The Power Of Focus: HOW TO GET in the Zone!



















Power Of Focus: Focusing on your goals create’s long term results.

Have you ever wondered why some people can focus and other cannot?

Well I was a ‘cannot’ type!  But I learned to gradually get better and I think we can do this with most things. We can create skills even when we think we are a type or even if our past history doesn’t reflect this.  Skills can be learned and developed.


When You Start Creating Results That Last You Will Be Building A Strong Foundation Of Excellence And Expertise Where People WIll Then Pay YOU For Advice!    



Anthony Robbins –
Focus on where you want to go, not on what you fear.


Let’s face it – ‘What’ we focus on we get more of.  So – If we focus on living a life by default, and clearing up our damage then we will always be clearing up what we fall into. OR we can focus on designing a life, being direct in our desires.  If we can do this we can then focus on worthy goals.   Can you see the difference there? 

In life we will either continually be cleaning up a mess from not planning anything or we will be moving further forward as we have chosen to apply a level of focus to what we do in life and business.  Its actually pretty simple.

So, I was a 30 year old college drop out, with a string of bad jobs behind me.  I had basically focused on the wrong things, thus my results reflected that.  So, I decided to read books and apply what I read.  My mind was more focused on what my goals were becoming.  I got to know my vision, my passions, my dream life and set to work on getting it.


I am simply passionate also about this subject as It worked for me.   It’s not just something I believe in its something I have applied every day.  And I am passionate about seeing success in others, so I love to share those things that really made the biggest difference in my life and business.


So what do I do now and what changed my life?

How to truly focus

What changed my life was CONSISTENCY.   That’s right, taking the action without fail, but not just any action – SPECIFIC action.

So, when you couple these two things together you have sheer power.  You have to know what to focus on the most otherwise you are treading water, getting by and barely making progress. Progress comes from CONTINUAL PRODUCTIVE action.

With me so far?

Power Of Focus

Power Of Focus

A great way I found to gain more focus on a specific goal is to take the goal and laser focus on it for about 30 minutes day until I start to take a big chunk out of it.  After a while you can then learn to work on 2 or 3 things at once depending on your ability to focus.

When learning something new there are millions of things to try and take in and learn, so decide upon the importance of your task and break it down until it has to be completed. This is not about managing time it is about ‘you’ achieving that goal in the most efficient time possible.

PUSH CRAP to one side if it is wasting your time. Don’t waste your valuable time on it or on people who waste it.


Lesser things can drain you of your concentration and focus.  So learn To MASTER Your Situation And To Create More Focus In Your Ideal Environment!


Power Of Focus: Focusing on your goals create’s long term results.

For me it is about many things working together and they are as follows:




That’s it. It’s not rocket science.

Now there are many tools which claim to help with TEAMS, efficiency, productivity, and so on so, if you can find software or anything else which can help you then use it. The idea is not to use something which only makes your life more complicated in the long run, or it’s only going to add to stress levels, overwhelm and chaos.  And we don’t want that.

In other words – we don’t need every tool out there, what we need is a tight structure which we can work with and if we have a team they can work with also.  For example: If you are not techy yet you have tech based efficiency tools which you find it hard to manage and to use then is it really helping you?   Unless you have an understanding of what you do, it will potentially impinge on your effectiveness.  We all need tech these days,  and I have personally taught myself to master certain areas, but I also allow my team to do what they are good at as long as I have some idea of what it does.

There are tons of free videos and training’s out there today which can help us with tech.  But I like to let my team manage this.

I recently had a sales funnel built for me from a Webinar I did.  I didn’t want to focus on that when I could be focused on Coaching, so I got my team to build it.  YOU CAN SEE IT HERE.  It is basically a funnel with a free webinar and with email follow up series connected so that once a viewer has seen the webinar they can then receive my emails.  Simple system in many ways right? Well – yeah its common sense to have this, but it is not my strength area, so I manage what I focus on.


How To Really Focus Share on X



Power Of Focus

Power Of Focus

Power Of Focus: Focusing on your goals create’s long term results.

Here Are Some Focus TIPS which may help you:

>> Focus On What You ‘Do’ Want NOT what you DON’T WANT!  What are the results you are looking to achieve?

>> Leave the TV alone – don’t let it seduce you, it’s a DRUG.

>> Forget hanging around with losers. They bring you down and you lose focus.

>> Visualise your goals or vision every day and night with emotion and never stop.

>> Take and apply one task at a time and keep it simple.

>> Hang around with winners that get results and study what they do

>> Find a place/places where you can be alone to concentrate and focus. Indoors or outdoors!

>> Stay Relaxed Breath deeply and properly be conscious of your breathing. This helps with thinking clearly.

>> Don’t Get Caught Up In Mindless Gossip. It Doesn’t Go Anywhere And It Wastes Time.

>> Always outsource weaker areas so you don’t waste time



You see – when we are trying to build success in our business or passion, we have to get truly focused on the primary tasks with total concentration, commitment and enthusiasm.  And the best way to do this is to have a clear and positive mind. 


The time we have in life is uncertain really isn’t it – but one thing for certain is that, you can get where you want to be much quicker by learning how to focus or you can waste the time you have been given.  Either way time will pass.

So, none of us have more time than another in what we do or choose to do.   

If we are super busy in our choices then we may push aside what is most important to us, so we really have to look at what takes priority in life.

And if we don’t then we will simply live by default and wonder where time has gone.  I know!  I have been there!


TIP: Any task that you wish to tackle and overcome, you can tackle and you can also look at as a kind of present or gift that you can work on with excitement and joy – and once you finish it you can celebrate by congratulating yourself in some way for finishing it. This way when facing challenges or obstacles you can see them as OPPORTUNITIES TO GROW.


Power Of Focus: Focusing on your goals create’s long term results.

Have you ever seen and athlete in the zone?

Power Of Focus

Power Of Focus

Focus is what makes an athlete go from good to great.

Focus is what a racing car driver has to have in order to stay on track at very high speeds.  Focus is what people need when undertaking a new skill or job.  Focus will help you to move quicker thus giving you more confidence and happiness by the feeling of achievement.  For me it is all about getting clear.


Ask yourself:

Why do you want that thing anyway?

What will it do for you?

When will you expect to achieve it by?


Getting clear on what you want and why, is a very powerful driving force and from there you can get laser focussed on the task in hand knowing that each step is one step closer to your goal.  You don’t have to look at a Mountain and think ‘oh my gosh, I will never do that’. You can look at it as steps. Each step is one step closer. Each camp is one step nearer. Otherwise you may feel overwhelmed by the mammoth task.  Yes, sure your eye is on the prize always and you know your vision for the outcome, but you can master your mind in the process to work for you.



We ALL get distractions right?  Yupp!  Especially these days with phones, kids, emails, messages, demands, schedules and so on, so it can be really touch to concentrate.  

Now I have talked about these things before so you may have seen a previous post by me or read about this before, but if you are new to it then it is worth exploring more.  Something I do is start my day off by deep breathing, I smile, I eat a good breakfast, I visualize my goals also and  I plan the night before EXACTLY what I want the next day to look like.  Sure I get challenges, stuff happens as it were, but I feel good that day and every day.


I also am able (as I feel good!) to focus on being at my highest state of being meaning that I can get into a kind of zone of optimum effectiveness and I flow as I am IN THE MOMENT 110%.   I can suggest this to anyone and I teach my students how to do this in order to get their best work done.


Once a person can create flow every day the goals are much more quickly realised as the momentum is simply unstoppable.


“Successful people maintain a positive focus in life no matter what is going on around them. They stay focused on their past successes rather than their past failures, and on the next action steps they need to take to get them closer to the fulfillment of their goals rather than all the other distractions that life presents to them.”
Jack Canfield


Do You Use A Worksheet Daily? This Will Help You Massively To Get Focused On Your Main Tasks!

And are you measuring what you do? (please excuse my hair this was 15 years ago!)

Look i’ll be honest it’s not the best video in the world is it, but the point is I wanted to show you that there and then is where my life started changing the most 15 years ago – as I applied what I talked about. And I never stopped.


So whether or not you are familiar with having worksheets or being in the flow – you can apply it more from now on.


Productivity: I Am Going To Share My Favourite Ways That Have Made Me More Productive In MY Business now! Being Effective and Efficient daily Is the key To Having And Running A Successful Business AND KEEPING A BUSINESS GOING throughout the tough times.


It’s so important To Get Clear On What You Are Doing on a day to day basis and ‘WHY’ You are doing it in the first place!

It is so easy to allow yourself to be distracted isn’t it, I KNOW THIS I DO!  We all get this!  But it is essential that you realise that distractions could be KILLING YOUR FUTURE SUCCESS!


NOTE: I remember that I used to try and get so much accomplished every day, so I kind of panicked a lot and then got annoyed. This really meant that, not only was I NOT BEING PRODUCTIVE, BUT I was not getting things done with focus. I was wasting my time and energy on WORRY.  So, I would say to you now that you must be aware of where your power is going.

In many businesses where there is POOR PRODUCTIVITY, ‘PEOPLE LOSE JOBS!’  It’s as Simple as that!  So what are you doing to KEEP YOUR BUSINESS GOING and INCREASING its growth every day?  WHY shouldn’t you SACK YOURSELF?

Really – I would ask this!  WHY Are you there and what do you do?  Have a word with yourself if you really need to get that clarity.

But when someone is IN THE ZONE it is about when someone can be so focused that they are doing what they do best with the ENERGY and brain power is totally engaged – so it enables the person to create outstanding results – whether it be an athlete or a chess player or a singer it can be applied to many things.


TIP: It is important to do what we love also because it is easier to focus on our passions.


It’s about creating PEAK PERFORMANCE in whatever we do.


Power Of Focus

Power Of Focus

Start Now:  Imagine that this time next year you want certain things to have been accomplished ‘or’ to have materialised.

Will you get there, and will you achieve those goals?  You will if you start now by applying SOLID FOCUS.

The key is to try not to waste time on thinking about the other things that come into your mind to distract you easily. As this is a habit. and HABITS can be life destroying. OR they can help you to design your life.  It’s down to you.

MANY people generally focus on all of the wrong things and that’s why they suffer and never really get where they wish to be.

For example, they focus on when they will next go out to get drunk -or when they will be buying material goods, and other trivial things.


How To Really Focus Share on X


But – if we are always focused on average things we will always get average results.

This is especially true when trying to build a business. If we are so stressed by it that we escape then we may fall back and eventually fail.  I am not saying we don’t need breaks, but we also need to know where our time and energy is best spent. If we hit roadblocks, and get setbacks, that’s when we focus on creating solutions.  But many will run away from what is necessary.


That’s why so many businesses fail – because they don’t do what is really necessary of them every day.

Focus on what’s important in life like, WEALTH, happiness, health, your relationships and your future plans.Then the big life changes will start to occur. JUST WATCH!


Light up your passions, get focused on them and watch as you create result after result on your goals.  It is all about the state that you are in every day.Power Of Focus




YOGA = Helps you to get centered and relaxed which helps with focusing on other things. Or Pilates which is also great.
BREATHING PROPERLY= Helps you to calm down and think properly. Gain clarity and centering. 
DRINK WATER= Great for the mind and body. Proven to help you think more positively and clearly.
EXERCISE= Helps with general health and to feel amazing & energised thus helping you to focus clearly.
GOOD DIET= Is proven to help with your health and with feeling good and giving you energy.
ME TIME= Helps you to feel RELAXED, CENTERED and important thus helping you to feel positive and to focus.



I Hope That You Have Enjoyed The Power Of Focus! HOW TO GET in the Zone!  It Is My Aim To Assist You In Your Success In Life And Help You With Understanding Of The Power Of Focus. Personally I love to help create huge change and success in life and business from passions.  I hope that this has helped you in some way?  Now, remember that YOU ARE YOUR OWN MASTER AND YOU CONTROL YOUR OWN MIND – and if you want to become a FOCUS MINDED JEDI MASTER then you can do it.

The truth is that WE WILL NEVER BE ABLE to CONTROL WHAT IS AROUND US.  It is a delusion to think so. But we can control what we think, what we focus on, what we prioritise, what we manage regardless of what is going on. That’s when we start to become masters of our lives and situations.


So Remember this and apply it if you can:

1) Every day, use a worksheet to keep yourself in check – it doesn’t matter what you use. You can use software. A spreadsheet, a tool or something which ‘you or your team’ can use.  Work on the most important things first. Ensure that you focus on a job at hand until it is completed.  Ensure that others are doing the same in their respective roles.

2) Have Weekly Goals So That You Know HOW PRODUCTIVE you have been and WHERE YOU ARE AIMING! Keep on track – and improve in that area until you see progress then move onto the next task.  You will eventually be able to do two or three things at once if you learn to apply a strategy in doing so.

3) You need to have MONTHLY GOALS & QUARTERLY GOALS. This is where you can check up on yourself to see what has happened across the MONTH from EACH WEEK and REVIEW YOUR PROGRESS THEN LOOK AT WHERE YOU NEED TO TWEEK WHAT YOU ARE DOING (Very Important!).

4) Have an ULTIMATE GOAL for the year then plan back to TODAY.  Look at what is needed to PLAN BACK TO NOW and start to write down ideas.  And also 5 years and 10 years.  And then work back.



Don’t forget that – IF you don’t focus on your most important life and business goals and on getting them achieved on a consistent basis you will drift through life and only regret what you didn’t do.  You know what you need to now.  It’s time to start.


A tool that helps me master my own mind: You may want to check out the course below to really RAMP UP YOUR SUCCESS LEVELS: Happy Focusing And Feel Free To Share It With Your Friends!:)



The Mind Control Course - Become A JediPower Of Focus


BTW: I have a course which can help you with the mindset stuff. It can also help you to create a $10k per month Online Business like I have if you are interested?  Its just £29.70 as I wanted to help those who simply cannot afford Coaching with me to get started in designing their lives.  Every tool and resource is in there for you and it comes with a full 28 day money back guarantee.  No risk whatsoever.  CHECK IT OUT HERE FREE IF YOU WANT TO CREATE SOME SERIOUS CHANGE IN YOUR LIFE.  


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All the best as always


1ON1 Small Business Life Design Coaching

Power Of Focus

Power Of Focus

(less hair here but it’s strategic honest!)


Power Of Focus: Focusing on your goals create’s long term results.
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Author and Small Business Blogger at Greg De Tisi Writing and Small Business Blogging
Author, course creator and business blogger - Greg has been supporting Small Business clients from all backgrounds all over the globe for over 15 years in developing ideas and passions into sustainable Small Business Models. Greg now has more of a focus on supporting his local business community in Bristol UK.