RESULTS you are looking for.
You will need to prepare to be uncomfortable though.
The reason being is that you may never have been in this kind of situation before.
You may have to face unexpected challenges, and deal with obstacles which you never considered before.
You will face failures, upsets and disappointments along the way as you face these uncharted territories.
But that’s all a part of the process.
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The Rest Of Your Life Begins Now!
You will be able to get from where you are to where you want to be if you can be a person of integrity.
You See ‘Planning And Goal setting’ means separating the STRUGGLING FROM THE SUCCESSFUL. It means becoming more than most in order to acquire more than most.
Now, It Just So Happens That My PASSION Is to see results in my clients, so if you are in need of a Coach that can help you with your vision then do get inn touch.
What this means is that I will personally coach you 1ON1 UNTIL you start seeing the results!
Maybe you have alot more to learn and alot more FAILURES TO HAVE BEFORE YOU GET THIS?
If so then go for it, and by all means and go and learn.
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So Let’s just be clear! Are You Wiling To Do WHATEVER IT TAKES to create Success? And are you prepared to learn HOW TO PLAN? Then I may be able to help you.
Working alongside me that is exactly what you will be required to do.
You will have to embrace the idea of Planning And Goal setting but it will pay off.
Remember one thing in this and that is I NEVER GAVE UP. That’s all. I am no better than you, no different than you and nor am I a highly educated person or a person who has had unusual luck.
I started Planning and Goal setting every day and completed the most important tasks which HAD TO BE DONE regardless of how much I didn’t like the look of some of them.
Now you may be a person who has person goals or professional goals or both. In which case you may find some of the resources I am going to share useful.
Planning checklist tools:
Here are my TIPS:
1) Take What You Have Now And Use It FULLY AS YOU HAVE IT
2) Have Realistic Expectations Keep Goals Modest DAY TO DAY WITH A WIDER LONGTERM VISION
3) Plan your day. Write 6 tasks down and complete them in order of importance CARRY THEM OVER
4) Every morning expect the best out of your vision and learning, when it gets tough KEEP moving
5) Plan the day ahead the night before this way you will be PREPARING FOR THE BEST MOVING FASTER
6) Get Help. If you need a coach then get one. Read and learn from EXPERTS IN YOUR FIELD
7) No matter how bad you feel just work through it. The more you do the more you overwrite quitting.
8) Stop making excuses or reasons as to why you are putting things off. DITCH THE EXCUSES NOW.
Does this all sound tough to achieve?
But what is the other option though?
As Jim Rohn once said:
“We must all suffer from one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The difference is discipline weighs ounces while regret weighs tons.”
As always I wish you the very best
1ON1 Planning and Goals Coaching FREE session
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