Action Net Zero – Supporting Clean Air Communities (A Local Business I Support)


Action Net Zero – Supporting Clean Air Communities

Action Net Zero – Supporting Clean Air Communities


I want to introduce you to a local Bristol business that I support because of the work they are doing to help with environmental issues.

As well working with as charities, another area that I am exceptionally passionate about is the environment, and the causes associated with helping communities and supporting residents, businesses and local authorities to accelerate sustainable action and help tackle the climate crisis.

Therefore I have chosen to share a post by Action Net Zero here to further help that cause, and help them to reach their goals in their mission to improve environmental issues in businesses.


So I am backing their project; ‘Supporting Clean Air Communities’ project.

I now hand you over to Action Net Zero to explain their mission and vision.

This is what Action are all about in case you wish to get involved in some way:

Take a look here:


Action Net Zero – Supporting Clean Air Communities

Established over five years ago, the Aviva Community Fund has supported thousands of charities and social enterprises to “build stronger, more resilient communities across the UK.”

In partnership with Crowdfunder, the Fund has so far helped over 2,000 projects and contributed over £4million to grass roots initiatives that improve the lives of people and communities. And we’re hoping it can help us too!

Following our ‘Bristol’s Driving Change‘ campaign last year, which highlighted the link between transport, air pollution and climate change, we’re excited to announce that we’ve applied to the Aviva Community Fund for our ‘Supporting Clean Air Communities’ project.

With 28,000-36,000 deaths air pollution-related deaths each year in the UK, our project will help people across the South West of England make more sustainable transport choices, thereby reducing emissions and improving air quality for the benefit of our health and our planet.

Action Net Zero - Supporting Clean Air Communities


If we raise enough funds for our project, we will work with a community group to:


  • increase awareness of the link between air pollution, climate change and transport decarburization
  • listen to concerns and gain local insight into perceived barriers
  • understand accessibility needs and promote inclusivity
  • debunk the myths around going electric
  • highlight the benefits of active travel within the sustainable transport hierarchy
  • encourage behavioral switches
  • give people the opportunity to try different electric modes of transport (e-bikes, e-cargo bikes, electric vehicles)


I am sure you can see how much of a difference this can make.

We’re looking to raise at least £1,800 and are already in discussion with a few community groups, but to make this happen, we need your help. While Aviva employees are able to donate, we stand a better chance of reaching our target with additional support.


Action Net Zero – Supporting Clean Air Communities

To find out more about our project, including details on how you can pledge, visit the Aviva Community Fund website to help us achieve our target.

NOTE: If you have missed this though date then you can still get involved and help out.


Action Net Zero – Supporting Clean Air Communities

Want to get more involved and help a great cause?

I hope that you can see (as I have) that this company has a very important purpose and message and can make a significant difference to the world and the future of lives and businesses.  So it really is no brainer to get involved, and if you are in Bristol or the South West then it is of particular importance for our communities future.
Should you wish to know more about Action Net Zero then visit and pop in your email for latest updates, valuable content and important information about how you can make a greater difference in your own life, others lives and in your business.
Thanks for reading this article and I hope that you have found it of use.
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My Page dedicated to Environmental Factors and Environmental change @

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Author and Small Business Blogger at Greg De Tisi Writing and Small Business Blogging
Author, course creator and business blogger - Greg has been supporting Small Business clients from all backgrounds all over the globe for over 15 years in developing ideas and passions into sustainable Small Business Models. Greg now has more of a focus on supporting his local business community in Bristol UK.