Effective Communication: How To Gain Followers Through The Use Of Language!

Effective Communication

Effective Communication

Effective Communication

Effective Communication:  

This isn’t just about followers either. This ia about friends, family members and just about every human encounter.


When you are in business you want to be leading your field so, you want to be well-respected by others of course – and this means getting your message across in a POWERFUL WAY.





Communication isn’t just about talking with one another, it is in colours, textures, un-spoken language, design, facial expressions, and of course in the use of words.  If we can effectively communicate in life then we will probably stand a better chance of getting our message heard.

This is both in life and in business.


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In Business – your use of language can determine how many people respect you, your time, your business and your authority.


If you simply do not convey the right message then others simply won’t understand you or what you stand for, so something I have learned

 with great effect is in being SIMPLE.

Simple in what I do.  It doesn’t leave much to the imagination to know.

Look at the title of my blog, and my heading.  People know right away what I do.  So we have to get our message right.  But this also means we have to look at our VISION, ETHICS, VALUES and MEANING on what we do, otherwise others will have no clue.

So, what’s your primary message?  Do you have one yet?

It’s especially important today to know how to communicate effectively because a great deal of life and business is online.

So, we need to hold Zoom meetings, Skype calls, through social media and with email.  And whilst these re only secondary to face to face talking, they can be very useful and powerful if we get them right.

That’s why we really need CLARITY around our message, so that others can quickly identify us as XYZ.

I personally love the art of communication because I love how I can connect with others and get to know them. I love to see what is important to them and their values.  I was always chatty so I used it to my advantage and refined it.  So for example – if I am in a social situation such as a business event, party of conference I will make extraordinary effort to connect with the right people.

When I say RIGHT people I mean those who I can help and they can help me.  It’s win win.

So, there is an art to this I believe but one which may be cultivated.


Do you really seriously care about others?

What are your communication skills like?

How do you come across?

Is it easy for you to connect?

How might you improve?

What does your message say?


You see, the more we can master this the more we can apply the right amount of care and attention to our conversations.


Why though?

It’s easy for me –  when I care, find common ground, mutual interests, and get to know what is important to another they are drawn to me.

That ain’t rocket science is it?

It really isn’t.  But we also have to know how to apply these skills into copy.  Into writing and content.

So, we may hire experts, business writers etc to help us if we are weak in this area.

Personally I write my own because i want people to understand that IT IS ME, not some hired person as it simply isn’t as natural or real.  it is me talking and expressing what I feel and think.  I think that this is important in business because people know who are FAKE and who are REAL.

And there are alot of fakes around these days.   I am sure you have seen those types who brag, show off, act as though they are No1, or feed hype into adverts and marketing.  Sure, some of this works – but not for me.  I would rather connect and decide if I would like to work with a person or not. And it doesn’t take me long to discover this.  Also, I wouldn’t want a person wasting their time with me if they think I am another one of those talkers and not doers.


Effective Communication

Effective Communication

The truth is many ‘so called’ leaders do not deliver on what they say they will.      They do not bring true value to another’s life, and so, if I felt as though I couldn’t do that I wouldn’t be in business.  This is my logo which represents me to a tee. 



So, have a think about your brand and message and how this says WHO you are.   


Now, let’s get back to why communication matters so much.


The best way to demonstrate this is to give you two examples:


1 Giving your power away here’s an example.

Hi John I am so so sorry that I couldn’t get through to you so it’s my fault completely so please forgive me and thank you for your patience. Please do not hesitate to contact me anytime and I can re-book you whenever you like.  

The intention is heart centered but it is also quite weak.



2 Here is how I would say the above sentence.

Hi John this is Greg. I am contacting you to re-book our appointment. Can you e-mail me with a more appropriate time to have our meeting and I will confirm this once I receive your message OK. Have an amazing day!



Effective Communication

So much comes into play with communication – and of course ‘your tone’ plays a part.

We have to therefore command a presence which deserves respect whilst being kind.   We have to be the professional expert whom stands out from the noise.  We have to be the ‘go-to’ person in our niche without sounding like every other Joe.

We can be assertive, confident, direct and yet still be friendly, so we manage the conversation and thus can connect based on our ability to conduct effective rapport.  Many though find it scary to be assertive as though they have ‘impostor syndrome’ which is a common trait I see among other including my clients.


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They will sometimes say stuff like; ‘But Greg! I have only been coaching for 6 months, won’t others think I am a fraud?’

Or ‘Greg, why will people buy my bread, tattoos, art, pizzas, (or whatever your product is) when there are so many other great ones?’


Here’s the thing: YOU have something unique. I know your Mother already told you this, but believe me it’s true.  And as we are unique, we have gifts, abilities and original ideas which others just don’t have.  USE THOSE.  Be the one who is different from the crowd.  That’s what will help you to beat competition through communication.

What you share such as, your brand, message, marketing, media and so on ALL can be strategic.


Something which has helped me many years ago was with understanding THE TYPE of person I was in order to best be effective in what I do and to get my message right.

Effective Communication

Effective Communication



Effective Communication and personality:  YOU MAY FIND THE COLOR CHART USEFUL as I did.


IT SHOWS YOU THE PERSONALITY TYPES THAT PEOPLE GENERALLY FALL INTO.   So it will help you with pinpointing who you are and it will help you identify others.  This helps to give us a clue as to ‘who’ we are talking to.  But moreover, better understand who our ultimate or ideal client or customer is.   Make sense?  The more we know the less we waste time and money.  Many marketers spend a great deal without really first knowing who their target customer is.

This way you won’t simply ASSUME you know who your customers are or what they are after.

NOTE: You can use a sense of humor in your marketing and communication but never act like a clown!   People want to know you are well HUMAN, but you don’t need to become Ronald McDonald.


The point is that you may entertain whilst you educate your audience.


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You can see the how these may help you right?

You can be sure of yourself – as you are not being rude you are just being assertive, and that is actually more polite and truthful.

As an Online Marketing Leader In business I am directing my message and controlling it.

People will respect you more and your time when you are direct.

So, we may use a feeling of power in how we act, even in how we sit, stand, walk, talk and express ourselves. We may also Position ourselves as the leader others need.  And this comes through in our presence.

Have you ever walked into a room and a person there exuded an energy and vibrancy which was quite addictive?   it seems as though they plugged into an electric cable before they arrived.  They have charisma, charm, confidence but yet are caring, considerate and compassionate.

This builds TRUST!


Effective Communication: Keep what you say clear, concise and simple.

Remember that you are the one controlling your life and business – so you are the one who has to manage your valuable time.

How you manage yourself and conduct yourself is speaking to others every day.  And when you are asleep your brand and marketing does this for you.




In order for people to treat you as an expert you have to behave as one. The more you behave in this manner the more people will associate you with personal and professional business and they will want to invest in you or even be more like you.

This is where you know your sector, master it and you dominate it.



Effective Communication

Mastering conversations

Most of us love a good chat from time to time, but there is a time for casual chat and a time for purposeful chat.

Many people just gossip about this and that and thus they fill their minds with hear say and opinions.

This is very common for many, to just TALK about stuff.

But me – I will avoid minor chit chat for the most part, and whilst this is necessary sometimes it can also waste a great deal of energy and time.  Breaking the ice requires the standard connection and common ‘back and forth’ type of chat which is great, and the best way to begin, but we also have to contextualize the whole point of the conversation.

Now – just to be clear I don’t do this with friends, family and so on, I apply certain conversations to certain events.

It is great to have a conversation with people of course, but there is a time for leisurely conversation and a time for specific arrangements to keep the subject clear to both of you.


Effective Communication

Effective Communication



The more you can practice the right ways to communicate in business the better you will get. Just as we get better at understanding others when we LISTEN properly.  If we over-talk and never listen – then a person may feel invalidated.  I know a great deal of ‘over-talkers’ who rarely listen and so, they never learn anything new.

They are those who struggle in business as they are not open or prepared to look at various options which may help them.

And if we are too closed minded we will probably suffer in some way.


We have to hire those who can have a shared vision.   They have to be able to communicate our message as passionately as we do.






People can usually feel what you mean through your mannerisms ‘EVEN IF THEY CANNOT SEE YOU’.

We all have various abilities to pick up on the type of person we are speaking with, so it pays to be upbeat in a non visual conversation when trying to engage and build rapport.  Also, in marketing, when doing webinars, training’s and meeting’s we need to have an heir of positivity I believe as it can engage with others way quicker than if we are slouched in a chair mumbling.


Effective Communication: Also means knowing when to speak and when not to.

Sometimes it is more polite and courteous to keep quiet and we don’t always need to prove ourselves.  If we are trying to help another then listening is the absolute key to engaging with them and their lives.

Whilst the use of language can sometimes mean we have barriers IN GLOBAL BUSINESS this doesn’t change the fact that we can come across as the confident assertive business person anyway and still be understood in the way we conduct ourselves.  So, we can use whatever tools we have to get a message across regardless of our lack of mutual understanding.  



There are very GREAT PEOPLE out there who can add benefits to your organisation and be a great asset to your business and so we have to hire the best for us. We have to find those who are as passionate as we are about communication and performing well in their roles.

Also we have to become our buyer in order to get what their behaviors are.  If we guess at this we fail.

We need to know what others want and for our products and services to outshine the rest.

Our job is in getting them to trust and respect us through whatever channels we are using.


NOTE:  Remember to KNOW What you are offering that others don't! 

If we can connect with customers on a level which is greater than the situation they are already in – and they feel appreciated then they will want to be a part of that.  They will feel YOUR CONTAGIOUS ENERGY  through your channels. 


Keep It Simple And Focus on Results!

As you become a master in your communication and marketing you can attract the right types, and you can offer something of value to them in order to get their attention.  So, you can build a loyal following by consistently over delivering on what you offer.

As you build and measure your numbers you will also adjust, tweak and scale what works.

So, in email campaigns you will manage the numbers, which will include OPEN RATES and CONVERSIONS.  The more you or another whom you hire manages your numbers you will see trends in behavior.  This way you can better manage your results.

Effective Communication: It shows that you ARE SURE OF YOURSELF AND YOUR BUSINESS.

You are the leader in what you do, so being a trustworthy and strong individual will allow others to look up to you and trust you to be there when you say you will.   This includes customer service. And how we operate behind the scenes. As other know if we care.


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Effective Communication


So, I help them get results.  But some also become great drinking buddies after.


Effective Communication: You Control Everything!

You are in control of your life and your actions so the more you realize this the more people will realize it as well.  You control how you operate and what you do.  Your actions are a direct result of your mindset choices.   So, what habits might need tweaking a little in order for you to become the best in your field?

Adjust your ways and your thinking to adopt your new and supportive actions and you will be rewarded for your approach.

Remember this: Experts have no need to BE DESPERATE.    And when less desperate it attracts attention.


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NOTE: A higher quality lower loyal following is better than higher numbers of general following. 

You can create a great income from your list with very few subscribers if they are the right types.



Communicate With Me Here In a FREE Strategy Session www.GregDeTisi.com 


I Really Hope That You Have Enjoyed ‘Effective Communication: How To Gain Followers Through Good Language!’ Feel free to share!

p.s Never forget that in the English language alone there are over 170,000 words to choose from so be creative!


Best Greg


Effective Communication

Effective Communication


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Author and Small Business Blogger at Greg De Tisi Writing and Small Business Blogging
Author, course creator and business blogger - Greg has been supporting Small Business clients from all backgrounds all over the globe for over 15 years in developing ideas and passions into sustainable Small Business Models. Greg now has more of a focus on supporting his local business community in Bristol UK.