How I Created A Purpose Driven Life!


How I Created A Purpose Driven Life!

How I Created A Purpose Driven Life!

Is there really such a thing?  I mean really?

Here’s my take; we can all create a purpose driven life from our passions, interests, ideas and so on, so I believe that we may create a purpose driven life from whatever we choose, rather than it being a divine calling as such.  Yes we all have innate gifts within and I am not sure if they are genetically passed down or spiritual, but I do know that I have been able to carve out a worthy career from shaping a purpose.


How To Create A Purpose Driven Life: This book was a part of self discovery for me, and I loved reading it, it made a lot of sense BUT I am open minded as I mentioned, so I don’t necessarily believe one thing or another.


But that’s up to you to discover for yourself.  







So, sure, it was a delightful read and pretty powerful in places and it certainly opened my eyes to the importance of making a difference in people’s lives.  But I have read hundreds of books and all have helped me in one way or another.

What I have learned is that – when you get clear on what it is that you REALLY LOVE then it may really help you to define your most important goals, because, you may start seeing what is at your core and what you can focus on doing the most. 



Many years ago I discovered self development and success based books.  I found the information very useful and it began changing my life.

But I always remained open minded.

At the time I really needed to read this book though, and I hate saying need but I did! Why though?

I went through a very tough period of life and it just so happened that a lot of this stuff made sense to me.

I still continue to learn every day WHICH I FEEL IS ESSENTIAL TO GROWTH and I will never stop learning as I love it, but what does this have to do with you living a life of purpose though?


It has SO MUCH to do with this because when we can get focused and clear on perhaps WHY we may be here, and what our greatest work may be it is quite a profound feeling. 


So, do we all have a WHY?  As I said just now, I believe we all have various options; we can choose where we apply ourselves the most and in what vocation.  Some believe that we need a great formal education but I don’t.  I believe we are more free than that.


After all my partner never attended a University in her life and she is now a Director in the NHS or National Heath Service.  Her earnings are equivalent to that of an MP.   So, this is proof that not all of us want or need a specific type of education.  We can work hard in a vocation and rise to the top.

Me personally – I dropped out of college, got into drugs, had a string of dead ends jobs, and at 30 had two choices, to quit or carry on.

I chose the latter because I started reading book. So, if it wasn’t for those books I may have wasted my life away.

The point is, I had my own education also.   I learned the tough way to love myself and to respect my choices, and when I did  I chose to craft a life from my experiences.  And you can also.  It all depends upon what you want and why.


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How I Created A Purpose Driven Life!



A Purpose Driven Life: What Is Your Why?

This is another old video of mine which is pretty basic but the point is – it hasn’t changed in principle.

Crafting a life into a purpose from your innate gifts and skills.  It might be that you have to spend many months on this area in order to really define it and to drill down deep and narrow into specific areas.  From your core you can then start working on your plan.



HOT TIPS ON How I Created A Purpose Driven Life and Plan!



1> Find out What It is that you are really great at, love to do, have experience in, are talented at maybe as a kid or what others say you are great at.
2> Think about a way you can monetize what it is that you are great at and can bring great value in.
3> Really Get Clear On What type of working style you may prefer and take some personality tests to gain clarity around this.
4> What would you do if money were no object and why
5> What Are You TRULY Passionate About and how does this make you feel
6> Look At ideas and write them all down. Which of your ideas could you see yourself expanding upon
7> Find the right set of tools and resources to help you get there, it could be people, technology or something else
8> Start Planning ways to start making progress. Re-fine your plans and define them every day
9> Think Of Others! What can you do to make others lives easier, also think about where others complain alot and be a solution
10> Just get down tons of ideas at this stage don’t worry about if they seem or feel real yet. That does not matter


I did this in order to develop my business.  And from there became an expert in Business development and that’s when I started teaching business development to small business owners. So you see, bey being introspective initially I then crafted my purpose and I work in that purpose to this day.


This is another old video sharing what I did at the beginning of my business experience and education.  How I HAD TO fail in order to grow my passions.  But – I am also talking about how I didn’t re-invent the wheel.  As you don’t have to.

A Purpose Driven Life: Here Is My Story In Brief And What You Can Do To Start Getting Exposure To Yourself and Your Passion.



I created products and services and created solutions from my passions. 


I did this:

1_ I defined and Built my brand

2. I knew my message

3. I knew how I could use my unique angle and form a purpose

4. I researched what others wanted in the business niche and applied what I learned

5. I hired 3 Coaches to help me in various areas.



Going through this process in life I began discovering How To Create A Purpose Driven Life and that I was on a journey of true self discovery.

Being in a situation where things were really tough got me finding strength through the books and audio’s. After around 5 years or so of learning and applying what I have learned I came across a book entitled ‘The Purpose Driven Life’ By Rick Warren. As I mentioned before finding this book changed my outlook and what to focus on.


I Knew There Was Something Out There That Was Right For Me but what I didn’t know was that I WAS THE ANSWER!

It wasn’t something out there, it was in here.  It was about building a brand around me for me, so I could be in charge of how I expressed myself, and how I ran a business my way.

Whilst the book (above) and many others, plus training’s, courses, videos and conferences –  ALL covered ways to describe purpose driven living, and ways to define a calling of sorts and from what I had already learned up until then, I was gradually helping myself to GET REALLY CLEAR.

Getting clear on ‘why’ I may be here!

And IF THERE IS A REASON or REASONS? What could my purpose be?

I already knew that I was pretty good at running, drawing, drumming and making music, but I couldn’t see a path.

Also – I already knew that I loved to help others and make a difference in people’s lives, so I thought that this was something which made me feel good.  Fulfilled kind of.


So how was I going to apply 
'my possible purpose' to my 
life and business?
How To Create A Purpose Driven Life!

How To Create A Purpose Driven Life!: Enjoying A Holiday In Italy!



It was tough I can tell ya!  I tried literally everything, I joined many network marketing companies, I went self employed and bought businesses, and various other companies but, what I found was that – there was a strong PROMOTION and ‘SELLING’ emphasis in these companies – and I hated it.


So I was struggling to apply 'my purpose' 



Whilst I  had spent well over $50k in learning from all of these things in order to become the best I could be I finally realised that I had to grow my own message.   

My passion was to help others with theirs.

Once I began showing myself more love, and exploring my passions I eventually crafted a purpose.  And from there I even wrote a book about it and what I had discovered.  So, you can see my journey and how I crafted a purpose.


NOTE: I got there – and it has paid me back because, I applied what I learned and I can say that knowledge is relatively useless without application.


We have to take our learning, experiences, skills, influences and so on to allow it all to serve us in one way or another.


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But it wasn’t all plain sailing I can tell you!


FOR A WHILE I Felt As Though I Was In A Prison I Was Seriously Lost!



Before I had discovered this profound message which I had to share I was lost.

But I think that this is natural and will happen because – we have to navigate uncharted territory in order to find our way I believe.

I kept failing before that because I was searching for something OUTSIDE of myself!

I was so stressed in the early days that I was getting anxiety and depression to the highest level – and I was stuck in my own home feeling like I was in a prison.  This was not good!  SOMETHING HAD TO CHANGE!

Something did change!  ME!

You see, we have to be prepared to do things we don’t like and to face things many avoid in order to become clear.

But as I chipped away at it like I was shaping and sculpting something I started to see it taking shape.




How I Created A Purpose Driven Life!

How I Created A Purpose Driven Life!

How I Created A Purpose Driven Life!:

I KEPT MOVING FORWARD even though it can be stressful!


I cannot possibly share in words here what I felt at that time when I was searching, except that I knew in my heart somewhere that I would find what was right FOR ME.


After 5 years of ups and downs and ready to quit I stumbled across an advert on Facebook. There was something different here though. Believe me I had seen enough “SO CALLED OPPORTUNITIES’ out there and I was VERY SKEPTICAL, but here was a humble woman who was a top earner in a direct selling company. Hmmmm, so I clicked on it feeling curious.








EVERYTHING BEGAN TO CHANGE WHEN I MET AN ONLINE LEADER. I am not going to explain it all now but I found the answer which was becoming an ONLINE MARKETER AND PERSONAL COACH. After all the years of struggle I had my prayers answered.

Now I work with many leaders and experts all thanks to ME NEVER GIVING UP. I KNEW I WAS ON THE RIGHT TRACK I JUST NEEDED TO  GET CLEAR.

I am now able to help people all over the world to get out of stress and failure or a job and into a successful Small and Micro online businesses, I also coach people 1 on 1 and write powerful books and blogs. ISN”T THAT GREAT!  My purpose is ALIVE.


HOW I BECAME A SUCCESS: I am now a global leader and Business mentor. I have authored 25 books, run a podcast, create courses, blog and help my community all because I dedicated my life to assisting others get success.  The more I put in – the more I attracted back what I dreamed of.

I am committed to others and this is ‘WHY’ I am now so successful AS I AM LIVING WITH MY PURPOSE.

You can be as well.  No matter what you choose to do.



How I Created A Purpose Driven Life!



How I Created A Purpose Driven Life!

How I Created A Purpose Driven Life!


Just Remember This: You must first find your primary area or passions in order to evolve a purpose – and then YOU CAN create a plan to get you where you need to be.  You will need the right tools or systems to help you get there just as I did but that doesn’t matter.   


What matters is that you define the right goals.  

As there is nothing worse than chasing the wrong goals


What you may love to do might be ‘staring you in the face’ RIGHT NOW OR it could take some time and research but you will know with putting in the work.




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The point is that a purpose may be created by you in ANYTHING.  You may wish to become an online entrepreneur and teach affiliate marketing, or become a Mentor or Coach in something else or start a shop.  It might be that your purpose is bigger and you commit to helping starving people around the world?  I don’t know your purpose, and you may not yet, but if you need some help with this then I am here for you.

In fact a part of my Coaching is in serving others in their pursuit of what really matters to them.

I call it the Discover, Design Develop process which you can find out about more at my website.    


That’s How I Created A Purpose Driven Life Anyway!  But we are here to talk about you.

YES YOU!  What about you?


Hey I Hope That You Enjoyed ‘How To Create A Purpose Driven Life!’ and If You Want some Help To Learning More About Your Purpose Feel Free To Contact Me to Develop Yours!  Don’t forget to grab your FREE Ebook below also, which will help you tap into love, discover your passions and develop your purpose from them and which was the first book I wrote many years ago when I finally designed my life and business brand around me.   Enjoy!


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I wish you all the very best as always


1ON1 FREE Coaching Session to help you discover your passions and develop them into a Purpose driven Role or business below:

Greg De Tisi

Greg De Tisi

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Author and Small Business Blogger at Greg De Tisi Writing and Small Business Blogging
Author, course creator and business blogger - Greg has been supporting Small Business clients from all backgrounds all over the globe for over 15 years in developing ideas and passions into sustainable Small Business Models. Greg now has more of a focus on supporting his local business community in Bristol UK.