ebook Writing and Publishing (Updated)

ebook Writing and Publishing (Updated)

ebook Writing and Publishing (Updated)

IMPORTANT INFO: Before I begin.  Using Amazon KDP is just ONE OPTION for publishing your books.  There are many sites now where one can create an ebook and publish it.

And each site may require you to have your book published in a different format.  So, it is worth looking at what might suit you best.  As there are various formats and platforms in order to help you maximise your choices for exposure and sales. 

When using Kindle Amazon KDP they prefer a MOBI file.  if you want a professionally formatted ebook and you have no idea how to go about it – I can highly recommend these guys: https://ebooklaunch.com/     

For useful tips and advice about maximizing success when creating ebooks you can check out these sites also > www.SmashWords.com.

I highly rate their expertise and knowledge.  They also have free eBook’s to help you with formatting your own.

Another great site is https://justpublishingadvice.com as they have extensive tips and tricks and techniques to help you succeed in your writing business.


eBook writing and Publishing is a great addition to a business model and one on its own. 

And it is another way to add revenue, branding positioning and authority to your current business whether online or offline. 

For example; you can position yourself as an expert and leader as say a consultant, freelancer or designer or whatever your niche is, and it can be a great tool and source of targeted traffic for you and your brand image. 

You may also add affiliate links to other products, services and offers – or your offers to increase your revenue and build a highly targeted list from each book. 

Another great way to build a list is to give away eBook’s in order to deliver great value to a list. 

Why build a list?   Because when you have hundreds or even thousands of loyal subscribers that are targeted to your brand, you can offer great value, and sell continually throughout the lifetime of that subscriber in the future.  So it is a valuable investment to you if managed correctly.  

A great way to build a highly responsive list, by giving away a high value report, eBook, training or whatever you feel could be of value.

By further driving great content to your subscriber list you build trust and that builds sales. 

As you continue to deliver great value driven content, you may eventually be able to sell products and services to your list – as they are loyal and of course now trust you.   

Think of your niche or market.  What is it?  What value could you offer?  Could you research what this market needs now?

Start to gather ideas, data, do research and define the demographic that you wish to appeal to.

Common questions:

Can anyone write a book? = No.  We are all skilled at certain things and not at others, so it is not for everyone, but you can hire experts to write for you.

Do we all have a book in us? = I believe so yes, as we all have our own life story or business story and what we have overcome, learned and implemented, so it is a matter of discovering what that book would be about.

Can we express ourselves or say something with passion?  = Of course!  That’s the point in writing I find.  I am a communicator and I love to have the option to write books that can support others, and one book could help thousands of people, so it is powerful.

Think of this:

Is there something you have overcame that could help others?

Would you like a branding tool for your business?

Do you wish to write an autobiography, a self help book or fiction?


If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions then perhaps it’s time to get down some ideas.

If you are an Indy author I can highly recommend  THE ALLIANCE OF INDEPENDENT AUTHORS HERE 

They have all the tools you could need to start your Indy author career.  Including media tools, marketing tools, support and different levels of membership to suit beginners and experts alike.


ebook Writing and Publishing (Updated)


We all know that AI is here, and like it or not it is going to revolutionize so much.   But for the likes you and me, we can use this new technology tool to our advantage.  There are several ways in which we can use this tool to help with our book writing and promotion. HERE IS A TOOL WHICH I RECOMMEND CALLED SQUIBLER 

What I love about Squibler is that you can write and publish stories using AI. And so even if you struggle to write or think that you are any good, you can get the help you need to ace this.  And if you wish to you can also explore other tools such as ChatGPT and AI-PRO. I’m big fans of both for certain projects, but I tend to write the old fashioned way still as I enjoy it.   

Why use these tools?

It can help with Optimization of your content, enables you to be creative, can improve your writing skills, assists you in looking for solutions, can boost your effectiveness and productivity, can help with standards and quality, helps generate ideas, and helps save you costs.

Think automation as well

You may create an automated sales funnel using online tools so that once you give away your eBook you continue to send automated emails which requires quite minimal set up but which can work for you without you having to do much to operate it.  You can use e-mail marketing companies such as Aweber or Mailchimp for example.    HERE IS 6 OF THE BEST FREE E-MAIL MARKETING PLATFORMS VIA ZAPIER


NOTE: I have a list of tools in my online tools section which can help you to start creating your funnel the right way.     



How can you start earning from this?  Many business owners these days will have reports, books and white papers, PDFS or micro books which they offer sometimes for free or for a small fee in exchange for a subscriber.


As someone enters their name and email into your sales page or squeeze page in exchange for an ebook, they will also be offered a small cost product/service or further content. Let’s say for $6 they can access your 10 best sales conversion tips, and from their they can further upgrade to a membership you may have.  This is how you can start to create a small income front end which leads to high end products and services such as memberships which may be anything from $10 per month to whatever you believe your membership is worth.  You will need to research this area and find great membership software to enable you to consider this.


Keep costs low

Books can help with increasing brand awareness and building a solid following, and the best part is that you don’t need huge publishing companies to help you.

What this means is that you may even have a small business or startup, and you can create laser focused targeted followers, which may lead to becoming loyal customers.

Many of the worlds top brands online started as small startups and built this way.

In doing what I have suggested this gives you control.  Control over your time, costs, your ideas and your designs.

Sure, if the bigger publishing houses become interested in your work then it is up to you to consider your options.

But it certainly isn’t a necessity these days to be part of any corporation at all.  You can self-manage this.

And you can publish your own books OR outsource some of these areas to others.


eBook Writing and Publishing (Updated)

Let’s break down why it is worth it

It’s fun and cool to get down your ideas, passions, stories or experiences, so that others can learn about you and learn from them.

Today it is easier than ever to do your own thing on your terms.

1)You can use an ebook to expose your brand to a greater audience

2) You can use the ebook to position yourself as an expert in your niche.

3) You can also create an ebook just to share your unique skills and abilities and to further earn from them as an advertising tool.

4) You can earn not only from the eBooks but from the traffic they generate.


I have received many more opportunities as a result of people seeing my books and also from buying my books.

And remember; you can monetize your eBooks with what’s known as ‘affiliate links’.

It simply means you can earn commission from other people’s products and services by sharing unique links in your books.


So, I’m sure you can that you can give away an eBook to a specific audience to grow a highly targeted list or even sell one for $1-5 just to exchange a small fee and this is powerful when you know the purpose of your eBook.


I was always a voracious reader and the more I read the more I realized that I had many stories that I wanted to share and express. 

I also wanted to show others that ‘if’ I could overcome certain things in my life then so could they.

So I recommend that you start reading more, and I would say that 30 minutes a day is enough.  As it will give you greater skills, ideas, intelligence and power to explore your writing career.


My process when thinking of writing a book:

1- I have an idea and take notes and look at the core message and how it might be different to others out there
2- I research markets to see what’s out there and see if there is a need for what I want to write
3- If so, I start writing and forming a structure to a book with a core message – I then expand with stories and interest to make the book colorful and fun
4- Once I have finished the book I re-read it, then pass it to my partner and she will read and edit it. I then pass it to my professional editor and creative writer who will make it sing
5- From there I will get my book formatted by a trusted high quality person whom I hire – such as: https://ebooklaunch.com/
6- I will use my marketing efforts and the nature of the books purpose to help with for example: list building, revenue, branding, traffic.
7- I create the rough cover based on researching designs, and get the eBook live.
8- I edit the book when required as life, business and trends change, and information is changed. So I add/remove/edit/tweak and so on.


I suggest hiring an expert to help you write and edit your first book if you feel you are not capable of this initially.  There are many services that can help with this, and also with the promotion of your eBook.


ebook Writing and Publishing

There are various platforms and companies that you can publish with. Here is why I chose Kindle Amazon publishing initially several years ago when starting out.

1) AMAZON ESSENTIALLY PROMOTE YOUR BOOK FOR YOU. You can leverage their brand.

2) Amazon DO MOST OF THE MARKETING as this is a globally known site and you are front of huge audiences.
3) YOUR BOOK WILL BE NEXT TO ‘BEST SELLING AUTHORS’ Just by being in the same market – and even may outsell well known professionals.  This can and has happened many times.
4) You can get YOUR BOOK AT THE TOP OF YOUR CATEGORY BY KNOWING HOW TO CREATE GREAT COVERS and a great title that stand out on Amazon.  So hire a professional to help you with this.

6) People searching for titles like your book will find it on Amazon and Google as these sites both use algorithms for maximum search accuracy so that the person searching gets the very best or as near as they can to exactly what they are searching for

6) Amazon has over 200,000 credit cards on their website, and so this means people are always ready to buy.
7) You can edit and change your book as much as you like to tweak and improve it.  Unlike traditional books that cannot easily be amended.
8) You are able to have others that you know in your circle and associates buy your book and review it to give it that initial boost and to get the ball rolling.


That is only Amazon!





Just by harnessing some of these tips, as an indie author you are going to be able to increase your personal exposure, business brand awareness and even make some sales – whilst positioning yourself as an expert.  You may even become a best selling author ‘if’ you can start right and not miss out any vital components recommended when you put the pieces together.


My latest book, forged from over 25 years of experience working with others in business and the life lessons learned.

ebook Writing and Publishing (Updated)


Promoting other people’s books, products and services

We all know that in our current modern society we have adopted some new technology.

This means that more and more people are BUYING DIGITAL PRODUCTS, CREATING DIGITAL PRODUCTS and making great money in the process when selling them.

HOW can you get started?

There are many ways to do this and you don’t even have to produce any books to begin with.

You can simply promote other people’s books if you would like to become an Amazon Associate.

This is just one option of doing so.

You just become what’s known as an Affiliate for other people’s stuff.

I will share other peoples products and services if I use them and find them of high quality and a great standard.

So I use a mixture of my own products and others. 

In addition t this I try to help and support the local businesses in and around my home city.

My tip is; only create good quality books, products and services, and only sell quality goods no matter what you choose to do.


So, what subject/s could you create an eBook around?  


As you probably know there are eBooks for every subject and area:

To help you with identifying a core subject area have a think about some of the things that YOU BUY ONLINE and see if it sparks an idea for you to write about:


  • APPS FOR YOUR ANDROID/IPHONE – Could you share your favorite and most useful apps
  • SOFTWARE PRODUCTS like APPLICATIONS FOR YOUR P/C or laptop – Could you share what tools you rate
  • PLUGINS for blogs and websites – Could you share your favorite tools, resources and plug ins
  • Information and electronic products – Could you create a book/site sharing the top 10 products online
  • E-Books and audio books – For example could you write an eBook about how to write an eBook
  • Memberships and subscriptions – Could you teach people in a book how to manage subscriptions and memberships
  • Hard Products like shoes, bikes, and toys – Could you write about toys from the old days or how to refurbish them
  • Hobbies and passions – Could you write about how to explore passions and hobbies
  • Fitness, health, wellness and healing – Could you support others with finding the best way to keep fit and eat well
  • Recycling – Could you add to the trend of re-purposing, up-cycling, with tips you have found save you money
  • Making cakes/cocktails – Can you knock up a great and tasty drink or cake for friends? Why not create an eBook
  • Pets and all things related – How many people have pets in the UK? There are 36 million in the UK.  Share your tips
  • Gardening and micro gardening – maybe you grow herbs in your apartment in a small space.  Share your experiences

I’m sure you have the point.


ebook Writing and Publishing (Updated)

And we all have experience and are kind of experts at something

You are an expert at something even if you don’t think you are. 

Why?  Because you have experiences in life/business which no-one else has, so you can be the solution to an area of what’s needed out there.  What did you learn from failure?  What did you learn from winning?  

As we enter this new renaissance in the digital age why not see where you can capitalize on that.

Things are only becoming more VIRTUAL as time goes by.  However be mindful of the fact that as things are becoming more virtual people are starting to appreciate old stuff, real stuff and stuff that has some kind of value from a particular era.  Records, furniture, tape players, old sewing machines, clothing and more.  So perhaps there is an angle where you can advice on how to find bargains?

As a passionate writer myself it is fun for me to create art, books, blog posts, music mixes and so on, and I think it has to be fun or we lose the interest.  So ensure you can find what you can be interested in sharing and something you know about.


TIP: Look at where others complain

There are areas always popping up which need addressing.  And you may even want to look at what you complain at. What bugs you?  What peeves you?  What gets your back up?  This means there are areas of innovation, change, adjustments, tweaks and improvements to be made in all areas of life and business. excelled at as a kid?

Never negate where there are issues, and look at people’s reviews to see where improvements are needed. 

All businesses should get feedback from customers to see where they can improve or adjust, and it’s no different to this in that you can look at where others complain and be a solution.  Write about what may be needed, be an ambassador for change or some kind of community movement for example. 

Also, what do others always say you are great at?  Take that into consideration. 

And remember that if you are smart in your strategy and plan you can even hire experts to do it all for you.

I have previously used Fiverr.com, UpWork, Elance and Freelancer amongst others to get professionals to do what I don’t want to do.


I always found focusing very tough so decided to master it and then wrote about it.  

ebook Writing and Publishing (Updated)


TIP:  Give 110% and don’t go into anything half heartedly. Because you will face challenges, and many will simply give up at the first sign of struggle. But it is in those struggles that we become experts.

And experts can share what they have learned!


Here are some areas I have sold in – in the past, and some I continue to sell in.  But my suggestion is to master 1 or 2 and then move on.





> PRODUCTS DROP SHIPPING (Selling Other people’s products!)
> AMAZON SELLING other people’s products as an Associate
> Blogging with your own products or other people’s As I am doing here
> Creating profitable websites making passive money from NICHE DESIGNED SITES
> Affiliate marketing for up to 75% to 100% Commissions

> Writing niche eBooks and courses



ebook Writing and Publishing (Updated)

I still love eBook writing and Publishing the most as I love writing, and for me personally its quite simple and cheap to create.

And its a great adventure to start from an idea.

The truth is that not all ideas work out, but that is why we need to see them through thoroughly.


You can even find JV or joint venture partners whom you can write with.  And the beauty of this is that you can leverage off of successful names.  Ever thought of that?  The key is in using your brain to maximize exposure to the right audience.  So get onto linked in and look for those professionals that can potentially assist you with your project.  Maybe you can offer something in return.

I fact I would always go to a person with the mindset of building rapport first, and from there offering to do stuff that can be exchanged in return.


Hans solo

It can be daunting to go it alone, but I decided to become an ‘Indy’ author. I said to myself, I will go for it!

The usual FEARS APPEARED OF COURSE! Things like, ‘I am not smart enough am I? ‘Am I Capable?’ ‘what if i’m rejected?’ etc. But I took action regardless, and slowly improved all of my work.


Kindle Publishing

ebook Writing and Publishing (Updated)

With some sales and many more opportunities through having a great brand and by positioning myself in the marketplace, it’s win win.  And I started free. 

So, whatever business you are in or want to be in you can still create an eBook to help your current business customers/clients.

NOTE: What’s great for you is that YOU have a unique selling point whether you realize it or not.  Everyone does. It is simply a matter of finding that and expressing this eloquently enough.


Ok let’s get to it. Here’s what you need to do NOW

1) Find your strengths/passion/skills/unique talents and – marry that with hot niche markets take plenty of notes
2) Start to create a book on word from this around 15-20k words or more – ensure you format it professionally
3) Go over the book – edit the content and get others to edit it also and target it making sure you and others love it
4) When triple checked, Upload and Publish your book to your chosen platform only when it has color and vibrancy
5) Create a professional cover – outsource, hire etc. – do what you need to do to ensure it works
6) Share Your book on respected Blogs, JV with others, go on forums and take part in subjects that relate to your book, and share it on the social sites for maximum exposure
7) Start measuring views of your book and sales, or hire someone to do this. So that you can edit, tweak and improve what is needed by using various marketing techniques 0 these can be MOSTLY FREE!
8) Give yourself total support throughout the journey, as you will need it.  Be your own mentor and – Ask a friend or relative to keep you accountable for consistent action.  And ask for honest feedback.




Recommended Resources:




If you have any questions about eBook writing and Publishing please contact me using the contact form above.

All the best with your eBook creation




ebook Publishing

ebook Writing and Publishing (Updated)

ebook writing and Publishing 

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