Mindset and Masterminding With Others: Do You Mentally Exercise?

Masterminding With Others

Masterminding With Others

Mindset and Masterminding With Others: Do You Mentally Exercise?

Who Do You Respect? And Why? Who Are You Learning From? Who Influences You?


I  have studied many books and Audios by the worlds leading and most Inspiring Experts in the World and some of whom I have connected with  – whilst others are no longer with us.  But – I still imagine myself talking with them In a Mastermind Group!    

I know this may seem a bit wacky but, it works for me.

I believe we need to connect with those whom we admire and allow their success to rub off on us a little.





I am a big fan of Robert Kiyosaki and his story of growing up with two dads.  This inspired me greatly to go after my dreams as I was motivated by his story and by the fact that we are our own masters.  Its up to us to make the decisions we need to make in order to become more.  And this is regardless of who our teachers and influences were.


You see – you and I have been without doubt influenced by so many people and things and so we may FEEL that we are not good enough, or we don’t have what it takes to GROW beyond our past or current situations but we do.  I did.


I have been also greatly influenced by many others and this includes Sir Winston Churchill and Napoleon Hill.  

Masterminding With Others
Three of my personal Mentors. Robert Kiyosaki Sir Winston Churchill~ and Napoleon Hill~



A Great Technique For Masterminding With Others

I learned this great technique recently that continues to help me get clear and focused on where I am going and why I am going there.  Basically it revolves around tapping into power that’s here and now and using power that has passed also!   In other words I USE the power of past leaders ideas and try to encompass it into my strategies.


That’s right I Mastermind with those who are here and not even here anymore!



Relax I’m not going to ask you TO DO ANYTHING STRANGE HERE!

Masterminding just means that we can connect with people whom we admire and respect, that’s it.  What do I mean?

I mean finding a group of people alive or dead whom you respect and have achieved great things, and then picturing you with them.   I have connected with many living leaders of course and I have been in various mastermind groups over the years both lMasterminding With Otherslocally to where I love, globally and online.



Plus of course – I leverage the influences of some of the leaders whom I have mentioned.




Mindset and Masterminding With Others: Do You Mentally Exercise?


Masterminding in groups:

Today there are many opportunities to connect with like minded people.

AND even with others who are not like minded.  But why do that?

Its simple really – when we can learn from others with other various views, opinions, traits, behaviors and so on we can learn about other ways to think about things or see things.

So, we don’t need to find those who are like us AT ALL!  This can be your choice.

I enjoy others who challenge my ideas and disagree as I can then ask WHY and it can through out some angles which I never even considered before.

This is good for my mind as it can easily get stuck in areas or in certain beliefs or thoughts which may render me limited.

Make sense?




Masterminding With Others

Masterminding With Others: Get Connected!

Why not write a list of those whom you admire, appreciate and respect first of all and from that list you can then determine who you can contact and who you may need to become more aware of.


Maybe there are others who have achieved things that you want to achieve?


So you can connect with experts in specific areas and pick their brains.  Don’t be intimidated by others either as they were once where you may be now.  We are all only Human beings, so my suggestion is to never put another on a pedestal.  YES respect them and show that you admire them, but don’t feel inferior, as you never need to.





Mindset and Masterminding With Others: Do You Mentally Exercise?:

I have decided to do this with some of my hero’s and I am always trying to get in the zone with them.


So, this isn’t madness to connect with those who have passed on, it is using the imagination just like kids do, to connect to the others ideas and to plant them into into areas of the brain.

You see, when you learn about people who have achieved great things you then ‘feel in some way connected to them right’?


For example – almost as a friend ‘or’ even that you have a slice of them which is personal to you.

This is no more different than picturing yourself in other situations which you DESIRE.


I bet you have visualized great destinations? 

I bet you have seen yourself as in certain situations?

So you can do the same.  And the Mind doesn’t know the difference between the truth and what is false.

What does this mean for you?   Its means that you can greatly influence the mind deeply and feed it what you wish to feed it with and over time your mind connects pathways with these ideas and stories.  Eventually you will have created new powerful mental habits.


It may seem mad to you but I even talk to my dead hero’s and ask them for ideas.

WHO knows!  Maybe I am mad, but I do get great ideas after a virtual mastermind session.


Now, if they are alive then you could try contacting them or just hold up a picture of them and talk to them until you start to feel as though they are talking with you.





It may sound strange BUT IT GETS YOUR MIND INTO THE ZONE of success!



Here Is An Option: See Yourself In A Room WITH THE GREAT PEOPLE and see yourself sat at the end or HEAD of the table.

This way you are in vision of all of your GREAT FRIENDS and PARTNERS. Get into a zone of visualising these meetings every few days and ask them for help with your own life and business.  SEE WHAT IDEAS COME TO YOU AFTER YOU TRY THIS A FEW TIMES.


If it doesn’t feel right for you or to you then simply move onto to connecting in real life with those whom you can connect with.


Masterminding With Others

Masterminding With Others

Mindset and Masterminding With Others: Do You Mentally Exercise?


This will help you get focused on what you really want to achieve and realise your desires a great deal faster.  Whether you are in business right now or not, you can begin to establish relationships with those whom you admire and create NEW IDEAS to help you.  After all – we are only as successful as the few we connect with.  So, who are you connecting with now?  Are they good for you?  Or are they negative?




Really think about those whom you could spend more time with less time with.



What I Have Found


I have found that by Masterminding with others both in reality and in my imagination it has helped me to feel ‘very aware’, not to mention intelligent and somewhat important myself.  I position myself as already having achieved what I desire, and I do this every day.  Again – the mind will buy into it and as time passes you will catch up with your mind.

Can you see what impact it could have on your future?


What do you have to lose with Mindset and Masterminding With Others? 

Serious question!   What are your results so far?  Are you getting what you want?  Why not?  Do you feel good enough?

You have nothing to lose by TRYING THIS and if it can help to shape a mindset which supports you then its 110% win win.



So, have you written a list of say 5 to 10 people who you would like to be INVOLVED WITH AND ADMIRE?

As I said it doesn’t matter whether they are with us or deceased because you can use a picture of them anyway and besides – you are visualising this which means it doesn’t matter, therefore YOU CAN DO ANYTHING YOU LIKE in your mind.  

What do you want?

Its time to get clarity around that, and from there you will being finding solutions and ideas the more you delve into the state of being successful.


Masterminding With Others

Masterminding With Others


Also, have regular meetings with your mastermind group whilst you have your eyes closed. Picture the outcomes that you want.


If you read books then you already know HOW TO PICTURE CHARACTERS!  It’s no different to seeing the people in a book.


This is so that you can develop a mind that it is in tune with the pictures and outcomes of your desired future.





Masterminding With Others: Don’t we all want or desire a certain outcome for our lives?

If we don’t then we likely drift by default through life always clearing up our messes.  So, it pays to plan and even though plans will change the goal never needs to.


I have learned this and since I began to form alliances with the people I consider to great, it has dramatically helped me get clear, focused and achieve my goals way faster than ever before.  And I have extra energy to take MASSIVE specific action and move with greater momentum towards where I am headed.   Day by day it builds momentum and creates greater levels of zone energy.  And when this happens it creates unstoppable consistent results.



Now its time to arrow down your list to several who you feel a connection with.


When you get 5 minutes of quiet time imagine you are sat at the end of a long table with them around you and you can ask them for ideas and help.  The more you do this the more familiar they will become.  At the very worst you can picture yourself around great people, so that alone will feel great and help you to act differently in how you progress and enable you to feel successful.


I Hope That ‘Masterminding With Others’ has helped you in some way to get creative and get clear on how you can get CREATE MORE SUCCESS with realizing your goals much faster.


I am very passionate about Mindset matters and incorporate this into my Coaching processes. It is something which I feel strongly about as It has helped me to transform my entire life from the very first book I picked up.  So here are some of my favourite ways to master my mind for success and which have helped me the most.


Tips, Tools and resources which may help:
Masterminding With Others

Masterminding With Others

1) Read for 30 minutes per day either in your craft to master area or in other areas which enhance your life/business.
2) 30 minutes per day with audio for mind programming. This can be anything you choose. I use real subliminal audios. 
3) Start the day with deep breathing and centering.  Drink a glass of water and stretch out.  
4) Start night before by planning next day. See it as an amazing in your minds eye. Envision it totally write important tasks.
5) Overwrite any negative thoughts with positive alternatives until they become ingrained into your mind and state.
6) Watch inspiring videos and listen to inspiring podcasts. 
7) Associate with those who support your dreams but who also challenge your ideas to make you think openly 
8) KNOW YOUR GOALS.  Visualize them every day and night without fail. This will stimulate your mind to find ways to help you.



And finally – ensure that you have the kind of attitude and perspective of someone who appreciate life and expects to win.  Mindset is all about your outlook on life and what that looks like.  Something I do is to look around at what i appreciate already and I thank the Universe for giving me all I want.  I see my vision as already mine every day. 




I also take time to JUST BE.  I let the mind recharge.  We all need to stop thinking sometimes in order to allow ourselves to recharge. This is so important in self care.

If we are always thinking we will burn out.  So, take some time like a day off now and again to do nothing other than BE. So simple things like gardening, simple cooking, maybe housework or anything which can be kind of mindless.  I know that some chefs would kill me for saying that but I mean simply doing, or not.  Whatever is light and easy.  This will allow you to enable your mind to have rest and give you ideas for when you are ready to focus again.



I wish you the very best with mastering your ind for success

Best as always





If so get in touch @ www.GregDeTisi.com and we can set up a session to help you create a mindset of an entrepreneur which is vital in running a successful business

Mindset and Masterminding With Others: Do You Mentally Exercise?

Mindset and Masterminding With Others: Do You Mentally Exercise?


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Author and Small Business Blogger at Greg De Tisi Writing and Small Business Blogging
Author, course creator and business blogger - Greg has been supporting Small Business clients from all backgrounds all over the globe for over 15 years in developing ideas and passions into sustainable Small Business Models. Greg now has more of a focus on supporting his local business community in Bristol UK.