7 Super Simple Steps To Beating Procrastination & Getting things Done – PRODUCTIVITY

7 Super Simple Steps To Beating Procrastination & Getting things Done – PRODUCTIVITY

7 Super Simple Steps To Beating Procrastination & Getting things Done - PRODUCTIVITY

7 Super Simple Steps To Beating Procrastination & Getting things Done – PRODUCTIVITY


Now don’t worry you don’t need to be some kind of ‘Medusa’ multi armed worker as the image shows, in fact just a few simple tweaks and you will be mastering your day instead of it mastering you.

No matter what you are doing on a daily basis (or what business you own) your day has to be productive and moving you towards your goal and it has to be in the right areas.


So it is worth applying these specific tips to what you do to help you become super efficient.





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As I predominantly work alone at home and sometimes meeting clients, I am my own boss and I have to kick my own ass to get things done.

I have to implement certain and specific tasks in order of priority and importance every day so I maximize my efforts.

I will start by saying that a great way I have mastered my day is by imagining that someone else has commissioned me to get something done by a certain amount time and guess what? I get it done.  Now sometimes I am hired of course so I need to get it done, but – no matter who it’s for I know it has to be achieved and I have to hold myself accountable or I won’t reach my personal and professional targets.  

This is what I do, but I also have a few other tips to help you kick your own butt, and when you can work with these you will be amazed.

We all need to work to timescales, and we need to work on what matters the most.

In doing so, it will explode your rate of effectiveness and you will simply be way more productive.


Imagine for a moment that you are an interior designer and you have been commissioned to re-design someone’s living room.

You have a design board that represents how you will decorate their home, and you are meeting your client.

So, you have to sell yourself whilst being confident in your ability to create an interior masterpiece and you have a certain amount of time to get things done whilst at the same time; ordering the materials and beginning the re-designing of the room.

You would have to make a list of ‘what to do’ and how you will work and manage yourself in the process. Whilst you may outsource the decorators and others, you have to manage yourself and the project.


They have given you 3 days to do the lot, how would you feel?

It’s true that pressure can be anxiety provoking, but it can also be a great driver. In my opinion some friendly pressure kicks my butt into action and on a daily basis I know what time means and where to apply what I do in that time.

You have certain costs also, so will need to figure out how to buy the materials for as low as you can and stay organized.

FACT: When you feel good about what you do, you will likely become more focused and productive, and when you are more productive you feel good. Just as any business owner and leader knows who respects his staff will know – when they look after their workers the workers will look after them.


7 Super Simple Steps To Beating Procrastination & Getting things Done – PRODUCTIVITY


Another great driver for me is when I HAVE TO do something.  Ever been there? I’m not necessarily talking about life or death matters here although this can be the case, I just mean that there are times where we just need to get shit done and there are no other choices.

This is the kind of pressure which is sometimes needed in order to ensure deadlines are met.

So, your job is to focus on the most important tasks first and lesser important tasks after ‘or’ if you have a team of say 10 like I do, you can outsource to them in their roles.

7 Super Simple Steps To Beating Procrastination & Getting things Done - PRODUCTIVITY

A great book I have used on PRODUCTIVITY is called ‘getting things done’ David Allen and another I recommend is ‘Eat that frog’ by Brian Tracy. You may also like a book called ‘The slight edge’ by Jeff Olson and these have ALL made a huge difference to my levels of productivity and into getting more important stuff done on a daily basis.



Ironically though, if you read all of these books and do nothing else then you might get less done so, to help you now, here are my quick 5 tips to productivity that you can apply right away. Make it WIN WIN and apply these as you take action!



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1) Be responsible and plan your day have 3-5 tasks in order of priority & importance – START THE NIGHT BEFORE


2) When working on a task have a timescale or set an alarm to work with – HOLD YOURSELF ACCOUNTABLE


3) If you only get 3 tasks complete that day then move the other 1-2 to the next morning – OR OUTSOURCE TO ANOTHER


4) Ensure communication with yourself and other team members are clear on tasks – CHECK UP HAVE MINI MEETINGS


5) If tasks are not in your team area of skills then outsource or delegate them to someone reliable – PAY ANOTHER


6) Know your strength area/s don’t deviate from them as the more you do in other areas the less you will be effective


7) Get the best tools for the job and ensure your team has them also – don’t cut costs where vital equipment is needed



This is a very simple yet very powerful and productive list (notice I said simple) as we don’t always need more ways to do things – we just need specific and easily applied ways to work, where all members get it.

This helps you to aim and focus on what really matters in your small business.


Time is something which passes us by very fast and trust me I wasted a lot of it for the first 3 years of business and my PRODUCTIVITY levels were awful as I tried to do it all.  Also, I tried to master everything and was stubborn. This was only through having no money, but eventually I managed to pay others to help.

At the start of a new business we need to be able to move quickly and grow quickly.

So, don’t be afraid of letting go of certain areas just because it is your baby, realize that you just cannot do everything well enough yourself.


7 Super Simple Steps To Beating Procrastination & Getting things Done – PRODUCTIVITY


As a coach, course creator and writer it is easy for me to think that I am in full control of everything, but it would shortsighted and stupid to cut myself off from the help of those who are better than me.

7 Super Simple Steps To Beating Procrastination & Getting things Done - PRODUCTIVITY

7 Super Simple Steps To Beating Procrastination & Getting things Done – PRODUCTIVITY


Motivation and Mindset

A word which get’s thrown around like a muddy rugby ball it is something which has been overused, but – I always use it; I motivate, encourage, support, listen and suggest ideas through the right communication what I can to help my team perform in their best ways.



However, it can be fleeting can’t it. One minute we are motivated and the next deflated, so this is why we have to build in a system whereby we can create the new habit to support our momentum.

So, we don’t need to be a RA RA Tony Robbins type at all, we just need to gently push our teams and show appreciation for what they do.  I will reward teams and myself for that matter and make sure that there is a whole lot of appreciation going around.

I have also personally used several coaches in my career to help me in both my personal life and business life; and I can’t tell you how much it has changed everything, it has helped me to make myself more accountable and responsible for what I do and this so important.


This is essentially what got me so interested in mindset stuff, writing books, mentoring and coaching, as I wanted to be able to help others who were as passionate as me and I could see that helping others was the main passion of mine.


As you start to out into place simple but effective areas for being a top performer you will start to notice how you feel differently and how much more effective you are.  You can play around with it until it feels right as there is no set way or system apart from the one you can work best with.

Get help if needed from a friend or colleague who could call you or send you a message which really helps and do whatever works for you and you will see that in a year from now your PRODUCTIVITY levels will be at a whole new level and you will have created a habit worth having.


It only takes small steps every day to demonstrate huge change.

The idea is to build that momentum and do so in ways which enable you to get the very best out of your ability that day.

Once you start to build an energy like this and get used to dealing with a certain amount of tasks each day you create a kind of rolling effect whereby you become more productive and can take on a little more – and this can become unstoppable.



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7 Super Simple Steps To Beating Procrastination & Getting things Done - PRODUCTIVITY

A few areas that have really helped me in my life and with my business PRODUCTIVITY and success are:


Be Committed – Follow your passion and skills and define your place and commit to it. Remember that you have a right to be amazing in what you do
Have Courage – Work with a focus that most do not know and you will achieve greatness and when you get overwhelmed or fearful work through it
Have Curiosity – when working and searching for solutions be open minded to ideas and things will happen for you that help you along the way
Have Compassion – First with yourself and then with your business and potential clients/customers so you don’t lose sight of why you are doing this

Communicate – Talk to yourself in ways which will help and encourage you also, communicate with your other partners or outsourcers effectively.



It’s very important to communicate your message and vision very clearly so that anyone can simply and easily get what you are doing, where you are coming from and why you are doing this, so that they are a part of it. 


The really great thing about learning principles such as these is that you can simply rinse and repeat them with future tasks and also apply these ideas TO ANY small business in order to have way more productivity. This way you can build in these new powerful habits to whatever you do.



7 Super Simple Steps To Beating Procrastination & Getting things Done – PRODUCTIVITY


We have to be able to measure the efficiency of our production and often, a productivity measure is expressed as the ratio of an aggregate output to a single input, or an aggregate input used in a production process, i.e. output per unit of input, typically over a specific period of time. It is also a measure of efficiency of a person completing a task.

We can easily assume that productivity means just getting more things done each day but this is not the case; it is in fact getting important things done consistently.  It is in that consistency where we build the momentum and output which creates the greatest returns. 



We have to also be careful of or emotion:

7 Super Simple Steps To Beating Procrastination & Getting things Done - PRODUCTIVITY

I was always a very emotional man, and I jokingly put it down to my Italian genetics, but in all seriousness, if we cannot manage our emotions in certain situations then we will suffer.  And so – Mindset And Productivity is integral to a balanced life and a very healthy business to me will others.  So, we have to know how to take the emotion our of tasks and place in logic.  It is something which I have had to learn and master in order to get things done in the right ways.


I am a great believer in understanding EQ or emotional intelligence as much as IQ, and when used well it can transform our creative thinking, ideas, marketing, sales and exposure, BUT when it comes to productivity being too emotional can really hinder progress.




This is why we must remove the emotion from our focus (I believe) so we can get into the zone of our work without losing control.

We can use our passion and emotion for the brand and vision areas.

The mindset and mastery of it is such a crucial skill in moving quickly towards our goals and in gaining the highest forms of PRODUCTIVITY in order to demonstrate the very best results, so we should never underestimate it.


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Maybe you haven’t even started your business yet or evolved those ideas?

So, if you procrastinate on your goals, then the article below will help hugely.













As always I wish you the very best





7 Super Simple Steps To Beating Procrastination & Getting things Done - PRODUCTIVITY

7 Super Simple Steps To Beating Procrastination & Getting things Done – PRODUCTIVITY


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Author and Small Business Blogger at Greg De Tisi Writing and Small Business Blogging
Author of 26 books, a course creator and business blogger - Greg has been supporting clients from all backgrounds all over the globe for over 15 years in developing ideas and passions into sustainable Small Business Models. Greg now has more of a focus on supporting his local business community in Bristol UK.