![Self Promotion: Story Telling Self Promotion: Story Telling](https://THESMALLBUSINESSGROWTHBLOG.COM/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/33771_443213918706_526508706_5125303_2247460_n_FeaturedEffects_3.jpg)
Everyone Loves A Great Story
Self Promotion: Story Telling
We all love a great story don’t we – and we always will, whether it is a film or book or in person we are exposed to stories every day, some are fictional and others factual, but the point is that you and me can use this to our advantage with Self Branding techniques!
This was me on the Starlight express train going from Seattle, to Portland and eventually to San Jose In Cali.
I love to read and to absorb the power of stories and they inspire me to help others with theirs.
Stories Have Been Around For Centuries havent they:
Since day 1 we were creating stories, this was personally in life but in our actions. And as MAN explored further he created even greater stories which he would bring back to his home and share with his community.
Over the ages we have all been seduced by a great story, whether it be in by a person, a book, a movie or a song. Either way it connects with people on a personal and emotional level.
And that’s what we live for.
And you and I have to connect emotionally also with our stories and brands.
So, how are you currently doing this?
Tell Your Story Build Your Brand Share on X
When you can become a master at CONNECTING WITH PEOPLE and telling stories you can MASTER YOUR INCOME also. You can command greater revenue by reaching more and charging more, but I will add HONESTLY. This is not about making money alone without caring. This is about selling the story in order to connect and build the relationship.
In this post I want to share with you simple ways to get yourself seen and heard – as this is key to progression in your business and your income.
You will also find my secret weapon at the bottom of the post which I use as a Self Branding tool to create much more sales and build my business way easier than I used to.
Self Promotion: Story Telling
I have always told many stories to share of my experiences in life and these are usually of past times when I was being silly or stupid ‘or’ when something ha MOVED ME and, so I share these stories as I am able to connect with others and usually get a response or maybe laugh or two.
I bet you have many stories that you can share also!
Whether you use them in content like this, or in books, or in email marketing, it all comes in great use.
I personally love to make people laugh, so when I do this I usually can build a relationship or great friendship as the person loves the story and loves to laugh. Who doesn’t? So, I allow others to get to know me and me them, and from that point and once they ask me about what I do i then tell them.
Self promotion doesn’t have to be cheesy and lame. I would rather someone connects with me and I can also see if they would be a person whom I could see myself working with.
But this is what we ALL have been doing for a very long time. We are all selling ourselves.
The late Jim Rohn – one of my favorite wisdom teachers used to say that ‘he wanted to be taken UP and DOWN and SIDEWAYS’ when being entertained. If Jim watched a Movie he would want to feel the emotion of it all. And so do I.
Emotionally Jim wanted to be ROCKED to FEEL what was going on in the TWISTS and TURNS of the story.
When our customers feel that we are taking them to emotional places and that we care they will more likely buy into us and then buy from us – as it positions us as a real person to be trusted and they feel connected.
Now, when you share a story with ‘passion’ and enthusiasm you will get the listener CAPTIVATED and WANTING MORE. Building on INTRIGUE and EXCITEMENT or whatever is needed in order to create more of a rapport.
Make It FUN
Make It Dramatic
Make It Passionate
Make It Sad
Make It Happy
Be a person who can connect and draw other to you and this will help your business in so many ways.
![Self Promotion: Story Telling Self Promotion: Story Telling](https://THESMALLBUSINESSGROWTHBLOG.COM/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/Visualize-090604-300x197.jpg)
Self Promotion: Story Telling
Perfectly, because you are ENGAGING with people – and once you do this you can create a lasting relationship which means that others invest in you.
And if they do so they may buy over and over again provided that you give a lot of value, and deliver great quality. Because – if what you do is shoddy then it will fail very quickly.
Tell Your Story Build Your Brand Share on X
Self Promotion: Story Telling
Building the relationship is, as you know LONG TERM!
We don’t go rushing towards a sale if we value and respect others. Unless they simply want to buy something quickly such as in shops or online. I am talking about other buying from YOU. That’s why the self brand and promotion means growth and expansion for both parties.
What’s the best part?
Well, you don’t have to have personal stories yourself, in fact you can even can BORROW OTHER PEOPLE’S. I read a lot of books and talk to a great deal of people and I always LEARN ABOUT THEM.
This helps me to understand people. This also does TWO THINGS…..
2) Allows ME to LEARN ABOUT THEM and maybe SHARE THEIR STORY with others.
I will always ask a person when I talk with them, ‘would you mind if I shared your story with others?’ And 99% of the time I get a YES. This means I can use these in my books, blog content, sales calls, emails, social media posts and more.
We all know the KNOW, LIKE and TRUST thing right? Well, it’s not going out of fashion so use it.
This never fails.
So, where are you going to be applying your self promotion?
Essentially you have YOUR AUDIENCE online and offline, using Social Media and other areas will help you, so you can ENTERTAIN and SHARE with them what you know as well as your stories, experiences, skills, testimonials, reviews and so on.
What this means is that, there are a number of things you can do to GROW your business through your self promotion. If you want to deliver a product or service you can ask your core audience what they would love or what they think of something you are considering creating. The beauty of this you can save time and money by finding out what others want and will buy BEFORE you place a ton of resources into your marketing and sales.
Many people tend to fail as they do this backwards. They will create what they think is amazing, only to see that it really isn’t. So, be sure to connect with others so you can get honest feed back and also allow this to partially drive your efforts through gathering the data.
Tell Your Story Build Your Brand Share on X
![Self Promotion: Story Telling Self Promotion: Story Telling](https://THESMALLBUSINESSGROWTHBLOG.COM/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/most-beautiful-beaches-in-the-world-Maldives-300x225.jpg)
Self Promotion: Story Telling
When you look at the picture of paradise it is easy to want to be there right?
Of course!
We can all IMAGINE drinking a cocktail there, listening to the waves kissing the sand and the gentle breeze brushing your face with the warm smell of tropical flowers in the air.
It is easy to imagine. NOW could you explain this to a friend?
OK – there is no doubt that these days there are many people trying to look successful or rich to seduce others as we all know, and this is pretty lame really as some will take your money and not deliver what they say they will deliver.
I have been there myself and lost thousands back in the day when I would throw money at anything to see if it increased.
It largely never did increase until I started building my own brand.
How ‘enthusiastic’ WOULD YOU BE explaining this to your friend about where you had been? EASY PEESY RIGHT! Imagine if you could even show them videos as well as pictures?
Wouldn’t they be IN LOVE WITH THIS PLACE? Probably!
All because YOU ADDED your PERSONAL EXPERIENCE to this paradise picture.
You added your HUMAN experience to it and so others can relate.
This is EXACTLY what I am talking about. Painting a picture of a SCENE of what you have experienced there or wherever you have been!
When you can do this with passions others will want to experience this for themselves. And guess what? This is how you can also GET MORE BUYERS for your products and services as they can FEEL what you are talking about. Now I’m not talking about B.Sing others, I am talking about sharing experiences with others.
I am lucky to have traveled the world, and I say that humbly as I am not a flashy kind of guy, nor do I wish to be. But, I have been lucky in where I can go let’s say as I have built my brand and business by doing exactly what I am saying here.
In reality we don’t need a great deal of money to self promote either, when starting out we can keep things quite tight as we grow and expand. As we grow we can then invest back into our businesses. That’s all I did. Whilst I have invested over £50k in Coaches – and in my own education in business and in every aspect of success I did this as I created revenue. I started £20k in debt. I was jobless, partying and depressed and I had to get out of it. So, I applied myself and focused on my goals.
![Self Branding Self Branding](https://THESMALLBUSINESSGROWTHBLOG.COM/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/Me-and-Pip-Italy.jpg)
Enjoying A Trip Around Italy
Self Promotion: Story Telling
My Travels
So When I Share My Travel Stories With People ‘Of Which I Have A few’ I am PAINTING A PICTURE of MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE.
I am simply sharing.
Life is all about experiences and feelings in the end so, when we can share our stories we are sharing what everyone loves to do be or have.
Life is really about creating moments and memories of how we FELT about the experiences isn’t it, and so why not use these to help us grow our businesses and brands. It’s that Human connection that others want, particularly in a person to person business.
Self Promotion basic stuff
We have all probably been to those events where everyone hands out business cards right?
But – this is something I will not do. IF a person asks for it I will give but not until then. As the last thing I want to come across as is desperate. No matter how desperate you are for money its not cool to be pushy or salesly! No-one likes it.
Tell Your Story Build Your Brand Share on X
Get yourself to a position where people are talking about YOUR BRAND so you don’t have to.
Once you tell one person who loves you, and has gotten great results from you they will tell others. And everyone has a sphere of around hundred people around them.
So, the main point of this post is that you don’t need to be spending a ton of money in promotion when starting out. You just need to communicate and listen. And be able to share your worth with others.
By giving first you get back. That’s the way of the world.
And this way to you can LEAD PEOPLE to WHY you are telling the story in the first place.
But why will be interested?
What is the reason?
Why should they care about you?
We have to get clear and focused on our reasons for doing what we do.
There has to be a point to all of this.
You Can Use:
FACEBOOK = Posts, videos, Groups, Ads, Fan pages.
VIDEO = YouTube, Vimeo, Zoom.
BLOG POSTS = Creating Content like this, share the brand, build trust
PICTURES = These can be everywhere, and I tend to use Instagram and pinterest mostly
BOOKS = Write a book. Get your brand on paper. Position yourself. I now have 25.
REPORTS = Offer free reports on subjects & matters your ideal client would love to learn more about
NEWSLETTERS = Share the latest in your subject area. Be the go-to person expert and show you care
GET OFFLINE = Get into conversations around you. Attend events, network, go to conferences.
By the way – if you have an idea you want to express then this book may help you to evolve it. Maybe your story can be evolved into a product or service? This book will help you with that and I designed it specifically in order to help anyone with expressing their ideas.
The key thing is that – it’s not just about your experience of reading this, it is about ‘YOU NOW GETTING OUT THERE’ and telling your OWN STORIES AS WELL.
This is so that people can learn more about you and what you have to offer.
What is your offer?
What is so good about it?
What will this do for others?
What stories can you share to help with this?
What action can you now take to take yourself further every day?
What free tools do you have right now which can move you towards your goals?
Tell Your Story Build Your Brand Share on X
Self Promotion: Story Telling
You Need The Right Tools To Help You Tell Your Stories!
Why Not Join Me and To Get ‘1 On 1 Coaching’ EVERY DAY On How To Use This Product Effectively and HOW TO Create $10k+ per month using it as a Self Branding tool. First Go Here And Sign Up To Get My Secret Sales Tool.
CLICK HERE FOR 1 ON 1 Self Branding COACHING and FOR $10k+ per month Small Business Brand.
And if you want to feel inspired then CLICK HERE TO READ 50 STORY TELLING QUOTES
As always I wish you the very best
P.s – Now, earlier I said that I would share something with you to help you and here it is below. You can try it for FREE and see what you think. Basically it is a course which you can build a micro or small business from. Using your stories and passions you can grow a great BRAND just as I have, so take a quick look and see if it’s for you.
I promise you that it can change your life and has already helped over 600 people globally already to do what they love every day and create more joy in their lives by designing lives of intention.
CLICK HERE FOR MY $10k per month Self Study Course with every tool you could need inside