Finding A Great Business Mentor: Was Important To My Own Success!

Finding A Great Business Mentor: Was Important To My Own Success!

Finding A Great Mentor

Finding A Great Mentor


Finding A Great Mentor: Sometimes we all need a helping hand. 

Coaching and mentoring isn’t new. Its been around for thousands of years in one shape or another.  Today, there are so many Coaches to choose from in many industries and in some ways it has become saturated, so it really will pay you to sort out the wheat from the chaff.

What I mean by that is many will claim to be an expert Coach but they may have little to no experience, education or knowledge of how it is done.


This is simply the world we live in today.  I have been Coaching for over 15 years after qualifying as a Life Coach, Business Coach and also an NLP Practitioner I continued to study both online and offline to further my education and I believe that it never ends.





My Business today is primarily built around Coaching styles and techniques and also mentoring.   The reason I use both is because it is what has worked best for my clients.  What I mean by that is that Coaching is supportive, it is about guidance, empowerment, and facilitating this in order to help the client make better more value driven decisions which may relate more to the real person.   Perhaps a person has become stuck in some form and they need more tools in order to be able to create new and empowering choices which support them.

What I found was that Mentoring was also important because – through this procedure I can offer my experience, education and help my client get to solutions way quicker than just through support alone.  My personal goal with this blog and in my business is to help clients get results as quickly as I can.  But – this doesn’t mean that it is in-effective just because it is rapid.


Do You Really Need A Coach? Find Out Here! Share on X

It simply means that ‘if’ there are ways of reaching our desired results by using combined methods of teaching then that Is what I will do.


Not everyone needs or desires working with a Coach or Mentor but I have personally spent over £20,000 working with 3 separate coaches and in working with them they have all contributed to my success and I have made back that investment many times over.


Could I have achieved this without them?  Personally I don’t think so.

Again – each to their own but, in my humble opinion it is way tougher to demonstrate effective growth without the help of others.

Whether we hire business experts, outsource or invest in ourselves with coaches.   Because that’s what we are doing – investing in our own growth.  mentally, physically or in any other way depending on our goal.



And when we go through childhood and growing up into Adulthood many of us could do with a helping hand or two.

Learning never ends. We just have to admit that sometimes we have to look to someone else to guide us to a better situation!
Do you have a Mentor or Coach now? It doesn’t matter whether you are stuck personally or in business using a Finding A Good Mentor who has helped other people is essential to your own success IF YOU WANT REAL CHANGE?


Finding A Great Business Mentor: Was Important To My Own Success!

Finding A Great Business Mentor: Was Important To My Own Success!





So what is your current situation? The fact that you are reading this would suggest that you are probably keen to find out more about Finding A Good Mentor or to develop yourself and maybe become an entrepreneur or marketer online?

In which case I can highly recommend that you find someone who you can learn from.






Look For These Things!

3) Someone Who Is POSITIONED In The Industry
4) Someone Who Can Give You The Time You Need
5) Someone Who you RESPECT and vice versa

6) A Person with EXPERIENCE in your craft/field/sector

Finding A Great Business Mentor: Was Important To My Own Success!

OK I will say that this is a rare thing. ‘I know this’ as I was searching for exactly this for around 15 years ago and finally I found someone who ticked all of the boxes.  This is when MY LIFE BEGAN TO CHANGE and I took it with both hands.

But there are many who are simply not cut out for Coaching and I hate to belittle the industry but for me it is about knowing that your invest in yourself and paying another will result in them working with you until you see the results you desire.

VERY FEW WILL DO THIS.    So, be very careful where you invest your hard earned money.

Finding A Great Mentor

Finding A Great Mentor

Again: I am simply pointing this out from my own experience prior to working with excellent Coaches i had bad experiences with those were not fit for the purpose of helping me in any way.

When did things change for me?


When I found myself studying the world’s GREATEST LEADERS throughout time I decided that I must FIND SOMEONE TO LEARN FROM and COPY who was already successful.

I took to reading books from ancient philosophy, metaphysics, and even theology to notice where there were parallels.  So I could out all the pieces together and map out my best route of action.

I believed then and still do, that we should always be students.  I see myself as expansive, in that I continue to grow, but I am under no illusion that I know it all.

I am a student servant. I serve others, with passion, love and purpose and I read a book a week if I can in the various fields which apply to my area of work.


Do You Really Need A Coach? Find Out Here! Share on X

Books on entrepreneurship, Stanford University Training’s, Global Startups, Small Business, Tech, Mindset mastery, Ancient philosophy, Coaching and Mentoring, Strategy, Marketing, Sales, Human behavior, and many other areas all to help me be the best I can be.

My research eventually led me to various Coaches and mentors globally and – that’s when I found SOMEONE WHOM I RESPECTED AND TRUSTED.

When we find ourselves at a crossroads in life it is better to admit that we need help than to try and face it alone!


I faced it with another.

But I waited until I found that right person.

From there I got results in my life and business and also hired others for specific areas in my business.




But do you need a Coach yourself?


As I said ‘some just don’t’ but, I would never suggest trying to accomplish anything major without at least one expert by your side.

Too much Pride can cause turmoil in the end – and many many more mistakes are made when we go it completely alone.


We can learn from mistakes of course and the lessons are Astoundingly useful,  but when we have someone to help us, to guide us to avoid making more mistakes it is worth considering Finding A Good Mentor DON’T YOU THINK?

So what should you look for?

That’s up to you and what you are looking to achieve, but I believe in having a connection first off.  I did touch on this also earlier and can only add to that that you will know when you find the right person for you.  But do your research.

And this will help:

  1. Try to get to know your goal because the more you know it the faster someone can help you get there.
  2. Be specific and have a vision that you can share
  3. Dig deep within yourself to really find  out what you want and why.
  4. Be prepared to invest in yourself
  5. Identify what your goal will mean to you.  EXAMPLE: You want to achieve £3000 p/m to replace your job income.  So, why that amount? What will that do for you? What are you prepared to do to get that?  What might you love to do in exchange for that amount?  What freedom would you have?  What choices would you have?  How might your life change because of this?
  6. Create a plan regardless of whether you hire a Coach or not.  This will help your confidence in pinpointing your goal. And the more you look at it and refine it the more you will draw closer to it.
  7. Be open to change. Again – you may never hire a Coach, but either way you can be more open about ideas, choices and goals, so that you are not stuck in a place which doesn’t make you feel alive and passionate.  In other words, be more fluid to entirely new possibilities and see what comes up for you.
  8. Conduct deep research into your core subject as you can find videos, books, training’s and course which may help you.
  9. TIP: If you wish to become a Coach then consider group Coaching ultimately because this means that maybe 8-10 clients can pay you all at the same time. Makes a lot of sense for cash flow.


If you need a Coach:

You May Think You Know What To Do ‘OR’ What You Are Lacking In, BUT It Is ONLY When You Find Someone Who CARES ABOUT ‘WHAT YOU REALLY WANT Out Of Life’, and – that can BE HONEST with you IS WHEN SUCCESS STARTS HAPPENING For You.


That's what i found and what my clients found made all the difference.

You have to be prepared to be stripped to the bone in that, a good Coach or Mentor will be honest with you and get you to be open about what might be standing in your way.   Usually, there is some block, belief or behavior which may be stopping you from fully expressing who you are or from experiencing success in a certain area of your life or business.


Finding A Great Business Mentor: Was Important To My Own Success!

This is an old video when I was involved with Network Marketing businesses, but the point is that we can copy the right person, as we don’t need to re-invent the wheel.  If we can find a great Life or Business Coach with experience, it doesn’t matter what you are trying to build upon, they will have the past experience which will become gold to you.

This will help you get clear on what you should look for when choosing a coach or mentor to work with.:


HOT TIP: Remember to Find someone who has achieved what you want to Achieve.  This way you will save yourself alot of time and money and hair by trying to go it alone.  Take my word for it, I have searched high and low for an honest person who cares about what I want and it paid off as my success has sky rocked!   But don’t just trust anyone. 


Perhaps you are passionate about becoming a Coach or mentor?

Then I suggest you first train to become an expert in your chosen field and hire a Coach who can help you to understand how it all works.

You can study the lessons, take notes, and formulate a plan in creating a career as a Coach.   The key thing is to be in a niche. And to then try to dominate that niche and when you train with experts they will also offer you students to work with in order to increase your experience.  You will want to work to build your education and refine your skills, but only once you have qualified as a professional Coach.

As I said – many today claim to be Coaches, some are amazing, and some are frankly so so. I worked with Brendon Burchard and Tony Robbins as  part of my own education but be warned they don’t come cheap.  It was only once I qualified initially and had an Affiliate marketing business was I able to invest some of this into further educating my training.


Do You Really Need A Coach? Find Out Here! Share on X


Here are some of the primary Coaching models worth looking at both as a potential Coach and as a client:

  • GROW Coaching Model. =  GOAL, REALITY, OPTIONS, WILL

For a comprehensive look at Effective Coaching I recommend this POST HERE

and THIS POST HERE about the GROW Model


I personally use a combination of the OSKAR model and Mentoring in my Coaching program as I found it worked most effectively with my Small Business clients.  But – they all have merits, and it is up to you to really do your research when going into searching for a great mentor or Coach.




Top Ways To Nail Your Coaching Sessions 



Finding A Great Business Mentor: Was Important To My Own Success!

I learned all about business development, strategy, Planning, goals, vision, Profit and loss, expenses, bottom line, pivoting, exit strategies, Business accounts, Markets and research, Targeting customers, Branding, Risk, UVP, Teams and hiring, , Offline Marketing, Marketing and sales, Niches, positioning, Content and copy, beating competition, products and services, Revenue, Media, trends, direct sales, and much more and in learning this I then was able to help my clients also effectively.  



It’s win win. I had the education, experience, ability and skills to become better in business and also help others in many more powerful ways – thus my clients took less risks and got better results.



I Coach and Mentor and have done for 15 years now, but I also create courses for those who wish to go forward without a Coach.  Sometimes – as I previously stated ‘some’ will not desire Coaching, nor will they find it useful to them as they would rather study online or not at all.



Certainly – I only work with committed, accountable responsible clients who I have a connection with, and the beauty of that means I work with whom I like as some call it cherry picking and I can work with less people at higher rates.    It is less stressful for me also this way.  I would rather work deeply and fully with less and get better results.

I think it’s VERY important to respect your time when you are a Coach and not just work with anyone.

Sure, you should gather experiences and get used to Coaching, but respect yourself and your craft by working with those who deserve your time and they deserve yours. And ‘if’ a person needs another kind or type of help such as therapy or a Councillor then do not work with them. Get them connected with the right person in the right role.  You have a duty to do so, and not to simply chase money just to get what you can.


It is tough when a person wants to pay you but when you know full well that they are better off with another expert or professional.  But, I put people before profits and so, never question what is ethical. 

I also know that some don’t want a Coach in life or business and so, I also created courses for those who prefer to work alone.


That's why I created a Course to help those of you who perhaps 
cannot afford coaching either and want a taster for it.


Would You Like To KNOW HOW TO MAKE HUGE CHANGES RIGHT NOW WITH VERY LITTLE COST? GREAT then for under £30 you can get my life changing self study course.  And I have created all the training you could need to help you create a successful Micro business from home.


This course has videos, audios, ebooks, and even a $10k per month Blueprint and is a self study course you can finish in your own time. It also comes with a full 28 day money back guarantee.  So I will refund you without any issue.  There is no risk at all on your part.  If you like it I would love to know and if not I would love to know so I can always improve my products.


Do You Really Need A Coach? Find Out Here! Share on X

I hope this post has helped you and I hope that you can narrow down your search a little more to finding your ultimate Mentor.

In the meantime I want to wish you the very best.


1ON1 FREE But limited Coaching Session With ME To Create Solid Business Plan and Strategy @

Finding A Great Business Mentor: Was Important To My Own Success!

Finding A Great Business Mentor: Was Important To My Own Success!

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Author and Small Business Blogger at Greg De Tisi Writing and Small Business Blogging
Author, course creator and business blogger - Greg has been supporting Small Business clients from all backgrounds all over the globe for over 15 years in developing ideas and passions into sustainable Small Business Models. Greg now has more of a focus on supporting his local business community in Bristol UK.