List Building 101! Is Your List ALIVE??
It's ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL To Growth In Your Business. Personally, if I were you I would learn this now!
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It’s ALIVE! BUT IS Your List Building?
Don’t be like this guy! Get focused on delivering tons of value and great content to a list.
Think about this – whatever type of business you are in you ideally want repeat custom and so if you are like me ‘online’ most of the time then you want to know that you are able to communicate with your subscribers regardless of where they are or what they do.
Having a list to stay in communication is a vitally important aspect to all business today
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It really doesn’t need to be an amazingly complicated setup either.
All you need is an initial point of contact so you can get their first name and email and a follow series of emails to offer them value.
So, what matters is that ‘if’a person visits your store offline or store online you can at least KEEP them connected for potential future transactions.
And the best way to do this is by setting up a simple free gift or an offer of a newsletter or tips. Whatever you can give upfront.
You might also offer a secondary offer called a OTO or one time offer like say for $7 as a cheap front end product to monetise your list right off the bat. You don’t need to but it can be helpful for you to build some income quickly.
So where do you begin?
You have to sustain your business by List Building In a constant way and by continually delivering hot free content and value in order for them to trust you and stay.
Once you have the trust of a subscriber then they may buy at a later date.
And its all about automation. You can travel, sleep, work, or do whatever and this is working for you. So it’ a no brainer.
And – whats great about this is that you can sell not only your programs, offers, and products but others also. You can share affiliate products by other companies which relate to your niche.
So – as I share with you in the really old video below – you need to understand WHY they are there and WHAT they want. If you simply sell to a list then they will quickly unsubscribe and go elsewhere, so you have to know HOW TO make them stay engaged with you.
This comes down to how you title your emails, what you write in the body of the email and how interesting it is.
My recommendation would be to subscribe to professionals lists and capture what they do well. Look at huge brands and see how they engage with you. Some of the bigger Companies have huge marketing budgets so this is a great way to see what they do and you can even steal the content and re-write it as your own. BUT don’t outright copy as this is illegal and plagiarism.
List Building 101! Is Your List ALIVE??
I know my hair was pretty wild huh! What was I thinking!
Anyway back to List Building:
Today We Need Lists As they Are The Lifeblood Of ANY Business communication And The Future Of Our Investments FROM Our Customers!
You May Already Know All Of This BUT ARE YOU DOING IT RIGHT YET? Then I suggest you get help with it.
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Let's Keep This SIMPLE! We Like Simple Don't We! And so do your subscribers, so don't make their life complicated for them. Make it easy for them to take action.
Your List Building strategy
You may not be that techy and don’t worry if you are not as you can outsource this if need be. If you are busy in other parts of your business building and your role is another area then pay someone to manage this or hire a techy person. They may also be able to manage your social media campaigns also if you have them and ads etc.
So you will have to have an optin page, or squeeze page, website or blog or somewhere where your potential customer can go to ‘subscribe’ to your list and ultimately to your offers remember so, where will you be placing your Opt-in page? Who will see it?
How will your ultimate subscribers be in front of it? Where will you share it? Why will they bother in the first place? What will you do to stand out from your nearest competition?
I use a company called Leadpages for my pages and i find that their product is best for me and what I do plus they are most helpful to work with.
Over at leadpages you can craft your very own sales pages, squeeze pages and Optin forms. There are also popular forms which convert the best – so my advice is to use the high converting templates and edit them with your own content.
NOTE: Some say that THE MONEY IS IN THE LIST and for me it certainly has been. Of course, I don’t just sell on my list I share, and I also share courses, affiliate products, coaching, books etc both on the list and off of it like on this blog. So, it is a place to think of as an investment to make.
How many websites have you been to recently where they ask for your name and e-mail?
everyone does it, and the truth is that people are getting quite tired of it. They are getting more sophisticated and tend to be very picky when it comes to subscribing. So, your job is to make things amazing for them. Think of their behavior and why they will sign up with you as it is all about understanding the behavior of your ideal subscriber.
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And with the latest DATA scandals to come to light globally – people are way more savvy in what they do.
List Building 101! Is Your List ALIVE??
1) Join Aweber and set up an autresponder series to go to your website/blog.
2) Don’t outright sell to people. GIVE VALUE and offer CONTENT and fresh TIPS and then every now and again you can SHARE something you love and use as a tool and let them know you rate it highly. That’s how to sell on a list.
3) ENGAGE with these people as though they are your friend. Be down to Earth, real and even funny.
4) Look at other professional websites to GET IDEAS on WHAT YOU WERE SOLD ON.5) Whether it is a bricks and mortar business or an online business YOU HAVE TO BUILD A LIST.
6) Think Outside The Box. We are in a recession SO BE SMART AND OFFER things THAT OTHER’S DON’T!
7) If you require it get a copywriter to write your Aweber Autoresponder messages to be powerful.8) Invest In Your List And Build PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS.
HOT TIP: Check out and YouTube for tips and tricks about HOW TO SET UP YOUR FIRST AWEBER list and other useful videos and articles on how to do this effectively. There are tons out there.
List Building 101! Is Your List ALIVE??
List Building: Loyal Subscribers
The great thing is that when you have a list of say 1000+ people WHO ARE LOYAL TO YOU, they will buy products from you in the FUTURE! Even if 1% of them buy a product off of you EACH WEEK which is $997 then, 1 sale a week is pretty cool. See what I mean?
By The Way If You Want Help From Me Simply Contact Me using the form above or on Skype at >> GregDeTisi.
List Building: Join An Autoresponder Company NOW:
> Ok Get Started On Building YOUR FUTURE with your first POWERFUL LIST.
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List Building
You Will Need An email autresponder and I use AWEBER – so you may wish to start an Account To Start Creating Your Own List Of Customers and Online Income In The Future: CLICK HERE!
I Can Recommend Aweber but you can also use Mailchimp, Get response and others, but for me the customer support, intuitive dashboard and ease of use works for me very well. THEY HAVE IN-HOUSE TRAINING TO HELP YOU GET STARTED.
IMPORTANT: Now, as you may already know – ALL business is about numbers. So, this is no different with lists, we have to track performance, look at CTR’s or click through rates, monitor conversions and generally leverage the tools in our autoresponder series to help us gauge what is working or not. So – if you know how to action this and apply a system whereby you can check on who has opened your emails and clicked on them through to those who even buy from you, then great you are able to scale up what works in your budget and not waste valuable revenue on what doesn’t work.
Personally I hired a professional to take care of this for me as I prefer to Coach and write, so its entirely up to you what action you take on this area. But – if you fail to measure actions and your numbers then you really have no effective list just like in all business.
CTR(click through rate), CTO (click to open), and OPEN RATE = BE SURE TO LOOK AT % OF SUBSCRIBERS WHO ACTUALLY OPEN THE EMAIL. initially and what THE % open rate is so you can monitor and tweak your subject lines accordingly – click here to read this article which explains each area to be mastered.
The article covers everything you could ever need to know about your email campaigns including those who UNSUBSCRIBE. So it is worth really paying attention to this area also as you will be able to ask WHAT the reason is for the OPTING OUT!
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List Building
You must know where the subscribers are coming from and what actions they are taking throughout the whole process.
If you are considering Affiliate marketing to add revenue to your list then CLICK HERE AS I SHOW YOU HOW ITS DONE and I am able to add an etxra $2-3k to my revenue stream from just Email marketing.
NOTE: Do hire an Email marketing manager id tech stuff overwhelms you because this will take up quite a bit of your time. Some VA’s for example can help you with this. However great copy writers and content writers are very useful because they will know what WORDS get CLICKS and how to write a captivating sentence. So -i its up to you to determine your costs here and what you wish to spend your marketing budget on.
List Building 101: Are You An Expert Yet?
Focus on your area of expertise and how your knowledge translates to a certain portion of people. Who is your ideal customer/member?
You might find they would be exactly like you? OR NOT! Find out.
They might be old, young, a professional or a college leaver. They might be poor, rich or middle Class? They might have a family? IT MAY BE ALL OF THE ABOVE? What are their fears, what do they desire? Remember that it is EMOTION people want and crave. Create the experience they are looking for.
Whoever they are, they are like members of your family when they join you so treat them with respect. Treat them very well. Give them lot’s of gifts and LOT’S OF VALUE. Shower them with honesty and warmth and this way you build that trust.
People are at their happiest when they can relate emotionally to someone else. So relate to them.
I wouldn’t suggest that you ‘pester’ them, but rather be there and care then throw in an offer from time to time.
Like with family you want to create worthwhile long term relationships.
Like This:
> SEND AN E-Mail EVERY TWO DAYS – every day can get wearing for me so test it out and try. See who stays and who leaves.
> GIVE VALUE ONLY SELL ONCE IN A WHILE – Remember what I said above. Never be a hard sales person it doesn’t work.
> ONCE YOU BUILD TRUST YOU CAN SELL HIGHER END PRODUCTS – I am able to sell £2-3k products sometimes as I do what I have suggested.
> YOU CAN HOLD WEBINARS FOR YOUR LIST TO SELL OFFERS – Create training’s, videos, podcasts or whatever they want
> TRY AND GET YOUR LIST TO BECOME AFFILIATES FOR YOUR PRODUCTS – You can even get subscribers to become affiliates for you> ASK THEM QUESTIONS – Send surveys, polls, questionnaires etc & find out what they are looking for. Ask how you can get better
It is really just about building a solid strong list and offering yourself as the expert, go to professional and expert. They really will trust and respect you (for the right reasons! Never forget that – people buy from people! Hard Selling is outdated – however, sharing isn’t.
List building 101: WHO are you attracting?
We attract the predominant people into our circle of influence whom we most are like when we network . SO perhaps this will help you by networking with certain types on Linked In Meetup groups and FB groups. This is why influence is so strong SO USE IT WITH WISDOM.
Be original – be YOU! It is much more trustworthy! SHARE WHO YOU ARE AND WHAT YOU ARE PASSIONATE ABOUT. You will then start to attract the right people to your list.
>SHOW YOUR LIST WHAT YOU LOVE AND TRUST YOURSELF – products and services and reviews
> WRITE PERSONALLY TO THEM SO THAT THEY FEEL YOU CARE MORE – Be real that’s all you need to do. Add humor and educate
> GET A COPYWRITER TO WRITE YOUR E-MAILS IF YOU NEED TO – Experts in their own areas can save you a lot of money trying and testing
> DON’T PROMOTE FOR THE MONEY BUT FOR THE PASSION – People can feel what you feel. Be passionate as it shines through
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List Building 101: Some Helpful Tips For You!
Understand ‘Why’ you are in the area that you are in, and then you can see what your purpose is in this area.
What Is The Point Of YOUR WORK?
How Are You The Answer above someone else?
So get to work on building the list family and let me know how it’s going!
The World Is Yours, so go get it!
Tools and resources you can use right away to get started:
AWEBER = Email Autreponder for follow up emails
LEADPAGES = Beautiful sales, squeeze and Optin pages with high converting templates
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All the best as always
(p.s I’m just chilling with a Dolphin of course! What else!)
1ON1 Small Business Coaching FREE Discovery Session HERE
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We Wish You Massive List Building Success!